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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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Hello Yoonies! :-h

This is what I could gather from the radio interview posted above by @rachel (I clarify: I understand colloquial (and spoken) Korean better than the formal, written, or the kind used in news, but still there are A LOT of words I don't know):

2:23-2:34 : Since every time I came here (Hong Kong) was to continuously work, I did not have the time (chance) to go there. (I don't know where he is referring to, as I don't understand what the interviewer asked him). So I want to meet a lot of friends from Hong Kong and share good meals with them. I want to taste everything (all kinds of food)

3:17-3:31 - : Now I like the fact that I am working on many projects (I like to be active and working), so I would like to have more good projects (there's a tricky word here, that depending on its spelling could mean "two years", or "relationship" , or have a completely different meaning when combined with one of the other words), and have fun acting.

Sowy my Korean is not better... :( Fortunately, language is not an issue to understand what a beautiful voice he has. :)

EDIT: Maybe @jerebtang , @eniya or any other Yoonie who can understand Cantonese can help? :)

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I listened again to the interview, and given the context and the arrangement and ending of the words, the "mysterious" word cannot be "two years" (이년) but  "relationship" or "relation" (인연). I think in summary, he meant something like:

"Now I like the fact that I am working on many projects (I like to be active and working), so I would like to receive (be related to) more good projects, and have fun acting."

But someone versed in Cantonese or Korean please correct me if I'm wrong... :-)

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@coastalbreeze, i must say tat yr line of translation for the post above is perfect. So, I guess YSY is still on the lookout for new projects or drama, right right????

There is 2 translations version in Baidu, one of them understand cantonese translate the cantonese part and but it seems tat the interpreter change a tiny little bit of YSY's speech at one little part. So i decide to translate the chinese version done by Bunny_Bonnie who i think she understand Korean perfectly but she did not include the question by the DJ.

@jerebtang, wonder if u hv the time to work on this one LINK,  if not, i can work on tat later...

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Chinese translation from Baidu - LINK  

Y: "Hong Kong's Today is....great" ( <<< YSY tried to speak a little bit of Cantonese and he laughs and  continue on in korean. 'Today's Great' is actually the name of the radio programme) Hello everyone, I'm Yoon Si Yoon. Glad to meet you. 

Y: (Hong Kong) is in the East, such as the city is beautiful just like the western city, but without losing the inherent beauty looks that has oriental touch which is a unique place full of passion. 

Y: Every trip here is always due to work, so in fact i did not have the chance to go explore (to eat). would like to make more friends in Hong Kong , and then we could go to those places and eat delicious food. Going to eat everything! 

Y: Right now, i want to appear/act in more projects. Hoping to act in better work, but all the more i want to enjoy acting. 

Y: If i would to come to Hong Kong again, I want to eat up all the delicious food here! 

Y: One thing i like about China (and Hong Kong) is that during the Chinese New Year, everyone wants to get together with their  families and travel home at the expense of long-distance with that kind of emotion. Have seen such  similar scenes in photos, it feels really good. It also reveal this side of the chinese, i have understand and like the warmth of the Chinese people. Would like to shoot better drama for everyone to see, also hope you will like the korean movies and dramas more and more.

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No worries @jerebtang dear!!!

Whenever you are able to, yo. (sorry, I was just watching rap videos with my husband on YouTube haha).

You guys are awesome!

Can't wait to watch PM&I tomorrow. So... No Kang In Ho(t) pics this week? :-/

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Hi yoonies, i will post the DJ question here so that you all will have the full picture , hope it was not too late.

In fact it was a very short interview with the FBND theme song by lee Jung in between.

DJ : DJ mentioned that last week she manage to get an exclusive interview with the flower boy ysy.

DJ : This time ysy came to attend an huge event held in hk. Then she ask ysy how he felt about hk and whether did he met any warmth fans?

DJ : Do ysy manage to try out any Hong Kong local food and sightseeing ?

DJ : Alot of Korea drama was shown in Hong Kong and recently hk had finishing airing FBND, what is your wishes and expectation in year 2014?

DJ : She mentioned ysy had film an overnight drama without a rest but he still look great and handsome hence even there is alot of project coming in , ysy will be able to handle well.

After the FBND song

DJ : Continue with the 2014 qns, due to the right schedule ysy can't really enjoy hk food and scenery hence she ask whether ysy will like to visit hk again ?

Lastly, any wishes and speech for your Hong Kong fans?

Sorry if my translations is not 100% correct as I based on listening via the video.

Good nite everyone

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Hmmm... It's a rather quiet night here. Just finished watching episode 14. I think it confirms for me what I already felt before, that the most interesting character there is definitely Kang In Ho. YSY is so good, it breaks your heart.

Fighting YSY!!! No matter the ratings or awards of this drama... With Kang In Ho, you are no longer Kim Tak Gu and much less Enrique Geum: you are Yoon Shi Yoon, the Actor, with a capital A. =D>

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Good morning/afternoon/night!
Message for his jp fans:

cr. to uploader.
I'll try to post the translation soon! Just keep in mind my poor language skills :P
Hi, this is Yoon Shi Yoon.I'm eating deliciously  the confectionery gifts from all of you.I'm hungry and the staff also received them (the gifts). Thanks to all of you, the staff received a lot of love, thank you so much.How is Japan? The weather seems better in Korea but now, here seems I'm dying of the cold.Before I die be sure we will meet (lol). In March there's a chance to meet us.Maybe...with everybody...we can make good memories, so I'm going to appear in that nice/lovely trip (I'm not sure how to explain this part, he said it like he is one stop of that journey :P awww the tour of happiness ?? haha)Anyway, I'm happy to meet everybody in March.For the people who can't come please always keep an eye on the fanclub site and the drama where I'm acting.I really thank you from sending me love from far across the sea.It's delicious, the sweet/confite!

Awwwww he's too cute to be true!!!! 
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Thank you for that video and the translation!!! OMG he needs to eat that cookie. He has lost so much weight!!! :((

I mean, YSY... I get the whole method acting thing, but there's a huge league of fans (lead by your halmoni and your omoni) that need to have a word with that Director of yours. :))

Back to Rachel, yes, I did not quite get what he meant by the "lovely trip" he needs to take/ appear in.

Where is he going to appear??? In front of whom and to propose what??? Dude better hurry, because even the Chinese press is going bonkers with a certain fictional coupling!!! LOL :!!

---- to be continued... ---

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@coastalbreeze he meant by "lovely trip" the white day tour to Seoul, I think the trip is something like 3 or 4 days, I didn't check what activities are included, but one day he's the main attraction :D so I guess that's why he said that he's going to appear in the trip as a part of it  (like a stop =))).

Hahahaha he needs to take actions (real actions!!) against that crazy wave is coming!

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