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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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My question is, why is he going sooner than later if he still has some time before he turns 30, even in Korean age?

a. Maybe he just wants to get it over with?

b. He sent his letter to the army about his approximate enlistment date right after accepting is PM&I role as he thought it would be a good project to be remembered by?

c. a and b?

d. None of the above?


Anyway, part of me wants him to go quickly so he can come back to work quickly, and all of me wants him not to go at all. :D

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@jerebtang thanks! but am I the only one who can't see the pictures of your first post?? :( EDIT: oh sorry I'm so clueless, I had not noticed the links :D just ignore my comment :P
Fan videos of the HK event. 

cr. to uploader.

cr. to uploader.

Also I'm in love with this interesting picture! it's like to see the dark side of the moon, hahaha.12062907026_083e321990_b.jpg
cr. to the owner.

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Haha the dark side of the moon...! @rachel I love the way you think!

I think you have to click on the links to see the pics in @jerebtang's first post. :)

Thank you jerebtang, and thank you rachel for sharing the pics and videos!!! :-*

BTW did anybody watch Monday's episode?

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Off to watch our YSY work his magic on episode 12. Crossing my fingers that I will like it!!! :)

Your observation makes me feel wary though... Hmmm...

But yes, he cries beautifully. I've always wondered how actors can cry on queue.

Ok, will watch and report later.


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Good morning Yoonies!

@jerebtang yes, KTG and KIH are almost the complete opposite. I say "almost" because to me, Enrique Geum is the one that is truly the farthest to his current role, in all aspects - physical appearance, demeanor, value systems, energy. ~ Someone here in the forum even commented (I think it was @eniya) that his voice actually changes a lot  from role to role, and come to think of it, yes!!! it is so true. :)

If you see him in his "High Kick" role, he had to play a rich and spoiled high school student, and he matched his voice and intonation for that perfectly. Then came KTG (and the rest was history, of course) and yes, every word he said in that drama came with so much earnestness and vigor that you could even feel the TV shaking! :D

Jae Hee from "Me Too, Flower" was more suave and sophisticated, for which he adapted his voice as well. I even read in one blog that in every scene he shared with the actress that played his noona (his brother's widow), it was like an audiovisual paradise, as she also had a beautiful, deep and velvety voice, like him. :x mmm... :\">

He used a higher pitch for Enrique Geum and now for In Ho, I feel he speaks with a cold, "almost metallic" sound... except for his scenes with Yoona, of course. And there's a lot of melancholy in his voice too for his current role. :(

So yeah. I feel his voice is one of his strongest assets as an actor, and I think that he is really getting better and more nuanced in his physical expressions and his overall performance as well.

I love all of his characters for different reasons. I am hoping he can do a saeguk role after he comes back from the army. :)

I saw PM&I last night and as always, our Yoonie impressed me with his performance. He has definitely become more comfortable in this role, and as an actor overall, I see him more in control of his emotions and delivery. I think this role is truly a game changer for him in that people in SK (fans and not) are reacting positively to his acting, but also surprised in seeing him in such a serious and mature role - some people have even tweeted they had to look twice to make sure it was the same actor that played Enrique Geum and Kim Tak Gu!  \m/

About last night's epi (putting in spoilers as it is not only about YSY, and also because it really contains spoilers for episode 12)

You are right! YSY's appearances were significantly fewer last night! :( But for some strange reason, I felt it was ok for now, as I feel that this episode was a very important one in the OTP's relationship. She even confessed to him at the end~!!!

But at this point, he is really a pivotal piece of the whole game. He will either put the PM's destruction in motion, or help him and DJ achieve happiness. I am sure (and hope!) that he will appear more and more in the following episodes.

I think it was one of the best episodes in terms of moving the story along, as we saw the Joong Ki and Secretary Seo resign their posts, and the possibility of the wife being alive. Our Secretary Kang is now on the verge of deciding if he will continue his plans for revenge or not... my take is that he won't, but we'll see...

Anyhow, I feel that the ending will go more or less like @eniya said in the other thread :P, that our In Ho(t) - I love that name, Rachel! - will find redemption, forgiveness in his heart and a new love in faraway lands... :D

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@coastalbreeze I think I felt weird since my mood was not okay yesterday, I need to re-watch that episode again! 
Moreover, does he keep losing weight? I think his suits look bigger, and his cheeks look sunken, I guess halmeoni will scold him later :D

Btw, you guys sometime mentioned the rumour he would act in the korean remake of "1 litre of tears", I saw this:

My knowledge of Chinese is almost zero, but I'm sure it's that drama. Also starring Park Bo Young.

That drama has not been scheduled yet, so I guess he's not been cast.... this was my last hope since everything points he's leaving soon, ahhh! :(
I promise my next post will not be so depressing! :( 

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@rachel hi!

It would be nothing but awesome to see our Yoonie in another drama soon!!! (I like Park Bo Young, I saw her in the movie "Wolf Boy" with Song Joong Ki, and she was very cute in that).

But let's wait and see... maybe if the script is great and the schedule is not too long, he will decide to postpone his enlistment. Since he is not the lead in his current drama, it means he is not shooting that many scenes, which may mean Kang In Ho will be an easier character for him to shed (please! Pretty Chaebal with a Cherry on Top!) so he can take a new project sooner than what he has us accustomed to. :D

About his weight loss, yes, it has been incrementing and continuous. I remember in one of his announcement videos (I think it was to announce his Japan FM), he kept trying to button his jacket (he was wearing Kang In Ho's clothes on that video), but it would not close.

But now, the jackets close comfortably and they even look loose.

I think his intention (and the director's too, I'm sure) is to make his internal struggle more poignant and noticeable by making his face look thinner, and his whole appearance more fragile and vulnerable.

That's why our Yoonie rocks. Voice, weight, eyebrows, hands, posture... he is truly becoming the excellent actor he dreamed of becoming since he was a little boy... :x

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@rachel so the news spread around rumor him being in the korean version of '1litre of tears'. So most likely he will not film a new project soon as PM&I is still broadcasted in KBS. Oh well, I guess we will have to wait some surprising news about YSY then.

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said: @coastalbreeze I think I felt weird since my mood was not okay yesterday, I need to re-watch that episode again! 

Moreover, does he keep losing weight? I think his suits look bigger, and his cheeks look sunken, I guess halmeoni will scold him later


Btw, you guys sometime mentioned the rumour he would act in the korean remake of "1 litre of tears", I saw this:

My knowledge of Chinese is almost zero, but I'm sure it's that drama. Also starring Park Bo Young.

That drama has not been scheduled yet, so I guess he's not been cast.... this was my last hope since everything points he's leaving soon, ahhh! :(
I promise my next post will not be so depressing! :( 

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That song!!! ahh I'm going to cry!! :'(  ah I promised this post wouldn't be depressing!
If YSY accepts this role, it would be the fourth time he acts with actresses born in 1990 (Shin Se Kyung, Park Shin Hye, Yoona and maybe Park Bo Young).
Since my post is so irrelevant, I add some decoration that I just found:12080424165_0412b8e4a8_b.jpg
cr. heorange.
Oh his legs look so thin!!

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