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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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Flirty-flirty ajjussi! :bz

Be still my heart... be still... breathe in, breathe out... phew! b-(

And, @rachel I'm glad that you are having a bad day... I mean, that you are having a bad day BECAUSE of the ajjussi. May more "bad" days like this one come more often, LOL :P

I wonder if Lee Seung Gi is just a tiny, teeeny bit worried at times when he sees the trademark "YSY glow" so close to his Yoona? He he...

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Here is another short video at the airport http://ol.mingpao.com/cfm/star5.cfm?File=20140116/saa04/ma41910s.txt

I'm wondering why there were not pictures of his departure heading off to HK, is he a ghost/ninja???  (oh crazy rachel!, I wrote the word "ghost" and suddenly that song of the pottery scene in the movie "Ghost" sounded in my head, hahaha)

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@rachel :((  How will I concentrate now with the image of Yoonie as the ghost in "Ghost"?

Actually if you think about it, his current role in PM&I is a bit like Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze's character in Ghost), in that both love in an impossible way... so sad...  :( :-S :((

The good thing is that Kang In Ho is not a ghost and he can still find love in... secretary Seo? :))

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It IS proven then. The guy is Div-In-Ho!!! 
The lady behind him must be praying for all of us so we don't lose our sanity over so much awesomeness. 
@rachel Maybe they can import someone from another drama to be In-Ho's girlfriend? Aish!

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Oh yessh... Baidu Yoon Si Yoon bar is also flooded with a lot of cute photos. i don't hv the time right now may upload some over weekend, mayb someone who has the time & enjoy upload some bits of it here. 
Here are the awesome links below,  Btw, some of them did a little short fan acct beside some photos...if u google translate shd  be able to understand and the Baidu fans give him some cute nickname there, beside Chief Kang, the most common name is "Mushroom" because it sounded like his original name "Dong Gu" in chinese. 
links from BaiDu Yoon SI Yoon Bar ( photos credit as labelled)
Hong Kong arrival -  link , link
nite event -  link , more linkHong Kong departure -  link
He actually filmed thru the nite without any sleep and took the flight to HK hv a short nap on the plane... after the nite event, he had to rush back to continue filming.

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coastalbreeze said: @rachel :((  How will I concentrate now with the image of Yoonie as the ghost in "Ghost"?

Actually if you think about it, his current role in PM&I is a bit like Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze's character in Ghost), in that both love in an impossible way... so sad...  :( :-S :((

The good thing is that Kang In Ho is not a ghost and he can still find love in... secretary Seo? :))

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Ohhh.... that ending sequence, @eniya!!!

"...Mr Kang sort of let go and forget everything at the last episobe, resign his post, hv a short trip, leave the country and do some charity work to get away from all these kkrazy thoughts,..." (this would be episode 15, right?
"...  and then... over there he saw another kind beautiful soul working the same charity organization, and sparks suddenly exploded at first sight... (yap, someone *fill in the blank* as cameo). happy ending form my Mr Kang" (episode 16, correct?) 
And, what happens on episode 17???!!! Please continue!!! :bz

@eniya, they should hire you as the writer for the drama. You're awesome!

Cr: TopGirl via fan pop dot com and YSY's prodigious genetic pool :x

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Awww Kim Tak Goo with Da Jung's dad!! dramaception!!
These pictures remind me I always wanted that Eugene's character ends up with Kim Tak Goo, ahhhhh my heart always wants alternative stories! :D
I guess I'm going to sleep because today I was kkrazier than usual :P sorry! 
Good night/day!!

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Guest yoonmie90

i'm happy that's Siyoon fans in Hongkong is so warmful ^^ so many pics fantaken.. Siyoon more famous now.. yohoo.. and thankfull for it.. :x

@jerebtang whoaww Kim Tak Goo.. do you love him very much right?? me too.. hahah maybe i will rewatch again KOB.. miss Goo Ma Joon too

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@jerebtang thanks for all of these wonderful pictures! Ahaaayyy, KIM TAK GU days makes me want to watch it again! :D

@rachel uhm.. KANG IN HO? HIHI..


 I guess @eniya is right, they should allow his character to move on and to have a happy ending with another girl *insert name also* hahaha.. I'm a fan also! HIHIHI :D =)) Anyway, thanks to all of you who always makes my day so bright! :D :*

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@jerebtang thank you! and thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures <3 :3 
I saw this picture and <3333 I can't ;-; TOO ADORABLE. And YSY and the teddy bear have the same expressions anyone else think that..? xD :3


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