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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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This is the rough google translation provided on CBS Korea - this is a Christian Broadcasting TV station in Korea: and the main gist of this is that KHJ was so horrfified - that his parents did not know about his payout to Choi.  If anyone can translate this into better English - please please do so.

Uncut News

Kim Hyun Joong side, "parents did not know 600 000 000 ... Sue Kim Hyun Joong strong commitment"

Articles, enter 13/05/2015 16:17 Original Articles Comments 304

"Pregnancy, needs Respondent to submit evidence to the court heritage ... sonbaeso also consider the counterclaim"


[CBS News uncut Yu expedition News]

20150513160219486367_99_20150513161703.jSinger and actor Kim Hyun Joong. (Hwangjinhwan reporter / file photo)pregnancy and abortion and assault. Even enlisted singer and actress Kim Hyun Joong Choi has it that a former girlfriend Bandit problems are intertwined between Mr. Kim Hyun Joong Choi through the revelation of the broadcasting side is preparing a tough response now than ever. This time Kim Hyun Joong left, Kim Hyun Joong Will the events of the match and Choi any phase. Story 13 looked for a legal representative of one A lawyer Kim Hyun Joong.


▶ What Are the Check for pregnancy and miscarriage in the past?

(Choi is currently an inde state claims litigation) filed a Response to require the submission of evidence to the court about pregnancy and abortion in the past. In addition to text messages diagnosis, referral, etc. it will be asking for evidence. That side would submit to the court, I wish I could promote evidence is presented and thought I would enjoy. So we are seeing that this pregnancy had not. The course of pregnancy or miscarriage is also one that can not be.


▶ whether the current pregnancy?

Although not a direct one, so the diagnosis is confirmed think may be pregnant. According to Mr. Choi After 5 months of the end of this acquaintance he did hadeora born pregnant state. Now inde six months beyond the point, who would not even any contact about the status of Choi.If Choi is unknown if the work disappeared.


▶ the time line for 600 million settlement to Mr. Choi, So dont acquaintances between two people know this fact?

Kim Hyun Joong did not have that time to consult with anyone. My parents do not even know it was true. Acquaintances knew. When asked for the money, I think I would want donin (Kim Hyun Joong is) When I suggest that Mr. Choi wanted the 30 million disappeared. This amount will go up so far as is known itdeora 500 000 002 went down. 


▶ Immediately Were not telling me one days about the parents?

Kim Hyun Joong was so surprised and felt revolted by the horrors had a talk with anyone. I have also decided to send this person had called. Here and there a day early without informing, it seems to have quietly trying to solve.So by raising the amount Mr. Choi gave to the desired level.


▶ will of Kim Hyun Joong also accused Sure

There is a strong commitment. No agreement is scheduled. Because the damage is too great an interview, Mr. Choi. In general, for the biological father of a child it does not talk to like that. What can be concluded that whether an abortion without clear evidence of assault. If a pregnant equator is not really bad behavior.


▶ After the interview, the contact with Choi Have you taken? Legal action currently being prepared also dont talk in detail.

No one ever contacted. Kim Hyun Joong and contact doejil aneuni April to 1.6 billion won to say whether you want to give a fast decision did send the letters dont. Once the proceedings, depending on whether the evidence is divided into two. In fact, past pregnancies would sue if it was not blackmail, it is right will be accused of defamation cases Disclosing agreement. Now I am ready for this. And also consider the counterclaim for damages lawsuit.ywj2014@cbs.co.kr


Copyright © CBS News uncut (www.nocutnews.co.kr) all rights


김현중 측 "부모도 몰랐던 6억…김현중 고소 의지 강해"

기사입력2015.05.13 오후 4:17 기사원문 댓글304

"법원에 임신·유산 증거 요구 답변서 제출…손배소 반소도 고려"


[CBS노컷뉴스 유원정 기자]

20150513160219486367_99_20150513161703.j가수 겸 배우 김현중. (황진환 기자/자료사진)임신과 유산 그리고 폭행. 가수 겸 배우 김현중의 입대 후에도 그와 전 여자친구 최모 씨 사이에 얽힌 문제들은 산적해 있다. 

방송을 통한 최 씨의 폭로에 김현중 측은 현재 어느 때보다 강경한 대응을 준비 중이다. 

김현중이 떠난 시점, 김현중과 최 씨의 사건은 어떤 국면을 맞게 될까. 13일 김현중의 법률대리인 A 변호사에게 이야기를 들어봤다. 


▶ 과거 임신과 유산에 대한 확인 여부는 어떻게 됐나?

(현재 최 씨가 손해배상 청구소송을 한 상태인데) 법원에 과거 임신과 유산에 대한 증거 제출을 요구하는 답변서를 제출했다. 문자메시지 외에 진단서, 소견서 등 증거를 달라는 것이다. 그 쪽은 법정에서 제출하겠다고 하는데, 증거를 제시할 수 있었으면 진작 제시했으리라고 생각된다. 그래서 저희는 임신이 아니었던 것으로 보고 있다. 임신이 아니면 당연히 유산도 있을 수 없는 일이다. 


▶ 현재 임신 여부는?

직접 확인은 되지 않았지만 일단 진단서가 있으니 임신일 수도 있다고 생각한다. 5개월 때 최 씨를 본 지인들의 말에 따르면 임신한 태가 나지 않았다고 하더라. 지금이 6개월 넘어가는 시점인데, 최 씨의 상태에 대해 어떤 연락도 받은 것이 없다. 만약 최 씨가 잠적한다면 알 수 없는 일이다. 


▶ 최 씨에게 6억 합의금을 줄 당시, 그러면 두 사람 사이의 지인들도 이 사실을 알고 있었나?

김현중이 그 때는 누구와도 상담을 하지 못했다. 부모님도 모르는 사실이었다. 지인들은 알고 있었다. 돈을 달라고 했을 때, 원하는 것이 돈인 것 같아 (김현중이) 3,000만 원을 제시했더니 최 씨가 잠적을 했다. 그렇게 금액이 올라가다가 5억이 넘어갔다는 것까지 알고 있더라. 


▶ 부모한테 알리지도 못할 정도로 급박한 일이었나?

김현중이 너무나 놀랐고, 공포에 질려서 누구와 상의를 못했다. 본인이 결정하고 송금도 본인이 했더라. 여기 저기 알리지 않고 일을 빨리, 조용히 해결하려고 했던 것 같다. 그래서 최 씨가 원하는 수준까지 금액을 올려서 줬다. 


▶ 김현중의 고소 의지도 확실한가

의지는 강하게 있다. 합의는 없을 예정이다. 최 씨의 인터뷰 때문에 너무 피해가 컸다. 일반적으로 아이의 생부에 대해서는 그런 식으로까지 이야기하지 않는다. 어떻게 명확한 증거 없이 폭행으로 유산된 것이라고 단정할 수가 있느냐. 만약 임신한 적도 없다면 정말 나쁜 행동이다. 


▶ 인터뷰 이후, 최 씨와는 연락을 취해봤나? 현재 준비하고 있는 법적 조치도 자세하게 이야기해달라.

연락한 적 없다. 김현중과 연락이 되질 않으니 4월에도 16억 원을 줄 것인지 말 것인지 빨리 결정해달라는 문자를 보내고 그랬다. 일단 증거 여부에 따라 소송은 두 가지로 나뉜다. 과거 임신이 사실이 아니었다면 공갈죄로 고소할 것이고, 맞다고 해도 합의서 발설 건으로 명예훼손으로 고소할 것이다. 지금은 여기에 대해 준비 중이다. 손해배상 청구소송에 대한 반소도 고려하고 있다. 



저작권자 © CBS 노컷뉴스(www.nocutnews.co.kr) 무단전재 및 재배포 금지


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I read a comment in soompi news about him going to the military, that person stated that the fans acted too much .. it’s not like he’s dying .. he is just going to military …

Ohhh … I was so tempted to reply and be a keyboard warrior .. but hell .. why bother huh? Those type of people will never understand ..

We all know he will come back … but those that has been following an idol closely will know that MS can ‘kill’ a celebrity … two years is a long time … to pick-up their career after MS is not an easy thing … it may take a few years after the MS to build up again their career to the level before they went into military. It is not an easy thing … some never recover their original status .. some are lucky enough to get back on their ‘feet’ immediately after MS (which is very rare) …  

I spent almost 13 years following KPop/Kdrama …  I’ve seen the struggles …  I’ve seen idols that never get back their ‘status’ ..  and also I’ve witness celebrity became more popular after MS …

So of course to a fan .. (note – a hardcore fans) .. MS is a nightmare …. And please don’t just comment randomly if you have never been a fan to any idol … :D

I hope he will comeback a better person.. more matured and masculine (not that he is lacking now :P ) ..

Can’t wait for his next drama …  and I will be very old when he comes out.. huhu …

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​Well - the good thing is - KHJ is NOT a reservist..a reservist who only spends perhaps 2 weeks only in active training/camp...

he will be getting full training daily - also - I am hoping that he is able to breathe a sigh of relief as this Lawyer is (YES!) (YES!) (YES!) (Fist punching in air!) fighting for him while he is in Basic training.

Also, I understand the food is really good - and he is young - so as long as he gets the required sleep and food, I think he will do fine...

Unfortunately...he does seem to be used to privation - remember as a trainee he barely ate - and was working all those jobs, would come home starving..

BUT - in the army - he will get to eat food - and lots of it  - and I am positive all the male camaraderie would boost his spirits - especially now that the Lawyer is making public his situation!



​Hi lkh2, there is such a thing they call “training for military reservists” (this is for all Korean male become military reserve personnel for 5-7 years after their discharge from their mandatory military service) SKorean military reserve personnel have to undergo training every year whether or not there is tension in the Korean Peninsula. After serving in active duty, Korean men are considered to be serving in an inactive duty. For eight years after the end of service, Korean men are supposed to report for a mandatory training up to 100 hours a year. In case of a war, Korean men in the 8-year period are drafted to fight. Also in case of a war, all Korean men between ages 18 and 45 are drafted for labor mobilization. It's his 4th day today in the camp. On Day 4, they’re now transferred to different Training Regiments. During the 1st (3) days on training, recruits receive basic training from how to wear combat uniform to military disciplines. Week 1 will be physical fitness (this is more than 1-hr every morning), Basic Drill & Guarding.  Week by week, the weight of gear is increased to prepare for marching. All food served are all healthy food. Chocolate pie is a classic food in the Army.  Soldiers receive the complementary Choco Pie cookie every Sunday. :P




Kim Hyun-joong vows to return 'a new man' in handwritten apology to fans


A handwritten letter by singer-actor Kim Hyun-joong, written before his military enlistment Tuesday, has been made public on his fan website and through his agency.

In the two-page letter revealed Wednesday, Kim candidly expresses his remorse over the complications caused by the drawn-out legal scandal with his former girlfriend.

The letter was written on Monday evening, the day before his mandatory military enlistment.


Singer-actor Kim Hyun-joong enlists for his military services, Tuesday. (Yonhap)

"I felt really sorry (to my fans)," wrote Kim in the letter. "As a public figure, I wasn't able to share all my feelings. I spent day after day reproaching myself for not being more thoughtful and mature.

"I don't know the words to adequately apologize, other than to say that I am leaving with a huge sense of indebtedness weighing on my mind," said Kim.

"Many people had faith in me during a chaotic period and ... (gave) me renewed confidence," said Kim. "I hope the next two years (during my military service) will be an opportunity for me to be reborn. I want to return having grown as a man, as a celebrity and as a member of society."

Kim reported for duty as part of the 30th Infantry Division on Tuesday afternoon. He is set to take a five-week boot camp for his active military service over the next 21 months.

Over 150 fans from Korea, Japan and China visited Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, to bid him farewell and held up supportive posters.



Kim declined to speak to reporters who flocked around the area. He was accompanied solely by actor-businessman Bae Yong-joon, the founder of Kim's management agency KeyEast Entertainment.

Kim had been embroiled in a months-long legal battle with his former girlfriend of two years, who filed a lawsuit against him last August, citing bodily injury and assault during their relationship.

Kim admitted to engaging in "bodily fights" with his former girlfriend, surnamed Choi, during a two-month period of serious arguments.


Fans hold up supportive posters at Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, where Kim reported for duty, Tuesday. (Yonhap)

In January, Kim was ordered to pay 5 million won ($4,579) in damages to Choi. Choi is believed to be five months' pregnant with Kim's child and is scheduled to deliver in September.

The legal controversies have also been marked by highly publicized rumors of marriage and a previous miscarriage caused by domestic violence.

Kim was a successful K-pop singer and a member of boy group SS501. He gained a gentle and romantic image through roles such as "Boys Over Flowers" in 2009.


The letter that Kim shared through his online fan club and through his management website on Wednesday. (Kim Hyun-joong's online fan website)

Transcript of Kim Hyun-joong's letter to fans

Hello everybody, this is Kim Hyun-joong.

I couldn't find an easy opportunity to say goodbye and I’m now saying farewell.

To be honest, I felt really sorry. As a public figure, I wasn't able to share all my feelings. I spent day after day reproaching myself for not being more thoughtful and mature.

As a result, I thought a lot about how to apologize and to express how sorry I am as I leave.

In my heart, for my fans ... no, toward my fans I have two types of mixed feelings -- regret and gratitude.

Many people had faith in me during a chaotic period and gave me mental strength. They even thought about the parts I didn't talk about and had consistent faith in me, giving me renewed confidence. I wonder how I can repay that.

There are also people who are disappointed and angry with me. I don't know the words to adequately apologize, other than to say that I am leaving with a huge sense of indebtedness weighing on my mind.

All men born in this country enlist in the Army, but now that it has become my turn, there is a part of me that feels a little restless. Even I think that I've lived a really hard-working and competitive life so far ... but now that it is my turn, I am starting to feel very powerless.

I hope the next two years (during my military service) will be an opportunity for me to be reborn. I want to return having grown as a man, as a celebrity and as a member of society.

Over the past year, I felt grateful that even someone like myself could have been sheltered in a thoughtful and warm place in the hearts of my family, friends, colleagues, people I am thankful for and you fans.

On the day I complete my military duties, I will return -- if not as the best, at least as a better person for the people who trust me more than ever.

I end this letter with a promise to return smiling and greeting you all.

2015 May 12

Kim Hyun-joong

By Yoon Sarah (sarah356@heraldcorp.com)

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Hi lkh2there is such a thing they call “training for military reservists” (this is for all Korean male become military reserve personnel for 5-7 years after their discharge from their mandatory military service) SKorean military reserve personnel have to undergo training every year whether or not there is tension in the Korean Peninsula. After serving in active duty, Korean men are considered to be serving in an inactive duty. For eight years after the end of service, Korean men are supposed to report for a mandatory training up to 100 hours a year. In case of a war, Korean men in the 8-year period are drafted to fight. Also in case of a war, all Korean men between ages 18 and 45 are drafted for labor mobilization. It's his4th day today in the campOn Day 4, they’re now transferred to different Training Regiments. During the 1st (3) days on training, recruits receive basic training from how to wear combat uniform to military disciplines. Week 1 will be physical fitness (this is more than 1-hr every morning), Basic Drill & Guarding.  Week by week, the weight of gear is increased to prepare for marching. All food served are all healthy food. Chocolate pie is a classic food in the Army.  Soldiers receive the complementary Choco Pie cookie every Sunday. :P

* * * * * * * * * * *

@willenette  Thank you Thank you!! for your update....silly me - I was thinking of the US Amry reserves... or ROTC as they are known here in the US - one of my friends was a paramedic, and she had to do her 2 week duty q year. Hah - I was thnking the same with Korea - and finding out from you that it is not so - Thank you - I appreciate your clarifying it!!!:)

And I love love love the info about the Choco Pie every Sunday.....I am going to the store today and buy some Chocopie - My nephews love the stuff....  This is KHJ at his silliest, cutest youngest - so adorable I tell you - so adorable!!! This is from the Unlock -  Deja-Vu (Thank you Shariman!!!)  making of - behind the scenes....


Edited by lkh2
Choco PIE and thank you, chocopie is from the Making of Deja VU!
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Guest shariman66


Lol! Our silly boy ^_^

But, dear, that's 'Deja Vu' bts in early 2008 ~


After reading the day-after-day revelations by Mr Lee, I'm becoming cautiously hopeful.

Still anxious though because that psy-choi & sidekick aka smirky lawyer, are pretty unpredictable.

I won't & can't really rejoice until the 3rd of June which would, God Willing, be the day whereby our boy'd get his justice & that female would get hers ~ hopefully a jail-term.

Until then I'd humbly & earnestly suggest all of us to continue to pray for his well-being & vindication for him soon from this long drawn-out nightmare.

I would love to have him celebrate his 29th birthday on 6th June & 10th anniversary on the 8th with a gladden & thankful heart free from the painful feelings of the last several months. Our boy very much deserves one after all that he had gone through.     

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Lol! Our silly boy ^_^

But, dear, that's 'Deja Vu' bts in early 2008 ~


After reading the day-after-day revelations by Mr Lee, I'm becoming cautiously hopeful.

Still anxious though because that psy-choi & sidekick aka smirky lawyer, are pretty unpredictable.

I won't & can't really rejoice until the 3rd of June which would, God Willing, be the day whereby our boy'd get his justice & that female would get hers ~ hopefully a jail-term.

Until then I'd humbly & earnestly suggest all of us to continue to pray for his well-being & vindication for him soon from this long drawn-out nightmare.

I would love to have him celebrate his 29th birthday on 6th June & 10th anniversary on the 8th with a gladden & thankful heart free from the painful feelings of the last several months. Our boy very much deserves one after all that he had gone through.     

@​Shariman66 - you're right on 3 counts   1) the KHJ ChocoPie is from Deja-Vu making of - thanks for correcting me  - Do you remember which one of the early dvd's it was on? 


Until then I'd humbly & earnestly suggest all of us to continue to pray for his well-being & vindication for him soon from this long drawn-out nightmare.

2) And, you are right -  it is too too early to feel vindicated as I had been feeling....we need to wait till June 3, 2015...and is the trial for Choi's claim?

until then  or until cleared by Lawyer Lee - 

the tweets by Henecia are saying to NOT reveal anything about Choi's face/etc. 

Don't want anything to get in the way of the trial on 6/3/15 that would hold back KHJ side....

3) We still do not know  Lawyer Lee's findings from the discovery  (I am assuming the discovery process is the same in Korea - but I may be wrong) of the documents that show - or do NOT  - show  that she had  pregnancy No. 1 in May that resulted in a miscarriage and that she sought medical services for that miscarriage or pregnancy. 

We just need to pray that all will work out....still hold our breath a little....feel safer because we have got Lawyer Lee really on top of it....

Meanwhile - here are some adorable moments of SS501


Edited by lkh2
Youtube vid of Making of Deja Vu -trial for Choi's claim?
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Here is Part 2 of the Lawyer's message - if this comes out to be a poor picture, I will wait for NYCG to put a better one in....Look at the 2nd to last paragraph where Lawyer Lee says that :


" even before the investigation began, about 6400 posts on assaults were published by various media, as if they were confirmed facts.  Even there were reports with such wrong term as death by assaults.  Post of parody memes were readily and immediately followed."

Many Many thanks to Sunny of Twitter for her translation:




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I love this lawyer, I'm telling you - he's posted exactly what I was screaming BLOODY murder about last fall:  "Even before investigation began, about 6400 reports on assaults were published by various media as if they were confirmed facts."  YES YES  Absolutely!  Not to mention the myriad hateful, inaccurate postings from all the netizen haters jumping on that bandwagon!  

Cannot wait for June 3 :D    Here's hoping KHJ gets a VERY wonderful B'day present...

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I love this lawyer, I'm telling you - he's posted exactly what I was screaming BLOODY murder about last fall:  "Even before investigation began, about 6400 reports on assaults were published by various media as if they were confirmed facts."  YES YES  Absolutely!  Not to mention the myriad hateful, inaccurate postings from all the netizen haters jumping on that bandwagon!  

Cannot wait for June 3 :D    Here's hoping KHJ gets a VERY wonderful B'day present...

​Completely agree with you, I love lawyer Lee :wub: he such a good lawyer, i'm sure about that seeing the way he's doing to fight for HJ right now (YESSSSSSS :D)  really want to give him a big bow and hug to express my admiration for him :P you got the best one HJ ah~ 

Keep calm and let Mr. Lee does his job, he'll put that monster in jail for usyesss crazy rabbit  no need to worry anymore HJ ah, just focus on your training :) hope HJ can sleep well & get up on time coz he's a night person like me :D 

Waiting for the trial on June 3rd and can't wait to see our dearest HJ in his military uniform :rolleyes: i bet he'll look super cool in that uniform dream milk bottle

Edited by lovekhj666
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Dialog text:
It's then I'd rather we had a ton of friends once a 20-year kicks?
Hyunjoong haircut video source,
So cute, hair artist also known as HJ!
Liu Xian vs Kim Hyun Joong ~ ~ ~
Hahaha ~ this barber shop will become a new tourist attraction it ~ ~

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Dialog text:
It's then I'd rather we had a ton of friends once a 20-year kicks?
Hyunjoong haircut video source,
So cute, hair artist also known as HJ!
Liu Xian vs Kim Hyun Joong ~ ~ ~
Hahaha ~ this barber shop will become a new tourist attraction it ~ ~


Thanks for the video clip. He looks so young for his age.

The below is a happy hyun joong that I miss so much.

I hope he will come back with a much better spirit even more than the picture below.

credte as tagged.1431649945-12549C18JP-o.jpg




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Guest shariman66


Well, people, here's another revelation for tonight by our Mr Lee ~ ra-ra!

That psy-choi claimed to have been beaten on 30th May 2014, right?

Well, look-ee here ~ the pictures shown in the vid were taken on 7th June 2014 at Jeju.

So, where're the alleged bruises, eh Ms psy-choi?!!


Oh, by the way, if I've done something wrong with the embedding of this vid, please tell me!

Not too smart when it comes to posting vids or photos either ~

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Kim Hyun Joong side, the former girlfriend and Jeju travel photos published (yeonyega relay)No scars in June 7 pics

김현중 측, 전 여친과 제주도 여행 사진 공개(연예가중계) | 다음 연예


… 김현중 측은 "(폭행당한) 5월 30일로부터 불과 며칠 후인 6월 7일 제주도에서 직은 사진을 보면 멀쩡하다: 진실이 모두 드러나기를!
trans BY: @sunsun_sky







05.16.15 - Kim Hyun Joong attorney interviews (6/7 day island tour pictures published) [16.05.15 -Kim Hyun Joong's-attorney interview Choi - "(who was supposedly beaten) in May 30, but a few days later on June 7 The pictures show she had absolutely no scars on the face, nor bruising to arms.














Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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