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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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New Soldier Daily Schedule

1908151_823490791080314_1690028399924504Normally everyone sews the hat patch by oneself. It seems HJ put it in the wrong place...That's our man! 







Thank you so much for the picture. Love your comment. You made me laugh a lot. I can not recognize him at all in the group until I saw this post. think HJ get very tan now. He look like a school boy for me. really miss him.

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Hyun Joong with fellow recruits as released by Henecia Japan..
http://henecia.jp/report1/detail.php?bid=77 … 
credit to: @illublue

5/12 30 enlisted four of motivation (Week 1) - 
A little older Recruit and enlist his motives. 
I hope to make a lot of good memories gave each other a lot of support. 






​NYCG - Thank you so much for the post and for posting where you got the source - it tells us so much when we know who it is that has uploaded that info.  Yay Henecia Japan!

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17350732544_7b10bbe1f5_z.jpgNYCG - Thank you so much for the post and for posting where you got the source - it tells us so much when we know who it is that has uploaded that info.  Yay Henecia Japan!

Can I clarify... The pic from henecia Japan has blurred out the faces of the other recruits, and is not the picture shown previously. Neither was that the one I tweeted...

have inserted the pic I tweeted... Having trouble putting it in the right place though

Edited by illublue
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The video says that KHJ will have to show up in Court on 6/3/15 - near the end....This vid shows how Lawyer Lee is presenting his case ....



From Twitter:


Edited by lkh2
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New Soldier Daily Schedule

1908151_823490791080314_1690028399924504Normally everyone sews the hat patch by oneself. It seems HJ put it in the wrong place...That's our man! 

​OMG!!!  That is so funny!!!  He always stands out no matter what picture he takes.  The patch on the opposite side shows no matter where he goes, he will always be 4D KHJ.  I love this picture of him and the hat patch. 

As for the note he sent to his parent, how did the public get that letter?  Did the parents give out that letter? Gosh!! I wish that he could have some kind of privacy while in the military.

Marcelita, Thanks for the schedule and pointing out the hat patch.

Edited by theone4me
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The Power of a Slice of a Photograph


I had to look twice, no many,many times and still asked Lina Perez is this him? I didn't recognize him being so accustomed to his expressive face and trademark sunny smiles, his dramatic stare, his conscious yet naughty look into the camera. He conveyed the emotions of the milieu in the countless pictures taken of him.He was my peppermint candy jumping out of its colourful wrapper. He oozes with his usual sex appeal as he dances across the stage and belt out his songs-yes those are the images of him in my mind.

After all the nightmares he had to pull himself through and unimaginable countless days and nights that can possibly torment a person,I can't expect him to still stay that way. That would have been too plastic.

Now he is still standing there. Though with a suppressed hint of a smile he projects an almost soulless look, gaunt face as if life is drained out of him. He looks darker than usual, kinda fading into the grey stony background and his green fatigue uniform. If my eyes doesn't deceive me, he has even made himself look smaller than the others.

He doesn't attempt to make himself stand out so when people still make negative comments I feel like getting a fly swatter to splat and shoo them away.He is doing his duty, leave him alone.

The picture (see below), is a slice of the group picture of eight of them(posted in soompi forum and maybe elsewhere) was taken and posted by the SK army recruit training division. They go through the regimented schedule of 5 weeks (now less than 4 weeks to go for HJ and company) covering waking up to sleeping time. As a celebrity, one can expect that pretty much shake and rattle the accustomed personal system.

The human body,mind and spirit is resilient and he will adjust. He will recover. Maybe he needs all that change after coming from a charged environment whether he admits it or not is just tiring. But being exhausted is a more appropriate description.

But life offers renewal and rebirth. After the stormy nights and days we see new growths from the ground. Hope springs eternal. As long as there is fire burning in his chest, his dreams will never fail him. Fighting!

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English notice from DC gallery regarding letters for KHJ
cr: @loving_khj ·com







Thank you @NewYorkCityGirl     ​I have written these addresses - both the email and the handwritten ones - I am going to out and buy some really nice stationary and send a handwritten letter, and also an email...

Edited by lkh2
Thank you to NYCG
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Looks like he's getting along just fine w/his fellow recruits - big surprise (not LOL) .  But he does look exhausted, poor guy.  Not depressed, tho - from what I've seen he likes physical activity :D


Hi Teleri,

​Did you look at his schedule that was posted earlier? It's insane.  He gets up at 6am and it looks like he is in bed by 10pm.  He is having about 14-16 hr days.    I'm sure it's not all physical activity but I'm sure he's exhausted by the end of the day.  Oh wait! Never mind. I forgot about his idol days especially when they first got started.  As an idol with SS501, I bet his days were just as long.   I"m sure he knows how to handle having a long day.

Do they have to share dorms or does he get his own room? Does anyone know?  

Edited by theone4me
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I can't understand what the lawyer meant when he said KHJ will do anything after the DNA test confirmed it is his child, does it mean he will pay the $1.6M then? It is so confusing the interview...

Not everyone pregnant can ask for this amount, totally ridiculous & absurd, no judge will say it is right of her to demand this much money.... Even Korean dramas can't be this insanse!





The video says that KHJ will have to show up in Court on 6/3/15 - near the end....This vid shows how Lawyer Lee is presenting his case ....



From Twitter:


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Hi Vivian,
Did KHJ resign his contract with KE?  I actually wish KE would stay out of this situation.  KE's initial response to Ms. Choi was horrible.  KE was no match for Ms. Choi and her lawyer. I hope KHJ sticks with Ms, Lee, his lawyer, who seems to know what he is doing.  My post was about  BYJ's support of KHJ. as a friend or boss.   I just feel BYJ and KHJ's industry "friends" were not supportive of him publicly and not one of them stood up for him.  To see BYJ at the enlistment ceremony was like, 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?"   I do realize that BYJ is a big wig in the K Entertainment Industry so to have him show support to KHJ is a big deal there.  However, all I'm saying is, KHJ needed that show of support a lot sooner than May 12, 2015.  


* * * * * * * * 

​Hey - I saw your entry - and I was just wondering - LazerKim said that KHJ signed on with KeyEast for 3 years until June 2016, but she said she "assumed" so it is not verified when his contract ends...Here is Lazer Kim's quote - but remember this is 2012 and I put the link to the very very long article so it will direct you right back to LK's site: 

By: LazerKim              Kim Hyun Joong renewed his management contract with KeyEast Entertainment which I think was suppose to expire on the month of June 2013. I may be familiar with artist’s managerial contract but I do not have the least idea of its contract period of term. And so now I would assume Hyun Joong signed a three year contract with KeyEast with the contract period of three years from 2010-2013. Now he renewed his contract so I suppose it’s for another three years which means this is gonna be from 2013-2016

Link:  https://bibettesia.wordpress.com/2012/10/18/kim-hyun-joong-article-sincerely-committed/

Also After seeing that KeyEast trademark on the 11th day enlistment picture...and wondering about if his contract with KeyEast really is extended to June 2016....then...

I thought about what it meant and -  to me, my humble opinion only -

KHJ's image and reputation is even more important while he is NOT performing and secluded deep in the military...

I hope KeyEast fully use their powers - now that KHJ's stance and position is different from previously...

and KeyEast's defending him would not jeopardize all the other stars in their roster (as it most likely would have previously) .....

and here  is the 2015 KeyEast roster:


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Hi Teleri,

​Did you look at his schedule that was posted earlier? It's insane.  He gets up at 6am and it looks like he is in bed by 10pm.  He is having about 14-16 hr days.    I'm sure it's not all physical activity but I'm sure he's exhausted by the end of the day.  Oh wait! Never mind. I forgot about his idol days especially when they first got started.  As an idol with SS501, I bet his days were just as long.   I"m sure he knows how to handle having a long day.

Do they have to share dorms or does he get his own room? Does anyone know?  

​I'm retired military (Navy) - schedule looked totally normal for boot camp LOL  Being totally focused on one thing (do what your squad leader tells you) & physically exhausted by the end of the day is basically excellent for KHJ right now - no time or energy to worry about the outside drama!  & yep, he's done the long days & pressure before.

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Many of us including me felt anxious.. can't help worrying.. whether he is strong enough.. mentally and physically.. to face the tough military training..I could not help felt really heart-sick and sad.. wondering about KHJ well being.. as he just went through a very mentally exhausting moment.. Really pray hard.. wishing him.. peace in his heart.. able to forget all these tormented episode of his life.. and be able to stand.. mentally strong.. some how gain back strength to face this world.. without feeling humiliate.. and put this dark phase of his life behind.. hope this new MS life really help KHJ in this manner.. stay safe my precious prince.. seeing his haggard tired expression in that latest army photo's of him.. bring tears and bleed my heart.. this video will give us a peep of what kind of life khj is leading at the moment...  video of the army life in Korean Military Service training center.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oFnf-FYw5yU

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Many of us including me felt anxious.. can't help worrying.. whether he is strong enough.. mentally and physically.. to face the tough military training..I could not help felt really heart-sick and sad.. wondering about KHJ well being.. as he just went through a very mentally exhausting moment.. Really pray hard.. wishing him.. peace in his heart.. able to forget all these tormented episode of his life.. and be able to stand.. mentally strong.. some how gain back strength to face this world.. without feeling humiliate.. and put this dark phase of his life behind.. hope this new MS life really help KHJ in this manner.. stay safe my precious prince.. seeing his haggard tired expression in that latest army photo's of him.. bring tears and bleed my heart.. this video will give us a peep of what kind of life khj is leading at the moment...  video of the army life in Korean Military Service training center.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oFnf-FYw5yU

Hi, others had survived & coped-up with this tough military training, why can't he? I have faith in him. :)

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Guest shariman66

'as he just went through a very mentally exhausting moment..'


Well, dear, I think that's the reason why he looked so haggard & exhausted in this early stage of his MS life. Perhaps he hasn't yet managed to let go of the nightmare (& adapt to the early mornings, who knows) for now. But I'm sure with that strong-will & resilient nature of his, our boy'll be up on his feet & raring to go again in the near future. As @willenette wrote above, others have survived so let's pray & have faith that it'd be the same for our boy. Afterall, he's the one member in his group who's more than ready to tackle anything physical ~ as long it's not an insect or of the bird species, lol!

It's rather amusing though that the comments in naver.com was more on his looks. Supposedly it's the fans who love him due to them & yet it's those hypocritical netizens who seemed so obsessed with commenting on them. Well, what do you expect him to look like? All spruced up & ready for the cameras? Irrational nincompoops ~

I think he'll soon relish being in this type of environment where male camaraderie & physical workout abound ~ as long as none of the recruits or officers give him a hard time due to his celeb status & current unfortunate circumstances. I hope & pray they'll treat him like a regular guy & as one of them ~ Kim Hyun Joong, the soldier or Private 014 ~ & get to know the real KHJ rather than treat him as KHJ, the Hallyu star.

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Kim Hyun Joong's first photo in the army revealed

source: allkpop.com
[article excerpts]
Those saddened by Kim Hyun Joong entering military service will be happy to get a glimpse of him through a photo of him in the army!
The star was spotted among his fellow soldiers in a photo uploaded on the 30th division's home official page. Even with a serious expression and wearing military gear, Kim Hyun Joong's good looks stand out.
As mentioned before, if all goes according to schedule, Kim Hyun Joong is expected to be discharged February of 2017.
source: http://www.allkpop.com/…/kim-hyun-joongs-first-photo-in-the…




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