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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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I don't know who this person is -  "biashyunjoong", but this comment - near the beginning of comments for an allkpop article  in the

comment section of September 4, 2014 -  says what Lawyer Lee is claiming now in May 2015 - that when KHJ was trying to break up with Ms A/X  - "She was so upset that she threatened to spread false rumors about him, UNLESS he gave her a large compensation."

I am including this because it seemed that people were standing up for him a long time ago - but got drowned in the noise of false allegations....whoever this person is .....if it is all true as this person claims - I salute their entry and thoughts.....


· Posted September 4, 2014 @ 1:11 pm

Dear FANmily,

Welcome! As an entertainment insider I know a lot of secrets. Some are meant to be kept quiet, while others NEED to be shared with the world. I've had the honor of working and making many industry friends in America and abroad, especially in South Korea. When the news of Kim Hyun Joong's scandal was released, I was in shock just like everyone else. But because I'm from America, you're actually INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. It's disheartening to learn that by various blogs and news outlets in South Korea that by simply being "accused" of ANYTHING is grounds for public ridicule and shaming.

What's the point of having friends in high places if you can't call and ask around to get down to the truth right? Which brings me to today's blog post. After numerous phone calls, emails, text messages to various sources, I now understand why Kim Hyun Joong went on to continue his already scheduled tour in China. Despite these fictional stories being spread on the internet about him. After speaking to a close confidant of Kim Hyun Joong's this is what they had to say:

"Kim Hyun Joong is deeply HURT by these false allegations. The only thing he is guilty of is breaking Ms. X's heart, by choosing NOT to continue a relationship with her. She was so upset that she threatened to spread false rumors about him, UNLESS he gave her a large compensation. KHJ decided to ignore her, unfortunately he had to learn the hard way that there's nothing more dangerous than a woman scorn.

Kim Hyun Joong is AGAINST domestic violence and thinks that those guilty of it should be brought to Justice. But Ms. X isn't seeking Justice, just compensation for her lies. KHJ knew he had to take a stand and set the record straight; after reading painful online comments from some of his fans that believed these false allegations. He opened up his heart to a non-celebrity woman but at the end of the day she was just using him for his celebrity status and money. KHJ will happily be cooperating with the authorities to stand by his innocence. Because he knows through their investigation it will prove his innocence and he can finally put this gruesome chapter behind him.

KHJ thanks all of his fans for their continued love and support. He plans on remaining single for a while once this ordeal is behind him and just focusing on his career."




Here is the link: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2014/08/dispatch-releases-evidence-from-assault-case-against-kim-hyun-joong

Edited by lkh2
Not sure who this person is - but so far - is spot on....
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A Charm of a story from Hyunnies: 

[Pexers Write-Ups] The Charms of a Man

by crazy4hyun

Author:  AprilStarr

It is as if he swallowed a glob of a magnet the way he attracts people. His magnetic field is broad and wide. He doesn't even have to reinvent himself, it just get so like having a life of its own. He is someone you can't help but be amused at the same time chuckle at what he gets himself into. He is likened to that proverbial donkey that fell into a well. The dirt thrown at him he used to climb back out of his situation.

You can be mad at him but not for long. As some people say he turns on his charms without doing anything, even just standing there.Sometimes he looks like a lost child needing to be cuddled and reassured. Maternal instincts stimulant. When he oozes that manly charms the ladies and the not ladies , or even not so lady-like melt.

He can be funny, chatty and chummy. Ask any of his real friends who will surely miss him all this time of MS. Does he foot the bill when they go have a good time ? I don't know. Does it help that he is a looker even when sans makeup, without his trademark smiles and saluting during in his enlistment ceremony last may 12th ? Of course.

He must have been born attracting controversies from the time of conception (according to legend), to his decisions to favour his music more than studies,to run away from home and experience the harsh reality of being homeless and hungry,to be a trainee and meet early disappointments. Insiders know his subsequent bouts with the hardships of his occupation, going solo, being in dramas where people were critical of his acting. the most dramatic to end all dramas is his recent real life storyline depicting a love story turned into an expensive time consuming war.

How he dealt with all the above show another side of his charms. We may never know the depths of his heartaches but he is resilient and maybe sees opportunities in his personal crises aka mess.

He is wounded with many targeting him with poisoned arrows. But he learned to survive in this jungle of entertainment world. He is humbled that in spite of them all he is well loved for which he acknowledges his debt of gratitude.

Isn't it ironic that as he shields his private life the more it gets exposed and dragged around ? He has the true celebrity syndrome as he is embroiled in these madness. Maybe we will see another Kim Hyun Joong after he emerges from his MS of 21 months. He promised.


crazy4hyun | Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 8:42 am | Tag
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​Miss you  Kim Hyun Joong

I love this picture. What this eye said ?

credit go to hyunniespexers blog I took it from there




I love the below picture. It is quite contras from the above.

He was very happy in this picture. Really miss his happy smile.

credit as tagged.



Edited by vivian6686
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Hi lkh2,

Thank you for the information.   I remembered I have read the information you posted from a blog of somebody if my memory is corrected. Last August-September there are quite a few posts and comments that also talked about blackmail and the woman threaten HJ  for money but nobody paid attention except HJ's fans. The others were too busy believing the gold digger woman's lie.  However everything they said then become true now. 

I really hope this gold digger and blackmailer will be punished and will be out of HJ's life for good. We need justice to make our society to be a better place for everyone to live. I really don't want to see the gold digger-- blackmailer and her conspiracy can get away after destroying a person's life .This is a crime, A shameful crime.

I really want to know who introduced this luna to HJ . I wonder what he/she is thinking right now after seeing the luna destroyed HJ's life and career.. He/she must knew this luna woman very well.


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I REMEMBER that post!!!!   Especially the line about him ignoring that women which was a mistake - that bit was taken from one of the friends of his that posted.  Yep, we all got called deluded for finding such posts credible.  Eat crow now, I say LOL

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Hi lkh2,

Thank you for the information.   I remembered I have read the information you posted from a blog of somebody if my memory is corrected. Last August-September there are quite a few posts and comments that also talked about blackmail and the woman threaten HJ  for money but nobody paid attention except HJ's fans. The others were too busy believing the gold digger woman's lie.  However everything they said then become true now. 

I really hope this gold digger and blackmailer will be punished and will be out of HJ's life for good. We need justice to make our society to be a better place for everyone to live. I really don't want to see the gold digger-- blackmailer and her conspiracy can get away after destroying a person's life .This is a crime, A shameful crime.

I really want to know who introduced this luna to HJ . I wonder what he/she is thinking right now after seeing the luna destroyed HJ's life and career.. He/she must knew this luna woman very well.


​Hi Vivian! 

It does make you wonder who introduced this Luna to KHJ -  or how well they knew her - or if they ever dreamed it would progress to this state...

and we still don't know (truly - if ever)  if she is a celebrity (someone whose face is allowed to be shown for entertainment purposes in this situation) or not -

or if she is 2 yrs older or not -

or even if her birthday is in November -

because all of these "facts" may have been created to divert attention or to protect "A/Choi" per her stipulations in the settlement.....

the only thing we know for sure - is the blurred out pics from Lawyer Lee - from the June 2014 vacation Jeju island....and frankly - from that picture - she can look like literally any young woman with straight, lightly colored brown hair in Korea....

although his friends  - on that June visit - will surely know her.....

I think I am going to watch some dvds now....

Edited by lkh2
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So now I am on episode 11 of Inspiring Generation - and found this lovely quote:

Tweets Credit:  TheAlienPrince ‏@AlienPrinceKHJ

  • Ent. Weekly PD: “It looks difficult but today KHJ also acts passionately~”
  • RT@kbskopd: 힘들어보이지만 오늘도 김현중은 열혈 연기중~
  • 4 years as a fan, I’ve heard nothing but praises for Hyun Joong’s personality, attitude, manners, and work ethic. Mighty proud! ^^
  • @khinesuyeetun14 yes.. I believe it’s not because he’s good at mantaining his image but he’s sincerely a good person ^^

Also that he is the first to arrive on the set....

Here is a photo capture of him from IG episode 11 - and I know ALL of you have seen this before - but I love this pic and I captured it ...and I darn well am posting it! This lasts like only 5 seconds long - blink your eyes and you will seriously miss it...For those who want to fast forward to it - its at 49:29....

Can anyone tell me which other episodes have other - *cough *cough* - pics sort of like this??



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So I finished ep 11 of IG, and am now back to rewatching Playful Kiss and the following is the really really funny scene where OhHani is working parttime to buy him a present for helping her with her exam so she is working part time in a convenience store but doesn't want him to know it, so he comes in to buy a drink - - ep6_zpsxpvc8njg.jpg



and she hurriedly zips up her jacket so he won't recognize her - the problem is -- she can't see at all with her jacket zipped up - it is soooo funny....look at his wary and startled expression as he hands her the money she cannot see...


Captures from the blu ray Payful Kiss episode 6.


Edited by lkh2
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Oh, I've been blocked by Asian Junkie - I'm of course devastated LOL LOL LOL  They like to pretend there that they are all reasonable & objective, but they lie.  I prefer upfront people like Lazer Kim who make no bones about being pro-KHJ & blocking haters, or the sites that just don't want ANYONE talking about controversial topics (like KHJ).  
Here's my post that got me blocked - and I do believe I won my bet...

~sigh~  She's being proven a liar.  However, he had to have done something to make him think she'd had a miscarriage due to him.  I'd say that one fight where he admitted that, although it was a mutual one, he lost his temper & hit or shoved her would be that something.   As for the rib injury, he says it was accidental, she says it was a fight, the PROSECUTORS said it didn't matter since KHJ admitted causing it & it was too serious to ignore (hence the fine etc).  But he has not been caught out in lies - since he admitted to everything that the authorities later found him guilty of.  He's not been proven a serial abuser at all.  Just stating facts.  Now maybe he really is, he's hiding it - I certainly would not bet my life on it.  But if I had to choose (again, betting my life) between believing everything HE said or everything SHE said, that's a big no-brainer & should be for any rational, objective human - since HE'S proven more credible than SHE has.  Again, he DID ADMIT to the things he was accused of, from the very first statement he made, so I'm not saying he did nothing.  
Here's a bet - I predict that a bunch of the little posters here will immediately label me a 'delulu fan' who thinks KHJ can do no wrong ~sigh~  Because reading comprehension doesn't seem on a very advanced level here....

Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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Hi lkh2,

Thank you for the information.   I remembered I have read the information you posted from a blog of somebody if my memory is corrected. Last August-September there are quite a few posts and comments that also talked about blackmail and the woman threaten HJ  for money but nobody paid attention except HJ's fans. The others were too busy believing the gold digger woman's lie.  However everything they said then become true now. 

I really hope this gold digger and blackmailer will be punished and will be out of HJ's life for good. We need justice to make our society to be a better place for everyone to live. I really don't want to see the gold digger-- blackmailer and her conspiracy can get away after destroying a person's life .This is a crime, A shameful crime.

I really want to know who introduced this luna to HJ . I wonder what he/she is thinking right now after seeing the luna destroyed HJ's life and career.. He/she must knew this luna woman very well.


​vivian - Went back and read the AUG and September posts - My eyes are really opened....

I had no idea how a lot of the news happening now - was already brought up in September - since I had been just randomly reading all over whenever I had a break in my life...

but this Soompi forum has some really good set of chronological comments and replies ...

and also - I saw the definite antis....like they are coming to this forum to "educate" us with their poorly studied rationale that is blinded by their own bias ???!

What I see repeatedly - and I am still not done with September comments - is that there is constant reference that KHJ has not ever said he HIT or Beat her or any of that ilk...

I can't believe I got out of bed to come back to type this...

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★★★[The accusation of cyber defamation] About the interim report]★★★



Dear KHJs fans who are looking at only Kim Hyun Joong.


On Oct. 24th, 2014,


After we opened a bank account to proceed to a legal action against cyber defamation, the goal (the amount required for hiring a lawyer) was reached in a very short time such that the fans eagerly wanted to show their cherished love to KHJ. The collected amount was much more than the required. At this moment, we’d like to express our gratitude to Korean fans for their unlimited helps and also to global fans for their supports.


We think that this fund could be achieved by passionate supporting hearts sent from all over the world. The precious fund will be used carefully trying not to waste even a single penny which stands for a fan’s love.


You must be curious how the fund has been used so far. Originally, we had planned to post an itemized statement on DC KHJ gallery. However, because this site is opened to anybody (even to haters), it was assumed to be dangerous in this situation. Therefore, we decided to post it only in the fan-café which was made for accusation on last September and did it on early April.


If you are not the member of the café but you had sent some money, you can ask it to my gallog personally. Please leave your name, nick-name or phone number (whatever you put when you transfer the money) and your e-mail address to which I can send the statement.


We will appreciate if you understand this situation and the way we are taking.



Now, let us briefly summarize the on-going status of the cyber defamation accusation.


We, KHJ fandom, are preparing to accuse malicious cyber defamation against KHJ and hired a prominent lawyer for the accusation by the third party. Early this year, the first group to be accused was selected and the filing document and evidences were bundled to submit. However, the second aberration occurred unexpectedly again by whom you know it is. After we discussed with our lawyer, we decided to postpone it to an appropriate time after KHJ’s enlistment.


In addition to the first group, we are packing up evidences of the second group to file in the near future. We are going to continue it until the trashes will be cleaned up so that our KHJ can come back in a better environment. To do so, the bank account will not be closed yet. Also, please keep monitoring the haters and sending the captured to the representative e-mail address (vornehmen@hanmail.net).


Before closing, we’d like to remind you that the KHJ fandom is responsible to this accusation independently, not being related with Mr. Kim Hyun Joong at all.


One more thing! We are going to open another bank account soon for the fans who want to support Hyun Joong in the military service. Please wait a notice related to it.



Always proud and trustworthy HENECIA!

For the Only ONE Kim Hyun Joong, let’s move on!!!


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Oh, I've been blocked by Asian Junkie - I'm of course devastated LOL LOL LOL  They like to pretend there that they are all reasonable & objective, but they lie.  I prefer upfront people like Lazer Kim who make no bones about being pro-KHJ & blocking haters, or the sites that just don't want ANYONE talking about controversial topics (like KHJ).  
Here's my post that got me blocked - and I do believe I won my bet...

~sigh~  She's being proven a liar.  However, he had to have done something to make him think she'd had a miscarriage due to him.  I'd say that one fight where he admitted that, although it was a mutual one, he lost his temper & hit or shoved her would be that something.   As for the rib injury, he says it was accidental, she says it was a fight, the PROSECUTORS said it didn't matter since KHJ admitted causing it & it was too serious to ignore (hence the fine etc).  But he has not been caught out in lies - since he admitted to everything that the authorities later found him guilty of.  He's not been proven a serial abuser at all.  Just stating facts.  Now maybe he really is, he's hiding it - I certainly would not bet my life on it.  But if I had to choose (again, betting my life) between believing everything HE said or everything SHE said, that's a big no-brainer & should be for any rational, objective human - since HE'S proven more credible than SHE has.  Again, he DID ADMIT to the things he was accused of, from the very first statement he made, so I'm not saying he did nothing.  
Here's a bet - I predict that a bunch of the little posters here will immediately label me a 'delulu fan' who thinks KHJ can do no wrong ~sigh~  Because reading comprehension doesn't seem on a very advanced level here....

​You have sparked my curiosity to go and check out this that site. Hmm I left it once the author starts to share her opinion on the news that there reporting from other sites under there reports I leave because it no longer becomes news but now your opinion which can influence others from the main report...  Its good though now you know what this site is about and you just let me also know cause i will never visit it again. Once a site will not allow you to speak your mind as long as its not hurting others then there not a site worthy of your time.. 

Like I do not understand the people who say they don't support (what ever it may be ) but there the first one making a comment or on the page of what ever it is they claim to not support...  

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Overseas fans sent flower to HJ and his parents. That flower can stay fr 1000days..
Flowers are called "Preserved flwer" that can stay till 1000days and beautiful orchid.
김현중님께 배달된 꽃선물과 난배달 완료::소호앤노호 대치http://sohoandnoho.tistory.com/2838 팬들이 천일이나 시들지 않는 꽃과 고급스런 난을 김현중과 그의 부모님께 선물했다고 합니다. 너무 이쁘네요^^






Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Oh, I've been blocked by Asian Junkie - I'm of course devastated LOL LOL LOL  They like to pretend there that they are all reasonable & objective, but they lie.  I prefer upfront people like Lazer Kim who make no bones about being pro-KHJ & blocking haters, or the sites that just don't want ANYONE talking about controversial topics (like KHJ).  
Here's my post that got me blocked - and I do believe I won my bet...

~sigh~  She's being proven a liar.  However, he had to have done something to make him think she'd had a miscarriage due to him.  I'd say that one fight where he admitted that, although it was a mutual one, he lost his temper & hit or shoved her would be that something.   As for the rib injury, he says it was accidental, she says it was a fight, the PROSECUTORS said it didn't matter since KHJ admitted causing it & it was too serious to ignore (hence the fine etc).  But he has not been caught out in lies - since he admitted to everything that the authorities later found him guilty of.  He's not been proven a serial abuser at all.  Just stating facts.  Now maybe he really is, he's hiding it - I certainly would not bet my life on it.  But if I had to choose (again, betting my life) between believing everything HE said or everything SHE said, that's a big no-brainer & should be for any rational, objective human - since HE'S proven more credible than SHE has.  Again, he DID ADMIT to the things he was accused of, from the very first statement he made, so I'm not saying he did nothing.  
Here's a bet - I predict that a bunch of the little posters here will immediately label me a 'delulu fan' who thinks KHJ can do no wrong ~sigh~  Because reading comprehension doesn't seem on a very advanced level here....


* * * * * * * * *  * * * * * *

​Hi Teleri - 

I think the key phrase here is: 

Here's a bet - I predict that a bunch of the little posters here will immediately label me a 'delulu fan' who thinks KHJ can do no wrong ~sigh~  Because reading comprehension doesn't seem on a very advanced level here....

* * * * 

Sigh - I went there briefly and found it too boring and vapid - due to the very low level of reading comprehension skills on the part of the commenters - as mentioned by you.

I also looked up the author - IAFTB - who seems troubled, or has an extreme attention seeking affliction, or worse - is being paid to write like this for increasing traffic - whose articles have these titles: 

10-year-old girl writes poem about cannibalizing mom, is the hero Korea needs...

Crayon Pop do "FM" choreo in delinquent outfits, So my death threats worked

Frankly - this whole article is a troll set-up - especially since this author seems to be catering to a group of people who are into "catastrophe porn"  (I just came across this word from a PM describing those who frequent Anti-KHJ or pro KHJ fan forums since August 2014 for no other reason than to feed off the emotions presented there) - and rather enamored of it for now...I may repeat it several times to practice using it in a practical sense....lol

good thing you got blocked - although I appreciate your very apt defense - I don't think it does you credit to be liked there...says way more about them than about you  -  lol.

As for delulu fans - yes - in some eyes -  I am one of them...but I also believe that any reasoned defense - with the baseline approach of love for KHJ is fine - we are made up of so many different types of fans of KHJ - in this way - the fans of KHJ are unified..


I applaud your efforts at attempting to defend KHJ....

Edited by lkh2
Don't want the font too huge
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Guest shariman66

Dears, that article reposted by 'biashyunjoong' was actually written by a young female American actress & director ~ Kai Destiny.

I'm not sure what happened to the article since when I clicked at it there was nothing but empty space.

But you can see her FB @www.facebook.com/pages/Kai-Destiny/1516467298567470?sk=info&tab=page_info  


She was one of the first to defend our boy & wonder of wonders, she's not even a Korean yet she never believed that he was guilty of said crime unlike his own countrymen ~

Boy, was she bashed by those absurd antis who seemed to be greatly indignant if anyone were to defend our boy especially when the news first broke. 

I salute her for speaking out so boldly against those condemnatory multitudes. 


Well now, I'm very glad to know that the project by the Korean fans are still in progress & just waiting for the right moment.

Some fans were wondering whatever happened to their decision to take legal action against those sites which defamed our boy.

I'm really looking forward to that appropriate time, believe me.



Lol! I think they didn't appreciate your critical view-point of their intelligence level ~


Seriously though, I haven't been to those trashy sites for some time now.

Their mindless drivel gives me a headache ~



Oh I forgot that delicious picture up there of our boy.

Thank you! (heartfelt)

Aah, was this after he took a bath in the tub where he was interrupted by ~ what was that girl's name ~ the pick-pocket who became his friend? 

Perhaps you should screen-cap SJT in the tub?

That's one mighty fine young man there ~ excuse me, while I wipe my drool ~


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Oh I forgot that delicious picture up there of our boy.

Thank you! (heartfelt)

Aah, was this after he took a bath in the tub where he was interrupted by ~ what was that girl's name ~ the pick-pocket who became his friend? 

Perhaps you should screen-cap SJT in the tub?

That's one mighty fine young man there ~ excuse me, while I wipe my drool ~

* * * * * * * *


What- there's more??:) I had seen episode 10 where a hot tub and clothes were laid for him - BUT NO TUB SCENE! I thought it had been cut-out for some cruel and senseless reason....- Wow - I think it may be coming up in a few episodes or something??? I hope???

That putting on the shirt scene in from EP 11 - does NOT show him in the tub - gee I am wondering if the same tub scene has been placed in 3 different episodes at different parts of the actual entry into and out of tub...... - Fan service at its best - ha ha lol.....the director knew what he was doing -

although I am still peeved that Episode 10 only shows him looking at the clothes and in the bath area - but that is it - no disrobing etc. etc .:(

Also - glad to have that info about Kai Destiny...wow - who would have known....

Edited by lkh2
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