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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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When I saw the video and read the tweets about what the lawyer had said about this evidence, I smiled because I remembered well all the nonsense the haters told us about being delusional. 

I want all the media that published everything this woman brought to light, and clearly is a fabricated evidence with the purpose of harming a person, have ethics and publish this new information. If you want that tomorrow we will take you as a reliable source of information, then do your job as would do an unbiased reporter.

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Oh this is so rich.  I have consistently defended him, but I did find it hard to believe she could have fabricated all the evidence (NOT out of any feelings of respect towards HER but because it was investigated by the authorities etc)  BUT lookee here!  Well totally explains the big time difference between the argument (whatever happened) & the reporting, doesn't it?  

Can I say once again, I LOVE this lawyer?

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Imagine the truth stuck in a darkroom as soon as the door is open  even a little bit the truth will find its way out and then gradually the whole truth. you cant stop it..Thats whats happening now.  Atty Lee is doing the same thing that choi did with the media but instead of spreading lies hes spreading the truth and setting the record st8 The only thing im worried about is this new pregnancy. I don't want HJ tyed to this woman for the rest of his life (non of us want that).. she is like a blood/money sucking leech. Im sorry to say but if its his I hope he gets custody while she rots in jail

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When I saw the video and read the tweets about what the lawyer had said about this evidence, I smiled because I remembered well all the nonsense the haters told us about being delusional. 

I want all the media that published everything this woman brought to light, and clearly is a fabricated evidence with the purpose of harming a person, have ethics and publish this new information. If you want that tomorrow we will take you as a reliable source of information, then do your job as would do an unbiased reporter.


As I look at the videos and now these pictures, I am thinking, "What kind of sick person was he dealing with?"  We have called her Luna (short for lunatic) in this forum.  That was far too soft a description for her personality.  I have no words to describe this woman. None.  She has gone to extreme measures to defame and destroy KHJ.

As the lawyer reveals more and more of the truth, we have heard nothing from Ms. Choi.  Not one word has come from her and her lawyer.    We have heard nothing from them because there is absolutely no defense to what she has done.  Mr. Lee, KHJ"s lawyer, is slowly laying out how he is going to go after her in court.  However, he is also doing a good job of somewhat restoring KHJ's reputation and discrediting Ms. Choi.  

If Ms. Choi had taken the 500,000 and left things alone, she might have gotten away with the blackmailing, lying and scheming.  But she got greedy and she wanted more money.  Now, all of her lies are being exposed, she will probably have to pay that money back to KHJ and she will probably go to prison.   

This is a fine example of good prevailing over evil.   Truth over lies.  

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I want to say that I am so proud of fans that stood by him from the very beginning.  Many of us never ever believed he abused her and we didn't need evidence to know this.  We knew he didn't do this from his personality that he has displayed over the years.  So many of you said, "let's wait for the truth. Let's wait to hear the evidence."  But many people did not wait.  They cruicified him based on what she said and they pounced on him like a lion pounces prey.   Ms. Choi even had people in THIS forum saying negative things about him and threating to report us for saying bad stuff about her or for defending him.  I'm not sure where she was going to report us. LOL!  Some of us found out that she was either related to Ms. Choi or a close friend to her (she stated this in a hate article written against KHJ).  She quickly learned his international fans in this forum were not easily manipulated and she was gone. Fast!! She came back during the baby announcement and we got rid of her again. Fast!! 

At any rate, there were several people in this forum that never believed any of this and stayed his fan through this all.

I'm happy to belong to a forum where he has such loyal fans. 

Edited by theone4me
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Kim Hyun Joong’s Reps: “His Ex’s Records Show No Sign of Pregnancy or Miscarriage”

Kim Hyun Joong’s Reps: “His Ex’s Records Show No Sign of Pregnancy or Miscarriage”

The May 16 broadcast of KBS’ “Entertainment Weekly” released a report onKim Hyun Joong’s current situation in the ongoing legal battle between the singer-actor and his ex-girlfriend, Ms. Choi.

Through this broadcast, Kim Hyun Joong’s attorney stated, “In the photos taken [with Kim Hyun Joong] at Jeju Island on June 7, just days after May 30 [when she was allegedly assaulted], she has no scars on her face and no bruises on her arms. She claims that she suffered a miscarriage during pregnancy due to abuse, but her records state nothing related to pregnancy nor miscarriage.”

Photos taken of Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend during a trip to Jeju Island around the time of the alleged incident were revealed on “Entertainment Weekly.”

In response to this, Ms. Choi’s side shared, “There are plenty of text messages that were sent back and forth [between Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi] during their relationship. The whole truth will be revealed in court.”

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong enlisted in the army on May 12 and is currently receiving basic military training for five weeks.



kim hyun joong 2


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I want to say that I am so proud of fans that stood by him from the very beginning.  Many of us never ever believed he abused her and we didn't need evidence to know this.  We knew he didn't do this from his personality that he has displayed over the years.  So many of you said, "let's wait for the truth. Let's wait to hear the evidence."  But many people did not wait.  They cruicified him based on what she said and they pounced on him like a lion pounces prey.   Ms. Choi even had people in THIS forum saying negative things about him and threating to report us for saying bad stuff about her or for defending him.  I'm not sure where she was going to report us. LOL!  Some of us found out that she was either related to Ms. Choi or a close friend to her (she stated this in a hate article written against KHJ).  She quickly learned his international fans in this forum were not easily manipulated and she was gone. Fast!! She came back during the baby announcement and we got rid of her again. Fast!! 

At any rate, there were several people in this forum that never believed any of this and stayed his fan through this all.

I'm happy to belong to a forum where he has such loyal fans. 

​I have the same feeling, everything pointed that she did all this for revenge and money, she exploited in the media to gain supporters and press him to pay, also admitting something he didn't do in that letter she drafted. And as you say she had gotten away with it, but the ambition for more money won and now is playing against her. I have no doubt of that person who came here to disturb and even claimed the Luna was a good person and they loved each other, he/she is someone close to her. And now where it is? Probably hidden as the other one who told me that I was childish and even mocked about us. 

Now more than ever I'm proud of being KHJ's fan and coming here to support.

Edited by angel76
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Posted 39 minutes ago (edited) · Report post

Kim Hyun Joong # photo taken on June 7th birthday this year 2014 in Jeju


via Deanna Dsc





Edited 20 minutes ago by newyorkcitygirl
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​NYCG - this is the same hat in the pic  used in Legal Counsel Lee's statement that she/Choi had no bruises....

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Guest shariman66

'In response to this, Ms. Choi’s side shared, “There are plenty of text messages that were sent back and forth [between Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi] during their relationship. The whole truth will be revealed in court.” '



They are still claiming about having text messages?

Didn't Mr Lee assert that they had collected text messages too ~ the unedited ones, that is.

If she had them wouldn't she realise that our boy & his parents have them in their entirety too ~ whereas she had been doing 'copy & paste' & covering certain messages?

Sometimes I think this lawyer of hers is as dense as psy-choi ~


I wonder ~ those so-called fans who were so quick to judge him eventhough they had supposedly been his fans for years ~ what are they feeling now?

Would they still be with their stance, especially quite a few of them, that even hitting once is way too much ~

That they couldn't respect a person who did that & pointed out righteously that he should have ended the relationship before it deteriorated to that level.

It's easy to talk & judge, isn't it, when you have never been in that kind of situation.

Especially if this maniac's unstable behaviour made her hit & bite him ~ in other words aggressively attacking him ~ but of course she's as pure as snow & wouldn't resort to that. 

The fact that he had to push or shove or even hit her in order to save himself from being injured shouldn't be done, right?

He should have just let her have her way with him ~ yeah right, sheer stupidity is all I can say about those fans' absurd sentiments.

Well, as the saying goes, good riddance to bad rubbish^_^


Still, I'm not going to feel easy until the day psy-choi has been officially discredited in court, fined & hopefully sentenced to jail ~  

Wish Mr Lee could also help to sue those revolting media sites with concrete evidence of defamation towards our boy ~ it would be a wonderful bonus, no?


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Guest shariman66



Well, no we aren't but there still seem to be a lot of delulu haters ~

Have you gone to @netizenbuzz?  

Well, those posters are definitely the most unrepentant & hard-core antis, to be sure.

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It looks like many people are wondering why Kim Hyunjoong (김현중) settled and ended up giving 600MW to Ms. A (aka Ms. Choi), so pls read the following translations of KHJ's atty's statements:

1. This is Atty Lee's (KHJ's atty) interview clip (4:57~5:23) wherein he says the following:

"In regards to the alleged assault, KHJ admitted to the alleged assault at that time. The reason for it was because KHJ believed back then what Ms. Choi said to be true. She told him of her pregnancy and that his assault caused the miscarriage. Further, Ms. Choi threatened to expose him to the media, asking when he would like it to be. As Ms. Choi threatened him like that, he was so taken aback that he ended up giving 600MW which was what the other side wanted. He was in such a state of panic that he paid 600MW as is."

폭행혐의 조차도 당시에는 김현중씨가 폭행협의를 인정했습니다. 그 인정한 이유는 그 당시에는 최 모씨가 말하는 임신과 폭행으로인한 유산을 사실로 믿고 그것을 언론에 터트리겠다 언제 터트려줄까? 이렇게 협박을 하니까 너무 놀라서 6 억원을 상대가 원하는 6억원을 그대로 지급할 정도로 상대가 원하는 그대로 줄 정도로 아주 정신적으로 곤황상태에 빠져 있었읍니다
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch…

2. Reporter: Why did KHJ give such a large sum of settlement money to Ms. Choi w/o any definite proof?

Atty Lee: KHJ didn't have any atty representing him like the present, and therefore he had to deal with the incident all by himself. He understood (w/o proof such as a medical certificate) the pregnancy and the miscarriage to be true and was even charged with assault last August. After that, Ms. Choi threatened him with "I'll expose you as a violent offender, who assaulted a pregnant woman, resulting in a miscarriage." At the beginning, KHJ's side offered 30 MW but ended up giving 600 MW as per request of Ms. Choi's side.

-확실한 증거 없이, 김현중은 왜 최 씨에게 거액의 합의금을 줬나?

-지금처럼 법률대리인이 없었기 때문에 김현중이 사건을 혼자 감당해야 했다. (진단서와 같은 물증 없이도) 임신과 유산 이야기가 사실인 줄로만 알았고, 8월에 폭행으로 고소까지 당했다. 그 후 최 씨가 '임산부를 폭행해서 유산시킨 폭력범이라고 터뜨리겠다'고 협박을 했고, 처음에 김현중 측에서는 합의금으로 3천만 원을 제시했지만 결국 (최 씨 측의 요구대로) 6억 원을 줬다.
Source: http://media.daum.net/entertain/star/newsview…
credit translation: @FortheLoveofKHJ
FYI: Pls feel free to use Atty Lee's explanation as to why KHJ had to pay Ms. Choi the money even though he wasn't guilty of the alleged assault for those who still question KHJ's innocence. I swear this woman is her own worst enemy. Thank God she's stupid enough to leave so many pieces of evidence to be used against her. I guess she made her bed, and it's time for her to lie in it.

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I went there (to netizenbuzz) & did my 'oh what fools these mortals be' ranting LOL  OMG they are just unbelievable.  But again, WE are deluded.  Sure.

​I went there this morning and gave my own speech.  Listed a long list of facts for them to ponder.  I can't believe there are people saying the lawyer has fake pictures or that you can't see her face in the lawyer's pictures.  I was like, "You can't see her face in HER pictures either."   However, I'm sure everyone will see her face in court.  Her face will not be blurred in the photos presented to the judge.

Another thing I hate about this, is that this woman faked abuse.  There are women out there that are really getting abused by a spouse, lover, etc. and see no way out.  They are being beaten, raped, verbally abused, belittle and more stuff.  And this woman is pulling BS like this for money!!!  No wonder the police in South Korea do not take domestic violence seriously.  I really hope she goes to prison for this.  I really do.

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I spent sometimes today to read the comments in allkpop. One thing I found is people who kept defending a gold digger woman they have nothing else to say unless repeating the classic sentence  " He admitted he beat her " . This sentence was created by trash medias which is not based on fact because he has never admitted he beat her. He only admitted a mutual fight with pushing and pulling. The sentence has been used widely by outlet medias and medias online like soompi and allkpop and some others. Sadly these medias refused to report HJ 's side of story and never made it clear that HJ have never been charged with assaulted case.  I don't understand why they ignore this fact. . The created statement has been used to condemn HJ every now and then regardless of whatever the woman choi did or does.

The closed mind and haters simply do not care about justice. They refuse to acknowledge fact and evidence. They stick with the statement that was provided by trash medias which they can use to condemn KHJ no matter what..

I have come to the point that whoever run these trash medias have proved that they do not have any sense of morality and humanity at all ..

It's quite scary to realize that the news we are reading and the information we are getting are controlled by a group of cruel people who abuse their professional ethic..

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