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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Is being on the front line dangerous? Especially for a celebrity of his stature. Could he not be a target? 
(Yes, I am a massive worrier!) 

I don't think it's wise. 

I'm probably one of the only fans wishing he could postpone again....I wish he could be there, in the courthouse, June 3rd.  

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 I think they might have disbanded it due to the abuse from other entertainers whose names I will not mention here.  One of them was dating/seeing his girlfriend a lot while the another was visiting massage parlors.   Imagine that.  You on the front line facing north korean snipers while a singer from YG entertainment is getting a "massage".  Pissed off a lot of SKorean citizens.

​That's horrendous. Now everyone suffers for some idiot's misdeeds. Though, I'm sure many celebrities abused their title.

I've tried to educate myself - watched videos about what these men go through during MS, the daily routine etc.... 
Does anybody know if they are able to visit their families... or do the families have to visit them? 
There are conflicting ideas of what actually goes on! 

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I've been following JJ (Jae Joong) plus I myself am retired US Navy - the first 5-6 weeks are basically boot camp - then a graduation that family/loved ones can attend.  Then off the boys go to their assigned units where they get a certain amount of military leave ( not that often).  Seems like they get some sort of 'time off' as well because family can go visit sometimes on weekends etc - but that really depends on where they are stationed.  If our boy gets sent to the front line because he's one tough young man (huzzah, as the Marines say....) well I doubt that has visiting since it's too close to the border :(   I anticipate him doing GREAT in the military tho :D

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 I think they might have disbanded it due to the abuse from other entertainers whose names I will not mention here.  One of them was dating/seeing his girlfriend a lot while the another was visiting massage parlors.   Imagine that.  You on the front line facing north korean snipers while a singer from YG entertainment is getting a "massage".  Pissed off a lot of SKorean citizens.

​That's horrendous. Now everyone suffers for some idiot's misdeeds. Though, I'm sure many celebrities abused their title.

I've tried to educate myself - watched videos about what these men go through during MS, the daily routine etc.... 
Does anybody know if they are able to visit their families... or do the families have to visit them? 
There are conflicting ideas of what actually goes on! 

​I think during basic training, they are not allowed to see family members and friends.  After basic training is completed, they can request some time to see family.  That was the problem with celebrities in the military.  One guy got a whole lot of leave where he was dating his girlfriend, he wasn't in uniform a lot of times and it was determined he got more leave time than what was normal (there was an investigation). Everyone thought he got special treatment because he was allowed to go on leave frequently due to his celebrity status.   There was even talk of this particular guy redoing his military service but that did not happen.  As for the singer that did the massage thing, his girlfriend broke up with him and YG did not resign him when he got out of the military.     Kim Woo Bin (the actor)  requested to go into the Korean Marines and he was stationed in a frontline post in the DMZ zone. DMZ is the area that separates North and South Korea.  It's where you have the US Marines and snipers on both sides. The actor got hurt after just 6 months of services because he got hurt.  It was said that he had to have some type of surgery on his knee that was damaged and that the incident took an emotional toll on him.  He is okay now but yes...they can get hurt when on the front line or in very active divisions.  

 Lee Joongi come out of the military a lot more masculine then before he went into the military.  KHJ is already a very macho masculine type of guy so it will be interesting to see the impact the military will have on his personality.

I believe in God.  Some of us should write a few prayers on that day  and post it in the forum for his safe return to civilian life.

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Latest update from twitter ~ seems that our KHJ's parents found out about the fans' decision to send him off this 12th May.

Not surprisingly they are not only thankful but also hoping that a lot of fans will be there ^_^

Why? Because the news has already been circulated widely by the media & since we know how 'affectionate' those embarrassment to the establishment are towards our boy they'd undoubtedly be there in full force.

So the more fans there to show our undying support, the better & merrier it'd be. Let them try writing that he's lost his fans ~ 

To tell you the truth, I'm not only feeling really nervous & anxious for his enlistment but also the coming court-case.

Then again there's also a heavy feeling that we won't be able to have much news of him for the next 2 years.

I'm praying hard that he'll have a smooth & enjoyable experience in his army life.


By the way, the fans are saying that he'd be in active duty since he's in the 30th Division ~

Does that mean that he'd be in the front line? Really, really hope not, please God!

I know that he's a tough boy but still if he is, then dear All-Mighty God, please protect him from any serious misadventure ~

​Shariman - thank you so much for posting your information - it is expected that someone in KHJ's position specifically announce that he wants to leave quietly - I am so happy that his mom and his fans have figured out that he is supposed to say that - whether he wants it or not-  and his Mom wants to  do the right thing to see him off!

Yay! The more fans there are to see him off the better!  I wish I could be part of the group to see him off.  Yay Fans!  Yay Mom! So glad they can read between the lines!  So glad!


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I've been following JJ (Jae Joong) plus I myself am retired US Navy - the first 5-6 weeks are basically boot camp - then a graduation that family/loved ones can attend.  Then off the boys go to their assigned units where they get a certain amount of military leave ( not that often).  Seems like they get some sort of 'time off' as well because family can go visit sometimes on weekends etc - but that really depends on where they are stationed.  If our boy gets sent to the front line because he's one tough young man (huzzah, as the Marines say....) well I doubt that has visiting since it's too close to the border :(   I anticipate him doing GREAT in the military tho :D


Thank you for the info - though it makes me more of a nervous wreck - my baby brother was in the US Marines and I was a freaking basket case the whole time he was in it - and he was always in the group - the first to be sent out -and  yes - he is tough - and he learned a lot and is now doing very well out of the military...

and it sounds like KHJ is too - to be sent to division 30...He does well everywhere he goes - yes Teleri - he will do great in the military too!

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 I think they might have disbanded it due to the abuse from other entertainers whose names I will not mention here.  One of them was dating/seeing his girlfriend a lot while the another was visiting massage parlors.   Imagine that.  You on the front line facing north korean snipers while a singer from YG entertainment is getting a "massage".  Pissed off a lot of SKorean citizens.

​That's horrendous. Now everyone suffers for some idiot's misdeeds. Though, I'm sure many celebrities abused their title.

I've tried to educate myself - watched videos about what these men go through during MS, the daily routine etc.... 
Does anybody know if they are able to visit their families... or do the families have to visit them? 
There are conflicting ideas of what actually goes on! 

​I think during basic training, they are not allowed to see family members and friends.  After basic training is completed, they can request some time to see family.  That was the problem with celebrities in the military.  One guy got a whole lot of leave where he was dating his girlfriend, he wasn't in uniform a lot of times and it was determined he got more leave time than what was normal (there was an investigation). Everyone thought he got special treatment because he was allowed to go on leave frequently due to his celebrity status.   There was even talk of this particular guy redoing his military service but that did not happen.  As for the singer that did the massage thing, his girlfriend broke up with him and YG did not resign him when he got out of the military.     Kim Woo Bin (the actor)  requested to go into the Korean Marines and he was stationed in a frontline post in the DMZ zone. DMZ is the area that separates North and South Korea.  It's where you have the US Marines and snipers on both sides. The actor got hurt after just 6 months of services because he got hurt.  It was said that he had to have some type of surgery on his knee that was damaged and that the incident took an emotional toll on him.  He is okay now but yes...they can get hurt when on the front line or in very active divisions.  

 Lee Joongi come out of the military a lot more masculine then before he went into the military.  KHJ is already a very macho masculine type of guy so it will be interesting to see the impact the military will have on his personality.

I believe in God.  Some of us should write a few prayers on that day  and post it in the forum for his safe return to civilian life.

​TheOne4me - thank you so much for your insights - I really like how you have given examples... and yes we should all post prayers for him....

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North Korea Executes its citizens for watching south Korean dramas in 2013, 2014


Someone was asking about North Korea....I did a paper on this country a few months ago .."horrifying", "upsetting" - are only a few terms that can describe my reaction as I did my research....Some of the more recent ones:

In October 2014, just 8 months ago, North Korea executed 50 government officials - (possibly 80 from other sources) for watching South Korean videos -The North Korean government is gamely holding on to its Communist stance as its populace suffer mass starvation and deprivation.  Since the North Korean government holds absolute censorship over the media -  and is constantly fighting the North Koreans attempting to defect to South Korea - that line is called the DMZ line where North Koreans attempt to escape to South Korea  - there are armed North Korean snipers with orders to shoot on sight  - any North Korean attempting to cross the border....there has been news of altercation between the North and South Korean soldiers at that border.....It is a very troubled and powder keg area......

North Korea prohibits the viewing of South Korean videos - for the SK videos show a lifestyle so far from the stark and grinding poverty in North Korea and considers capitalism to be depraved....

Here is the news article that just happened 8 months ago in North Korea where they executed 50 


And here is another very graphic detail of what happens in executions in North Korea...



also In 2013,

North Korea executed 80 people - 10 from each province for watching SK videos or possessing bibles, tied them to stakes in a stadium ....

and forced the populace - including children to see the public executions....


What does it do to a populace forced to watch such horror? What kind of people does it make them? We cannot generalize for all North Koreans of course, but the fact that there are still people wiling to possess bibles...in the face of continued oppression....

I pray for North Korea, for South Korea - for Kim Hyun Joong - for his family.


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^ Totally. It's insanity! Yet, its kept quiet. I've researched quite a bit about NK, before I even knew who HJ was! The political prison camps etc. 
It's worrying that our guy will be facing all of this.. but I am sure he will be safe. Just seems extreme to put such a high profile celebrity on the front-line. His parents must be nervous. 

If they take away celebrity privileges, they should also take into account that a celebrity could also be a target! These things work both ways. 

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OMG.  Have you all seen the latest?  This is getting so outraegous.  If this is correct,   this trick has been trying to get pregnant  by him for some time now.  


Kim Hyun Joong’s Ex Claims She Miscarried Her First Pregnancy Due to Abuse, KHJ’s Side Responds 

Kim Hyun Joong’s Ex Claims She Miscarried Her First Pregnancy Due to Abuse, KHJ’s Side Responds

After it was reported that singer-actor Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend (Ms. Choi) had previously suffered a miscarriage during her first pregnancy due to his physical abuse last year, on the May 11 broadcast of KBS’ “Morning News Time,” Kim Hyun Joong’s side has released an official statement in response to her claims.

On May 11, Kim Hyun Joong’s attorney told OSEN, “The other party has stated that she received treatment at a hospital following her miscarriage, so we will be checking those records first.”

The attorney continued, “First off, the pregnancy itself was her claim, and second, the miscarriage is also her claim. Nothing has been confirmed. [Ms. Choi] has said that she received a separate treatment following her natural miscarriage around June [of last year]. We are currently looking into the truth at that hospital through the court.”

Finally, Kim Hyun Joong’s attorney stated, “If there is no truth to [Ms. Choi] having received treatment at the hospital, our side will prepare to file a lawsuit for blackmail.”

The broadcast of “Morning News Time” revealed the exchanges between Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi through text message, addressing her reported first miscarriage, although both sides’ claims have yet to be confirmed.

kim hyun joong

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And the hits just keep on coming. 

She is stating all this additional drama BEFORE he goes into the military.  This is so crazy.  She is trying to say that he beat her up and it caused her to loose her 1st baby.  OMG.  In other words, he killed her first baby.  You know that there are crazy people out there that will believe this to be true. So she has been trying to trap him with a baby all this time, that's if this is true.

KHJ's lawyers are now going to look into the hospital records to see if she was really pregnant the first time around.  The lawyer said, " If there is no truth to Ms. Choi's have received treatment at the hospital, we will file a lawsuit for blackmail."  YESSS...Get her!!!  Finally, KHJ is fighting back!!  And they already stated that they will not settle.

Ladies, I don't know if I can stand any more of this.  My heart can't take no more.O.o

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OMG.  Have you all seen the latest?  This is getting so outraegous.  If this is correct,   this trick has been trying to get pregnant  by him for some time now.  


Kim Hyun Joong’s Ex Claims She Miscarried Her First Pregnancy Due to Abuse, KHJ’s Side Responds 


@theOne4Me:   Thank you Thank you Thank you for the English translation!  Thank you!


I love this quote concerning her supposed first pregnancy:  The attorney continued, “First off, the pregnancy itself was her claim, and second, the miscarriage is also her claim. Nothing has been confirmed.


I like this too: Finally, Kim Hyun Joong’s attorney stated, “If there is no truth to [Ms. Choi] having received treatment at the hospital, our side will prepare to file a lawsuit for blackmail.”


KHJ Fighting!!

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They are just gathering all the evidence against her ..watching her did her own grave. I wonder what her lawyer thinks of this because we hear nothing from him. HJs lawyer is setting the record straight we will be dealing with this in court not outside like she is.The media is loving this right now, we'll see how much more she talks after 6/3 Judge put a gag order on her so she cant talk no more #praying4HJ Fighting! HJ

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OMG I can't contain myself anymore!!!  i just am soooooo over this piece of work!!!  I really really hope somebody gags her.  KHJ's lawyer finally doing what we all wanted done months ago - YAYYYYYY!!!!!   Our poor boy!!!!

It seem to prove that Hyun Joong's fans have never wrong about this gold digger woman since the first day the scandal started. The luna is really ugly from the inside out.  I think the luna can do this because she knew HJ is too naive to catch up with all the dirty old trick and the luna knew well his soft heart. How this luna can be ugly from the inside out.  Really poor boy. However keep fighting HJ nothing can loose more than you already did. It also means she has tried to trap him since last year. EHmmmmmmmmm she does have plan A,  plan B, plan C for her goal. If she can' t have him and his money she will destroy him and his career. I remember I saw a few comments here last September that they were glad that his career were  destroyed. There will be many people will benefit if he goes down.  I 'm sure she has friends or someone help her to set up and support the blackmail plan.

Yes. it is very very sad for HJ but I have strong hope that the truth will be revealed as Hyun Joong wishes.

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Holy sh*t! 
I was expecting a miscarriage, but due to assault?! What a lying bitch! 

Why would she be bringing this out now? Why not back in August? Part of this text convo was released to the media last year, why leave out the part about miscarrying?

Waiting for translations....but seems she DID take money from him during the scandal, apparently 600 million won. So she was bullshitting when she claimed she didn't want money! (But guess we knew that, anyway) 

Things are getting much clearer thanks to her stupidity.

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MichLui · @Princessmich123

 11th May 2015 from TwitLonger

[Eng Trans of Chinese Translation on TVDaily report on today's happenings]

HJ side's official response "They will sue the ex-gf for defamation and blackmail"

On 11 May 2015, Lawyer Lee responded that the allegation of miscarriage due to assault was not true and they will take legal actions against such allegation.

Last August, Choibitch sued HJ for assault. The allegation now was that the 'assault' on 30 May 14 had led to her miscarriage on 30 June 2014. Lawyer Lee said that after the assault allegation was reported, Choibitch had continuously threatened HJ that she would report that he assaulted a pregnant woman to defame him publicly. HJ was scared of her threats and suggested a settlement amount of 300 million won. But Choibitch continued and demanded 600 million won! On 16 September 2014, HJ gave her the 600 million won and she withdrew the assault charges.

HJ's lawyer added that the alleged miscarriage and current pregnancy were all one-sided allegation by Choibitch. When HJ went with her to the hospital, Choibitch would go in to the hospital alone while HJ could only wait in the car park. He can't go in with her! It was only recently that the pregnancy report was received by HJ side.

And on the settlement agreement, it was stated that her taking of the 600 million won cannot be disclosed or made known publicly. Otherwise, she will sue them for breach of contract! Yet, Choibitch, on receiving the 600 million won on 16 September 2014, told the media publicly that it was because of her love for him that she withdrew the charges and claimed that she did not take any settlement money!!!

HJ lawyer added that what was settled last year was once again being raised. If what she had said is true then it would tantamount to defamation. If she lied then it would tantamount to blackmailing, especially when she took an amount of >500 million won. The legal penalty will be different.

HJ lawyer said that Choibitch had indicated she would use legal proceedings to prove if it was true or not.



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