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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Reposted from : by miyo@lovekimhyunjoong.com

Thanx to khj22501mu for some of the updates during the 1st session of the event..

I'm picking up some bits and pieces of the event from her tweet.. ^^

Credits: khj22501mu@twitter

During the 1st session, the event started out with HJ and SM coming up from each side of the stage.

As they meet at the center, HJ gave SM a hug which cause some screams in the crowd..lol..

HJ was in grey suit and they started the talk show.

miyo: ain't too sure of the one below.. hope it's not too confusing to understand as I translated this directly from the tweet~ (^^ゞ

believe they are watching scenes from PK...

While watching the imagination scene, the host asked HJ how was it?


"Are you asleep with your eyes open?"

HJ quickly replied, "I was thinking of something else."

He explained saying that during the filming of that scene, a staff had lost his shoes and he was thinking who was it... lol..

During the singing part,

HJ have changed into a red jacket and sang "Thank you" & "One More Time".

At the last part of "Thank you", he had sang it in Japanese, "Arigatou"

At the end of the talk, when it was announced that there will be a event in Tokyo on 2nd August, HJ said that this is the 1st time he heard about it. lol..

HJ smiled and said, "Have you asked the management company already?"(*^^*)

Photos not so clear, fans shared thru twitter but thank God for twitter for all the updates and fans for sharing them:

Credits: shinestar_space@twitter




Credits: emiko_hoshino@twitter


Seems like.. it has been announced that there will be a Playful Kiss Event in Tokyo on 2nd August!! ^^

Oh no... if it's Tokyo.. it would be very tempting for mi!! lol..

but...but ... but... it would be soooooo hot.. >_<

I always ended up suffering from the heat.. lol..

but there's the sales to compensate for.. kekeke.. opps.. i'm going off topic.. miane..^^

Updated @ 2011.05.03 17:00

For the first session of the PK event, HJ only sang 2 songs...

One more time & Thank you~ ^^

JSM sang one song.

As there's only the 2 of them, there's plenty of time to ogle at HJ~ kekeke..

N here's a better sneak view of the PK event stage!^^

Credits: tomomon2@twitter








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Official Notice From Keyeast : How to join the official Kim Hyun-joong fan club [Henecia]

credit: http://www.hyun-joong.com/bbs/view.a...tegory=&page=1

Greetings. This is the Keyeast.

At the beginning of May, the queen of seasons, which is the most beautiful and fresh month of the year, we have come with good news for all of you.

2011 Henecia, the official Kim Hyun-joong fan club, is now recruiting members who are interested in supporting Kim Hyun-joong and his efforts during this period of intense activity, coinciding with the launch of his first solo album.

Anyone can subscribe as a member of the official fan club <Henecia>, regardless of whether he or she is in Korea or overseas, as long as he or she is eligible to register on the official website (hyun-joong.com).

Please subscribe after reading the Henecia Subscription Procedure below.

We hope for the interest and participation of the many fans of Kim Hyun-joong.

Thank you.

<2011 Henecia Member Service>

* Membership duration: June 6, 2011 ~ June 5, 2012 (may change depending on the singer’s activity period)

Ø Official 2011 Henecia fan club membership card

Ø Use of the official fan club exclusive site and read exclusive contents

Ø Opportunity to participate in fan club events (fan meeting, birthday party, etc.)

Ø Priority to attend Kim Hyun-joong’s open broadcast sessions in Korea (subject to approval of sponsor)

Ø Priority when purchasing concert tickets for Kim Hyun-joong’s concerts in Korea and overseas

<2011 Henecia Subscription Procedure>

Ø Subscription period: May 2, 2011 ~ May 8 PM 11:59 (residents of Korea)

Ø Subscription qualifications: Anyone registered on the official website (hyun-joong.com)

    *Overseas residents should carefully read the subscription procedure for overseas subscribe

Ø Subscription procedure :

① Read the subscription procedure on the notice of the official website.

② Deposit the membership fee

③ Submit the deposit confirmation e-mail

④ Use of the official fan club exclusive site (Expected to notice later on)

Ø Subscription fee: Korea – 10,000 Won

Person who requires overseas delivery – 1area : 30,000 Won / US$ 35

2area : 38,000Won / US$ 40

3area : 40,000Won / US$ 45

※You may download the attached file tofind the information of countries are added.

※Members outside of Korea need to pay a higher membership fee due to the higher delivery cost.

Ø Guidance for deposit :


• Account holder : SHIN PIL SOON (HENECIA)

• Account number : 611-020751-858

 ※Fan club subscribers in Korea should use their own name when making the deposit, while overseas fan club subscribers should make the deposit using the ID that they registered on the official website (hyun-joong.com).

Ø Deposit confirmation e-mail

• E-mail address : henecia@hyun-joong.com

• E-mail subject line : [Henecia] Name/hyun-joong.com ID/ date deposited

• E-mail contents:

    ① Name :

   ② hyun-joong.com ID :

   ③ Date deposited :

   ④ Time deposited :

   ⑤ Deposit bank :

   ⑥ Nation :

   ⑦ Address (with Zip code) :

   ⑧ Date of birth :

   ⑨ Contact No.(Cell phone No./ Phone No.) :

    ※Subscriber should write the zip code when writing your address.

   ※We are not responsible for any inconvenience that may result due to inaccurate information when sending the deposit confirmation e-mail.

<Overseas Subscribers Subscription Procedure>

 Ø Subscription period: May 2, 2011 AM 12:00 ~ May 13 PM 11:59

 Ø Subscription qualifications: Anyone registered on the official website (hyun-joong.com)

 Ø Countries where overseas are able to subscribe : 120 countries

<< Downloadthe attached file tofind the information of countries are added>>

※ Countries where overseas are able to subscribe have increased from 11 countries to 120 countries by requests from overseas members. Some countries are excluded due to war and systems of physical distribution.

Ø Guidance for deposit :


 • Account holder : SHIN PIL SOON (HENECIA)

 • Account number : 611-020751-858


 • Address : 181, 2-Ka, Eulji-Ro, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea

 • Post Code : 100-793

 • Tel : 82-2-3444-5588

※ overseas fan club subscribers should make the deposit using the ID that they registered on the official website (hyun-joong.com).

Ø Deposit confirmation e-mail : (You should write in English.)

• E-mail address : henecia@hyun-joong.com

• E-mail subject line : [Henecia] Name/hyun-joong.com ID/ date deposited

• E-mail contents:

① Name :

② hyun-joong.com ID :

③ Date deposited :

④ Time deposited :

⑤ Deposit bank :

⑥ Nation :

⑦ Address(with Zip code): *writing in English*

⑧ Date of birth :

⑨ Contact No.( country code- area code – contact number) :

※ Precautions for overseas subscribers

- Please understand that residents of countries where delivery is not enabled cannot register as members.

- Subscriber should write the zip code and should accurately enter the country name and address in English.

- We are not responsible for any inconvenience that may result due to inaccurate information when sending the deposit confirmation e-mail.

- When you deposit, it can be charged for the remittance.

- The deposit confirmation e-mail should write in English.

- Please understand that in principle you can transfer only by wire transfer to prevent finance accidents

- The delivery period is subject to the delivery system in each country and may be longer than anticipated.

※ Precautions※

- Only individuals who are registered with the official website (hyun-joong.com) can subscribe as a member of the official fan club <Henecia>.

- Information (Name and ID)on the official website (hyun-joong.com), information on the party making the deposit, and the information in the deposit confirmation e-mail must match exactly.

(* We are not responsible for any inconvenience that may result due to inaccurate information.*)

- Children under 14 years of age can become members as long as the following documents are sent along with the deposit confirmation e-mail; a form indicating the parents’ consent and a copy of medical certificate (legal proxy(parents)’s signature and the applicant’s (child) signature must be present in this document).

- We do not accept separate requests to confirm deposit, but will notify those who did not make the deposit after the period for subscription expires.

-Deposit can be made using all types of banking deposit methods, such as Internet banking and Tele banking, but you must keep the deposit slip.

- Membership fees are non-refundable.

- The fan club card is a benefit that is available only to the member, and cannot be sold or transferred over to another person.

- We will verify that you are a member with the deposit slip before receiving the membership card.

- If a member requires a re-delivery to be made of the membership card, he or she must pay the delivery cost.

- In principle the card will be delivered once to the address on the deposit confirmation e-mail.

- The exclusive fan club site will be available during the period of activity of the fan club, and the method for accessing the site will be announced via the official website (hyun-joong.com).

- Please send any question regarding the recruitment of fan club members to henecia@hyun-joong.com










<2011 Henecia Member Service>

Ø 会員期間 : 2011年 6月 6日 ~ 2012年 6月 5日 (活動期間により変更の可能性もございます。)

Ø 2011Henecia公式ファンクラブ会員カード発給

Ø Henecia専用サイト利用及び専用コンテンツ閲覧

Ø ファンクラブ公式行使(ファンミーティング、誕生日パーティなど)開催の際、参与機会付与

Ø 公開放送先着順優先参与恵沢(主催側協議の際)

Ø コンサート開催の際、優先予約恵沢

<2011 Henecia 申請方法>

Ø 募集期間 : 2011年 5月 2日 ~ 5月 13日 (24時まで)

Ø 資格要件 : キム・ヒュンジュン公式ホームページ(hyun-joong.com)の会員

Ø 募集方法 :

① 公式ホームページのNoticeメニューにて申請方法確認

② ファンクラブ加入振込み

③ 振込み確認メール作成後転送

④ ファンクラブ専用サイト利用 (追って案内予定)

Ø 加入費 : [日本居住者] 30,000ウォン / US$ 35

※ 国際配送費により加入費が国内より高く策定されました。


Ø 資格要件 : キム・ヒョンジュン公式ホームページ(hyun-joong.com)の会員

Ø 加入費 : [日本居住者] 30,000ウォン / US$ 35

※ 国際配送費により加入費が国内より高く策定されました。

Ø 振込み情報 :


l Account holder : SHIN PIL SOON (HENECIA)

l Account number : 611-020751-858


l Address : 181, 2-Ka, Eulji-Ro, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea

l Tel : 82-2-3444-5588

※ 振込者名に公式ホームページ(hyun-joong.com) のIDをご記入お願い致します。

Ø 振込み確認メール受付案内

l メールアドレス : henecia@hyun-joong.com

l メールタイトル : [振込み確認] 名前 / hyun-joong.com ID / 振込み日付

l メール内容 :

① 名前 :

② hyun-joong.com ID :

③ 振込み日付 :

④ 振込み時間 :

⑤ 振込み銀行 :

⑥ 国家 :

⑦ 住所 (郵便番号記載) : *英文で記載*

⑧ 生年月日 :

⑨ 連絡先 (国家番号-地域番号-連絡先) :

※ 海外居住の加入者募集留意事項

l 国際配送が不可能な国家は会員募集で除外されました。この点ご了承頂きますようにお願い申し上げます。

l 郵便番号記入は必修であり、国家名と住所地は英文で正確に作成をお願い致します

l メール作成の際、間違った情報記入によって生じた配送問題に対しては責任は取りません。

l  海外居住振込み者は送金手数料が発生します。

l  海外居住振込み者は<振込み確認メール>は英文で作成お願い致します。

l  会員加入費は金融事故発生のため金融機関での振込みを原則としています。この点ご了承頂きますようにお願い申し上げます。

l  配送機関は国別の運送システム及び国別状況により差等適用し、これによって配送期間が遅延される可能性もございます。

※ 募集留意事項※

Ø 公式ファンクラブはキム・ヒョンジュンの公式ホームページ(hyun-joong.com)の加入者に限ってファンクラブ会員として加入できます。

Ø 公式ホームページ(hyun-joong.com)の名前及びID、振込み明細、振込み確認メールに記載された情報が一致してなければなりません。

(* 情報不一致によって生じた不利益に対しては責任は取りません。*)

Ø 14歳未満の会員は添付されたご両親の同意書とともに謄本若しくは医療保険証のコピーを振込み確認メール発送の際に送って下さい。

<<14歳未満ご両親の同意書ダウンロード>> (* 法廷代理人(両親)と申請者本人の家族関係が確認可能な資料*)

Ø 会員加入費は開示された振込み期間を遵守して下さい。明示された期間以後に振り込まれた金額は振込み取り消し及び払い戻し処理され、会員としては含まれません。

Ø 個別振込み確認の問い合わせは受けません。今後、振込み未確認者に限り、別途の告知が進行される予定です。

Ø インターネットバンキング、テレバンキング、全ての銀行振込み方式は可能でありますが振込み証明書類を必ず持参していて下さい。

Ø ファンクラブの加入費は一切払い戻しできませんのでこの点にご留意して頂きますようにお願い致します。

Ø ファンクラブのカードは会員本人に限り支給される特恵であるため販売及び譲渡が不可能

Ø 会員カード受領以前には振込み証で会員であることを確認致します。

Ø  返送されたカードは再配送の時、配送金を本人が追加で払わなければなりません。

Ø  カードは全て1次配送を原則とし、振込み確認メールに書かれた住所に配送されます。

Ø  配送の際、本人がいなくても配送地にいる別の人(家族、親戚、友人など)に伝えられるようにお願い致します。

Ø ファンクラブ専用サイトは活動期間に合わせて使用可能であり、詳しい利用方法は今後公式ホームページ(hyun-joong.com)を通して告知する予定です。

Ø 公式ファンクラブ募集に関する問い合わせはhenecia@hyun-joong.comでお願い致します。


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Guest lisaa.

Fanpic Kim Hyun Joong Playful Kiss Premium Talk & Live in Osaka by Kimhyunjoong Thailand (15P) [11.05.03]

Credit: Kimhyunjoong thailand












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Hyun Joong & So Min @ Playful Kiss Promo HIGHLIGHTS

As for some highlights from the event, here are just few of the tweets that tomomon2 tweeted.

During a question and answer portion the MC asked Hyun Joong and So Min what comes to their mind when thinking of spring. Both answered Saruka (cherry blossoms) in Japan. They were also asked what comes to their mind when asked about Korean bands. Again both of them answered the same question... SS501.

Also, there was a tweet (sorry forgot who tweeted) that Hyun Joong sang 2 songs. One is Thank You and One More Time. Jung So Min also sang and according to the tweet she's quite good.

And last thing that I can remember is that Hyun Joong announced that on the 2nd of August he will do a concert in Tokyo.

Alright, that's only few of the tweets I remember. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I do hope that someone will share some of the things that happened in the event.

Thanks again to tomomon2 and the other tweetpeeps who shared some moments from the event.

source: tomomon2

cr: liezle from http://liezle.blogspot.com/

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Guest JCW2015


http://joynews.inews24.com/php/n ... erial=571031&rrf=nv


credit as tagged

Hello Henecians around the world!!!!

I just love his hair cut and outfit,very manly and fresh! :wub: :D

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More photos from the PK fanMeeting in Osaka Japan

credit as labeled














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Yes Hannah, I have to agree with you, Leader is so manly and gorgeous, I love his smile and laugh in almost all his photos, I am happy that he's verry happy. Czak, yes very interesting Q & A ha? same wave length/mind set hahaha!Lisaa, thanks for the updates... keep them coming! A BIG SHOUT_OUT FOR all Henecians/Hyunnecians! Did you register already for the fan club?

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장키' 김현중-정소민, 日 팬미팅 성황…6000명 모여

(Playful kiss Kim Hyun Joong - Jung Somin, fan meeting attracts 6,000)

cr: http://joynews.inews24.com



no translation out yet

[김양수기자] 탤런트 김현중이 드라마 '장난스런 키스' 일본 방영을 기념한 동일본 대진재 부흥지원 이벤트에 참석했다.

김현중은 '장난스런 키스'에 함께 출연한 정소민과 함께 지난 3일 오사카 그란큐브홀에서 열린 두 차례의 이벤트에서 6000여 명의 팬들을 만났다. 이번 이벤트는 티켓 예약판매 첫날부터 예매 가능한 티켓을 초과한 인원이 응모를 해 추첨을 통해 구매자를 선정하는 등 일본 내 김현중의 높은 인기를 실감케 했다.

이날 김현중은 "지난 3월 대지진 소식을 접하고 일본에 계신 팬 여러분들 걱정이 많이 됐다"며 "3월에 찾아 뵙지 못해 많이 아쉬웠었는데 드라마 방영 전에 여러분들을 만날 수 있어 기쁘다"고 소감을 전했다.

김현중은 정소민과 함께 작품과 캐릭터에 대한 애정을 한껏 과시했으며 촬영 현장에서의 생생한 에피소드를 전했다. 또한 오는 8월2일 도쿄 국제포럼에서 다시 한 번 이벤트를 개최한다고 깜짝 발표했다. 김현중은 이날 무대에서 '고맙다'와 드라마 OST '원 모어 타임(One More Time)'을 열창해 큰 박수와 호응을 이끌어냈다.

김현중은 4일 기자회견을 끝으로 일본에서 공식 스케줄을 마치고 귀국할 예정이다.

김양수기자 liang@joynews24.com

anyway another article is out but I am not sure if this is recent:

배용준 소속사, 김현중 필두로 음반 시장 진출

(Bae Yong-agency, led by Kim Hyun Joong in the music market)

cr: http://joynews.inews24.com


[이미영기자] 올해 초 KBS 2TV 드라마 '드림하이'로 드라마 시장에 성공적으로 진출한 ㈜키이스트가 국내외 음반 시장에 본격 진출한다.

키이스트는 4일 "국내외 매니지먼트는 물론 음악 버라이어티 드라마 '드림하이'의 제작 노하우를 기반으로 국내 및 일본, 중국 등 해외 시장까지 겨냥한 종합적인 음반 사업을 시작한다"고 발표했다.

키이스트에 따르면 최근 음반사업부를 신설하고 관련 전문 인력을 대거 채용하는 등 조직 개편을 마쳤으며, 음반사업부를 이끌어갈 본부장을 영입했다.

새롭게 영입된 박성진 본부장은 과거 유명 음반사 부사장에 재직 중이었으며, 엄정화, 코요테, 타이푼, 박지윤, 김현정, 이기찬 등의 음반을 프로듀싱한 제작자이기도 하다.

키이스트 배성웅 대표는 "사업 진출 첫 번째 앨범으로 국내외에서 많은 인기를 얻고 있는 김현중의 솔로 앨범을 오는 6월 발매한다" 며 "한국을 넘어 아시아 전역에서 불고 있는 K-POP 열풍과 함께 엔터테인먼트 산업의 원소스멀티유즈 트렌드를 선도 할 수 있는 완성도 높은 음반을 기획하고 제작할 예정이다"라고 포부를 밝혔다.

또 "김현중을 필두로 실력 있는 신인 가수 육성은 물론 기존 가수들를 적극 영입하는 등 음반제작 및 디지털음반사업을 진행하는 동시에 공연, 해외 음반 수출, 행사, MD, 해외로열티 사업으로 확대해 나갈 계획"이라고 전했다.

키이스트는 "일본 음반 시장 진출을 위해 자회사 DA(Digital Adventure)의 노하우와 네트워크를 적극 활용하고, 아시아 콘텐츠 전문 채널 DATV와 전략적 제휴를 통해 K-POP 열풍을 더욱 확고히 해 나가겠다"고 밝혔다.

이미영기자 mycuzmy@joynews24.com 사진 정소희기자 ss082@joynews24.com

  • So agree with Hannah and ate nadz, his hair is just to die for. I first saw this look in SS501 asian tour Taiwan (i think). And I super LOVED IT. I had always wished that his hair in PK was this. though I miss the long hair from Cartier, I still think this hairstylle is number best look for him. So Cool and HOT at the same time, plus makes him look so manly...

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「Itazurana Kiss~Playful Kiss」Premium Talk & Live in OSAKA~ East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Event~was held.


Source: KHJ Japan Official Site

Japanese~English Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Today on 3rd May (Tues), 「Itazurana Kiss~Playful Kiss」Premium Talk & Live in OSAKA~ East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Event~was held at Grand cube Osaka has successfully ended, where there was a total of around 5,400 people who had attended the event for both the afternoon and evening session.

Behind the scenes talks, quiz game with the guests, Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min each performed their songs, looks like both of them and the guests enjoyed the time together.

Also, DATV have recorded Kim Hyun Joong's visit to Japan this time, behind the scenes of the event and various expression of him that he have shown in the program 「Kim Hyun Joong~Just the way you are~」on 26th May (Thu) at 22:30. Please also look forward to this too!!

Media Photos – Playful Kiss Premium Event in Osaka 110503

credit as tagged + philshin76 @ twitter

repost: hyunnie pexers





not translated articles

장키’ 일본침투에 김현중 日팬미팅, 6천석 매진사태 인기실감 外

지난 5월 2일 일본으로 출국한 김현중이 드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’ 일본 방영을 기념한 동일본 대진재(大震災) 부흥지원 이벤트에 참석해 팬들과 만났다.

김현중은 드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’에 함께 출연한 정소민과 함께 지난 3일 오후 2시와 6시 30분 오사카 그란큐브홀에서 열린 두 차례의 이벤트에서 총 6,000여 명의 팬들을 만나 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.

이번 이벤트는 티켓 예약판매 첫날부터 예매 가능 티켓 수를 초과한 인원이 응모를 해 추첨을 통해 구매자를 선정하는 등 일본 내 김현중의 높은 인기를 실감케 했다. 김현중을 보기 위해 수많은 팬들이 오사카 그란큐브홀을 가득 메워 매진사례를 이뤘으며, 이벤트가 진행되는 내내 뜨거운 열기가 지속됐다.

드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’ 오프닝 영상 공개와 함께 시작된 이번 이벤트에서 김현중은 “지난 3월 대지진 소식을 접하고 일본에 계신 팬 여러분들 걱정이 많이 됐다”면서 “3월에 찾아뵙지 못해 많이 아쉬웠었는데 드라마 방영 전에 여러분들을 만날 수 있어 기쁘다”고 이벤트 참석 소감을 전했다.

김현중은 정소민과 함께 한 토크를 통해 작품과 캐릭터에 대한 애정을 한껏 과시했으며 촬영 현장에서의 생생한 에피소드를 전해 드라마 방영에 대한 기대감을 한층 고조시켰다.

또 오사카에서만 진행된 단 하루의 이벤트로 아쉬움이 컸던 팬들을 위해 오는 8월 2일 도쿄 국제포럼에서 다시 한 번 이벤트를 개최한다는 깜짝 발표에 이벤트를 찾은 팬들 모두가 환호했다.

이번 이벤트의 백미는 단연 ‘장난스런 키스’ 김현중-정소민 커플이 진행하는 ‘연상퀴즈’와 팬들이 직접 참여하는 ‘울트라 OX퀴즈’ 였다. 출연진과 참석한 팬들 모두가 함께 참여하는 시간을 가지며 보다 특별한 추억을 만들었다.

김현중은 이날 마련된 특별 무대에서 ‘고맙다’와 ‘장난스런 키스’ OST 수록곡 ‘One More Time’을 열창해 큰 박수와 호응을 이끌어 냈으며, 이어 팬들에게 감사의 인사를 전하며 이벤트의 마지막을 따뜻하게 장식했다.

김현중은 4일 오후 정소민과 함께 참여하는 기자회견을 끝으로 공식 스케줄을 마치고 귀국할 예정이다.

[뉴스엔 박영주 기자]


김현중 ‘장키’ 일본팬 6000여명과 달콤한 만남

김현중이 드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’ 일본 방영을 기념해 일본팬 6000여명과 만났다.

지난 2일 일본으로 출국한 김현중은 3일 오후 2시와 6시 30분 오사카 그란큐브홀에서 열린 ‘장난스런 키스’ 일본 방영 이벤트에서 6000여명의 팬들과 즐거운 시간을 보냈다. 이번 이벤트에서는 김현중을 보기 위해 수많은 팬들이 오사카 그란큐브홀을 가득 메워 매진 사례를 이뤘다.

드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’의 오프닝 영상 공개와 함께 시작된 이벤트에서 그는 “지난 3월 대지진 소식을 접하고 일본에 계신 팬 여러분들 걱정이 많이 됐다”면서 “3월에 찾아 뵙지 못해 많이 아쉬웠는데 드라마 방영 전에 여러분들을 만날 수 있어 기쁘다”라고 참석 소감을 전했다.

김현중은 정소민과 함께 한 토크를 통해 작품과 캐릭터에 대한 애정을 드러냈으며, 촬영 현장에서의 생생한 에피소드를 전해 일본 내 드라마 방영에 대한 기대감을 한층 고조시켰다. 또한 오사카에서만 진행된 이벤트로 아쉬움이 컸던 팬들을 위해 오는 8월 2일 도쿄 국제포럼에서 다시 한 번 이벤트를 개최한다는 깜짝 발표에 팬들 모두가 환호했다.

김현중은 이날 마련된 특별 무대에서 ‘고맙다’와 ‘장난스런 키스’ OST 수록곡 ‘원 모어 타임’을 열창해 큰 박수와 호응을 이끌어 냈으며, 이어 팬들에게 감사의 인사를 전하며 이벤트의 마지막을 따뜻하게 장식했다. 김현중은 4일 오후 정소민과 함께 참여하는 기자회견을 끝으로 공식 스케줄을 마치고 귀국할 예정이다.

이다정 기자 anbie@sportschosun.com


‘장키’ 김현중-정소민, 日 팬미팅 성황…6000명 모여

탤런트 김현중이 드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’ 일본 방영을 기념한 동일본 대진재 부흥지원 이벤트에 참석했다.

김현중은 ‘장난스런 키스’에 함께 출연한 정소민과 함께 지난 3일 오사카 그란큐브홀에서 열린 두 차례의 이벤트에서 6000여 명의 팬들을 만났다. 이번 이벤트는 티켓 예약판매 첫날부터 예매 가능한 티켓을 초과한 인원이 응모를 해 추첨을 통해 구매자를 선정하는 등 일본 내 김현중의 높은 인기를 실감케 했다.

이날 김현중은 “지난 3월 대지진 소식을 접하고 일본에 계신 팬 여러분들 걱정이 많이 됐다”며 “3월에 찾아 뵙지 못해 많이 아쉬웠었는데 드라마 방영 전에 여러분들을 만날 수 있어 기쁘다”고 소감을 전했다.

김현중은 정소민과 함께 작품과 캐릭터에 대한 애정을 한껏 과시했으며 촬영 현장에서의 생생한 에피소드를 전했다. 또한 오는 8월2일 도쿄 국제포럼에서 다시 한 번 이벤트를 개최한다고 깜짝 발표했다. 김현중은 이날 무대에서 ‘고맙다’와 드라마 OST ‘원 모어 타임(One More Time)’을 열창해 큰 박수와 호응을 이끌어냈다.

김현중은 4일 기자회견을 끝으로 일본에서 공식 스케줄을 마치고 귀국할 예정이다.



김현중, 6천여 日팬과 ‘장키’ 이벤트 성황리에 종료

[OSEN=이지영 기자] 지난 2일 일본으로 출국한 김현중이 드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’ 일본 방영을 기념한 동일본 대진재(大震災) 부흥지원 이벤트에 참석해 팬들과 만났다.

김현중은 ‘장난스런 키스’에 함께 출연한 정소민과 함께 지난 3일 오후 2시와 6시 30분 오사카 그란큐브홀에서 열린 두 차례의 이벤트에서 총 6,000여 명의 팬들을 만나 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.

이번 이벤트는 티켓 예약판매 첫날부터 예매 가능 티켓 수를 초과한 인원이 응모를 해 추첨을 통해 구매자를 선정하는 등 일본 내 김현중의 높은 인기를 실감케 했다. 김현중을 보기 위해 수많은 팬들이 오사카 그란큐브홀을 가득 메워 매진사례를 이뤘으며, 이벤트가 진행되는 내내 뜨거운 열기가 지속됐다.

‘장난스런 키스’의 오프닝 영상 공개와 함께 시작된 이번 이벤트에서 김현중은 “지난 3월 대지진 소식을 접하고 일본에 계신 팬 여러분들 걱정이 많이 됐다”면서 “3월에 찾아 뵙지 못해 많이 아쉬웠었는데 드라마 방영 전에 여러분들을 만날 수 있어 기쁘다”라고 이벤트 참석 소감을 전했다.

김현중은 정소민과 함께 한 토크를 통해 작품과 캐릭터에 대한 애정을 한껏 과시했으며 촬영 현장에서의 생생한 에피소드를 전해 드라마 방영에 대한 기대감을 한층 고조시켰다.

또한 오사카에서만 진행된 단 하루의 이벤트로 아쉬움이 컸던 팬들을 위해 오는 8월 2일 도쿄 국제포럼에서 다시 한 번 이벤트를 개최한다는 깜짝 발표에 이벤트를 찾은 팬들 모두가 환호했다.

이번 이벤트의 백미는 단연 김현중-정소민 커플이 진행하는 ‘연상퀴즈’와 팬들이 직접 참여하는 ‘울트라 OX퀴즈’ 였다. 출연진과 참석한 팬들 모두가 함께 참여하는 시간을 가지며 보다 특별한 추억을 만들었다.

김현중은 이날 마련된 특별 무대에서 ‘고맙다’와 ‘장난스런 키스’ OST 수록곡 ‘One More Time’을 열창해 큰 박수와 호응을 이끌어 냈으며, 이어 팬들에게 감사의 인사를 전하며 이벤트의 마지막을 따뜻하게 장식했다.

김현중은 4일 오후 정소민과 함께 참여하는 기자회견을 끝으로 공식 스케줄을 마치고 귀국할 예정이다.


<사진> 키이스트 제공


김현중, 日 6000팬과 달콤한 만남

지난 2일 일본으로 출국한 김현중이 드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’ 일본 방영을 기념한 동일본 대진재(大震災) 부흥지원 이벤트에 참석, 6000여 팬들과 만났다.

김현중은 드라마 ‘장난스런 키스’에 함께 출연한 정소민과 함께 지난 3일 오후 2시와 6시30분 오사카 그란큐브홀에서 열린 두 차례의 이벤트에서 총 6000여 명의 팬들을 만나 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.

이번 이벤트는 티켓 예약판매 첫날부터 예매 가능 티켓 수를 초과한 인원이 응모를 해 추첨을 통해 구매자를 선정하는 등 일본 내 김현중의 높은 인기를 실감케 했다. 김현중을 보기 위해 수많은 팬들이 오사카 그란큐브홀을 가득 메워 매진사례를 이뤘다.

김현중은 소속사를 통해 “지난 3월 대지진 소식을 접하고 일본에 계신 팬 여러분들 걱정이 많이 됐다”며 “3월에 찾아뵙지 못해 많이 아쉬웠었는데 드라마 방영 전에 여러분들을 만날 수 있어 기쁘다”고 전했다.

김현중은 정소민과 함께 한 토크를 통해 작품과 캐릭터에 대한 애정을 한껏 과시했으며 촬영 현장에서의 생생한 에피소드도 함께 전했다.

김현중은 이날 마련된 특별 무대에서 ‘고맙다’와 ‘장난스런 키스’ OST 수록곡 ‘원 모어 타임(One More Time)’을 열창해 큰 박수와 호응을 이끌었다. 이어 팬들에게 감사의 인사를 전하며 이벤트를 마무리했다.

한편 김현중은 오는 8월 2일 도쿄 국제포럼에서 다시 한 번 이벤트를 개최할 계획이다.


이하 같은 기사 내용이라 제목이랑 링크만 걸어요.

김현중, 日서 6000명 팬들과의 달콤한 만남!

한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 http://bntnews.hankyung.com/apps/new…&mode=sub_view

김현중, 일본서 6000명 팬들과의 달콤한 만남! “일본팬 걱정”

티브이데일리 http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?ai…72708156692011

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Guest lisaa.

Kim Hyun Joong performing 'Thank You' @ PK Premium Talk & Live in Osaka by Kimhyunjoong24.com [11.05.03]

Credit: kimhyunjoong24.com + ss501mami@yt

thank you.

Kim Hyun Joong's Lotte Duty Free Making

Credit: momochi0606


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[FanAccount] Kim Hyun Joong Playful Kiss Osaka Event By Lafone

Credit: Lafone @liezle.blogspot.com

Daytime session:

The event took place at Osaka Grand Cube, a large convention hall where the first concert of SS501 took place in 2006.

Important news: Leader announced that the showcase in Korea would take place on June 7 and starting that, he would make an Asian tour as well (as promised before)

1. Opening:

After the movie of the EP1 of Playful Kiss (fantasy scene in Oh Hani’s daydream) , both of KHJ and JSM appeared on the top of the steps in the central stage. Leader gave a light hug to JSM, showing his mischief^^

As you already saw from the pictures, Leader’s new short hair (slightly colored brown) called full attention from the audience, very stylish thanks to coordi-noona, Yuri noona.

Please allow me to use initials for them: HJ (leader), JSM (Sominssi) and MC

2. Greetings:

HJ: Hellow everybody, my name is Hyun Joong ( in Japanese)

JSM: She also greeted in Japanese

MC: Hello, my name is Yuka Miyamoto of DATV. This year, we commemorate the 13th year since the author of Playful Kiss, Ms. Kaoru Tada passed away. I think that she will enjoy this event with us somewhere at site. By the way, one and a half month passed after March 11 earthquake which struck northern-east of Japan. While watching the disastrous situation of the area, we have been thinking what we can do. Taking this opportunity to have a reconstruction support event today, we would like to express our sincere condolences to the victims and their families.

HJ: I feel very sorry that I could not help enough people of the disaster area. I hope that they will be able to overcome this hardship. I would like to be of some assistance for them during the course of their struggle with the difficulties.

JSM: Some of my friends live in Japan.  Therefore, I could not take this as a fire across the river, especially Japan is geographically very close to our country. (In Japanese) I hope that you will work hard to fight with this situation.

3. Talk session

At the both side of the stage, the highschool uniforms were displayed (which actually both of Leader and JSM wore during the drama shooting)

MC: JSM ssi, how slim you are !!! You really accommodate internal organs in your body ? Hyun Joongssi, how do you feel about Osaka ?

HJ: I am so happy to see the fans in Osaka whom I did not see for a long time ( the audience screamed as regardless of their residence, they go to Tokyo ! It was not true what he said ^^) Anyway, (he changed the topic in a laugh ) today’s event is not what I sweat (???) Today, I do not have a dance track ( Why~~~~~~ !! the audience was in a shock) Next time, therefore, I will work out twice ! (on the occasion of solo showcase)

JSM: I personally visited Japan three times, This is the second visit for me on business , but this is the first time I visit Osaka. As I arrived earlier than Hyun Joongssi, I strolled here and there, enjoying Japanese food such as noodles and fried soba.

MC: Wow, it is giving hints on the quiz which will follow later.

JSM: Sorry !

MC: Both of you acted the roles of very strong personalities in the darama.

BaekSeunjo Hyun Joongssi acted was a guy with IQ200, being good at sport, cooking. Also, he is really nice-looking, but cold on the surface, having no interest in others.

How do you feel about the role of BaekSeunjo ?

HJ: BaekSeunJo is good at sport like myself.. However he is totally different from me as he is also good at cooking, with brain of IQ200. As I studies a lot for preparation, I could learn the lines of my part quickly during the later part of drama shooting. So, I thought “Wow, I may be genius ! “ (a glimpse of his 4D^^) But, after the drama, I am going back to Kim Hyun Joong (not genius he meant).

MC: How did you remember the lines including “X” and “Y” equation which you may already have forgotten ?

HJ: I tried hard to understand the meanings of the lines, studying it again (the highschool level mathematics) . I repeated the words in the mouth so that the words come out in a natural way.

MC: How about you, JSM ssi, How did you feel about the character of Oh Hani?

JSM: Oh Hani did not try too hard to approach BaekSeunJo

I think that she could have been able to grab the heart of SeunJo much faster, if she made a different approach, i.e, in a way the girls currently get close to boys.

However, she did not. Though she finally made a success to make SeungJo look at her but in a Oh Hani way of approach. It was good that Oh Hani stick to her style.

* I was much impressed by her in-depth analysis of Oh Hani character. How can we express Oh Hani much better than what JSM mentioned ? I feel that she is very brilliant !

MC: Did you find that Oh Hani resembles you ?

JSM: Yes and No

MC: Do you say “ I love you” in a direct way ?

JSM: No, I cannot. But it seems that I cannot hide my feelings.

MC: Beak Seung was so mean to you ! What I remember was EP 11, when you stayed overnight in the room of BSJ. Do you roll about a lot in your dream ?

JSM: When I was a child, Yes, but I do not now. I can marry anytime^^

MC: Hyun Joongssi, you looked terrific, being dressed in a Polo shirt in tennis court. I cannot imagine anybody who look better than you in a Polo shirt.

HJ: I have never experienced tennis so far. You may have been cheated well by my playing a tennis, but the nice-shot scene was made by CG (in a laugh)

MC: While you gave a harsh word to Oh Hani, but smiled sometimes in turning your back to her. What did you think by acting such a scene?

HJ: Well, that kind of attitude is similar to myself. I cannot be honest towards my feeling in front of the person I love. I pretend to be curt, blunt and cold, but smile in her behind. Therefore, I could acted this part without difficulties.

MC: Is there any favorite scene ?( Leader did not respond to her quickly; it seemed that he was thinking something different) Did you forgot as you have been busy?

HJ: I like the scene of the graduation ceremony where I delivered a speech. It was when I began to open my heart to Oh Hani, thus expressing my feeling to her in a speech. “ I make it fun, so that people will be happy “ I like this phrase.

I, being a singer as well as actor, I know that all of you enjoy seeing the both sides of myself. However, I sometimes forgot this because I think “ Wow it is so hard and distressfull” This phrase in the speech (he borrowed from grandmother of Oh Hani) reminded me ; I have to enjoy myself what I am doing because it will make you happy.

I like the best this scene and the lines.

JSM: I am going to talk about an episode during the drama shooting. At the very beginning when we (HJ and JSM) were not frank enough, there was a scene we got fallen asleep on the desk while studying. HyungJoongssi really slept at that moment, snoring very slightly to the extent only I can hear it. It was like a kitten’s breathing ( very charming expression JSM used to express “ snoring” ) , which only I could recognize.

MC: Wow, JSMssi happened to listen your snoring, a kitten-like breathing ^^

HJ: I really snore ( How does he know ? kekek ) Staff praised my acting “ Hyun Joong ! You acted very well !!!

JSM : I may be talented with clairvoyance. For example,

I see a) I remember the birthday of my father which I forgot 、B) I see a friend of mine got ill one day before, c) I see something which will happen the next day in a dream.

HJ : Today, I had a nightmare that I was kidnapped and put into a container, when I had some rest after the rehearsal. I was frightened seeing the ceiling different from those of my house, when I got awake. Maybe it was because I read some horror comics.

The movie of JSM ballet scene :

MC: You took ballet lessons, didn’t you? JSM ssi ?

JSM : Yes, from the primary school to the junior high school, I took classic ballet lessons. At high school, I learned a Korean traditional dance as well.

MC: Did you want to become a dancer ?

JSM: Yes ! But I had much interest in acting now, that is why I changed my major of the university to acting.

MC: HyungJoongssi, Are you awake? Nowadays you may be able to sleep while opening your eyes.

HJ: No, I was just thinking of something different.

MC: Aigoooooooooooo !!!You are now in the Playful Kiss event !

HJ: ( No hesitation ^^) I was just thinking that someone of the staff lost his shoes during that shooting, Who was it ? (audience into explosion of laugh )

MC: Wow, it is you, HyungJoongssi. Though I would like to make a different question to you, I will skip to the next !

Another Oh Hani’s delusion scene (SeungJo was threatened by Oh Hani’s bad group)

MC: Sominssi, you look terrific with a bad-girl makeup. Your face expressions changed a lot.

JSM: Actually, I put my efforts in that point. As the film director insisted to stick to the original comic, I tried to express comic-character.

MC: Did you practice in front of mirror?

JSM: No I did not use a mirror. Instead, I imagined the situation Oh Hani was.

MC: HyungJoongssi, you slept in a coffin ?

HJ: Well, I lied down myself for the first time in the coffin. I thought “ Wow, death means the situation like this. I have to survive and live ! My life will end once the cover of this coffin is closed ! In order not to regret anything, I will make best efforts to live ! (with his 4Dness, we were going to die laughing )

Another scene ( the duel with BongJengoo sorry it may not be the righ spelling)

MC: How many times did you practice fencing ?

HJ: With no time for practice, the action director gave us tips at site.

Actually, it was shot the same place I was playing violin during the BOF shooting. The Garden BCG.

MC: Is it famous ?

HJ: To be honest, I don’t know exactly.

MC: Then, it should become popular

HJ: Fighting ( in Japanese) !

4. Question Corner.

Q1 :BaekSeungJo was talented as well in cooking. How about you ?

HJ: Well, I can do some cooking. I just cannot cut well with a knife, that’ it!

It is hard for me to slice apples, potatoes, onions, and so on. If someone cut these well, I can cook something nice though it does not look great.

Q2: JSM ssi, you have a beautiful skin. Do you do something to keep your skin in a good condition?

JSM: Nothing special. I just see the things in a positive way. I only started to make-up only recently. Before, I do not use even sunscreen. As I was told by my mother to use sunscreen.

MC: Hyun Joongsii, you may be very direct in your love, is there any scene that you never do in your private life?

HJ: I will not pun on same outfit with a girlfriend. I only accept to pun on the same ring with her. I will never ever put on the same T shirt, neither shoes.

MC: But you look great in that outfit.

No reaction from Leader …..

HJ: Ah~ it is because I was BaekSeungJo (in Japanese, it was very funny^^) !

Q4: If your girlfriend is not good at cooking, are you patient enough to eat ?or do you suggest her to go out for restaurant ?

HJ: To be honest, if she is not talented in cooking, the first twice or three times, I will eat her cuisine, but I will suggest how about going out for dinner?

I personally have been living alone for a long time, I usually order delivery service, which is less expensive and delicious. Though it is not good for health, I put my efforts in exercise.

JSM: I am not good at cooking. I can only cook omelet, ramen. But I will take a domestic lesson before I got married.

MC: How old are you ?

JSM: I am 23 years old now (actually 22 years old for a western way of counting)

Q5; Have you ever handed over a love letter to someone?

JSM: Never. I was interested in something different at highschool. People do not exchange love letters at university.

MC: Where did you study your Japanese?

JSM: (In a Japanese) I learned it by myself.

Q6: How do you recommend people to watch “Playful Kiss”

HJ: I hope that everyone remember how innocent your first love was and enjoy this drama from that viewpoint.

5. Word Association Game:

MC: The next is a corner of word association game.

You are requested to write in a board the word you imagine/associate by inspiration.

1. Graduation

HJ: Jaja noodle ( noodles with meat bean paste and meats)

JSM: Doctor’s degree

MC: Well, it is quite tough to give the same answer with Hyun Joongssi’s .

HJ : We, Koreans used to go to eat Jaja noodles with family to celebrate graduation from highschool.

JSM: (in a laugh) It was a long ago when Jaja noodles was expensive. But nowadays, we do not have such custom (which made Leader a bit embarrassed^^ )

MC: It seems that the difference comes from generation gap.

2. Letter

HJ: Confession (which reminds me of SS501 song^^)

JSM: Pencil

JSM: I like the feeling to write with a pencil . I usually use ballpoint pens, but sometimes I would like to use a pencil, because I love the sound of pencil.

HJ: At first, I wrote “invitation“I recently recive an invitation for wedding because friends of mine start getting marred.

3. Summer

HJ: Sea JSM :Hotness

MC: It seems very difficult to get the same answer from both of you.

4. Sport

HJ: Tennis JSM : Soccer

HJ: I thought that she may remember we played tennis together during the drama shooting, but it seemed that she did not remember …

JSM: As I know that Hyun Joongssi loves soccer, I thought he would write

“ soccerr“

5. Touristic spots in Japan

HJ: Hotsprings JSM: Osaka

MC: It seems that JSM ssi is much matured than Hyun Joongssi.

HJ: Osaka is also nice for sightseeing, especially famous by Takoyaki

( octopus dumplings)

MC: How about Korean sightseeing spots you would like to recommend for Japanese people ? I expect the same answer !

(MC seemed to be desperate in getting the same answers from the this couple)

HJ: Namsan( South Mountain , famous for dating among young couples)

JSM: Samchung Dong

HJ: We made a shooting at Namsan, Hani seemed to forget it.

JSM: We also had a shooting at Samchung Dong, Don’t’ you remember ?

They seemed to be very frank, sharing jokes @_@

HJ: Do they know SamchungDong (to the audience)

MC: Are there anyone who know SamchungDong ? (of course !!! Many people raised hands which seemed to be a surprise to Leader ^^ )

6. What about a typical Korean food ?

HJ: Korean BBQ

JSM: Kimchi

[Liezle : Lafone forgot to include this and emailed me about this so I am injecting this one here.]

During the quiz corner where MC expected the same answer from both of JSM and Leader,

To the quesion: Who do you imagine as most popular idol group in Korea?

Eventually the same answer came ” SS501 ” which made all the fans at site happy !!!

(In a desperate manner ) MC closed this corner by saying

“ They were perfect together !!! “

7. Yes/No game regarding the drama scenes

8. Performance

JSM sang a song called “ I will give you all my love “ , very cute ^^

(It is a pitty that nobody took her picture )

Leader sang two songs, “Thank you” and “ One more time” of course.

Instead of saying “Thank you” in Korean, he sang “Arigato” in Japanese.

9. Finale

MC: (to JSM) Were you nervous?

JSM: Yes, I was. (in Japanese)

I think that singers are talented people, though I am not.

I made my effots so that people can enjoy it.

HJ: I will jump up and down when I will be come back with my solo album in June. After a short rest, let’s jump up so that we cannot take a breath in June ( does he expect us jump together ???)

About their future activities:

HJ: Starting the release of solo album in June, I will have a showcase in Korea, then making the tour in Asia. (He clearly mentioned the date of showcase in Korea will be June 7 during the evening session) I dedicated three months and a half for preparation. I feel that MV is fantastic. I think that the album will be worthy for the length of the period you have been patiently awaiting.

JSM: During the second part of this year, I will work for a drama or film. I hope that you will have interest in my activities as well.

Closing speeches :

HJ: To tell the truth, I worried a bit about all of you because you were struck with a big disaster nobody had ever experienced. I thought that you are depressed, and it was worrisome. But, today, you are so bright, cheerful, laughed a lot which made me happy. I would like to be back to Japan to see you again.

JSM: I was able to stand in such a big stage twice thanks to Hyun Joongssi. It was a great experience for me. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Hyun Joongssi for giving this opportunity to me. (Leader was so shy by her sudden expression of her appreciation ) Further, I initially thought that it would be great if I could be of some assistance to help you, but it was me who received big power from you.

Thank you indeed (in Japanese)

MC: Here I would like to make an important announcement. It has been decided that Playful Kiss Tokyo event would take place on August 2 at Tokyo International Forum. Hyun Joongssi, you made a wrinkle in the forehaead? You didn’t know it?

HJ: No, I didn’t know. With a new album, I will be able to show many performance to you. See you soon !

Well that is the end of my report. I feel that both of Leader and JSM are very brilliant, talented in-depth analysis of acting. JSM is much matured in her age, very smart inspite of limited experiences.

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Tks alot for the fan account, Lafone @liezle.blogspot.com and crakhareina.

I love this part the most:

4. Sport

HJ: Tennis JSM : Soccer

HJ: I thought that she may remember we played tennis together during the drama shooting, but it seemed that she did not remember …

JSM: As I know that Hyun Joongssi loves soccer, I thought he would write

“ soccerr“

They have each other in their mind.

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「Itazurana Kiss~Playful Kiss」Premium Talk & Live in OSAKA~ East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Event~was held.


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Source: KHJ Japan Official Site

Japanese~English Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Today on 3rd May (Tues), 「Itazurana Kiss~Playful Kiss」Premium Talk & Live in OSAKA~ East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Event~was held at Grand cube Osaka has successfully ended, where there was a total of around 5,400 people who had attended the event for both the afternoon and evening session.

Behind the scenes talks, quiz game with the guests, Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min each performed their songs, looks like both of them and the guests enjoyed the time together.

Also, DATV have recorded Kim Hyun Joong’s visit to Japan this time, behind the scenes of the event and various expression of him that he have shown in the program 「Kim Hyun Joong~Just the way you are~」on 26th May (Thu) at 22:30. Please also look forward to this too!!

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Guest M-i-l-o

I want to give Coordi Noona a big hug for making Leader so freaking sexy! Look at that tan, and that build. Haha, well, guess the soccer not only payed off by making him happy, but also by giving us more eye candy, haha.

He looks very happy and healthy. And apparently the MV has already been filmed. Can't wait ^^

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