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7 hours ago, may2429 said:

Lol i think for men maybe/(surely) has some kind of imagination towards the girl , coz i read somewhere guys think of 18+ every 7 sec. 

The only scene she acted like a wife was when TJ threw his socks on the floor, she complained about it


Wow, I learn something new today.  Yeah TJ is really different, he doesn’t like the smell of perfume or women.  He cares for money/power only.   Since I’ve recently re-watched EOG, I find his hatred towards Dong Sung or SY is unreasonable.  It was neither the Chairman nor SY who has caused his father’s death, it was MJ in the first place.  His excuse to win the Group for his father doesn’t hold true either. He couldn’t even look at his father’s portrait each year when he came home for the Memorial Day.  The reasons I think how he had become are because he’s jealous and egotistical.


16 minutes ago, vaiduakhu said:


Maybe, Son Mari secretly fell for Daepyonim from that charming glaring :lol:, but Boss-Son Mari was overshadowed by 1 coin couple. Hmmm, I will ship them from now on. A tiny unnie-dongsaeng ship. 


You were not one of the hardcore shippers of that couple ?


I have a thing for lip biting. I find this gesture very charming and sexy. Noble level of attractiveness. ^_^


Not really, it was just for fun supporting the shippers as I didn't want to break your all bubbles.


Talking about NL, I'm re-watching these days.  I missed the charming Daepyonim.  Love how she exhibiting the cold exterior but a protective heart.  So cool driving a car, too.  I do find her actions are gentlemen-like sometimes, like sleeping on the couch as a CEO and protecting the persons she cares about silently.

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On 23/5/2018 at 12:20 AM, yanki said:

I am actually glad that SY and TJ didn't do anything but sleep together. TJ said that he knew SY very well because they have shared the same room for years, so he knew even the slightest meaning of her sigh. I think the one he truly love was the other girl, he may not be in love with her or anything but she was the one closest to his heart.



If I were in love with someone or even if I just liked and cared abt them not in romantic way, I would never ask them to sell their body for my benefit. 

In ep 1, he asked her "Go for him one more time." and "Did he ever deny your body?", that means it happened 1+ times. 

So, in overall, maybe he didn't love anyone. To SY, he respected her... To the sunbae, he gave confusing signals, but asking his partner to sell their body is not a sacrifice in love, it is taking advantage of that love (if any). 


On 23/5/2018 at 12:20 AM, yanki said:


Oh I know that it may not be possible for Korean drama but I wouldn't mind seeing her act in a lesbian love story lol I think she has good chemistry with some female leads whenever her character is tough girl.


That kind of story wouldn't happen any time soon in Korea, I think. But when it happens, it will draw lot of attention, either negative or positive, nothing in between.


On 23/5/2018 at 12:20 AM, yanki said:

Yeah I really want to color my hair like that.


oh, that color is basic, easy to be done, and looks good with almost everyone. It looks a bit dark indoor but turns to be bright in the sunlight. You can try it! Ask them to adjust the light-dark subject to your liking.  

It's my color for years... now I wanna change to sth new like dark red or grey. 

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9 hours ago, may2429 said:

Lol i think for men maybe/(surely) has some kind of imagination towards the girl , coz i read somewhere guys think of 18+ every 7 sec. 

The only scene she acted like a wife was when TJ threw his socks on the floor, she complained about it


I think I read somewhere abt it too... it happens more frequently if they are around attractive women. "Attractiveness" definitions are different for different individuals, and it can be physical or mental, or both.  


1 hour ago, QSD said:


Wow, I learn something new today.  Yeah TJ is really different, he doesn’t like the smell of perfume or women.  He cares for money/power only.   Since I’ve recently re-watched EOG, I find his hatred towards Dong Sung or SY is unreasonable.  It was neither the Chairman nor SY who has caused his father’s death, it was MJ in the first place.  His excuse to win the Group for his father doesn’t hold true either. He couldn’t even look at his father’s portrait each year when he came home for the Memorial Day.  The reasons I think how he had become are because he’s jealous and egotistical.


Really? he doesn't like perfume or women? he said it in the drama? then, I guess I was right back then, TJ was frigid. I'm not talking abt 18+ here, it's biological issue. Or maybe, secretly, he was gay.

Yup, MJ was the direct cause of TJ's dad's death. SY's dad actually wanted to pause the plan to acquire the old complex's land, but MJ instructed the gangster to demolish it. TJ did figure it out, but still blamed SY's dad and SY for that incident. He just needed an excuse for his actions, I guess... 

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5 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

If I were in love with someone or even if I just liked and cared abt them not in romantic way, I would never ask them to sell their body for my benefit. 

In ep 1, he asked her "Go for him one more time." and "Did he ever deny your body?", that means it happened 1+ times. 

So, in overall, maybe he didn't love anyone. To SY, he respected her... To the sunbae, he gave confusing signals, but asking his partner to sell their body is not a sacrifice in love, it is taking advantage of that love (if any). 

Yup. That's why I truly didn't feel anything for TJ because in the end, his greed for power completely ate him. His father just became his reason to justify his actions but in truth it wasn't really because of that.

I believe he did loved SH at first but in the end, his ambition became even more stronger than his love for her that he was willing to sell her off and use her for that. He again wanted to clean his hand with what he did, thinking that it was just a sacrifice and since he already sacrificed that much then might as well make sure he wins so that her sacrifices wouldn't go in vain. But I think TJ was completely eaten by greed that even if he won, he will still end up sacrificing her and throw her away if he needed to.


In the end TJ just really wanted to own it all but used his father and his loved as a reason to justify his actions to keep going.

He was in a hurry to win after learning that SH will be free from prison, so that he can share everything to SH but I doubt he will be happy sharing everything with her. If he had won and she became a hinder to him, he will fight her off and betray her for that. But I think he regretted what happened to her in the end when he lost, like of all the bad things that he did - selling her off was the only thing he truly regret. So even though he no longer love her, still she was the only one who actually got closest to his heart.




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16 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


If I were in love with someone or even if I just liked and cared abt them not in romantic way, I would never ask them to sell their body for my benefit. 

In ep 1, he asked her "Go for him one more time." and "Did he ever deny your body?", that means it happened 1+ times. 

So, in overall, maybe he didn't love anyone. To SY, he respected her... To the sunbae, he gave confusing signals, but asking his partner to sell their body is not a sacrifice in love, it is taking advantage of that love 

I think TJ did love her as he asked her to leave , then they’ll live happily after in Phillipines when he settles the matter here. He was mad at her because she did it with that old guy. He probably think she’s “dirty “already, so do it 1 time or 100 times is no difference. 

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19 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


I think I read somewhere abt it too... it happens more frequently if they are around attractive women. "Attractiveness" definitions are different for different individuals, and it can be physical or mental, or both.  



Really? he doesn't like perfume or women? he said it in the drama? then, I guess I was right back then, TJ was frigid. I'm not talking abt 18+ here, it's biological issue. Or maybe, secretly, he was gay.

Yup, MJ was the direct cause of TJ's dad's death. SY's dad actually wanted to pause the plan to acquire the old complex's land, but MJ instructed the gangster to demolish it. TJ did figure it out, but still blamed SY's dad and SY for that incident. He just needed an excuse for his actions, I guess... 


I checked back the scene to verify what he actually said.  It’s after he got married and coming in SY’s room for the first time, he tells her to do makeup when he’s not around.  He likes the smell of money, but not the smell of makeup.

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Me too. I believe that TJ really did loved SH and SH loved him back. But their relationship started to change after TJ started to have a goal, even though they are still together the relationship is no longer the same because TJ has changed. SH wanted to help him to achieve his goal in order for them to return to the way they were before but sadly TJ decided to use it.
So I think even though TJ loved her, his love for power was stronger because as Vaidhaku said if it was true love then he wouldn't ask her to do those things no matter how much he hates her. But still she's still important for him so in the end he wanted to justify his actions on why he did what he did even though it wasn't really the truth.

TJ and MJ were almost the same but I felt MJ's character more.

Actually after watching EOG, I started to wonder if these things also happens in real life... I watched a Singaporean Drama before and there was a similar scene where this bad guy gave his wife to this person he needed for his business.
But maybe that kind of thing only happens if the wife isn't rich or doesn't have any influence? Maybe that's why some businessmen have second woman? Hahaha although that's probably just for the drama but who knows.

Still no news of her new project?

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I think what's on the drama can happen in real life. We always say drama is dramatic, but in many case, real life is much more dramatic. 

In business world, many ppl with no background sacrifice a lot to achieve success. I heard abt it here and there in my contact zone. 

One thing I have said like more than 10 times already is that SY and her family members must have great digestion system. I can't get how they could consume the food at that dining table where ppl always mocked, insulted or framed each other. I myself sat at such dining tables sometimes (where ppl are from different parties and have conflicting interests/benefits, and I play as middle-man), and I felt nausea in my stomach while following the conversations. Needless to say, I had no appetite, felt difficult to consume a glass of water, and ended up vomiting twice in the restroom. God bless SY and her family ! 


I read the news that JSW (LYW's co-actor in Horse Doctor) is playing in a medical drama, modern one. Medic is indeed the most favourite topic in Kdrama industry. The number 2 topic recently may be law, which is also our favourite genre here. These days, I have my eyes on the British series "Killing Eve", which main characters are 2 women: a spy and an assassin. Haven't watched yet, but the story sounds addicting. I hope LYW will play a spy role in the future, or a cruel, smart (and psychopathic) assassin role. ^_^ Ok, that sounds too heavy and dark, while she wants to play sth light. 

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8 hours ago, yanki said:

TJ and MJ were almost the same but I felt MJ's character more.


I also feel MJ more. I think the Chairman treat him and his Dad unfairly. His dad gave up the education to work in his early age to save money for the Chairman's education. They put the 1st brick to build the empire. MJ himself dedicated his life to develop it. They both deserve more credits. But then the chairman's children inherited all the good assets and climbed to high positions although they were incompetent, especially SY's older bro and sis. It's understandable for MJ to be angry at them, but his action out of the anger and later, greed, was kinda wrong. I think there was no black or white in EOG, only grey. We get to pick who is evil and who is less evil. 

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Watching how the events unfolded in EOG, I don’t think TJ had really loved Seol Hee.  After he got one billion dollars, he could have stopped there and moved on to Philippines with her if he’d wanted to, but no, his desire is to own at least half of SJ Group.  Then later he was going to Philippines to avoid prosecution of embezzlement, malpractice or fraud if MJ releasing the documents on him, and also maybe he didn’t dare to enter a contract marriage with SY.  He was a bit shocked or freaked out when she proposed a deal to him.  But even if TJ went abroad, it wasn’t permanent either, just for 7 years and he would be back in the fight after statute of limitations had passed by. 


It emphasizes once again about what his real heart is longing for after SH got released from prison for him.  She asked him to leave the Group and be with her happily ever after, but he refused to.  It’s all excuses for him to pursuing on owning the Empire and turning it into a heaven place for her.

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5 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

One thing I have said like more than 10 times already is that SY and her family members must have great digestion system. I can't get how they could consume the food at that dining table where ppl always mocked, insulted or framed each other. I myself sat at such dining tables sometimes (where ppl are from different parties and have conflicting interests/benefits, and I play as middle-man), and I felt nausea in my stomach while following the conversations.

Oh I know that feeling. No matter how delicious the food is my thoughts during those times is just to leave that dining table haha. They all endured it for their own benefits lol.


4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

I think the Chairman treat him and his Dad unfairly. His dad gave up the education to work in his early age to save money for the Chairman's education. They put the 1st brick to build the empire. MJ himself dedicated his life to develop it. They both deserve more credits. But then the chairman's children inherited all the good assets and climbed to high positions although they were incompetent, especially SY's older bro and sis. It's understandable for MJ to be angry at them, but his action out of the anger and later, greed, was kinda wrong.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. Though SY sees her father as someone with no flaw and a real good man, in truth he also hurt and stepped on a lot of people in order to get where he was but sadly..the one that suffered their vengeance was SY and his family. The stepmom also hated him. I was just amazed at how she managed to stay with him for 27 yrs without really forgiving him or learning to love him and kept her hatred towards him.


3 hours ago, QSD said:

It’s all excuses for him to pursuing on owning the Empire and turning it into a heaven place for her.

Yeah he just made an excuse to justify his actions but in truth it wasn't because of his father nor SJ that he wanted to own the empire and so he rather end his life than be with her.


BTW do you think he died in the end? and what happened with SY? they left a lot of things open ending.

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Like QSD, I think TJ didn't love SH. I remember one of my favourite quotes from Grey's Anatomy: "You didn’t love her, you just didn’t want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn’t love her because you don’t destroy the person that you love!"


If he truly love SH from the beginning, even after she threw herself to the congressman (for his benefit, btw), he knew but still loved her (or not), he wouldn't let it happen again, let alone actually pushing her do it. Imagine if the person who sacrificed herself weren't SH but his little sister, mind you, he would stab the congressman to death. 

In the end, he sent SH away or even suggested to move to somewhere together, I think it's because he felt apologetic to her and pathetic of him as a man, a human being; he wanted to compensate her a new life. 


18 hours ago, yanki said:

BTW do you think he died in the end? and what happened with SY? they left a lot of things open ending.


I think he committed suicide by jumping into the water. If he didn't and the police caught him, he would be prisoned for years. The former choice was less horrible to him, I guess. 

SY would eat alone in her house while other family members peacefully eat the food in the prison, their digestion system would be improved, lol. SY's life was still tough and lonely, but it was better than being surrounded by a bunch of family members who just wanted to stab her from the back.  

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On 24/5/2018 at 12:48 PM, QSD said:


I checked back the scene to verify what he actually said.  It’s after he got married and coming in SY’s room for the first time, he tells her to do makeup when he’s not around.  He likes the smell of money, but not the smell of makeup.



Haha, now I remember in ep 2 or 3 when he and SH got into the car, SH wanted to sit at the backseat with him, but he shooed her to the frontseat. Is it also because he didn't like the smell of makeup, perfume? or he wanted to show who was the boss? or he simply didn't like her as a woman? or all of these 3 reasons? :lol: whatever, TJ was not quite a gentleman.

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Yanki, I suppose TJ dying in the end as well.  In the last scene before he left he said he’ll be the one who does the judging and deciding.  He acknowledged for the sins he had committed and taking the punishing himself, by leaving the world. 

SY will continue on running the Group as her father’s wish until turning over to her nephew when the time comes.


Vaiduakhu, I also think TJ wasn’t a gentleman in that scene.  Actually, he isn’t known for politeness in the drama, so it’s true to his character.

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Yeah TJ was like that; realizing she did all of that out of love for him, he now wants to compensate for it by saying he will share everything to her once he succeed but I think if he did succeed he still wouldn't be able to live happily with her.


I remember there were fishermen near the place where he jump so I thought they might've rescue him or found him or something haha but I guess he really did die.


Yeah that's the sad part about SY.. she loved her family and wanted to return from the way they used to be only to realized those were just fake memories


Ironically after watching EOG, they just changed the CEO from this big company in my country, that former CEO has been in that position since I was a child so I was really shocked when they announced a new CEO which is also his cousin. I automatically thought of EOG after seeing that news haha.

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5 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


Haha, now I remember in ep 2 or 3 when he and SH got into the car, SH wanted to sit at the backseat with him, but he shooed her to the frontseat. Is it also because he didn't like the smell of makeup, perfume? or he wanted to show who was the boss? or he simply didn't like her as a woman? or all of these 3 reasons? :lol: whatever, TJ was not quite a gentleman.

I think he wanted to show he is the boss lol.

I often see it in drama where rich people give someone a ride but they do not want that person at the backseat because it makes them feel like they are driving for their boss haha.

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16 hours ago, yanki said:

I think he wanted to show he is the boss lol.

I often see it in drama where rich people give someone a ride but they do not want that person at the backseat because it makes them feel like they are driving for their boss haha.


OMG, I was in the same situation just yesterday, and now you stated it out. We're telepathic or sth? :lol:

I have a relationship like a couple in waiting for peaceful divorce settlement with my manager, who is a married man. We only talk when it's very necessary, most of communication is through email, sms, viber. When we are in the same car, if he takes the backseat, I will sit at frontseat, vice versa. lol I don't feel comfortable sitting at the same front or back space with him. Not that his smell is bad or he's not well-mannered, just he's a married guy, and I think I need to keep a distance, professionally and personally. But yesterday, I was in dilemma when he offered me a ride. I didn't want the frontseat as he was driving, but sitting at the back was like I'm his boss? LOL... in the end, I took the frontseat. 


I re-watched that scene... I think likely because TJ was afraid she would flirt with him or talk inappropriately  at the backseat, she had liked him even before they cooperated. 

Is there any car scene b/w TJ and SY ? did they share same backseat? ^_^ He was quite impolite to her too. I remember the scene he blew in her face... It was so rude, I don't understand why he did that. I wanna slap him at that scene.

I read in psychological research that when ppl show they are over-confident and behave inappropriately compared to their normal-self, sometimes, it's because they wanna hide their nervousness or a lie or sth negative. TJ was quite gentle with his family and his employees, but when it came to SY, her family and the upper ppl, he behaved differently to be the same level with them? 

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They didn’t have any car scene together.


Not sure what was his intention to blowing in SY’s face, maybe trying to intimidate her by implying there would be a big opponent fighting against her.  He couldn’t be thinking some sort of romance when blowing in her face. 


He acted quite aggressive towards SY/her family.  Perhaps showing he’s not timid of their high-class status or inferior to them.  He certainly thinks he could be as powerful as them.

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