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8 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

Oh, royal families also gave rings to ppl outside the family as recognition for their works? I didn't know that... I thought they usually gave stuffs like royal weapon, medals, lands or royal titles... as reward/recognition for their subordinates' hard-working. Ring was a symbol as well as recognition of royal power. I remember I read or watched somewhere that there was a King, whenever he touched and rotated the royal ring around his finger, someone were gonna get killed. Royal ring also had personal meaning, they only exchanged it with outside ppl when they were engaged or got married to them or as a promise to get married with them.

I feel like I watched something like this too :o like, if the king turned it right then that man will not be killed. But if he turned it to left, then that man will be killed.


Yeah. In Chinese there were stories like that too though I forgot most of them but this one I remember: the emperor gave this governor and two generals of gifts as a reward for what they did, the governor was the only one who received a ring(if I remember it was a white Jade-ring, something like that). The most popular example for this (though not Asian) was Joan of Arc, she was given a ring by the king, though we all know they are not in any sort of romantic relationship lol.


8 hours ago, QSD said:

Looking back, I believe the writers don’t have much intention to focus on romance at all.  Their main purpose is to depicting a life of QSD, the journey it takes for her to become the Queen and how much she loves the nation and for the welfare of her people.  Anything else is just a side dish.



Yeah, QSD is one of those traditional Sageuks and back then they mostly focus on the lead character story and the palace life, focusing on romance without ruining the story will be hard. So the writers probably just wanted to focus on Deokman's life and as a Queen but had to change it because lots of characters became popular. Maybe they wanted her to move on from Yushin and focus on her love for Silla or probably wanted to keep her feelings mystery, that viewers will wonder whether she fell for anyone or not (Similar to the one they did with Queen Elizabeth 1) but they had to change it still wonder what LYW might be feeling during those times, not just her but UTW too.


Because they put a lot of Bideok moments early on, if they have no plan about them at all they wouldn't be there in the first place... it was enough that a lot of viewers shipped them. And I believe she really did liked him early on lol.


Speaking of UTW :-o I was shocked to see that he actually got into scandal. :o with this recent news about GHJ, that makes them three now. Lee Seungho (Alcheon), UTW (Yushin) and GYJ, although LYW also got into some news so if we can include hers, the only one remaining was KNG hahah.


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which scandals of Alcheon and YS (the actors) you were talking about? 

Recently, there is a big scandal related to the actor playing DM's Dad in QSD . 



I heard abt it weeks ago because they mentioned "the actor played in QSD", key words are QSD, so I checked and got updated from the beginning to the end. I feel so bad for all ppl involved in this, especially the victims and his family. 

I hope LYW can stay far away from all dark and nasty secrets in Kbiz. 

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5 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

which scandals of Alcheon and YS (the actors) you were talking about? 

Recently, there is a big scandal related to the actor playing DM's Dad in QSD . 



I heard abt it weeks ago because they mentioned "the actor played in QSD", key words are QSD, so I checked and got updated from the beginning to the end. I feel so bad for all ppl involved in this, especially the victims and his family. 

I hope LYW can stay far away from all dark and nasty secrets in Kbiz. 

Wah.... I cannot believe this... he is dead?!

I am shock..... and feel so sad about this. The last time I saw him was in the drama "Scarlet Heart Ryeo" ... I am really shock something like this happened.


About Alcheon the actor, right after QSD ended... he and his then gf broke up and the gf said a lot of bad things about him. His management didn't deny it nor agreed to it, they just said they don't know what's going on with him in his private life.


Yushin actor was sued by a woman who says that he raped her, UTW at that time was already married and his wife was pregnant.  He made an appeal and said that it was consensual act, which was found out to be true later on. He visited that woman twice and she recorded their meeting and used it to blackmail him. Even though he was fount not guilty, of course it still doesn't clear his name from the fact that he did cheated on his wife.


But really I am so shock with this news about QSD's father(in the drama)


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3 hours ago, etlc said:

Love this review, I also thought it will be boring and just another revenge drama but turned out it was completely different.




What does this mean? something to do with Cell Bloom?

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On 11/03/2018 at 7:10 PM, yanki said:

BTW Do you ship her with someone in ASC? Just curious, maybe we are on the same ship hehe.


I feel so guilty, I can't help to ship Jung-Hye with Soo-Gyum hehe maybe i got blinded by his abs early on, during the pool scene in his first night as a rich son lol. It doesn't help that LYW looks too young to be his mom. Idk for me, there's chemistry every time the two are together in a scene. But really I'm fine with Jung Hye not having a proper ship in ASC as long as she's with the ajummas. Now that's the ship whose journey i don't want to end.


On 12/03/2018 at 1:18 AM, unimee said:

I like LYW's acting in the Empire of Gold she was really amazing in that one. I don't like her character in ASC hat much since I am not into cutesy type.


This is the drama that made me stan LYW. I watched QSD and 49 days prior to EG but i was just a casual fan then. She's so good in this drama. Choi Seo-Yoon is brilliant and scary at the same time. Her morals towards the end are questionable but she must do it to survive. She's always getting attacked that you can't help to root for her. 


15 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

I remember I read or watched somewhere that there was a King, whenever he touched and rotated the royal ring around his finger, someone were gonna get killed. Royal ring also had personal meaning, they only exchanged it with outside ppl when they were engaged or got married to them or as a promise to get married with them.


For me, the messages they wanna conveyed during DM's death scene (the ring and her words) are personal to her and only her; and not related to any man (YS, BD...). The next scene (meeting young DM) confirms that. It's all about her choice b/w devotion all her life to Silla and a normal life of a woman. The ring in last scene, for me, is like a metaphor of royal power: in the end, she had power but couldn't pursuit her own happiness (with YS, BD or any other man).

Btw, the ring didn't fit her finger, does it have any meaning? lol... why I find any single detail in QSD is suspicious? the drama is indeed epic. Nearly 10 years passing, and we still find things to discuss about and learn sth new; and also unanswered questions. 


PS: I think there is absolutely no problem to discuss QSD in this thread. It's LYW's work, why not... I'm excited to new knowledge which you guys share abt this drama. 


Why does rotating a ring remind of the antagonist from You from Another Star. Hehehe. Every time he rotates his ring, he's plotting to kill someone.

I agree with your analysis @vaiduakhu, it's not about who she really loves (YS or BD) but a metaphor of  the life she chose. Gaining power (throne) but sacrificing her own personal happiness (losing both YS' love-her last words and BD's love-the ring). She made peace with it in the end when she told young DM that she'll lose those she love and be so very lonely. That it will seem like she have everything and yet she'll will have nothing. But still young DM must go on and endure it to the end.


13 hours ago, QSD said:

Honestly I don’t think Deokman has fallen in love with Bidam (yet).  She’s mostly feeling sorry for him in the last scene in which there’s nothing can be stopped from that happening.  I have doubt she would abdicate the throne for him if she didn’t know her days are coming to an end.



This. And she made a secret covenant with Chunchu too, to slay BD if he won't abide by his promise to leave his position and power after she dies. This echoes with the covenant made by the her great grandfather, the late king to slay Mishil.


6 hours ago, yanki said:

Yeah, QSD is one of those traditional Sageuks and back then they mostly focus on the lead character story and the palace life, focusing on romance without ruining the story will be hard. So the writers probably just wanted to focus on Deokman's life and as a Queen but had to change it because lots of characters became popular. Maybe they wanted her to move on from Yushin and focus on her love for Silla or probably wanted to keep her feelings mystery, that viewers will wonder whether she fell for anyone or not (Similar to the one they did with Queen Elizabeth 1) but they had to change it still wonder what LYW might be feeling during those times, not just her but UTW too.


Speaking of UTW :-o I was shocked to see that he actually got into scandal. :o with this recent news about GHJ, that makes them three now. Lee Seungho (Alcheon), UTW (Yushin) and GYJ, although LYW also got into some news so if we can include hers, the only one remaining was KNG hahah.



LYW was surprised as well. About the ending, she said, “It was different that what I thought it would be. I thought it would end on a political note, but it became about Bi-dam’s love." It's from dramabeans (http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/12/queen-seon-deok-ends-with-episode-62/)


I don't actively follow other celebrities. It's more of I like your character (not the actor/actress) in this drama and I move on (except for LYW, Kim Soo-hyun and Gdragon for kpop) that's why I'm shocked about LSH this is my first time hearing this, could it be the reason why I haven't seen him in a lead role? I know a little about the cases of UTW, GHJ and the actor who played the king as it's all over the news and I stalked Allkpop and Soompi frequently. But I'm a bit confuse with LYW (sorry I'm new) was it about the interview a few years ago? The one where she refused to answer questions bout her family? I think it's her prerogative she's just protecting her husband and child. Or the birth tour? It's also her life she can choose wherever she wants to give birth for privacy and security purposes lol or is it about the first love issue?


6 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

I hope LYW can stay far away from all dark and nasty secrets in Kbiz. 


This. Thank God she married early and I heard her husband come from an affluent family (money=power) so abusive actors will think twice first or they will have to face Mr Park's wrath lol. But in all seriousness, #Metoo movement in korea exposes dirty secrets/abusive actions i don't want any actresses/actors to have the misfortune to experience . Apparently it's not all sunshine and daises in kdramaland.


1 hour ago, yanki said:



What does this mean? something to do with Cell Bloom?


I don't understand what it says. Please can someone with a kind soul explain/translate?

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No, what I mean for that was that for me both love story of Yudeok and Bideok doesn't seem believable.

The whole time, we see them acting like a leader and subordinate. Yushin was acting like a strict leader to all of them including Deokman, he was only being a little kind to her because Cheonmyeong asked him to. Later on he started to treat her softer so we can assume that he already know that he was a woman at this time which probably doesn't happen to long ago. And then suddenly he love her so much he was willing to leave everything for her? How? When? How did that happen? We didn't even see anything from that shows them acting different toward each other, then suddenly he love her that much?

But the most unbelievable here is Deokman's love for Yushin. The whole time she was acting like a man, acting like a real nangdo, getting angry at Yushin for not leading them well etc. She has a lot of thing going with her the whole time, and then the thing about her parents came. When Yushin told her he will go with her, she asked him annoyingly "why? do you like me?" then got a bit embarassed for what she said until Yushin told her "I never said I didn't" only then did she act like a girl who felt a bit happy knowing there is someone who has a crush on her. Then suddenly we get those crying scenes "You will never be able to touch me again etc" ? Since when? when did she had the time to fall for him like that?  And then during his wedding, she was crying saying she love him and can't let him go (to me she was like a kid at that time, whose toy or candy  was taken from her) and viola! she was able to recover early.

The "real love or deep love" wasn't there, and if there was then it was, then it wasn't properly shown.

If we will think about it, Yushin found out that she was a woman so it's possibl that he developed feelings for her after that. But for it to be that deep? But yeah, I will take it that Yushin loved her.
Deokman, as what you guys said, she probably fell for him after he said that he choose her. But was it any different with the way she fell for Bidam? No, because she also just fell for him because he was the only one who was there for her at that time.

And this is the problem with the romance in the drama, you have to think deep about it before it make sense to you. But if we are just going to watch it, really how did it start? what happeend? when? how? did we see them acting like they were in love before Deokman became a princess? None of them showed anything that a person was in love was showing, especially Deokman.

The same goes for Bideok:
Which is what I said from my first post.

None of the love story makes sense if we are going to judge it as a viewer. But if we are going to judge them as human, only then it makes sense and that's the problem with the drama, you had to put yourself on their shoes in order to make it believable.

So if we it's the drama, none of the ship seems believable. But if we are going to judge her feelings as a human, only then it make sense for both.
And judging her as human; she loved them both. We can take Yushin as her first love, she fell for him because of his dedication for her but moved on from him the moment he got married. Bidam is what comes after that first love, the love that normally you end up with (if you live in normal world not theirs). First love is especial and no matter how many times you love the way you loved your first love will be different. But that doesn't mean you will keep loving your first love, because time comes and you will learn to love someone again.
Most of us have that first love that we don't end up with. But that doesn't mean that our love for the next person wasn't real.

We can say, she only liked the comfort that Bidam gave her. But if we are going to think about it then, what would be love for QSD then? because if we will notice, then we can say that she only like Yushin becaused she was able to depend on him, right? Because we didn't really saw her going through that phase of being in love especially for "first love"

But for me Yushin loved her but if we are going to look at it in the drama, he couldn't really gave her anything except his servie which isn't just for her but for Silla and Gaya. We cannot really say that everything that Yushin did was just for her. He said, he will give him everything he have but when that time comes, he couldn't even sacrife one person for her. In the end, she have to get it herself.



3 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

LYW was surprised as well. About the ending, she said, “It was different that what I thought it would be. I thought it would end on a political note, but it became about Bi-dam’s love." It's from dramabeans (http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/12/queen-seon-deok-ends-with-episode-62/)


I do not really mind the changes because it is normal for any stories; Dramas, movies, novels or even comics to have changes in their story as  it goes on. So many writers have talked about the original story that they planned and what they planned for the character then change them completely later on. So any part of the changes was part of the story for me and legit. Even Harry Potter has changes done with them. KNG's last drama also had changes on it especially the ending, it was the opposite of what the writer originally planned.


The problem was the way it was executed... probably because they had to extended the drama. They actually even have lots of scenes that was obviously dragged (Example Mishil's scenes, to make her stay in the story even though Mishil was just sitting and commenting they had to keep her.)  I read that they were still shooting few hours before the last episode was aired.


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I think I get what you meant, Unimee. But like QSD (the member named QSD, not the drama name :lol: ), I think romance is just a side dish of this drama, and the main focuses are DM's journey and Silla's political issues, so the romance didn't get proper development. But whatever romances (Yudoek, Bidoek) in first 50 episodes are reasonable for me, only 12 final episodes are a bit difficult to digest. I think in other dramas, this happens too: the heroin and hero hated each other nut yesterday, and in the morning, they wake up finding they are madly in love with each other. Yudoek romance is kinda expected, it's typical Kromance theme. When I watched them bickering, irritating each other in DM's nangdo time, I foresaw there would be a romance line b/w them. 

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13 hours ago, yanki said:

About Alcheon the actor, right after QSD ended... he and his then gf broke up and the gf said a lot of bad things about him. His management didn't deny it nor agreed to it, they just said they don't know what's going on with him in his private life.


Yushin actor was sued by a woman who says that he raped her, UTW at that time was already married and his wife was pregnant.  He made an appeal and said that it was consensual act, which was found out to be true later on. He visited that woman twice and she recorded their meeting and used it to blackmail him. Even though he was fount not guilty, of course it still doesn't clear his name from the fact that he did cheated on his wife.


But really I am so shock with this news about QSD's father(in the drama)



Oh, does the actor playing Alcheon have any remarkable work recently? look like his career doesn't get much progress after QSD? it's quite a pity that he lost that chance. Some actors in QSD take advantage of QSD's popularity and develop their career further, like LYW, Yoo Seung Ho, KNG (right, Yanki? )... 

I also don't know much abt Kactors, and only read their news if it's related to LYW or LYW's works. I think I heard abt UTW's scandal before (they wrote the title "QSD's star bla bla...", and I was like: "what? does it talk abt LYW? ":lol:). 


14 hours ago, etlc said:


Thanks for the news, we don't mind this nice interruption. 

I see "noona romance" in the comment section! Man, I'm all for it :D (imagining LYW is in the controversial and thrilling noona-dongseng romance... bye, I'm dead) 


10 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:


I feel so guilty, I can't help to ship Jung-Hye with Soo-Gyum hehe maybe i got blinded by his abs early on, during the pool scene in his first night as a rich son lol. It doesn't help that LYW looks too young to be his mom. Idk for me, there's chemistry every time the two are together in a scene. But really I'm fine with Jung Hye not having a proper ship in ASC as long as she's with the ajummas. Now that's the ship whose journey i don't want to end.


This. Thank God she married early and I heard her husband come from an affluent family (money=power) so abusive actors will think twice first or they will have to face Mr Park's wrath lol. But in all seriousness, #Metoo movement in korea exposes dirty secrets/abusive actions i don't want any actresses/actors to have the misfortune to experience . Apparently it's not all sunshine and daises in kdramaland.



You are not the only one, I'm in that guilty JH-SG ship too, hi-five ! :tongue:

But Yanki should feel 100x times more guilty than us. Besides a hardcore Bidoek shipper, she dedicated all her time of watching ASC to ship JH with DH's son with all her heart :lol:. This thread gives birth to weird ships... <_<


Abt LYW, I think so too. I'm a bit worried, because you know, it's extremely hard to come in and get out all clean from showbiz world. Even big actress like GHJ got dragged in mess due to various reasons. Hope LYW's hubby protects her from dirty claws and dark power in showbiz.  


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8 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:


But I'm a bit confuse with LYW (sorry I'm new) was it about the interview a few years ago? The one where she refused to answer questions bout her family? I think it's her prerogative she's just protecting her husband and child. Or the birth tour? It's also her life she can choose wherever she wants to give birth for privacy and security purposes lol or is it about the first love issue?


The interview was in 2010 when she doing promotion for her movie.  She got irritated by them for asking about her family rather than about a movie, so she cancelled all the following interviews.  She’s a private person and thus is not very fond of to revealing her family matters to the public.


Right after she got married in Jan 2003, she moved to the US with her husband where he was studying at the time.  While staying there she got pregnant, so she decided might as well to give birth in the States.  And they just have nothing else better to do or write on so they criticized her for giving birth to her child there.   


Her first love isn’t an issue nor related. 


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On 3/12/2018 at 10:30 AM, yanki said:

About Alcheon the actor, right after QSD ended... he and his then gf broke up and the gf said a lot of bad things about him. His management didn't deny it nor agreed to it, they just said they don't know what's going on with him in his private life.


No wonder I haven’t seen his career taking off since then.  The viewers do like him in QSD.  He even had a fan meeting in Japan too.  He also invited Yowon as special guest.  Oh well I guess he lost a golden opportunity.  As of now he’s at the same agency as Yowon’s.  After all these years he’s still loyal to the queen and protecting her there.



On 3/12/2018 at 11:34 AM, yanki said:

What does this mean? something to do with Cell Bloom?

On 3/12/2018 at 12:46 PM, bluebelle05 said:

I don't understand what it says. Please can someone with a kind soul explain/translate?



Cell Bloom is opening a duty-free shop today at 2 PM local time in Shinsegae department store.  The queen will be there.

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3 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

LYW was surprised as well. About the ending, she said, “It was different that what I thought it would be. I thought it would end on a political note, but it became about Bi-dam’s love." It's from dramabeans (http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/12/queen-seon-deok-ends-with-episode-62/)

Yeah. According to the writers, QSD was supposed to end with Kim Chunchu unifying the Three Kingdoms but if they will do that then they will need to show all of the important wars that happened for it to succeed and with that, they will need another season or extension for the drama, but the actors were already exhausted and started to accept new projects (probably Yushin and Chunchu actors) so they decided that ending instead.


As for me, I like that the drama ended after QSD's death because the drama was about QSD not about the Three Kingdoms, although a written epilogue would've nice - like they can say that "Silla unified the Three Kingdoms 29 years after QSD's death" but maybe they avoided the complaints they might received it they made it look like everything was because of QSD even though they didn't see QSD as a good political leader.



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17 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

I don't actively follow other celebrities. It's more of I like your character (not the actor/actress) in this drama and I move on (except for LYW, Kim Soo-hyun and Gdragon for kpop) that's why I'm shocked about LSH this is my first time hearing this, could it be the reason why I haven't seen him in a lead role? I know a little about the cases of UTW, GHJ and the actor who played the king as it's all over the news and I stalked Allkpop and Soompi frequently. But I'm a bit confuse with LYW (sorry I'm new) was it about the interview a few years ago?

No it was from last year when she was promoting the movie "Yes Family". According to the report, she came later (probably 30 minutes late) so the reporters were getting annoyed. When she arrived, they were expecting her to bow and apologize and explain why she was late, but LYW just sat right away with saying anything. One of the reporters made a sarcastic joke and asked her whether there was traffic that's why she was late but she just asked her manager to explain. The reporter was said to be very angry and even ended up raising his voice, so of course what he will report about her wasn't good. And yeah that boycotting incident from years ago was also mentioned.


Anyways the fan said later on that her management explained that she was told to come at that time, so how can she apologized if she didn't know what wrong she did? She hate being late so if it's true that she was really late, she would've apologized.


11 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

Oh, does the actor playing Alcheon have any remarkable work recently? look like his career doesn't get much progress after QSD? it's quite a pity that he lost that chance. Some actors in QSD take advantage of QSD's popularity and develop their career further, like LYW, Yoo Seung Ho, KNG (right, Yanki? )... 


It was too bad that it happened while he was getting popular, it really did damage his career. Last time I saw him was from the drama of the writers of QSD (Six Flying Dragons, I think) most of the actors n QSD was also in that drama.


Yeah.... it was really such a shame that after QSD none of them stayed in that limelight. It's just good thing that LYW and KNG at least still manage to stay even a little.  During and After QSD, a lot of dramas started to get high ratings. In 2013 all of did that a drama, GHJ vs UTM. KNGvsLYW and none of them got a really high ratings and said even if you add up all of the ratings from their show it will still be not small compared to the ratings of QSD.


11 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

You are not the only one, I'm in that guilty JH-SG ship too, hi-five ! :tongue:

But Yanki should feel 100x times more guilty than us. Besides a hardcore Bidoek shipper, she dedicated all her time of watching ASC to ship JH with DH's son with all her heart :lol:. This thread gives birth to weird ships..

I felt a bit guilt after finding  out that he was younger than the step-son haha but year has passed before the whole thing ended, so he reach the rightful age to ship lol. I saw other shippers on YouTube though :lol:


I do not mind them not ending up together although it was sad that they didn't had any more scenes together. I also like the step-son ship too bad the writer sunk it as well lol.


Thank you for the pictures @samecut123

So that was what the post was about. At first look I thought that she was wearing the same dress from her FM but now that I look at it properly, they just look similar but different.

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Some fans are saying she’s a softer version of daepyonim.


OK not done with QSD yet…  after DM announced her royal wedding with Bidam, Bidam gives Yushin his book.  What is the book about? 

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