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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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Guest itrayya

a lot of peeps say that he 'gave up' by leaving,

but in a way, he won by leaving, i think.

imagine, when they perform on a stage, it's gonna be difficult because of antis,

but by him leaving, he's telling them that he wont stand there and let them bad mouth him.

he's gonna go back home to family and friends, while the antis are left looking for something new to talk about.

it may seem like losing to some people,

but i think he won by doing what was right for him as a person.

there's only so much a person can take,

im glad he knew what he could handle and couldn't.

regardless of what happened, he's home and that's good for him.

i hope other artists will say something.

i feel mad in a way because no one stood up and defended him.

most kinda just ignored it while he was basically stoned at by antis and the news.

i cant even look at other artists' face because i feel like no one stood up for him.

all those other celebs who are his friends didnt even really come out and stand next to him in this hard time.

if it was me, i rather lose my career than lose a good geniune friend.

that i can live with.

but if i let a friend go through this without even shielding half of his/her pain on myself,

i dont know if i can live it through.

im sad because i feel like netizens and antis run kpop.

im not here to argue with anyone so please dont throw bad ideas what not my way.

take care all :)

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. . . wow, i didn't think it would come to this. this is way extreme for something that could have easily been overlooked. i understand it was offensive but to drive someone out of the country?... i don't know. I feel like it could have been settled in a better manner. Good luck to him and to 2PM.

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This is extremely saddddd. So many bad news today. I'm not a huge huge fan of 2PM in general, but hearing about this just breaks my heart. This little issue was blown all out of proportion. And wayyyy too fast! It was unnecessary to leave, but for him, he felt it had to be done. And so i hope 2PM fans will recuperate and respect his decision as he promises to become a better person when he returns. Stay in there [and keep the faith]!

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I was so shocked when I saw this in news a few minutes ago. I'm so disappointed at this guy for leaving like this just because of the netizens, I wished he stood strong as a leader he is. The issues probably died down if he kept calm.

Netizens sure do drown celebrities into misery, they must be very relieved now that Jaebum gave them a favor. -_-

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Guest loikyish.

sheeet. jay is.. leaving? no john teshing way.

oh god. this can't be real. i mean, seriously?

geez. i can't post a decent comment right now so ill be back later when im better.


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Guest JambaJuice

Today, I cried at school because of his leaving.

I even checked the time until his plane lands in Seattle.

I was constantly on my phone using the internet updating on Jaebum.

It's not going to be the same anymore but I do hope he'll come back when everything is settled down.

He'll be ten times greater.

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Guest TOPforever

He is planning to come back. Smart move, this stopped antis getting more support and makes him stay low till this blows over. However, 2pm is now a 6-member group and my guess is that they will remain so because a new member will be probably hated. After an album or two, Jay will come back a changed person.


ahh but i still want him to come back sooner ):

ill wait<3

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Guest bbyxmina

I think this is so ridiculous and so uncalled for. I'm pretty sure there's no reason for me to write this since majority of the people feel the same way as I do and probably said what I'm about to say.

But I just wanted to write here for the first time to show some support.

This has gotten way too out of hand and honestly I'm pretty disappointed with Korea. I am also a Korean American and I do understand how he feels.

I'm in just utter disbelief and shock right now that this situation got this blow out of proportion.

I mean, come on ? How immature and low life are you to actually make a petition telling someone to commit suicide ?

That is just, wow, words can't even describe. I mean, his Myspace comments were from years ago, why the heck would you bring something that old up ? I get over it.

I mean Jesus Christ. And whoever that Shinee lover fan girl is, she needs to get her self together. I hope karma bites her in the a*s. She sure does deserve it.

I just want to wish the best of luck to Jaebeom on everything back here in the US. Come to California where the weather is nice and you'll probably be loved by like majority of the girls here, hahaha.

Also, I never knew that netizens could take things this far. My mom even agrees with me that they're just psychotic. Well, to whoever made this happen(Jay quitting), good job you deserve a cookie. Hope you choke on it and have a happy life.

But other then all that, best luck to him. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to maintain and have a content life in Seattle. :)

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Guest undercontrol

this was actually really predictable. fans were going "oh it's going to die down soon! don't worry about it!!" but seriously stuff like this DOESN'T die down soon. jay's myspace messages wreaked havoc among not only the netizens but a lot of the so-called normal koreans. they probably would've never forgiven him until he left or something.

but many netizens are just wondering right now about what will happen to his group now that the leader left.

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and also i just wanted to say that

we have all had those times when we were like

"oh i hate my mom" "my parents are being soo gay"

and we DONT actually mean it

as a teenager we just say things that we think we think

but really we are just upset over something else..

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Guest is2kwharss501

nooooo. hes leaving 2pm?? even though im a slient fan ish of 2pm cuz im slow with stuff >.< but hearing this breaks our hearts (well except the ones that wants him to leave) our hearts is just shattered </3

anyways i think netizes should take a break on attacking other celeb. let them live their celeb lives and u live urs. if u dont like them then dont put them in ur life. its tat simple. netizes never miss a spot do they? on attacking celebs =T

jay stay strong!!! dont care abt the 3000 fans tat wants u to leave! care about the other 6000+ fans tat wants u to stay! we are going to wait for u jay to comeback! im hoping wishing praying tat jay comes back lol we all support u jay! GO JAY! FIGHTING!!!

“we 2pm Are Not 7 Members, We Are One.”

wooyoung's words again! ♥♥ learn how to love like him guys! (:

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Guest dahheekeem





HWAITING~~~~<33 will be waiting for your return!

박재범, 2PM, HOTTEST 홧팅!!!!!


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Guest Banana Peel

I know this might sound greedy of me, but I wish that 2pm would wait for Jay to come back.

Having a new member wouldn't help at all, in my opinion. And with just six of them, I doubt

it'll ever be the same again.

I mean, of course 2pm would release few albums while Jay is gone, but when Jay comes back

as a 'better person,' I wish he could go back to the group. But maybe that's a bit too late...

*sigh* I'm going crazy, thinking about all these possibilities and what if's.

I could only imagine how Jay & 2pm feel right now. Ugh, this sucks big time.

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Guest janeeeee

i am on the verge of tears. although i support jay 100%, i cannot believe he left.

watching the video of him at the airport, it honestly breaks my heart.

he honestly did not deserve this at all, netizens/antis need to honestly stop making such a big deal out of nothing.

i love you and hope that you will come back. <3

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