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Can You Feel Physical Pain In Dreams?


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Exactly as the topic says,

Is there anyone out there who felt physical pain in your dreams before? Like getting bashed or something??

Because i haven't. Every time i dream, when ever I'm about to get stabbed or something or fall of a bridge,

I immediately wake up so the scary painful part didn't even occur yet.. but I was just wondering, LOL.

Share your experiences if you have or explanation (:

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Guest binjoo

I used to have lots of dreams where I would be in knife fights and the stabbing would hurt.

I think it's very odd, but also cool that when you're dreaming, if your brain says you're in pain, you feel it.

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Guest __LOST

^ pain is just your nerves telling your brain something is wrong. that's why people have varying degrees of pain tolerance, i guess.

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Guest tofu plushie

Yes. I had a dream where I was shot to death and I could feel intense pain in my body. I also had a dream where I feel from the sky and landed splat on the floor, which hurt a lot lol. In another dream a large rat attacked me and I could feel it scratching and biting me. Yeah.. I have weird dreams.

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I used to have dreams where I got stabbed or fall off of something but didn't feel anything or I would wake up in time. Though, I remembered one time where I dreamed I got killed and when I woke up I feel this awful pain for almost the whole day. My mom said sometimes, you can feel the pain especially if you are indeed killed in your dream.

I just think it's all in my head.

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I've had dreams before where i've jumped high city buildings. From the top of one building to another.

and sometimes when i miss the rooof, I physically feel myself falling down and you get a gut rush and all this crap.

but I never feel physical pain in dreams.

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Guest bonbons


i've felt the urge to throw up in my dreams, and also crying (waking up my throat would hurt a lot from choking in the dream)

running, being hurt...lol

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Guest Regina Rae

Ya. I had a dream once where a bee stung me right in the middle of my hand. The pain was so real and excruciating that it woke me up. Another time, was when I dreamt I was drowning in an ocean. I was under the water completely, and I really wasn't breathing. I was holding my breath in the dream and in real life. My lungs felt like they were going to burst, and I woke. Coughing and gasping for air.


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Guest Mango.Tango~

ONE TIME. I was dreaming of getting stabbed in the back. and it hurt SOOOO much...i woke up. And the spot on my back actually really hurt. It was twitching. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Guest kawaiiai

when im dreaming..i always tend to feel physical pain..when its inflicted on me strongly..such as being hurt with something sharp..or falling & hitting the ground..not long ago i dreamt i died.. :mellow: after falling on something really sharp...and that felt soo....real..sometimes it causes me..to wake up from my dreams..but this only happens when im a deep dream state..

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Yes, most definitely.

Usually, my knees feel weak and I would sweat and cry. But in more “intense” dreams, I have been stabbed +__+ (not a very nice feeling) and ran over by a truck.

It is just part of my brain and nerve system’s weird function at night. ROFLS.

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Guest choppsueyy!

wow my friend thought i was crazy because i told her i could 'feel' things that happened to me in my dreams :lol:

i had multiple dreams were i was punched or kicked and i felt the pian inflicted.

anyone have a dream where they felt something other than pain?

i had a dream a while ago where i was kissed by this stranger and i felt it! :huh:

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hell yes! im one of those people who can control my dreams and remember everything. but yeah, when there is always violence involved, i can feel it. which makes it so cool xD

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Guest xsaranghae<3

yea i can. its kinda weird

considering i dont always wake up till the scary parts over

i just HAVE TO KNOW what happens xD

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