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Short Asian Males

Guest bape_sta

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Ya I wouldn't go out with a 5' guy since I'm short already (5'2") and I love heels which would make me about 5'5", so I need my guy to be at least 5'7" (and that's pretty short for a guy). I don't know... I just feel like it would be weird if I'm with a shorter guy. I think I would just see him as a friend and nothing more. But you never know... people can't help who they fall in love with sometimes.

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Guest angelaness

My boyfriend thinks he's short.I am 5'3. Hes 5'7 though and thats a pretty decent height. or am i wrong? is that short? cause i cant stop him from complaining. ToT

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Guest I.♥_Y0U ;)

Personally, I think it'd be okay if he was short & not buff. Short buff dudes are sort of creepy looking to me. But generally, almost all girls like tall guys. -_-

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Guest chewy130

im tall 6'2 but im really weak

and also a lot of short guys are surprisingly strong, dont get confused women...

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Guest bonjour tristesse.

im actually a bit surprised that everyone is saying height matters ; i guess everyone is saying height matters because usually in relationships, girls like the feeling of being held and you know most of the time it would feel right if the guy was tall and the girl was short. but for me, personally, i wouldnt mind dating a guy that was as tall as me, shorter than me or what not. i mean, i dont care about appearance, as long as hes good to me and he knows how to cherish a woman, why not.

im around his height too but im a girl so i guess its alright. lmao.

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Guest iLuvreYou

I once had a boyfriend who was shorter than me, and it was pretty bad..

He'd always mention it subtly. I got the feeling that he felt less of a man.. Which affected us both..

So, it does make you feel a bit weird .. and no matter What the guy will always feel insecured.

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Guest Ericcc

Height matters ALOT to a girl.

If I asked my female mates on their take on 'short guys', 9/10 of them would feel kinda wierd dating one.

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Guest iyaiyayeo

hmm..i know other Filipino guys who are shorter than him but they have girlfriends. i think it's common among us Filipinos that we're not tall. sometimes what a guy needs is confidence to be able to bring out the best in him. the right girl will just come - someone who will accept him for who/what he is. i honestly like tall guys but the guy i'm with now is not tall.he's just 5'6". i tease him about it but what's important is heart over matter.

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Guest soominie

I find tall guys to be really attractive :-X I won't look at a guy unless he's at least 180cm LOL and I'm not even tall...

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Guest `simple_adoration*

erm, well, IMO, height matters a lot. I wouldn't want to date a guy shorter than me, and i'm pretty short. I suggest for your friend that he find a shorter girl than him. I think i saw you in the Edmontonians thread, and i know a lot of short girls in Edmonton, so it wont be that hard to find a shorter girl then him; tell him not to worry too much about it. It's not really his fault he's so short.

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Guest mct2dj

It's not that important, but if you guys are going to bars to look for girlfriends, it's probably more important.

At bars, no girl is gonna be able to see his personality and his wealth, what they CAN see is a person's appearance and one of the most dominant thing they see is height.

Btw, girls usually wear heals when they go to bars and clubs, so even if a girl is shorter than your friend without heals, they probably won't approach him cause he's the same height as them with heals on.

So go somewhere else to look for girlfriends.

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