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Losing Your Virginity?

Guest Daylightful

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Guest Daylightful

Importance? Age? - read first post before you reply
I'm allowing this thread for now even though the previous ones ended up in a mess. I want all of you to please watch what you post, because this is a sensitive issue. By no means should you impose your personal moral values on others. So do yourselves and me a favour, post civilly if you want a good discussion, or this thread will go down the way of its predecessors and be closed.

I closed the poll because this wasn't a personal problem that needed poll help. OP please read the announcement on that.

So guys! I'm just curious and decided to start a topic on losing your virginity. (If there is one! Sorry!) So what's your opinion on it? Does age matter? Anyhow, I have tons of my friends who lost their virginity over this summer. They're all around my age. 15-17. Personally, it made me feel weird. I'm a virgin, by the way. Not weird around them, just me in general. Anyhow, I don't think age exactly matters. I think it matters in a sense about the body itself maturing and well, mentally as well. I don't think I would be too satified with a girl at 12 losing hers, since she probably hasn't even hit puberty yet, and then what about her mind? I also don't want to just have sex with anyone, I kind of want to do it with someone I really love and cherish (hopeless romantic.) But, I don't really mind for the people who have sex with just anyone for fun.. If that's what they want, then go for it. But everyone has different opinions, so let's shoot! What is your idea on virginity? Does it have to be for marriage? What if you were in love? Pressure? Does it matter if it was with one person? Can you do it at 13?

Here's a poll to those as well!

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I believe virginity is just a physical thing. It doesn't matter if you lose it or not, you're still who you are. You're not going to change just cause you lose it. People aren't going to see you any differently if they realize you're not a virgin.

But then again, I was never raised in an environment where virginity was given so much emphasis (like you know how if you lose it, you're no longer pure?) Like how religion always talks about virginity this virginity that.

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Guest april_showers

Here are my thoughts:

- I think kids 14 or younger doing it is just wrong. Maybe I'm just biased, my ex lost his when he was 14 when he was pressured to do it with his ex

- If both the guy and the girl agree to have casual sex, then it's okay. But don't gave it away to a someone who just wants your body when you want more. You'll hate yourself forever.

- Losing it when you're in love? I donno man, I've never been in love

- Sex after marriage? If that's what some people believe in, sure. I'm not big on it.

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Guest ltnd.

I lost mine not too long ago. I don't regret it because it was to a person whom I love very much and I know for a fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with. To me..the whole virginity issue holds a really strong meaning..it's something special and if we give it to the person whom we truly love, then it's like giving them a priceless gift because you've given them something that was so special to you..and they should feel honoured and grateful that it was to them and only them. Lol I have NO idea if that just made any sense..but yeah..I'm hoping you get my drift. That's just how I 've been raised..my mom always told me to save it for marriage..but hormones act up sometimes..but yeah I don't regret it.

I also agree with Mannosuke that it's a physical thing because it doesn't make you any different from the person you are. However, some people (maybe parents) will look down on certain young people who've lost their virginity prior to marriage since they've always lived by the traditional way of "no sex before marriage" .. I mean..it doesn't apply to EVERY parent..but there may be a few that have this outlook

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Guest sethsegel

I lost my virginity when i was I think 16 or 17, I don't even remember exactly how old I was. While I don't regret it ( regret is a useless thing to have, you can't do anything about the past!!!), I do definitely wish I would have held out for a girl that truly holds a place in my heart. It's all part of being a human and living life, so don't ever judge people based on if they are or are not virgins, it's just not right.

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i'm 19 and i'm still a virgin.

i've been with my boyfriend, who's turning 22 this october, for over a year and even though we love each other, we're not pressured to have sex just yet. we're not just ready.

i know lots of people who lost their virginity at 14 or younger and they ended up breaking up. sometimes they would only date for a couple weeks or a month and end up having sex. then the next month, they'll break up. but that's just my experience.

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Guest ex4zngod

I think your virginity should be given to someone special that you're going to be with forever, in other words love. Losing your first time is really special, you should lose it, in other words, give it to the one you truly love. You never know 100% if you'll be with the other half forever, so it's best you wait till marriage, that's when you know it'll be forever, but being with someone you'll never think of being parted from one and another. Simply wait till you find that special one, but i wouldn't suggest losing your virginity if your not ready to be a parent yet, to be able to be a parent you'll have to be capable of taking care of your wife and the special baby that's going to come, if you don't i don't suggest losing your virginity at the moment. Good luck

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Guest p u l c h r i t u d e i c

Personally, I believe in sex after marriage. It disgusts me to hear that teenagers are having sex and getting pregnant. I'm very disappointed in one of my closest friends who lost her virginity.

I guess it isn't that much of a deal to some people, but... there's just a gut feeling that grosses me out. I think it shows that you lack a respect for yourself if you're just fooling around or something. Even if it is for a person you love, I'm sure that person wouldn't mind till marriage.

Argh.. I really can't explain it well... I just go with my gut on some issues, and that includes the issue of losing your virginity. Some of the replies here were very reasonable though, it's just something that has been implemented in my head (thanks to my dear old mother~).

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Guest rago08

Okay so I think that when a person loses their virginity is different person from person. There's no "set time" where it becomes okay for one to lose it.

In my opinion, I think that one should be at an age where they are mature enough to handle it and they realize what the consequences are if anything where to go wrong. Also, I think that sex is something that should take place between two people who truly love and care for each other. I don't believe in one night stands and such... It's just not worth the risk in my opinion.

I don't think waiting til marriage is necessary, but then again I wasn't really raised with a strong religious background, so maybe thats why I feel that way?

Anyways, either way I think each person should be smart enough to know when the right time for them is...if you even have the slightest doubt about it...then it's probably not the right time...

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Guest moot11

I believe virginity is just a physical thing. It doesn't matter if you lose it or not, you're still who you are. You're not going to change just cause you lose it. People aren't going to see you any differently if they realize you're not a virgin.

But then again, I was never raised in an environment where virginity was given so much emphasis (like you know how if you lose it, you're no longer pure?) Like how religion always talks about virginity this virginity that.

I wish you would go away, or stop reading my mind. >:(

But seriously, you took the words right out of my mouth.


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Guest xxiaoMEI

Personally, I, myself, believe in sex after marriage. ;x

Just because I have my own morals and values, but that doesnt mean I dont respect people that have already lost their virginity..

I mean, one of my friends have lost his, and I never thought anything much of it, I even forget that he has, hes still cool :D

but yeah, I dont think kids like the age of 13 should be going around having sex at such a young age..

thats just, ugh ;x

I think if you wanna have sex, then be sure you're up for the consequences.

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Guest skycheerio<3

I would rather lose it to someone special.

BUt not at an early age...

cause I don't wanna get pregnant...

cause after watching mtv" 16 and pregnant"

mannn, I don't wanna kid at 16 lololol xD

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I think losing your virginity is fine, as long as its with the right person.

I definitely don't think kids at 13-14 should be having sex though. I think the legal age of consent (i'm in the UK - so its 16 here) is about right, considering they know exactly what they're doing and not just doing it for the sake of having sex.

It's also not something to be rushed. You just have to be ready

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Guest Regina Rae

I don't think people should wait until after marriage to loose their virginity. Basically because I don't think marriage is that speacial of a thing. In fact, I think the world should just do away with marriages. But that's a different story.

I just think if you're ready, and you reeeeeeally like/love the person, then why not? Obviously you should never loose your virginity to just anyone because you feel you are ready. It should be with someone special. Someone that you genuinely really care about.

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Guest heineken.

Ah~ I feel like 16 and younger is too young. I didn't know what the heck was going on when I was 16.. much less have sex then lol.

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Guest hewoniex

I believe that, just like smoking, drinking or anything people indulge themselves in, losing your virginity is simply another form in ways people experiment with (sexuality, growing up, whatever).

Being brought up in a christian environment, i've learned that you shouldn't have sex with anyone until your married. but as i grow up, i realize that religion is sometimes hard for the modern person to relate with. for me, i think that losing your virginity while your in a relationship is reasonable. you might be young, you might be careless... but just as young and careless as you may be, you might also think that the girl/boy you're losing your virginity to will be your future husband / wife (which, in most cases doesn't happen).

i strongly disagree with the idea that losing your virginity is losing your self respect. thats 100% untrue. i'm sure when most people do it (willingly) they do it with a conscious mind whether they want to have fun, or they're in love or whatever the case may be. it doesn't mean that they're selling their bodies out to indulge in something disgusting... hm maybe the word 'self respect' just holds a different meaning for everybody.

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Guest ` J e s s

I don't quite get the whole waiting until marriage thing. I mean, what if they're bad at it? D: Haha jk. But yeah..

I'm 14, and I'm still a virgin but I want to wait until I'm at least in college and with someone I really care about.

I think if you're in middle school or below it's just wrong to have sex at that age..

Well, my friend's friend lost her virginity when she was 5. To her dad. =_____= And the only reason why she told me was cause she killed herself when she was 13 because she hated living, knowing every day her dad would do that to her. I wish she got help. =/

So in a situation like that or something similar I'm not gonna be criticizing the victim. The molester/rapist was in the wrong, but you weren't.

But if you're like 12 or something and you're having sex with who you think is gonna be your future husband, that's just not right.

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Guest touche`

I believe in sexual purity. I do have high moral standards, and this is pretty much too high for people to meet except for the "one" who waits until marriage. I do believe that losing my virginity will affect my marriage with my husband, and how it will view our relationship. However, I do not believe that just because he is the "one" doesn't mean he deserve to have what is important to me unless he wants to marry me for me, not to take away my virginity. Just because he "loves" me in our relationship means he can take whatever he wants from me. I do not believe in the "one"or the "someone special" until marriage because if he is really determine to be with me, then he will be patient about it.

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Guest xXPeachXx

Like what pretty much everyone already said...losing your virginity is something

you decide to do when youre mentally ready to face the consequences

if something goes wrong. I've been raised in kind of a religious

family...but i don't think that waiting till marriage is really necessary.

Just like every other relationships, marriage doesnt always mean forever.

I just think that if you decide to have sex then do it with a person you

truly love. And even though that love doesnt last forever, at least you know

that you did it because you loved that person.

:] yep. thats what i think~

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