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Hardest Book U've Ever Read?

Guest taranutan

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Guest Happy_Day

I actually liked Heart of Darkness lol~~

It took me a couple of readings to finally understand Romeo and Juliet (and everyone knows that story!) so it's not just you. (The footnotes helped a lot.)

I've only read one novel by Jane Austen, which was Emma. I actually liked it, although Emma's naiveté was a little annoying. I tried reading Sense and Sensibility before that but it was torture.

Yea, like I said, I don't like poetry/prose stuff. But I do like Romeo and Juliet - I didn't like it before I watched the movie (with Leonardo DiCaprio), but after the movie naturally I understood everything, so rereading the book was great. I actually knew what was going on because the script was basically the book itself.

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Guest c i n d y

A lot of people are mentioning Heart of Darkness :P. I agree it was one of the most confusing books I've read x_x.

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Guest marasshi

I actually liked Heart of Darkness lol~~

Yea, like I said, I don't like poetry/prose stuff. But I do like Romeo and Juliet - I didn't like it before I watched the movie (with Leonardo DiCaprio), but after the movie naturally I understood everything, so rereading the book was great. I actually knew what was going on because the script was basically the book itself.

You do know that poetry is the one with verses and prose is the one with paragraphs? Most novels are in prose form but Shakespeare's plays, Dante's Inferno, and Faust are in poem form (poetry).

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Guest screamxlove

The Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

I don't care if I read it in the 8th and 9th grade.

It was impossible to get through it both times! SDJ:GLSDKJ /rage.

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oh god my physics book in high school was so hard to understand. I remember I tried to be a good student and read the book, but I was always confused.

people keep mentioning heart of darkness. Is this a standard book assigned for english classes or something? Because I've never heard of it, and now hearing all these people say it's horrible I'm glad I never had to read it.

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Guest yokemun

The Appeal - John Grisham...

i dunno why the book is such a big hit...

i can never ever finish the book......

felt like burning the book now..

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Guest Regina Rae

The Catcher in the Rye.. :crazy:

Seriously. I hate this book.

The worst thing about me having to read it was that, I told my sister that we had to read it in class, and she was like "THAT'S THE BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN!" So I read about it, and apparently, it's like an epic classic or something. So I was really excited & looking forward to reading it.

But damn. Nobody told me it was going to bore me to tears.

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Guest daulism

I actually liked Heart of Darkness lol~~

REALLY? you're the first person i know next to my teacher lol

so what did you like about it, i'm curious. was it easy for you to read?

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Guest ovaltinejenkins

harry potter,

hands down.

i nearly had an aneurysm reading that;;; i LOVE harry potter!

anyway, i bought brisingr, and i tried reading it, but i haven't read eldest in a long time and forgot the whole story, so i tried reading eldest again; got halfway through, and stopped.. tehehe.

i can't read dante's inferno (i agree, the sparknotes was so much more interesting), wuthering heights, the hobbit (i spent three hours in detention reading this;; got more than halfway through and i still didn't know what was going on), a lot of classic literature. i like shakespeare, but it takes me forever to understand what he's saying.

im definitely more of a harry potter person.

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Guest Mirae-chan

The Lord of The Rings.. I seriously wouldn't have been able to finish it if I hadn't had that contest with my friend to see who could finish it first. Totally shallow I suppose, but yeah. xD The Hobbit wasn't bad though.

And I read like 3 pages of The Silmarillion and I was just like.. WTF ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT!?!?!? Something cracked into a song that created everything or something or other? I had no idea what the hell was going on.

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Guest lovelyDae

Jane Eyre was pretty hard for me.

it's too descriptive, im the type of person who likes to create my own images for a story.

and i think it was hard to read because of the fact that i had to read it for school. heh..

school ruins books. they overuse it and make us write essays and essays about it, and the meaning of the book is overlooked wayyy too much.

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Guest MissBoAngel

harry potter,

hands down.

what ?

I am charlotte simmons by tom wolfe

Easy to understand the plot and everything going on,

but his paragraph and sentence construction is like .....

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Guest flyxme.

1984 by george orwell

it was my first time reading such an in depth book

so it was a bit difficult to understand what was actually going on

and what part of the revolution it was referring to....

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Guest GoldenSlumbers

^Haha same here. "Moby D.ick" by Herman Melville. But I am determined to get through it :angry: It's actually not too bad. I don't know, something about it just leaves me feeling tired.

My real answer though would have to be "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

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Guest elbimbo

atonement honestly, it was all good at first and then it was just going nowhere, so I ended up watching the movie to finish it for me,

as well as Jayne Eyer

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