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Hardest Book U've Ever Read?

Guest taranutan

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Guest taranutan

I'm reading Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and mg it's hard-going. Every page-turn is an apprehension... feel like giving up. A classmate gave up on Lolita because of its language gymnastics while another gave up on War & Peace because of its length. What's yours?

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LOTR trilogy. Omg... I only managed to get through the first 2 because I saw the movies first. it's one thing to watch a battle, but it's quite another thing to read about it cuz it's hard to keep track of who died and who didn't. I started reading the third one, but I gave up 20 pages into it.

Frankenstein was really annoying to get through as well. had to read it for English class in high school and i think about 3/4 of the class ended up going to sparknotes for summaries :x

And I'm probably gonna be one of the few people to say this, but I've tried reading Pride and Prejudice at least 4 times but i've never gotten beyond 1/4 of the book cuz the writing style annoyed me so much. it's just so... gossipy... lol. too much trivial dialogue.

I wasn't too crazy about Interview With A Vampire either. In contrast to Pride and Prejudice, there's just too much description about the setting in this one. I think Anne Rice went on for over 4 pages just describing what Lestat's house looks like.

"Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo (eventhough it was a condensed version) and "L'Étranger" by Albert Camus have got to be the worst of the bunch though.. had to read both of them for french class. boring as hell... especially L'Étranger...

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Guest daulism

Heart of Darkness - Joesph Conrad

This was my face reading it: :wacko:

I didn't really like Wuthering Heights either.

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Guest sushisushiii

war & peace by leo tolstoy

i have been reading it for almost a year now (oh god) and i truly love the story, but it is painstakingly long to digest everything... and considering that it is 1200+ pages definitely does not help...

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Guest taemoo

I'm reading Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and mg it's hard-going. Every page-turn is an apprehension... feel like giving up. A classmate gave up on Lolita because of its language gymnastics while another gave up on War & Peace because of its length. What's yours?

I would also vote for Lolita. Ulysses would be a close second. Hopefully I can finish these 2 before I die

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Guest etoile

Seriously. I wanted to go commit suicide afterwards.

seriously. it was the hardest 100 hundred something pages ive ever had to read.

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Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce is all about stream-of-consciousness writing so that was incredibly difficult to get through and a complete torture.

As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner - I have a love/hate relationship with this book. I enjoyed it a lot but at times it was pretty difficult to get through.

Lolita is actually one of my favorite books.

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Guest hyeminnie

I would also vote for Lolita. Ulysses would be a close second. Hopefully I can finish these 2 before I die

Lolita had me pulling out hairs.

another one would be Absalom, Absalom!

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

Any Chinese novel. The names are too difficult to remember and the writing style is so different from what I'm used to.

Three Kingdoms

The Book and the Sword

The Story of the Stone (aka A Dream of Red Mansion)

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Guest hellosunshine1024

a clockwork orange

god i didnt understand ANYTHING. they had like slang from another language that made up the whole book.


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Guest taranutan

Lolita is actually one of my favorite books

It's one of mine too, just on the level of delightful play on language, it's right up there with Moby Richard (the Melville novel, forum robot force-changed the second word, LOL, reminds me of a school internet censor robot that blocked everything with "sex" in it including sexton, middlesex, etc). Richard Tracy. Charles Dickens. Ha ha, yeah playing with the robot... I have a bit too much time on my hand.

James Joyce is all about stream-of-consciousness writing so that was incredibly difficult to get through and a complete torture

Yeah I don't dig SOC as well. Now that you mention it, Miller's Tropic of Cancer was pretty torturous for me.

Any Chinese novel...

lilsh0rtnancy, did you read those in chinese? The hardest chinese book for me is Zizi Tongjian, I was reading an abridged version and even then I had to give up 2/3 thru it. It was SOO long. War & Peace looks like an ant beside it. I heard that Mao Zedong read it cover to cover for an insane 17 times, in the original ancient chinese!

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war & peace by leo tolstoy

i have been reading it for almost a year now (oh god) and i truly love the story, but it is painstakingly long to digest everything... and considering that it is 1200+ pages definitely does not help...

Definitely. Also Paradise Lost. I always end up falling asleep. Now it's just an ornament on my bookshelf :|

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Guest jesster.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

My mom's friend's mom got me that book for christmas in seventh grade, about three years ago. I read to pages 150 something, then I gave up =____=

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