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Taemin(shinee) Getting Bullied @ School? :'(

Guest fallen*angel

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Guest dramaticdilemma

I think this people should seriously get a life.

I know they are jealous because Taemin is rich/popular/handsome.

But if they are seriously jealous, DEAL WITH IT!

There is a reason to everything.

Taemin is popular because of a reason

And they are unpopular because of a reason also..

Bullying? Wow! Cool much?! I am very pissed with those bunch of low-lifes!

It is already very hard and tiring for Taemin out of school, and they want to add on to it.

Gosh!!!! =.= :angry:

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ommonah... poor Taemin, is that really happened?

omg, i feel like crying reading this.

well, school life in korea is though, I think?

stay strong oppa!! AJA-AJA-FIGHTING!!!

(ommoh, he even manage to keep smiling to the people... what a good guy,)

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Guest maizakichi

oh my...

my fave dongsaeng is being bullied at school?

tsk tsk tsk..

i'm gonna go over there and protect you~!

wait for me...hehehehe


maybe they're just jealous with taemin T_T

oh well..i hope he still has real friends in his school :D

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Guest greeent

i dont like shinee but when it comes to taemin, i can't let things go just like that =_=

wth, taemin cried! T_T; omg, i can't imagine him crying in the toilet while all those loser had fun laughing at him and throwing their rubers and their whatsoever-belongings to him. huwa T_T;

taeminnie~ i hope this wont get too serious otherwise i'll be sure to slap them one by one =-=

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Guest sokachangmin

NO WAY!! dongseng!!! If i went to same school as him...somehow we would be in the same class cuz we are the same age...soooo ill be a friend and stand up for him. thats just mess up!! total jealousy!!!!!arghhhhhhhh thats really really mess up!and really....with the girls...geez!!

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Guest PunchNine

This is exactly why I've been saying that the Shinee boys should start eating more and hit the gym.

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Guest jaejoong<3

My sister told me about this today.

It's so crazy how celebs in school get bullied,

I mean, thinking about the human/teenager mind...

Wouldn't you WANT to befriend a rich celebrity? You hear all these stories about stars being 'used' for parties and connections, so wouldn't these people want to be friends with TaeMin so they can meet their favorite star?

Aww <3 My heart seriously goes out to him! I'm not even a fan of SHINee but really, bullying him just because he was lucky and talented is absolutely low.

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Guest TOPforever


even though im not a fan of shinee,

this is really sad.

those kids are jealous.

can't they just leave him alone?

i feel sorry for him.

if i went to that school, im going to beat those kids up xD

korean school boys/girls are really messed up

AND WTF, trying to hold his hand?

those girls need a life. i mean seriously, he will never want those type of girls. annoying as hell

poor taemin D:

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Guest Keiyun

I can't believe some people say that he should just deal with it and so on...

No one should have to "deal with" bullying and so on. Everyone deserves to go to school in a safe environment, and for Taemin, this doesn't seem to be the case.

I'm amazed that they would say and do things like that... At that age, I thought people would be just a tad more mature.

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Guest estherHERO

Taeminnnnn! D: How can his schoolmates be so cruel to do this to him.

Taemin's the innocent party! He don't deserve to be treated like that pleasssse. Omg.

Jealous kids just better to stay far from taemin. But he needs a real friend in schoo!

Taemin still has his shinee hyungs!

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Guest lollie dollie

Aww poor Taemin!

I'm not that big of a fan for shinee, but aww.

I wish they could leave him alone!

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Guest gooshness

omg the article richard simmons me off...even though i'm not a big fan of shinee... but the people that bullies him sound just like a whole bunch of ignorance and it's really dumb to hate and get really really jealous of people who has talents

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Guest kb4ever

what kind of people are these??ok in the first place if taemin does not want to talk to them then let him be...bullying him does not make anything change...he will still not like those people...just because a celebrity does not want to talk or jang out with you..you just cant get mad at them...its not his fault that he does not want to talk to these people....kicking his desk, saying bad stuff to them will not make taemin be close to them..its better to ignore people than acting like a plastic person when a person is talking to the person that does not want to talk to u..TAEMIN we your fans will always support you and SHINEE!!

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stupid classmates of his... =/

boy, if i was there, i'd beat the heck outta those kids & give them a good scolding <_<;

awww, taemin): i feel so bad for him. i hope it doesn't get to him. stay strong, taemin!<3

pffffffft, jealous fiddlesticks, that's what his school is full of. they need to back away from

taemin & let him live his life in peace! -0-

i hate seeing injustice & people treated badly. i wish there was someone to help him.):

btw, either way, taemin being a celebrity or not, he'd still be way better than those guys =T

... just saying.

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i dont think its real.


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Guest db2sj

john tesh korean fans john tesh the school john tesh korean people except the singers and stars. mini cooper korean teachers better take action and korean fans is john teshing stupid try to be tough so they will get to be with their stars. But hey it doesn't get nowhere no wonder the korean fans killed their own stars cuz they say nasty things to them and the celebs they can't take it anymore. They commit suscide themselves. There has been alot of commit suscide in korean which is that stars killed themselves when they do killed themselves. Korean fans feel sad bc they killed their own stars hahaha its their own fault for going to far. Taemin I hope u get better. I hope u can come to us so u won't get bullie cuz over here the teachers took actions

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