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Taemin(shinee) Getting Bullied @ School? :'(

Guest fallen*angel

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Guest fallen*angel

Taemin's School Life

So anyway, I was chatting with fellow SHINee fans on SFI's Sbox, and one of them brought up this topic about Lee Taemin getting bullied in his school. This had been a topic on Naver and it was entitled as "Taemin Harassment"



This is a post from a student in Taemin's high school (the girl in the last picture who forced herself in the umbrella with Taemin). She is supposingly one of the students following Taemin. There is an apology on the internet by her friend.

Partial translation :


Today was rainy, so I was going to give up seeing Lee Taemin, but then the Taemin spy came in and told me "Noona, in 9 minutes, Taemin's leaving" or something like that... So I ran like fire but it's raining like crazy... But Lee Taemin has an umbrella. He also had a bini (hat) in his other hand so my friend stuck to him and started talking to him when I was just taking pictures. Just then as he went to the gym he almost fell ㅎㅎ I was laughing so I couldn't take the picture then he went to the teacher's office. I followed him in then the homeroom teacher said "Did you come just now?". Taemin looked kind of disappointed and misunderstood and said "No, I came at period 1." Then the teacher goes into the Principle's office with Taemin. ㅋ Whatever/ So I prepared my continuous 9 shot camera. Just then Lee Taemin came out in his bini (hat). He looked at the mirror before he left ㅠㅠ ... (and more)

This goes on for nearly 3 weeks and has more info about these 'spies' and 'following incidents' of students. She has put an apology on the internet with her friends about her actions.

This is a post from TellZone :

난 남자고요 고3이고요 거짓말아니고 나 중학교때 내 친구가 청담고 다니는데요 집단괴롭힘까진 모르겠는데요

맨날 학교올때마다 얘들이 거의백명가까이가 길막고 안비킨다고 하고요 막 사진 막 찍는다고 하네요 야 얘가

고개숙이고 빨리지나가면 연에인이면 다냐 키생각보단크네 생각보단안잘생겼다 뭐라뭐라 말많다고 하네요.

아 그리고 청담고 애들은 다아는 얘기라는데요 저번에 애가 한번 전수업다들은적이있었거든요 근데 교무실에서

혼자 점심을 먹고왔대요.그래서 2학년 노는얘들이 점심시간내내 기다리다 얘가 안와서 쉬는시간에 찾아가서 얘가

엎 드려있는데 발로 책상차면서 야 우리가 우습냐 니가 연예인이면다냐고 ㅅㅂ아 야 고개들어라 등등 지우개 던지고 욕하고 이사건은 좀 유명하다고하더군요. 그리거 2학년 노는애들 중 여자3명인가가 끈질기게 사진찍고 끈질기게 짜증나게 한다고 하더라고요.맨날 따라다니고 애가나타나면요 막 달려가서 팔짱?끼고 막 말나는다고 하더군요

Translation :

I'm a guy in my 3rd year of high school and this isn't a lie. My friend at ChungDam high school told me it wasn't up until physical group harrasment. But when he comes to school nearly
100 students
cover his way and won't let him pass and take pictures and stuff. When he tried to pass some say stuff like
"you think you're so big 'cause you're a celebrity' or 'he's not as tall as I imagined' or 'he's not that handsome'
and a lot of other stuff. And there's another story everyone at the high school knows about the a time he was listening to classes and
he ate lunch at the teacher's lounge
. So some delinquints from 2nd grade came and waited during lunch and when he came back and sat at his desk with his head down, they kicked his desk and said stuff like
"hey, do we look like idiots to you? Do you think you're so big 'cause you're a celebrity? **** Hey put your head up."
and etc.
They throw erasers at him and swear at him and stuff
. This is pretty well known around the school. Some other delinquint 3 girls keep following him and take pictures and annoy him. They keep following him and trying to hold his hand and stuff.

I was shocked. Is this actually happening? Some say its a rumor, but Korean Shawols are absolutely horrified by all the evidence supporting it. Has anyone heard about this yet?

credits: Taemin's Stressful School Life? @SFI

I'm not a Korean Shawol but I'm freaking out by the "evidences"; shown above. If this is true, I'm saddened about this well because this could take a toll on Taemin physically as well as emotionally. So SHINee fans, what do you think of this?

cr; bea_chan22@

i believe it's true. i also heard that he goes to the bathroom and cries.

the main person who bullied him was a girl and she later apologized for it.

omg if this is really true.. Im so sad for Taemin :[

putting his head down?.. I wish I went to the same school as him so I could

beat up those boys who are harrassing him .___."

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Guest alainachen_604

WTF @_@

all those idiots are just jealous of my taemin's sexy good looks <__<"

this better not be true. I mean eating in the teacher's lounge? thats so sad =[

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Who would want to bully Taemin? He's so cute & innocent. I hope the teachers address this issue.

Yes, he's a celebrity but he's still a student like everyone else. If someone else was bullied the

teachers would step so Taemin should be no different. And the fact that he still attends school

with SHINee's busy schedule says a lot. 태민아 힘내!

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Guest lil_miss_kawaii

I am not surprised

alot of people get bullied if they are celebrities in Hi-School

People would probably be jealous or something

And the girls would be fangirls and stuff

Thats why a lot of celebrities end up being home-schooled because it fits around their schedule and its less hassle to deal with the school pupils etc

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Guest pinkylily.

omgosh that is horrible; taemin needs to like get some bodyguards and then be like WHAT to all those effed up people

well since the situation is now all over the internet the school is bound to find out and do something about it.

LSM should definitely do something about this.

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Guest Machitoshi

If it's true, I feel so bad for him ! I'm not surprised if he was bullied because he's a celebrity, but that's so unfair.

High school is where he should be able to have fun and meet great friends, but he even eats the at teacher's lounge? That's so sad :(

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Guest baby-swts

why is he eating lunch @ the teachers lounge???


doesn't he have friends to eat lunch with...

I mean he did say he has friends who are jelous of him

because he gets to be near snsd.. :mellow:

if this is continuing to happen he should transfer schools

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Guest pockyminnie

aghh they need to leave little taemin alone

i would've never known, cause he always has a smile on his face

if this is true, they should really leave him along and they need to stop picking on him

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Guest JWonNie

I think this is true.

My friend goes to his school and I asked (long when they first debuted and everything) if she would introduce me to him and etc. b/c apparently, they're friends.

& she told me that she would!

but a couple of month ago, she said it was a bad idea... and she didn't want to talk about the reason @_@

I feel bad for him...

he can't even do anything about it...

b/c then, the stupid press & netizens will be like "taemin has an attitude!!" & etc.

your one & only


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That's horrible. I really hope that this is just a rumor because I don't want Taemin or anyone else to be treated like that for doing something that they love.

Taemin is such a sweetheart too that it breaks my heart to hear that he might/are being treated like that by his fellow students.

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Guest i.said.hi

that sucks...

i remember sunmi had a similar incident (since both sunmi and taemin went to the same school)

best wishes. his manager should come or something.

he should totally move to an all boys high school.

it will be so much easier.

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Guest fallen*angel

why is he eating lunch @ the teachers lounge???


he probably does have friends.. he's just @ the teachers lounge

because he's safe there and wants to be away from all those fangirls and bullies

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Guest nana544

OMG! That makes me mad. Stupid people doing that to Taemin. I feel so bad for him.

I hope the school or Taemin do something about this. Awww poor Taemin.

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Guest 꼬라지하군

i believe it's true. i also heard that he goes to the bathroom and cries.

the main person who bullied him was a girl and she later apologized for it.

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Guest kkbluvv

OMGSH this is so sad T_T I was hoping it wasn't true...

Those jealous anti-fans, gosh, shouldn't they be treating him BETTER since he's a celebrity?!

Ah Taemin T_T don't be depressed...you have your SHINee bros <3 gah stupid kids at school ><

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Guest JWonNie

i believe it's true. i also heard that he goes to the bathroom and cries.

the main person who bullied him was a girl and she later apologized for it.

I don't think you should put up any names ^^;;;

your one & only


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Guest 꼬라지하군

I don't think you should put up any names ^^;;;

your one & only


the names all over the internet so i thought it didnt really matter..........

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