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Girls; Would You Text "good Night" If You Weren't Interested In The Guy?

Guest big332

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Guest big332

So I'm trying to read this girl I met about 2 weeks ago. We've seen each other 3 times since then. At club/volunteer events, we usually mingle together and she likes my company. (Though usually, we're hanging out together in a group, rarely alone). Usually, I'd have no fear and just ask her to go to the mall or something, but this time, I just feel a wee bit...intimidated? I've usually liked "cute" girls, but she's just a straight out bombshell so...yeah

After a party, our friends and I went to grab some late night food. Afterward, when everyone drove home, I get a text from her saying "Night! Hope you got home safe :]!" Then a week later, after another event, I get a similar good night text.

Girls, would you do the same thing if you weren't interested in the guy? Keep in mind you're not close friends or anything, just casual buddies that you see like once a week

edit: Forgot to mention that she texted me out of the blue, we weren't texting back and forth those nights or anything.

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Guest joongielove

I wouldn't do that if I didn't have some sort of interest in the guy. But then again, she could just be courteous.

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Guest chymali

Same here. I wouldn't do that unless I had some sort of interest in the guy. I don't really think it's a courteous thing unless she texted everyone at the event with a similar message.

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Guest swtkrnloudgurl

i do say good night to be nice even if i didn't have any interest.

but maybe thats just me

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Guest KimKTN

if you were the one who i mainly talked to during an event - or stuck around.. then yes I would txt gnite just to be friendly.

interests can come later on tho? who knows

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Guest xl0v3juicy

I wouldn't do that out of nowhere unless I was somewhat interested in a guy... so yeah she might be interested haha. It really depends though.. she could've said it to other people too.

Like it's normal to say "good night" if you've been texting eachother back and forth, but if it's out of nowhere and only to you... then yeah.

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Guest lovemelody.

if i was having a conversation, then yes, i'd say goodnight

i wouldnt do it out of nowhere unless i was interested in the guy:]

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Guest ny-sw / ny_sw.

I personally wouldn't bother if I didn't have a slight interest in the guy. But she could be being polite? sooo. ASK (:

Good luck!

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Guest kuavang<3youngbae

no. i wouldn't do that if i wasn't interested in a guy.

i actually think that she likes you, thats' why she's doing that.

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Guest x3yajme

Like everyone else said, I wouldnt do that unless I'm interested in the guy. Maybe she was just trying to be nice.

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Guest simply korean

well me and my best guy friend do that to each other but i guess it's cause we're close friend

he has a gf and everything so i know it's a for sure.

buuuut otherwise i guess it's a tad weird the whole good night txt thing.

it can count as something.

sorry if that didn't help

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Guest Kamoku-Ai

I also wouldn't do that if I wasn't intereted in a guy. If I was you I would play it cool for a while longer, look for more signs and then ask her how she feels. :)

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Guest Judith

If i were in a conversation and had to go to sleep then i would say good night, but i wouldn't do that out of nowhere. haha

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Guest uh-ohxev

If I was texting that person for example, we had been texting back and forth that same day and I was going to bed then of course I would say goodnight reguardless of who he is. But, if she went to a party, went home and just sent a random text to say goodnight, I would say theirs a good chance shes interested.

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Guest minwoo012

if i had been talking to you and i knew you were leaving and forgot to say good night in person, then i'd text you.

but if i had said my farewells and felt the obligation to text and say gnight aswell, i probably flirting with you like crazy XD

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