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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest ddalgee_FUUUSEx

can you put the web links up for the chapters if its not too much trouble? for some reason, my computer gets a virus everytime i click on the doc. link -____-''


btw, great story! :D

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new reader.

hai! *wave* :)

thanks God i found your story.

i read your whole story in one night.

i dont sleep at all, your story addict me.

i really like your story.

first..i feel sad for yekyung.

finally she found happiness with yuhwan.

please add me to pm list and update soon.

thank you.

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Guest Ww_Thr33

waohhh~~~~~ I love you story!!! I freaking read it all in 48 hours non stop. No lie! I can't wait for you to post more, I don't want it to end ahhhhhhhhhhh HeeJoo and AeRim are TOTAL B!tches!! omg I want to strange them!!!!!!!!!!!!! YeKyung and YuHwan are like made for each other, they are so cute!!!! You are an amazing writer!! Thanks so much for writing such a beautiful piece of literature! <3

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I just successfully finished reading up to the current chapter of this fanfic in 3 hours and then I find out that.. that.. YOU HAVEN`T UPDATED SINCE DECEMBER. D;

Well, I know you`re busy and all that so I won`t bother you anymore. But it`s really good since I could be near tears at one point and the next smiling for that girl- even though it`s not real.

But if you do get a chance to write the newest chapter soon, care to PM me? (:

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Guest k a t h y

new reader.

i love your story. i might read your other fics after this :D

the characters are very unique and seem so real. i would imagine them as i read your story.

i also checked your website pg for this story. the vi3 song is really cute.

u havent updated in a while. however when u do, please add me to your pm list. i'd really like to continue reading this story :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Came to check on this story, again.

Just to see if you updated and if I missed it.

And I never commented on the latest chapters?

I remember reading it though.

It was her 18 wishes thing.

Well hope you update soon.

And I don't know if you have a pm list or not

but if you do can I please be added?

If not then oh well I guess I'll have to keep on eye open.

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Guest winta

wow its been a while since i've posted on soompi

To keep it short my intentions are the same as the person above me XD"

but i know i'm on the pm list =] and i cant wait till your next chapter is out

i hope you are well =] <3

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Guest blaise7259

aww seeduks still not over her

i hope he gets over her soon

can i be added to the pm list please

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Guest midnightlove

new reader!


your story is so good.

yuhwan is so sweet.

i finished your story in less than two days. (:

it's so good.

i cant wait for the next chapter!

please update soon!

no pressure though!

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New Reader

Add me to PM list please! Haha, it took me

literally-not exagerating- more than four hours

to completely catch up with your chapters; but

I feel it was worth it.

OMG~ Yekyung and Yuhwan is :wub: Yuhwan is

seriously the sweetest boyfriend ever in the history

of boyfriends. ;)

Kyunghee and Woori are so cute also! But I seriouisly

wish Kyunghee could be less flirty. lol.

Update soonj!

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Guest stephtef


i really like this story!

i hope you update soon!

Yuhwan and Yekyung are LOVE!

i like how their relationship bloom..he's her first kiss!

and he made her face her fears. he's such a great boyfriend..

their friends are such nice companies..funny and reliable! :D

Heejoo and Aerim can go to h*ll! lol

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Guest oniz07

New reader!! :P

So far, I'm loving this story.. :D

Yuhwan and Yekyung are love...Hope the peace and happiness they're having now can last for awhile. Because we know that Heejoo and Aerim won't stay with the arms crossed without causing troubles. Seriously those girls are too much..they need psychiatric treatment! :crazy:

Anyways, *sighssssssssss* where can I find a boyfriend like Yuhwan?? hehe :rolleyes:. :blush:

Hope you update soon!

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Guest Kassandrax3

new reader :P

please update soon!

we all want to know what the secret is!!

:mellow: oh man..i just topped this page..

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