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[N.G] Kissed By You


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omg...yuhwan is simply too good! and yekyung's life is just sooooo dramatic. seriously. i dont think half the things that happen to her happens in real life...esp in the time span that it happens to her!

and seriously...gosh...although it is a good read....omg...its soo farfetched! BUT...i still like it very much...ahaha!!

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>.< sorry for the late reply!

well yuhwan isnt wasting any time is he? flying through the wishes so fast!

and i have a feeling he's gonna disappear off somewhere....

yekyung is coming out of her shell! so proud XD. shes becoming more and more

girly XPXP

update soon!

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Guest aznswe3tie


you really upadted!!

I havent quited on this story xD

i just didnt know you updated D:

one day i just felt like checking up on your story and Bam i see updates xD

Ive actually read the whole story like...twice =]

the wishes are so cute :D

I wonder what the secret wish is D:

OOO omg the dancing scene was hot =]

it made me remember how crazy my school dances go, and i was feeling..nostalgic?...something like that. anyways i felt like dancing :P

oo I hope your dad will be okay Dx

and pm please?


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Guest aznswe3tie


you really upadted!!

I havent quited on this story xD

i just didnt know you updated D:

one day i just felt like checking up on your story and Bam i see updates xD

Ive actually read the whole story like...twice =]

the wishes are so cute :D

I wonder what the secret wish is D:

OOO omg the dancing scene was hot =]

it made me remember how crazy my school dances go, and i was feeling..nostalgic?...something like that. anyways i felt like dancing :P

oo I hope your dad will be okay Dx

and pm please?


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Guest undeniablystubborn

i'm really sorry for not being able to reply that early...

anyways i've reread it coz i really am jealous...

yeKyung is too da*n lucky!!!!

i'd die to have a boyfriend like YuHwan...

he's just everything you'd wish for in a man...


i think i'll even fall inlove with him...

but i wouldn't trade my boyfriend for him though...

i love him the way he is....

still... a freakin hot guy with an attitude like that's supposed to be illegal...



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Guest hopexfaithx3

omgoodness.. i didn't soomp for the longest time because of college apps so i had no idea you updated!!!

best part ever!!! i was like smiling the whole entire time i was reading this :D

i seriously want a boyfriend like yuhwan T^T too bad you cant find much in the boys around my area --;; haha

also ill pray for your father.. i have a family member that has intestine cancer and hes going through chemo too..

be strong and stay well ~

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I see ur a twilight fan too... :P ...


and it makes up for the lost of no more reading anymore continuations of

the twilight series... =] LOL!!

:w00t: yay~!!


his sooo sweet.. and cute...




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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest aya~nisa


I actually started to read this fanfic about a month ago and just finished read the latest

and I think I'm going to give a comment (it's only a little though =_=)

I really like this fanfic and I hope u update soon... ^^

chappie 79

is the guy in the pic is yunho?

chappie 80

hey! how come yuhwan be in the club too?

I kinda imagine he pissed off when he worried about what yekyung might do, and started to walk forward and back...



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Honey__


new reader, i started/finished the story yesterday :D


YuHwan is so perfect, looks + personality-wise!

lol YeKyung has so much ___ in her life it's sort of unrealistic but it provides more opportunity for YuHwan to be freaking awesome!!!

HeeJin and AeRim are just two crazy b!tches. obviously they don't understand that no means no.

oh well, PLEASE POST SOON! and please have a happy ending where they're both together in love forever and alive!!!!

conversations between us killed me. it was so heartbreaking when jaewon died TTwTT

but yeah thank you so much for writing~! and also for putting them on word docs for convenience ^^

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Guest TuBbieCheeKz

AHH!! it's been awhile since I've been reading!!

I had to go back to the beginning and reread everything!

Which I'm glad I did. =]]]]

CPR, lol not very attractive when it really comes down to it. -_-''

ahaha thanks for the pm!!

I'm glad you're still writing!

Post soon!! =]]]


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  • 2 weeks later...



YuHwan turned around and before I could get another breath in, he was kissing me, his hands holding me protectively. We pulled apart and I gasped loudly, unable to be articulate.

He laughed. “Maybe I should surprise you more often.”

“I might just die from lack of oxygen,” I warned him teasingly.

Keeping me close, he said, “I could save you. I’m pretty good at CPR.”

I rolled my eyes. Boys…

You gotta love them.

Kissed By You || 81

I woke up the next morning surprised to find that no one had woken me up yet. Walking out of the room in a disoriented manner, I found YuHwan and JaeHo awake, sitting at the breakfast table as they talked. They were murmuring in low voices.

“YeKyung? You’re awake,” JaeHo stated the obvious.

I took a seat at the table and rubbed my eyes. “Yea,” I replied sleepily.

“You’re taking my motorcycle today,” YuHwan told me.

My eyes popped wide open as I stared at him. Was he letting me touch his infamous baby?

“R-really?!” I asked in disbelief.

He nodded his head. “I’m not going to school today. I have some things to take care of.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“Nothing important.”

His behavior was odd, but knowing him, I wouldn’t find out until he told me himself or I found out from someone else. Besides, I’m going to drive his motorcycle!

Excitedly, I went to go get changed and bounced all the way downstairs to where he kept his bike. Letting my fingers run over the red paint in awe, I got on and savored the moment. I’d always wanted a motorcycle, but my uncle thought it was too dangerous. He’d let me fight, but on an automobile like this, he’d freak out. It makes sense I suppose.

“Be careful,” YuHwan warned as he came to a stop before me. “Don’t ruin my bike.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes master, I will cherish your bike.”

“You’d better,” he said pointedly. “Put on the helmet before you go.”

Putting it on, I noticed I was still wearing a skirt. Cursing, I ran back upstairs and put on some underarmor shorts before heading back to the bike. Feeling the engine warm up beneath me felt adrenaline inducing. It’s been way too long since I’ve ridden.

Waving goodbye to YuHwan, I headed off with a push of the bike. It roared into life and the world flashed by in a blur of colors. Speed never felt so good.

I knew I was probably pushing it by going so fast, but it’s really too exhilarating. When I neared the school, I started to slow down and rode through the yard, unable to resist showing off the bike. This model really is a beauty.

The moment I got off, KyungHee attacked me with loads of questions. She was mostly surprised YuHwan even let me ride it despite the wishes.

“He must be attending to important matters if he let you ride his bike,” KyungHee commented.

I shrugged. “I suppose. I didn’t ask him about it. The bike just caught my attention too much.”

KyungHee laughed and turned to go to school. “Let’s hurry. I heard we might have some important news.”

I followed her into the school house and we took our seats once we reached the classroom.

“Class, today I have some very important news,” The teacher said as he cleared his voice. We all listened up, simply because important news wasn’t often. “We have some issues going on with some of the classrooms, so some of the students from the other classes might have to squeeze in with us. Bear with us, please,” he said sternly. “It’ll only be temporary.”

I wondered who would join us as I glanced around anxiously. Everyone was talking too rapidly for me to catch what they were saying. They kept eyeing me though, which is really irritating.

Just as I was about to ask KyungHee what was going on, the door slid open and in came…

Lee AeRim and Han HeeJoo with their class following behind. My jaw dropped open as I watched them all come in; thanking the teacher for letting them share the classroom. KyungHee and I instantly tensed up as we tried to figure out where they’d be seated. There is no way I’m letting that richard simmons sit near me. School or not, if she annoys me one bit, it’s going down.

“Now class, I need you all to push your desks side by side. We will create long rows of desks and have walkways on either sides of the classroom,” the teacher instructed.

We all shuffled around, moving while gossiping at the same time. KyungHee and I were furiously eyeing the b!tches as they acted nonchalant about the change. I knew they were probably happy about being in the same classroom. Now they’d get to bug us without interruption.

“Don’t do anything stupid.”

I turned around and saw SungHwan raise a warning eyebrow at me. Just to annoy him, I stuck my tongue out and turned around. Brother or not, there is no way he could stop me from decking the richard simmons.

“Now, please settle down and class will begin.”

Everything was pretty uneventful excluding the random notes being passed around. I noticed that they avoided handing it to me and KyungHee, which was pretty obvious that it was about us. I kept trying to intercept it, but they were all too quick, pretending not to notice I was reaching for it or simply drawing the teacher’s attention to keep me away. I was furious. The whole class was going to so get it.

When class let out for break, I got up and stomped over to HeeJoo and AeRim, who were obviously expecting me. KyungHee was right behind me, her stomping just as intimidating as mine.

Before I could say anything, they beat me to it first.

“So, we’re sharing a class now,” HeeJoo started off obviously.

I rolled my eyes. “Cut the crap. You both better stay away from us. And whatever that was being passed around earlier, be sure to keep it to yourselves. If you don’t want to push it, I suggest you watch yourself.”

HeeJoo lost that mischievous glint in her eyes and she walked right up to me. “richard simmons, you have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

Her line was so ridiculous; I actually threw my head back and laughed out loud. She was crazy! Clearly someone needs to check into the clinic.

“Look, I have no idea what your problem is, but save it. I don’t need your meaningless threats. It’s not going to work on me,” I told her with a glare just as hateful as hers.

KyungHee and I walked away, determined to leave the classroom even if she spoke up. She didn’t.

Outside, I found SungHwan waiting for me, his hands in his pockets and one leg up against the wall. He turned to me with a serious expression.

“We need to talk,” he said.

I nodded and turned to KyungHee. She nodded, smiling encouragingly as she took off for the lunch room. I followed SungHwan as we walked out to the school grounds for a talk.

He and I took a seat at one of the benches. It was quiet between us, a peace that was relatively tension free. Then, he spoke.

“YeKyung, this Saturday…try to be cautious,” SungHwan said slowly.

“Why?” I asked. I wondered if it had anything to do with SeeDuk.

“He’s…still healing. It’s hard for him to cease everything all at once.”

I leaned against the back of the bench, staring at my hands. I’m trying to understand; I really am. It’s just hard when you really want happiness and that one thing is keeping things from working.

“I…I’ll try, but it’s hard. I just don’t understand why it’s taking him so long. We haven’t been in contact for so long. I thought it would help if I just disappeared. Surely he must’ve—“

“YeKyung, I think you should stop,” SungHwan interrupted. “I understand that you don’t understand the depth of his feelings, but you don’t help anyone by causing them pain.”

I was taken aback by his comment. “Causing him pain?”

He was clearly exasperated, having to explain to me like a child. “You’re going to be bringing YuHwan over for dinner. It’s obvious you and him are serious. All of this going on in front of him will literally be tearing him up inside. Just…don’t flaunt it too much, please? For me and him,” SungHwan pleaded. “I know you and YuHwan are serious. It doesn’t matter to me. Just don’t kill him even more.”

I knew SungHwan was only looking out for SeeDuk. They are close brothers and it is obvious just how close from the time SungHwan took to give SeeDuk the space he needed to heal.

“I’ll do my best,” I told him. “But I can’t simply be distant to YuHwan. Mother will have questions.”

SungHwan nodded. “Of course. Just try to be less obvious about it around him.”

We both got up feeling like a burden was lifted from our shoulders. SeeDuk is a subject we avoid rather obviously. It just caused tension to form quickly. Now that we talked it all out, I felt much better.

“Well, I’ll see you this Saturday then,” I said as I headed inside.

I never heard what he said just as I entered through the school doors. Hopefully it wasn’t anything too important…

“Hey, where’s WooRi?” KyungHee asked as we both sat in our seats. She kept her voice low, making sure not to let AeRim hear.

“He’s not here? I only know that YuHwan wasn’t coming,” I replied.

“I wonder what they’re up to. Maybe it’s an official skip day for them,” KyungHee commented.

I laughed. “They don’t plan official skip days. They just skip. And why can’t we go with them?”

“Because it’s a boy’s day out!”

“They had a boy’s night out already. Why need a boy’s day out?”

KyungHee rolled her eyes. “YeKyung, you are so dense sometimes.”

I shrugged and turned back to the front. Only a few more classes and I could leave this room. It’s so crowded; I’m starting to feel claustrophobic.

Maybe when I get home, I can finally spend sometime with the kiddos. JungRoo and SeungHoo are probably going out of their minds with boredom.

“YeKyung, you’re spacing out,” KyungHee stated.

I looked up and was shocked to find everyone gone. Was school done?!

“Yes, school is finished finally. You can get up and at least pretend you were so busy with school work and not spacing out.”

I smiled sheepishly and got my things together in a rush, happy to be done with school.

KyungHee had to keep up with me as I got onto the motorcycle. Even though it is unsafe, and I do recommend you all don’t do this, KyungHee jumped on with me, holding on tightly. If it was a long ride, I wouldn’t have let her, but since it’s a short one, I’m sure we’ll get to the apartment without being caught.

The moment she and I walked into the apartment, we were attacked by little munchkins. They knocked us both over and giggled loudly as they hugged us.

“Noona!” SeungHoo yelled as he got up and jumped around excitedly. “Noona, YuHwan hyung came to audition for my play today!”

I got up and realized what it was. I laughed. He made it such a big deal! And it was nothing but a simple play audition for children.

“When is the play?”

“Sunday!” SeungHoo replied. “It’s a short play about a princess and her prince. Uhh, I think I’m playing the prince,” SeungHoo said, still a bit confused on his role.

JungRoo rolled her eyes with her hands on her hips. “He’s a prince that falls in love with the princess. The princess is kidnapped and he has to fight to get her back. It’s a typical Disney story just without all the details,” she explained nonchalantly.

“And JungRoo is the princess!” SeungHoo squealed. “I’m going to save her!”

“Who is YuHwan going to be?” I asked.

“The fairy godfather it seems,” came a rather disgruntled reply.

We all turned to the door to find YuHwan grumpily walking in and falling onto the couch. “Why couldn’t I be the villain?! I don’t want to be a fairy,” he whined.

I burst out laughing. It was too funny. He was probably going to have to wear wings, a robe, and wave a little wand around. This thought had me stumbling as I tried to control my laughter. KyungHee wasn’t doing much better as she was outright pointing and laughing while she cried.

“He’s going to be a fairy!” KyungHee said as she cried in hilarity.

YuHwan glared at her. It seems his wish for sympathy is well missed.

“Well, I won’t be the only one suffering,” he said loudly.

Our laughter died down and I asked, “What are you talking about?”

He smiled maliciously, “You’ll see.”

My eyes narrowed, seeing that twinkle in his eye. Do tell me it’s not me that has to suffer…!


Kissed By You || 82

Saturday came in a blur. I had rushed around, getting ready for dinner with my family while YuHwan watched television and ate chips.

“Stop being a pig and go get ready!” I scolded him.

He rolled his eyes. “YeKyung, it’s just dinner with your family, not some formal event!”

“My family is important! I want to put up a good appearance,” I told him.

“I hardly think it matters what you wear. Jeans and a t-shirt should be fine,” he said and went back to watching television.

No matter how perfect he is, he’s still as stubborn as ever. I knew he’d get dressed for my mother, but for my brothers, he cared a rat’s as$ about it.

“Please, YuHwan,” I begged. “I want it to be perfect.”

He sighed, standing up and placing his hands on my arms. “YeKyung, you’re stressing. It’s your mom, she’s not going to throw you out for anything. Calm down.” Then, after a pause, he said, “Unless it’s SeeDuk you’re—“

“No!” I answered hastily. “It’s not that. I just want to have a nice, quiet dinner.”

“Then go get changed into something comfortable. You don’t need to wear a dress. Some nice jeans and a nice shirt are fine. Don’t freak out,” he told me.

I guess I did overreact seeing as how I was wearing a dress with a t-shirt and jeans underneath. I was quite undecided.

Going back to my room, I dressed as he told me to, breathing deeply. I think I really am worried about seeing SeeDuk. The tension was going to be hard to break. It just didn’t help when I knew he was still suffering over me.

YuHwan walked in and sat down next to me. He could tell I was troubled.

“SeeDuk will get over it,” he said, reading me through my expression. “It’s something everyone does, even if it’s love that’s meant to be.”

I sighed loudly. “God is so unfair. I sometimes wonder what his path for us is and why it has to be so hard. Even if it’s supposed to teach us lessons, I don’t see how SeeDuk can learn a good lesson out of this other than keep a distance from people in general. Who knows who else he and I are related to!”

YuHwan shrugged. “This world is truly small. Everyone seems to be connected when things are fated. It just happens.”

Leaning my head on his shoulder, I said, “I wish God wouldn’t make us suffer. Even if it’s for compassion, there should be a limit.”

“There should be,” he agreed.


“YeKyung!” My mother rushed to hug me tightly. I returned it with full force, truly glad to see her. “How have you been?”

I nodded my head and smiled. “Wonderful.”

She looked at YuHwan and smiled. “I can see that.”

The both of us were led into the living room where SungHwan was watching a football game. He nodded his head as acknowledgement and went back to the game.

“SeeDuk is upstairs sleeping. He’s been quite tired lately,” Mother said worriedly. “I wonder if he’s sick.”

SungHwan gave me a pointed look but said nothing. It was obvious that he was still hurting over what had happened last time. I felt guilt stab me but kept a blank face.

“Come, let’s have dinner. He’ll get some when he feels awake,” Mother told us and we all sat down, chatting idly while filling our plates.

“So, how is school?” My mother asked. She paused for a moment, her eyes shining with a moment of happiness. I suppose she’s always wanted to ask this with all of her children present. Even if SeeDuk isn’t at the table, the knowledge that they’re all here is enough for her to feel happiness.

“Good enough,” I replied.

SungHwan’s response was a grunt as he continued eating. I suppose with the food capturing his attention, he’s too occupied.

Throughout dinner, my mother and YuHwan were engaged in a conversation. She seemed to be giving him extra attention to make up for the lack of hospitality SungHwan was showing. It made me giggle at bit at how stubborn SungHwan was being in his loyalty to SeeDuk.

“SungHwan, why don’t you go call SeeDuk down? He should at least greet them,” my Mother said.

SungHwan’s expression was full of disbelief. Just as he was about to retort her comment, I stood up and suggested, “Why don’t I go and see him? YuHwan doesn’t have to. I’m sure SeeDuk’s really tired.”

My mother agreed to it while both SungHwan and YuHwan’s expressions were in disagreement. I turned around, determined to face SeeDuk without running away. It’s time we put this out in the open between the two of us instead of hiding behind our friends and family.

As I climbed the steps, I couldn’t help but feel déjà vu. The mood felt exactly the same as the day I found out SeeDuk’s true feelings. I stopped in front of his bedroom door, staring, waiting for it to magically open up.

I could hear rustling inside of the room. Obviously, he’s not as tired as mother thought him to be.

“SeeDuk?” I called out softly as I knocked on his door. All noises from inside stopped abruptly. Then, I heard a bunch of racket as he seemed to be tidying up.

When the door swung open, I took a step back from the sudden swiftness. I’m not going to lie, he looked like a mess. His eyes were raccoon-like; huge bags contrasting against his pale, translucent skin. What sat on top of his head could hardly be called hair from the greasiness implying days of missed hygiene. His face looked loads thinner than when I’d last seen him. Overall, he looked like he’d just died and come back from hell.

I gasped loudly, not even bothering to hide my shock. What was he doing to himself?!


He turned around and headed back into the room, leaving the door agape. I walked in, surveying the scene before me. Papers were strewn across the floor among litters of pencils, paint brushes, and charcoal. His bed was full of clothes and there was an odd odor in the air.

Immediately, I felt anger stream in. What was he doing living his life like this? It frustrated me so that he’d give up his life simply because of a girl, simply because of me! No matter how important a girl is, I would never ever want him to simply give up on life! It’s too selfish. He’s not living for only himself, but for his family, our mom!

“Gyo SeeDuk, what the fcuk do you think you’re doing?” I growled out.

He sat on his bed, more like fell onto the lump of cotton, and stared straight ahead. His eyes never seemed to focus on anything in particular.

Despite my anger, compassion seeped in and slowly started to consume me. All of his life, he’s never really gotten what he wanted. Something this out of his control is hardly his fault.

I made my way through all of the mess and took a seat beside him. My arms enveloped him in a hug, shock filling me even further at how skinny he felt.

I didn’t say anything as I sat there, holding him tightly. There was nothing I could say. To apologize for something neither of us did seems pointless. To say I understand would be a mockery of his feelings.

After what felt like ten minutes, he started to respond, his hand coming up to rest lightly on my arm.

“I’m sorry,” he croaked out in a long forgotten voice. “I’m trying…it’s just so hard.”

Getting up, I determinedly pulled him up and guided him to the bathroom. First thing’s first, he needed a bath. Stripping him of everything but his boxers, I got the water running and helped him in. As I sat there washing his hair, my mind became cluttered with solutions to ease SeeDuk’s silent suffering.

He needed love and it’s clear he needs love in a different form than what mother could offer him. I can’t offer him the kind he needs, but as a sister, I can give him the most love our sibling bond can allow.

In this way, hopefully, he’ll be able to forget me bit by bit.


“So, how’d it go?” YuHwan asked me once we got into the car.

I smiled. “It was fine. He’ll be fine.”

“You were up there for so long; we were all wondering if you guys had died or something…”

“You could’ve gone up and checked,” I told him.

He shrugged. “I wanted you to solve it for yourself.”

“Really?” I rolled my eyes. “My hero.”

He chuckled. “Look, if anything, I should be worried you’d feel sorry for him. He’s quite a mess from what SungHwan tells me.”

I smiled softly. “Yea, but he’s going to be okay.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it. That fcuker never did know when to quit,” YuHwan commented.

I laughed. He was so right.

“So, what is this little surprise about the play?” I asked. Last time had me really curious about why he seemed so smug.

This question seemed to amuse him, because he chuckled for a moment before shaking his head. “I can’t tell you. It’s a play production secret.”

“For eight year olds?!” Honestly, what kind of a secret would they need to keep?

“This will just be an example of how a good wish can turn on you,” he replied jauntily.

Deciding to not let it bother me, I turned on the radio and let myself be lulled to sleep by some American ballad.

The only thought in my head was that of maybe I shouldn’t have taken advantage of those 18 wishes.


Holy crap....it's been a long, long, long, long ..... LONG TIME!

I missed soompi so much guys, it's amazing that I've lasted this long without writing/interacting with you guys!

So my college applications are in. FINALLY! I can't describe how relieved I am to have them in.

Anyways, I have been SLACKING on my posting and I feel really bad. The story is totally on track towards the ending. I just need to post it =X lol. Hopefully you all remembered where we left off. If not, skim? lol.

Thank you all for sticking with me for so long. I must be so unreliable xP heh..


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Guest reesilove



*saves spot*

i'll be back to edit this later;




i finished these chappies already;

i just didn't have time to reply;




seriously..i wanna know;

i kinda forgot the 18 wishes..

oh well;

i'll re-read it some other time;




yooh'll get over it..

one day..



update soon please

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Guest liltoazndevil

i liked how the chapters were mellow

its like huge difference if i reread it

then it would probably be a real nice change

from all the drama, drama, and drama that was going on

i wonder what yuhwan has planned

now i have to go back and see what all her wishes were again

i hope that seeduk gets better

because its really sad how hard he's taking it

post soon and thanks for the pm!!!!!!!!

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Haha I surely wonder what Yuhwan is thinking--is planning.

Let me get inside his headddd! XD

I feel relieve too from the college application, even though I only applied for 2. Haha.

Grrr...HeeJoo & AhReum, shoo them awayyy~! or I will get in the story and kick their

little behinds.

Hope SeeDuk gets better too; x[

Postie soon

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ooooooooh! you updated! haahaha

that was such a nice update.

i wonder what YuHwan is now up to.

hmm... hahaha

will YeKyung be the fairy godmother as YuHwan becomes the fairy godfather?

hahahhahaha. that would be sweet. lols^^

i hope SeeDuk feels better soon.

thanks for the update and good luck in college!

i'll be graduating in fifteen months time, haha (im in third year college now) and i must say, college is nothing but hard work mixed with fun.

so.. enjoy! :D

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Guest Miss_van

so glad that you are back=D

is the surprise thing in the play something on her wishing list?

hopefully daesuk will be able to get over her, afterall it a forbidden love.

i always wanted to ride and drive a motorcycle=D

hopefully you'll get into the college that you want=D

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Guest lovetoday.


well, today is maybe just my day.


i wonder what the secret is! i hope he does something really sweet!

& yes, seeduk move on with your life! (saying it nicely!)


post soon please!

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