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You Know Those Looks Where A Stranger Just Randomly Stares At You?


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why are they looking at you?
Soo basically has anyone ever had those times where you randomly see a stranger and they just stare at you and keep staring even if they pass by you?

It's like they keep staring. Yes well just wondering why do they do that?

I think some people have experienced this too? share please?

Yah iduno is this a stupid topic? ah hahaa ;)

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yes cause they are checking you out. jk

i hate having eye contact with people.

so when i walk i stare down so i dont have to make eye contact with anyone and then i dont have to say hi (:

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Guest ertylu

I think it depends on the situation and the type of people that are doing that.

If you're in class and someone you kinda know does that, then it probably means that they like you in some way. ( or they're just really weird.....)

But if you're like on a bus and the creepy looking homeless guy sitting across from you does it then.......I dunno. lol you get what im trying to say.

But then again, theres always the chance that they might be zoning out and they just happen to look in your direction. hahaha

i do that sometimes :P

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Guest charmedamethyst

hm, maybe you are an interesting person to look at,

like they've probably never seen anyone like you before.

something you did must have caught their eye.

or maybe they're just creepers...

if someone beautiful passed by, i'd stare at them... haha, that sounds so creepy.

but if someone was just plain and average looking, i wouldn't pay much attention to them.

and if someone was significantly ugly, i wouldn't stare at all,

assuming they knew they were ugly, so it would be rude to stare.

but that's just what i would do. if the majority of people react in the same way as i do,

i would guess that people stare at you because they think you look quite special. idk. :)

this past christmas, i went to the mall with my mom and we went to borders.

we were in line, waiting to pay, and the male cashier who was with another customer,

kept looking up to stare at me. he'd stare for like 5 seconds and it happened more than 3 times.

he looked about in his early 20's. maybe 19. he was kind of cute too. he had the bluest eyes.

when it was our turn to pay, he wouldn't stop staring, only pausing to look away for like 2 seconds.

it was unnerving, especially when my mom was busy rummaging through her purse,

he had nothing to do but stare at me. i'd smile at him & he'd reciprocate, but it felt so weird so i looked away.

when we left the store, we walked past it. the outside walls were glass so i was able to look through it.

and when i glance inside, he was watching me walk away.

i mean, he was cute and everything, but it was really creepy.

i felt flattered too, but only because he wasn't staring at me like a cockroach.

plus, i'm 16 and i look younger than i really am, so why would a guy his age stare at me?

i was wondering if he did it to all his customers, but he would've stared at the customer he was serving

before us, who was also female. i don't know, it was kinda of freaky, but he was cute.

now that i know how it feels to be stared at so intensely,

i probably won't be doing it so much.

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It's probably because you look like someone they know :o

I don't usually look at people, so I can't tell if they stare at me or not... even if I feel that someone is looking at me, I don't look because what if they weren't looking at me, and then I would be the randomly staring stranger @_@

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Guest joxxy

They either think you're pretty, are criticizing you in their head, or are just zoning out and their eyes just happen to be looking at you.

But if anything, just look back and smile lol.

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I stare at attractive people. Geesh, I even say: Wow, she/he's beautiful out loud.

Even if it's a girl and I'm a girl. Ahahhaa... sometimes they look at me weirdly but then I just smile and tell them the truth. It's great if the truth can brighten someone's day, too.

In my case, I've had a lot of people stare at me when I /drive/ past. Ahahaha. Maybe it's my face when I (try to) drive. I dunno. I probably look really comical (and dangerous). Who knows!

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Guest your4everB

It happens a lot where I come from.

Sometimes we have our friend walk in front of us when she's wearing something "nice". And we look at how many people pass by that like check her out. I remember once, there was this old guy on a bicycle that almost ran into a pole because his head had nearly turned 180 degrees

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Guest Hasy

My brother and I had lived in Edmonton (Canada) for 5 years. There are a few asians living there, not as many as in Vancouver/Toronto. All of them looked at me and my brother for like a few seconds only. None of them glanced at us like 1~2 minutes.

But, when I stayed in Singapore for 2 months, many of them look at me really long like they have never seen before. Yeah, I'm Asian Chinese. Personally, I don't think I look attractive. I have acne scars on my cheeks. Is that why they look at me like that?

For your information, most of people in Edmonton has nice skin whereas some of people in Singapore has poor and tanned skin. And, people in Edmonton never gave us "disgust", "dirty", "mean" looks!!! I thought I was the only person feel that way. So, I asked my sister and brother who have lived in Singapore more than 2 years.

I was shocked when they told me "Yes, they also looked at me like for 2 minutes." My sister looks average and very small acne scars. My sister had been to Canada for her vacation for 1 month. And, she told me that nobody looked her that really long when she was in Canada.

Why?! Why?! Are Singaporeans too bored? Is that why they really like to look at people or something?? I don’t want to sound I'm racist. I just really want to know why…Does anyone know why?

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Guest Aria_Rheina

Lol i'm not sure if what Isak said was true but "according" to researchers if a person stares at you for more than 8 seconds it means they're interested. Well wow, if i count how mny people stared at me then yay maybe my teachers like me cause they stare/glare at me for more than 10 minutes when i don't do my homework!! B)

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Guest ShadowMax76

ask yourself,

why would you stare at someone?

maybe they have nice features

maybe there's a familiarity to someone they know,

or perhaps they'd like to know you better


_ there's a thread around here about 'what do you do when a stranger looks/stares at you' .

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Guest AliceAristocrat

cuz I learn art?

I have to carry a huge frame everywhere so people know I learn art and like thais look down on people who learn art

cuz they think we're destroying our lives and stuff.....

so all the old people look at me like "I feel sorry for her parents, she's ruining her life"

It depends on the way they look at you.....maybe they think you're beautiful

or you look different or something.

Or you have an unusual sense of style?

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Guest Classicelfryoko

I haven't been here in along time. I usually just lurk, and read posts. :) but... this one caught my eye. I think that people usually stare when they find someone attractive. This reminds me of the time when I was at my university. There was this really cute korean guy riding his bicycle, and he turned the corner towards where my friend and I were walking. I stared at him the whole time, and when he went passed us I looked back and so did he. lol...but he hit smack dab into the bicycle pole thing. I felt so bad. I tried to go, and help him but he hurried himself up and went on his way. I think I really embarrassed him. lol..ahh..wish I got his name though.

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I haven't been here in along time. I usually just lurk, and read posts. :) but... this one caught my eye. I think that people usually stare when they find someone attractive. This reminds me of the time when I was at my university. There was this really cute korean guy riding his bicycle, and he turned the corner towards where my friend and I were walking. I stared at him the whole time, and when he went passed us I looked back and so did he. lol...but he hit smack dab into the bicycle pole thing. I felt so bad. I tried to go, and help him but he hurried himself up and went on his way. I think I really embarrassed him. lol..ahh..wish I got his name though.

Owh. <3 That sounds... cute... hahaha, yeah, I hate it when you're set up to meet but then one of you has to hurry off. That's why I'm really quick to introduce myself/hold onto their wrist/clothes just in case they do run away. Not in a stalker-ish, I-wanna-rape-you way of course. Just one that says: Hold on, don't be embarassed. My name is blah-blah...

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Guest _Kelly

There's alot of reasons why they are "Staring" at you, it might be because your appealing, or you have something weird about your appearance. I get disturbed when someone stares at me, all i do is pretend i dont know that they're staring. Usually, its because they find you attractive and appealing, and makes it OBVIOUS that your attractive by staring at you and smiling or saying hi.

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Guest ms. rachellica

i try my best to avoid eye contact with them coz i get freaked out by it most of the tym.

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Guest suzushii

I stare at people because:

- they're really hot

- they're really not

- they're interesting in some way

- they're reading a book * I always check out the title*

- they're wearing really cool fashion

- they're wearing something laughably bad

And most of all:

- I'm not really staring AT them, more like THROUGH them, cuz I'm too busy imagining this really EPIC AWESOME story in my head, where I'm the coolest person ever on the planet - I'll have you know I saved mankind at least 45 times until now so u better thank me :D

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Guest cand12

everytime strangers did that to me,

i started to worry about the clothes i wear.. hahaha

is it funny? old-fahioned? too fancy? blablabla..

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Guest chll51

i usually look at people who pass me by because they pass me by o_O if i stare, it's either i'm spacing out or that person's interesting :P

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they stare because:

a] you're attractive.

b] you're hideous.

c] that person just has a staring problem.

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