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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173


Title: 就想賴著妳 / Jiu Xiang Lai Zhe Ni

Also known as: Just Want to Depend on You / Stick with You

Genre: Romance

Broadcast network: GTV


Jerry Yan will play a lawyer who is good at divorce and inheritance lawsuits, who is very cool, smart, sharp tongued, and cold. Ella Chen plays the role of a nanny of two children.


Jerry Yan as Xiang Yu Ping (項羽平)

Ella Chen as Yang Guo (楊果)

Xiao Xian (小嫻)

Gu Bao Ming

Michael Zhang

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Guest chll51

This seems like an interesting plot. I like ella. Haven't watched any of jerry's dramas except for Meteor Garden and didn't like him much so hopefully this one will change my opinion of him :D

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Guest summers83

From xin.sg Singapore - Yahoo! Singapore


Taiwanese idol Jerry Yan will get US$20,000 to appear in a 60-minute episode of a new Taiwanese TV drama Just Want to Depend On You. As compared to his very first drama Spicy Teacher, Yan's market value has escalated more than 80 times over nine years.


Just Want to Depend On You is a drama collaboration among GTV Taiwan, Domani Family and a China media company. Besides having an interest in the script, Yan chose to take up the drama as a favour for producer Ke Yiqin.

"The producer of my first drama back in 2000 was Ke Yiqin. She is my benefactor," he said.

According to reports, nine years ago, Yan was paid merely NT$8,000 (about S$400) for each of the 90-minutes episode of Spicy Teacher. Now, he will be paid US$20,000 for each 60-minute episode. Despite the huge jump in price, the producer still exclaimed that the price paid for the idol to appear in the drama is definitely worth it.

In the drama, Yan will be partnering Ella of popular girl group S.H.E for the first time.

At the press conference of the drama early this month, Ella swore to break the ice with the passive actor within three days, and struck an alluring pose to flirt with him. The shy actor was tickled but dared not look at her.

Ella revealed that there will be an "unusual" and "wild" kissing scene for the two of them and she is full of anticipation. Ella also warned Yan not to fall in love with her.

The latter replied politely, "It's not too bad to be caught up in rumours with a cute girl like you!"

When reporters asked Yan about his rumoured relationship with actress-model Terri Kwan, he replied, "We are just friends who also go out together. We've never been to each other's houses, but I'll not think too much into future developments."

Ella also jumped to his rescue. "You can come to my place; my house is newly-renovated! But you have to settle your personal stuff before pursuing me!"

Can someone upload the pic from this link onto the page:


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Guest rach1rur3

oh i can't wait for this one.... haven't seen ella in a series ever since hana kimi (taiwan)! i love her acting... and to top it off jerry yan is in this one too! :lol:

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Guest prella30190


Ming Pao - Issue 049

Credits & Sources:

Selina15 of www.nbbbs.com for the Scanned Article - http://www.nbbbs.com/forum/viewthread.php?...;extra=page%3D1

Transferred Source in Baidu Ella Forum: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=588233855

JE_lla_rry of Baidu Xu-Hua Forum for typing out the Chinese Text

Transferred Source in Baidu Xu-Hua Forum: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=588350896

Translations by: Syyang of ELLA AF Forum

Note: Please credit ALL sources if you should transfer this translation to other forums. Thank you.



【暴龙】言承旭的酷,臣服于Ella的搞笑与亲和力! 两人合作偶像剧《就想赖着你》,戏中、戏外两人一家亲,以往言承旭接演偶像剧时,都会被冠上难搞、臭脸的称号,此次他一改往例,脸上的笑容之多,更胜过以往任何一部戏,连制作人都称赞有加,可见Ella魅力无法挡。



事实也证明,制作人的想法是对的。据了解《就想赖着你》开拍至今,虽然Ella与Jerry、剧组都是第一次合作,但很快就以其活泼的亲和力融入其中,尤其是被大家认为最闷、情绪最多的Jerry,在Ella的笑脸+笑话+鬼脸的【攻势】下,超ging又拘谨的【面具】完全瓦解,笑容变多,完全应验 Ella在开镜记者会上的【融化言承旭】预告。






卸掉刚合作时的观察戒心与疏离感后,Ella不仅和导演柯翰辰有说有笑,也能适时说些笑话,做出各种表情,让Jerry放松心情。剧组人员表示,因为 Jerry扮演律师,角色设定是冷静、聪明、毒舌、冷漠,所以拍律师事务所的戏时,整个人是很严肃的。但是只要Ella在场,就会在一旁说笑,做出各种表情,让Jerry放松心情,嘴角也会往上扬,脸色也柔和许多,有时候还不自觉笑场NG,也把工作人员都逗笑了。

既然连很GING的 Jerry都被弄笑了,导演也不用说,不仅早早对Ella的亲和力【投降】,不拍戏时可是一起【放轻松】呢!举例来说,有天Ella是中午到班,到现场, Ella照例先问候导演【午安】,导演则是耍冷地回答说:“你是午安,我可是早安哪”站在一旁的Jerry也出人意料地插了一句:“我也是早安啊” Ella则是双手一摊“谁叫你们发我这时候来!”工作人员笑说:乍听之下,不知情的人,还以为导演与Jerry一起讽刺Ella迟到,但其实是导演与 Jerry联手搞笑,羡慕Ella可以多睡一会,中午再拍戏。





与Ella第一次合作的导演柯翰辰,也对 Ella的表现颇为满意。就导演的观察,Ella主演的上一部戏是2006年的八大偶像剧《花样少男少女》,算算已经有一年没演戏,所以刚进剧组时,在表演上的确有些生疏。不过,Ella把拍戏工作视为【玩】,很快找出其中的兴味,然后发挥她的艺人特质,利用聪明、敬业又乐群的工作习惯,立刻重拾演戏的 fu,很快调整工作心情,缩短与工作人员的磨合期,与大家打成一片。


“女主角【杨果】是个性善良纯真、乐观知足,在各种极衰、极惨的情况下,都有办法激励自己,更具有相信【真爱无敌】童话思维的女孩。Ella如邻家女孩的活泼、自然特质,以及平凡而不娇媚的外表,给人一种遇到困境都能乐观面对的外在表现,非常符合剧情 对这个角色的设定。”柯宜勤表示。




虽然大家都想等着看Ella与Jerry在《就想赖着你》的演出,不过,观众要等到寒假前后才看得到。原因为之,就是因为Jerry与Ella都是大忙人, Jerry即将推出新专辑,长达两个月的两岸三地加海外宣传行程是无法避免,Ella与Selina、Hebe也将在六月底于澳门举行演唱会,更少不了排练时间,剧组必须抢他们的空档进行赶拍。制作人柯宜勤表示:“已经在开拍前知道这些情况,会弹性安排、调配时间,不会阻碍拍戏进度。当然,电视台的档期也是影响这部戏播出时间的因素,只能请观众耐心等待。”


Ella’s Hilarious Antics Won Over “Difficult” Jerry

Jerry’s cool has been conquered by Ella’s funny and approachable personality! In their latest collaboration for new idol serial [Just Want to Depend on You], both artistes are like part of a family on-and-off screen. In the past when filming idol serials, Jerry would be labeled as “difficult” and “showing black face” etc; but this time, he is actually full of smiles. Even the producer is full of praise for the ambience and indeed, Ella’s charms are irresistible.

The new idol serial [Just] is a collaboration between GTV and Domani. Ever since the male and female leads - Jerry and Ella are announced, this pairing has been the centre of everybody’s attention. Producer Ke Yi Qin expressed, even if we do not mention about the interesting clashes weaved in the plot and subplots of the drama, with just Ella and Jerry’s contrasting “warm vs cool”, “funny vs introvert” personalities, the artistes’ unique attributes are already a big draw for viewers.

Waves of Jokes Coupled with Funny Expressions

Indeed, it has been proven that the producer’s thoughts were right. Based on what we have learnt, since [Just] started filming, despite being the first project Ella, Jerry and the production crew are working together; everyone was very quickly drawn into the lively and friendly ambience. This is especially so for Jerry, whom many used to think of as “introvert and emotional”. Under the waves of “attack” from Ella’s smiles + jokes + funny expressions, even the most reserved and strict “mask” of Jerry crumbled, and his smiles are seen more frequently, and just like what Ella has promised to do - to “melt” Jerry, during the press conference of [Just].

When asked to share on his experience working with Ella to date, Jerry has expressed via his artiste manager, Fenny that Ella is very lively, adorable and interesting. She also likes to joke, thus, acting with her is very comfortable, relaxing and with no pressure. As he feels at ease acting with her, even his smiles have increased and he feels very happy at the collaboration.

According to what some crew members shared on their experiences initially. The first to report for filming was Jerry and his role in [Just] is as a lawyer - Xiang Yu Ping (XYP). As it was the first collaboration between them and with the new environment, initially, everyone’s impression of Jerry was polite and modest. He is very professional, but as he does not really chat nor joke around with the rest, it felt a little boring.

Subsequently, Ella started filming with the team. Her role in [Just], Yang Guo, is the 17th nanny employed by XYP to take care of his 2 mischievous nephew and niece. Initially, as Ella was also unfamiliar with the production team, there was a little distance between everyone. Hence, other than during filming, she was not as “playful and funny” as what others often say, and less chatty. She seldom talked beyond her lines, which surprised many people.

Letting Guards Down, Stifle Laughs Resulting in NG

Nonetheless, Ella is still Ella after all. After a few days of filming, and having gotten to know members of the crew a little better, she could no longer carry on the “dainty lady charisma”. Her bubbly, extrovert and approachable personality was not only “set free”, but also went on “full blast”. As long as it is not during filming, one could catch her chatting and joking with crew members, and rallying everyone to bring them into the mood and becoming everyone’s source of happiness.

After letting down her guard through initial observation, Ella also started chatting and joking with the director, Ke Han Chen. She is able to crack jokes timely coupled with many expressions, putting Jerry at ease. Crew members shared that as Jerry is acting as a composed, intelligent and cold lawyer; whenever they filmed parts on the lawyer firm, he would become very stern. However whenever Ella is around, she would throw in jokes on the sideline with her many funny expressions, as a result, Jerry will become more relaxed and even smile. His expression would also soften a little and sometimes he could not refrain from laughing and getting NG which crew members would also be tickled by him.

Even the reserved Jerry was tickled; needless to say, so was the director. He had long “surrendered” to Ella’s friendliness and will also join everyone in the “rest and relax fun” when not filming! For instance, one day Ella arrived on the set in the afternoon. As usual, Ella would first report to and greet the director, “Good afternoon”. In response, he decided to act cool and replied playfully, “You are ‘Good afternoon’, but I am ‘Good morning’.” Meanwhile, Jerry who was standing by the side, surprised everyone when he suddenly chirped in with a “I am also ‘Good morning’ ah”. In response, Ella could only throw her arms open and said, “Who ask you all to schedule me for filming only in the afternoon!” The crew members laughed. To a total stranger who do not understand them, he / she would probably thought the director and Jerry were being sarcastic to Ella for being late. But in fact, the director and Jerry are cracking jokes together at Ella, expressing their envy that she could sleep a little longer till the afternoon before her turn to film.

Nearly Lose Chance of Acting Due to Being Late

Actually, despite already being handpicked and confirmed by the production team and TV station for the female lead role in [Just], Ella was close to losing the chance to act in the drama. Ke Yi Qin revealed, “During the first meeting with Ella, myself, the scriptwriter, director and almost all the important members of the production team were present; never did we expect Ella to be late for over an hour. Initially we were a little upset, but Ella was able to handle the situation well. She requested for her artiste manager to buy beverage for everyone and hurried over to the meeting venue first, to help explain the reason for her being held up, and to reassure and pacify everyone. When Ella subsequently rushed down, she immediately bowed and apologized sincerely to each and every one personally when she stepped in. She is someone who is very worldly-wise and respectful, and with her warm smile, she makes everyone feels comfortable and could not bear to blame her further. Hence, everyone forgive her quickly and we proceed with the meeting happily.”

Since collaborating with Ella for over a month, Ke Yi Qin was moved by her unique personality. She shared, “Not every artiste can act well. Ella is very intelligent and her reflexes are quick. Not only does she possess the unique traits required of an artiste, she also has the talents in acting. Her acting is natural and not pretentious. You can say she is born to be in the entertainment industry. But despite her earlier serials receiving good viewership ratings, and left viewers with positive impression, she does not have a role which could stand out totally. The storyline of [Just] can be said to be customized for her, as the role is well-suited to her personality. I personally feel that this will be her most representative role, in relation to her past idol serials.

Director Full of Praise for Right Casting

Director Ke Han Chen is collaborating with Ella for the first time and he expressed great satisfaction with her performance to date. Based on the director’s observation, Ella last acted in GTV’s idol serial [Hana Kimi] in 2006, and she has not acted for more than a year. Therefore when she first joined the production team, she appeared a little unfamiliar with the whole setting. However, Ella views filming as “play” and was able to very quickly identify her interest. Coupled with her innate artiste nature; using her intelligence, professionalism and positive team-spirit attitude, she is able to promptly pick up the “feel” for acting and adjust herself to shorten the “running-in” time with crew members and become part of the team.

With regard to Ella’s performance, Ke Yi Qin feels that they have really casted the right person for the role. She shared that one of the reasons for choosing Ella to act as YG in [Just] is because of the vast contrast of personalities between Jerry and her. The second reason is because Ella and YG’s personalities are a perfect match. The moment Ella steps before the camera, she hardly requires any twigging in her acting skills to convincingly portray this role.

“The female role, YG, is a kind-hearted, innocent, optimistic and contented girl. Despite being hit by drastic situations and bad luck, she would always be able to find ways to encourage herself, and to believe in “real love conquers all things”. Ella’s girl-next-door bubbly, natural personality, an ordinary disposition without any coquettish feel, gives one the impression that she can embrace and overcome any situations cheerfully, which fits well with the storyline and the role.” Ke Yi Qin shared.

Able to Portray Role Convincingly

The production team handpicked Ella not only because she could “melt” Jerry, and possesses the unique characteristics akin to the role; the third reason is also because only Ella is suitable to act in certain parts of the subplots. Ke Yi Qin quoted an example. The male lead, XYP, first ran into the blur waitress, YG, in a restaurant where she made a blunder. Under some misleading confusions, he mistook YG as a lesbian, with no interest like other women who would bother and scheme about marrying him. Therefore he let down his guard to hire her as a nanny, and let her into his house.

Ke Yi Qin expressed, “With just this important plot alone, if you look within the entertainment industry, regardless Drama Heavenly Queens Ariel Lin or Rainie Yang, they would not be suitable. We need someone who has a more androgynous feel, hence, Ella who acted as a girl with a boy’s disguise in [Hana Kimi] is the best person for the role. Therefore, this role is specially customized for her and only she can convincingly bring out the plot.”

Although everyone is anxious to watch Ella and Jerry’s performance in [Just], it seemed that viewers have to wait till after the winter holidays. The reason is because both Jerry and Ella are very busy artistes. Jerry is going to release his new album and it is inevitable for him to be doing local and overseas promotions for 2 months or so. Meanwhile, Ella, together with SH will be holding their concert in Macau at the end of June and prior to this, there would be many rehearsals. The production team must make full use of their available timeslots to quickly finish filming. Producer Ke Yi Qin said, “We are fully aware of such situations prior to filming and will exercise flexibility in arranging their schedules, so as not to affect the progress of filming. Of course, another factor which would affect the telecast of the serial would be the programmes-line-up by the TV station. Therefore we urge viewers to wait patiently.”

~~~ End of Translation ~~~

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Guest barneyashley

Credit to Syyang in asianfanatics.net


Date: 28/7/2009

Source & URL: http://yule.sohu.com/20090728/n265549623.shtml


Sohu News: Drama Serial - [Down With Love] Character Listings

ELLA 饰 杨果

ELLA as Yang Guo (YG)







Kind-natured, innocent, and contented with life; despite all “unlucky” circumstances, Yang Guo (YG) would always find a way to encourage and spur herself on, and adopt a bright and optimistic outlook. She would perhaps be the only silly girl left in this century to still hold a firm belief in “love conquers all”. But alas, her luck in love has always been bad and ended up being jilted by her boyfriend. Nonetheless, when the going gets tough, she believes in being even tougher, and holds true to her belief that there will always be the giving of unconditional love in this world.

Her father, a once wealthy man, had squandered away his wealth and left a huge debt to be repaid by YG and her elder sister, Yang Duo (YD). Therefore her elder sister, YD, has to use all her wits to earn and save every single cent. As long it is a money-earning avenue, and YG is free to do so, YD would never let the chance pass her younger sister by!

On a “dark and unlucky” day, YG messed up the few jobs she happened to be having on hand. Thus, she ended up recommending herself to YD’s boss, Xiang Yu Ping (XYP) to become the ultimate nanny for the Xiang family!

When YG came to understand that the 2 children’s mischievous antics were mere gestures in an attempt to attract XYP’s attention, she continued to shower them with utmost sincerity and love. On the other hand, when the children saw how YG disregarded her own safety to save them from a kidnap attempt, the children let down the defenses in their hearts. Thus, this became YG’s first taste of the “fruit of success” of “love conquers all”.

As more friction arises through interaction with each other, YG actually realizes that beneath the cold disposition of XYP is an adorable side of him. Meanwhile XYP was also touched by YG’s bravery in always giving. Under normal circumstances, perhaps the Prince Charming would eventually discover the dazzling Cinderella in the corner of the room. But the foremost pre-requisite of a fairy tale would be – Cinderella must never show disinterest in Prince Charming!

Thus… How will this romantic tale develop?!


言承旭 饰 项羽平

Jerry Yan as Xiang Yu Ping (XYP)






Other than composed and intelligent, “aloof and lethal-tongued” would be the most appropriate description for Xiang Yu Ping (XYP). Being the top-notch leading man in-charge of Xiang Lawyer Firm, the job has exposed him to the greed and ugliness of mankind. As such, he found it hard to believe that there would be “eternal love and kinship” in this world. Faced only with the most hideous side of human nature, thus, he decided to adopt an attitude of skepticism and contempt to his surroundings.

The only time with which XYP would display his gentler side would be to his girlfriend since school-days - Ding Hui Fan (DHF). However Heaven seems to like to play tricks on a man like XYP. DHF subsequently became an upcoming star in the entertainment industry, and under the influence of the glittery showbiz, she is no longer content with a simple life. When DHF initiated the break-up with XYP, XYP thus decided to seal up all of his emotions.

In addition, XYP was also ungenerous in giving his attention and concern to the 2 children left behind by his late elder brother. Instead, he hired a group of nannies one after another, who were unsuitable to look after the children; until he finally met YG. With her unique style, YG gradually changes everything surrounding his life. YG’s sunny disposition not only tamed and changed the 2 difficult children, but also brought light to the darkness in XYP’s heart.

The “wretched” Cinderella’s sunny powers are indeed stunning as XYP found his “feelings” for her has risen to a state whereby he no longer feels “the need for her reciprocity”. In other words, despite knowing that this girl might not fall for him, XYP could not control his feelings to continue to care for her, be nice to her and make her happy…

XYP feels that his life has been wrecked totally… but happily too!


陈紫函 饰 丁卉凡

Chen Zi Han as Ding Hui Fan (DHF)





An upcoming star in the showbiz. To any young, pretty and ambitious girl, to give up love in exchange for superficial fame is not really hard to understand. Thus when given a choice between career and love, Ding Hui Fan (DHF) chose to hurt XYP, in order to advance in her showbiz career.

Perhaps what caused DHF to make such a decision was her over-confidence in the love of XYP. She assumed that with her attributes and their past relationship, a break-up is just a tactical strategy for her presently. Should she be tired of showbiz and wish to return to his side one day, she was sure that XYP would be waiting for her always, devotedly.

Thus when DHF found that XYP was aloof to her, she could not bear with the consequences. To her surprise, the reason for XYP’s change of heart would be an “ugly duckling” like YG, an ordinary girl with neither stunning looks nor figure. This realisation was a big shock to her!

Nonetheless DHF’s setback period was short. She believed that given her past relationship with XYP, and the polished tactics she had picked up in showbiz, YG would never be her match for her when it comes to relationship…


李颖 饰 齐母

Li Ying as Qi’s Mother



An elegant and glamorous rich woman who holds a large inheritance, she is also an aggressive and strong-willed lady who would interfere in her son’s relationships. In her opinion, her future daughter-in-law must be someone of status comparable to her family. Thus, she worked hard at match-making her son, Qi Ke Zhong (QKZ), with Su Fei (SF). SF is a rich man’s daughter with high education and good family upbringing.

Never did Qi’s mother realise that there is a girl, YG, who appeared to spoil her perfect plan. She could not accept her and tried all means to drive YG away from her son, QKZ. In doing so, she and her son, thus, had a severe clash. Actually beneath her imposing disposition is a mother and wife who craved for love and concern, and only YG observed this. Eventually Qi’s mother was moved by YG and grew to like her. She even swore to give YG a total make-over so that she would be the choice daughter-in-law most suitable for Qi family…


刘力扬 饰 苏斐

Jade Liu Li Yang as Su Fei (SF)


With looks and talents, multilingual in Chinese, Korean, English and French, and well-versed in 5 musical instruments, Su Fei (SF) was only 15 when given accreditation by the nation’s music academy. She was 18 when she performed in London for the [Phantom of the Opera], and was selected to catwalk for YSL fashion show in France at the age of 19. She discovered her interest in architectural design at the age of 20, and got double Masters Degree in Architecture and Arts within the next 4 years, before returning to her homeland. In short, she was a perfect person, hence contributing to her extreme confidence. It was love at first sight when SF met QKZ, but she was infuriated as he appeared dedicated only to YG. SF could not accept the fact that she would lose out to YG in a relationship and hence, decided to “compete” with her… Overall, SF is an adorable character.


小娴 饰 杨朵

Xian Xian as Yang Duo (YD)




YG’s elder sister, YD, is street-smart and thrifty beyond words. Growing up in the broken family has resulted in YG to long for familial warmth; meanwhile the riches-to-rags plight of the family has caused YD to crave for wealth. Thus, with such motivation, YD would think of nothing but earning more money each day and the attraction of wealth to her is unlimited. Despite so, YD would never think of marrying a rich man as a fast mean to get wealthy, as she believe that it is more reliable for a woman to depend on oneself.

However the “virtue” of her belief dissolved when she met Qi Ke Zhong (QKZ). YD was surprised to learn that QKZ was the Prince Charming she had always admired since young and so often thought of. It was only because of her family plight that the she, the former rich little Princess, has now become an ordinary soul in the crowd.

Because of her inferior complex, although there were opportunities to meet QKZ, YD would hide her emotions in her heart. Even during the period when QKZ was going after her younger sister, YG, YD would not reveal her real feelings easily until QKZ started to realise her presence after his heartbreak…


张勋杰 饰 齐可中

Michael Zhang as Qi Ke Zhong (QKZ)

Hidden Text:





A renowned interior designer, QKZ is XYP’s close friend since childhood. Both men were well matched in terms of appearance, height, and intelligence. The only difference between them would perhaps be their family background. While QKZ could be said to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth, XYP has depended on his own capability to rise to his current status of a much sought after eligible bachelor.

Never would one expect that QKZ and XYP would cross paths in the battlefield of romance. Both men grew to like the same girl, Ding Hui Fan (DHF). When DHF chose XYP, although the men remained as good friends, QKZ had not realized this incident left an undetected darkness in his heart. Given YG’s surprise appearance, this scar once again resurfaced.

As a bystander, QKZ could see how much YG mattered to XYP; however neither YG nor XYP had realized so. When YG joined QKZ’s company to work as his assistant, he was glad for the advantage to be nearer to her. Gradually the sensitive QKZ discovered an often unrevealed feminine side to YG. He slowly won over YG’s heart, but what caused him unease was that he came to learn that his motives for going after YG were not innocent.

After a series of turmoil, QKZ still lose YG. Dejected, he looked back at his past, and it was only now that QKZ discovered the YD, who was always by his side all this while…

~~ End of Translation ~~


Date: 3/8/2009


Source & URL: http://www.022net.com/2009/8-3/435847132958963.html

《就想爱着你》杭州拍摄 言承旭ELLA飙戏搞怪











[Down With Love] Filming in Hangzhou, Jerry Yan & Ella Play Tricks While Filming

Tabloid reports of pounding the table, throwing things, change of 8 artiste manager in 3 years* (sy: Jerry-fans have clarified this was not the case), rumoured girlfriends one after another… Jerry Yan may have rose to fame overnight with the successful portrayal of “Bao Long – Dao Ming Si” in [Meteor Garden] years back, but he also accidentally became the bad-tempered “Bao Long” of the entertainment industry, unintentionally.

Jerry Yan, who stars as the male lead of [Down With Love] is currently filming in Hangzhou, China. His female lead has now changed from Da-S (Barbie Hsu) to Ella. And Jerry has also transformed from a rich man’s son to a “lethal-tongued” lawyer. Being an introvert who is not used to expressing himself, Jerry admitted that since acting along with Ella in the serial, the extrovert Ella’s optimism and outright personality, like that of a little boy, has influenced him greatly. On the filming site, even the usually cool and aloof looking Jerry Yan has started his playful antics which left many, shocked.

Jerry Acts as Director to Ella

In a bungalow in the heart of Hangzhou, Jerry and Ella were filming in a closed-off but bustling environment, beginning the shooting of an important scene, for 3.5 hours. In the luxurious dining hall, the table was filled with all kinds of delicacies. Xiang Yu Ping (Jerry), Yang Guo (Ella), Qi Ke Zhong (Michael Zhang) and Qi-mama (Rong Rong) were having their meal together. YG was eating nervously, in order to leave Qi-mama with a good impression. However when she was about to sip her soup, she actually gave a big loud sneeze. In this scene, Jerry volunteered to be Ella’s director. During the first shooting, Ella instinctively used her hand to cover her mouth while she sneezed. However, Jerry, who was sitting beside her immediately offered her “pointers”, “Don’t use your hand to cover. If you do, you won’t be Yang Guo anymore.” In response to his comment, Ella stuck out her tongue.

While filming the second shot, Ella no longer covered her mouth with her hand. Her lack of etiquette and table-manners immediately incurred Qi-mama’s wrath. This time, “Bao Long” then quickly passed Ella a piece of tissue to wipe her mouth. When the director shouted – “Cut”, Ella immediately jumped up hyper-ly and exclaimed aloud, “Xiang Yu Ping, do you know the tissue you just passed me was exactly the same one you used earlier?” With the aid of the “surveillance” camera, and the evidence in the playback, everyone saw Jerry wiped his hand on a piece of tissue before filming starts. Then he placed the tissue back and it was indeed the same sheet he passed to Ella subsequently.

Nice “Bao Long” Offers Free Massage for Others

However Bao Long’s playful antics have not ended as yet. While he does not need to film, he would place his legs on the chair Ella was sitting on, out of sheer boredom. Then he would use his toe to poke at Ella’s legs. Trying hard not to burst out laughing, Ella would continue to speak her lines. But never did one expect Jerry to continue poking at her even more enthusiastically. Ella had to bear with the urge to laugh until the director finally shouted for camera to stop rolling. Then Ella would immediately shove his legs away and retort aloud, “Ah! I can’t stand it! Asian Heavenly King Jerry Yan is a pervert!”

According to members of the crew, during breaks, Jerry’s greatest hobby is to offer massage for others. At the end of almost every shoot, he would run over to the machine to watch the playback of his own performance. At this point, whoever is standing in front of him would stand to benefit from his massage. However after a few seconds of indulgence, everyone would snap back to reality and joke, “Aiyah, if Jerry-fans witness this, they might beat us up! His massage is definitely comfortable, but our personal safety is also very important.” This, probably, also caused “Bao Long” much concern.



Source & URL: http://www.dlwb.com.cn/news/detailnews.htm?id=13969








[Down With Love] Films under Scorching Heat

Off-screen, Jerry likes to be Masseur

These few days, joint venture idol serial (between An Hui Wei Shi, GTV, Jin Xi Media) - [Down With Love] is being filmed under the scorching heat of Hangzhou. The nearly 40 Degree Celsius weather for days, coupled with passion from over 10 fans on-site, has added much “heat” to the production team. Everyone was drenched in perspiration despite filming in a luxurious bungalow. As voice recording was done at the same time of filming, the air-conditioners have to be turned off. Hence, Jerry Yan, Chen Zi Han, Ella, Yuan Wen Kang, Michael Zhang and everyone present had a hard and hot time filming. Despite working under such high temperature, super-star idol Jerry Yan had not forgotten to bring happiness to others. Yesterday, our reporter learnt about some interesting things about Jerry on-site during filming.

According to our sources, Jerry’s greatest hobby during breaks between filming, was to give massage to others. At the end of each shot, he would walk over to the machine to check out the playback of his own performance. Anyone who is standing on front of him then would stand to benefit from his massage. Sometimes, it might be the make-up artist, the director, or the administrator. Usually after a few seconds of indulgence, everyone would snap back to reality and joke, “Aiyah, if Jerry-fans witness this, they might beat us up! His massage is definitely comfortable, but our personal safety is also very important.” This caused Jerry, who was itching to show-off his massage skills, much concern.

On the other hand, Ella was quick to catch a handle against Jerry. His initial line from the script - “Miss Yang used to be the nanny of my nephew” ended up being “Miss Yang used to be my nephew”. This caused Ella to nearly breakdown and exclaimed, “When did I ever turn into your nephew? AH! I’ve met a crazy fellow!” Everyone on-site, including Jerry, burst into laughter upon hearing her retort.

Jerry likes to share lame (aka cold or anti-) jokes and this applied to his scripted lines as well. There was a scene whereby Xiang Yu Ping (XYP) went to Hangzhou’s Qi family to look for Yang Guo (YG), and the irritated Qi-mama was complaining about YG to XYP; meanwhile XYP was getting anxious having learnt that Qi Ke Zhong confessed his love for YG, XYP tugged at Qi-mama’s arm, trying to get away. While rehearsing, Jerry had changed his initial lines - “I have something very, very urgent! I need to immediately find that Miss Yang!” to “I am very, very urgent and need the gents, Qi-mama, please let me go, ok?” Everyone was stunned momentarily, and it took them a while to realize he was merely joking. His assistant really thought Jerry needed the gents and was prepared to walk over to show him the way. Given the setback, Jerry said, “Isn’t it funny? It is very funny mah!”

Even when giving a treat of cold drinks to the crew, Jerry could not miss the chance to share his jokes. He smiled at one of the crew members, “Sorry, I did not buy your share!” That particular crew member was also very obliging and pretended to look dejected, “Ah, really? Then I am going to cry to my death, I want to go back to Taiwan!” Meanwhile, bystanders (crew) who observed the exchange could not take it and added jokingly, “Oh please, such a lame joke and you guys can carry on acting!”



Source & URL: http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT1/5054354.shtml

小嫻巨乳繃開上衣 糗到痛哭


據工作人員現場目擊轉述,當時小嫻因為懷中抱著一隻小狗,她開心地在逗小狗玩,渾然不覺自己襯衫繃開,等她發現胸前「涼涼的」,已經來不及,且糗的是,敞開的襯衫中只有Nu Bra。好在當時與她對戲的言承旭正背對她,言承旭是聽到小嫻的哭聲才轉頭問說:「發生什麼事?她為何在哭?」



Xiao Xian’s Well-Endowed Chest Caused Costume to Burst Open and Cried in Embarrassment

Busy in both filming for drama and hosting, many of the crew members seemed to observe that Xiao Xian’s figure has bloated recently, resulting in her well-endowed chest to be even more prominent. While filming for idol drama [Down With Love], she suddenly discovered her the button on her blouse has gave way, and she immediately squat down and cry in embarrassment.

According to members of the crew who witnessed the scene, during then, Xiao Xian was carrying and playing with a dog in her arms. She had not realised that her blouse was open. By the time she realised a “cool breeze” before her chest, it was already too late. To make it more embarrassing, she was only wearing a Nu Bra under her blouse then. Luckily Jerry, who was filming with her, was back facing her. When he heard her sobs, he turned around and asked, “What happened? Why is she crying?”

The working crew also revealed that when Xiao Xian initially started filming, she found that she was at a disadvantage whenever she stood beside Jerry on camera. This was because Jerry’s face was smaller than hers and thus, made her look less feminine and gentle on-screen. Xiao Xian is acting as Jerry’s secretary in the drama and both artistes have a lot of interactive scenes. As such, Xiao Xian went on a “demonic slimming venture”. Other than eating only bananas, she also tried eating only vegetables and skipping rice. With her efforts, she managed to slim down a little for a while. But recently, she has again put on weight and appeared more and more like that of “King Kong Barbie”. Therefore the production crew has to constantly watch over her, not only to prevent the incident of her costume exposure accidentally, but also to ensure that it would not affect continuity effect in filming.

~~ End of Translation ~~


However Bao Long’s playful antics have not ended as yet. While he does not need to film, he would place his legs on the chair Ella was sitting on, out of sheer boredom. Then he would use his toe to poke at Ella’s legs. Trying hard not to burst out laughing, Ella would continue to speak her lines. But never did one expect Jerry to continue poking at her even more enthusiastically. Ella had to bear with the urge to laugh until the director finally shouted for camera to stop rolling. Then Ella would immediately shove his legs away and retort aloud, “Ah! I can’t stand it! Asian Heavenly King Jerry Yan is a pervert


Source: Shanghai Entertainment TV Magazine – July Issue

Credit: Selina15@www.nbbbs.com / cherryyan@www.jerryyan.org

Reduced: 85% of original size [ 600 x 850 ] - Click to view full image

Caption: Jerry Yan - Ella Changed Me


Caption: Ella makes me feel I no longer wish to be a spoilt kid.

Once rumoured as “being difficult”, Jerry Yan was noted to be very friendly with everyone during the filming of idol serial - [Down With Love] recently. Despite already being prepared since hearing this, the reporters were still surprised by the Jerry Yan before their eyes, when they saw him during the press conference for DWL in Hangzhou.

Once, he used to be cool and aloof, with little smiles; but not, he has appeared totally like a big boy. When Michael Zhang first entered the press conference venue, he sportingly clapped his hands and cheered aloud, shouting, “Wo~~~”. Despite facing with a platoon of reporters armed with “ammunitions” of all sorts, he did not mind these and continued to share words with Ella via whispers. He said that the director is very charming and in response, the director lowered his cap. Then he teased him further, “Should I find you a safety helmet instead?” When reporters probed about Lin Chi-ling, Jerry no longer appeared gloomy-faced, awkward or angered, instead he merely smiled and kept silent.

If one found the Jerry Yan during the press conference was a surprise, then the Jerry Yan, posing with Ella for the magazine’s cover shots, would be outright adorable. The photographer requested for him to ‘yang’ (meaning: lift) his head a little, then Ella added, “Just a little, ok. Not too ‘yang’ (meaning: lift too much)… If too ‘yang’, then you have to scratch it a little (meaning: itchy. Ella was actually playing with the pronunciations of ‘yang’ which could mean ‘lift’ or ‘itchy’ in Mandarin).” In response to Ella’s play of words, Jerry pointed to his right arm, “I do feel ‘yang’ (itchy) here.” When the mischievous Ella started to open her mouth wide before the camera, Jerry saw it from the corner of his eyes and immediately secretly mimic Ella to open his mouth wide too. Both of them appeared just as if going to eat the apples falling out of nowhere from the sky. Everyone who was around them, and witnessed this scene burst into laughter. Sensing something amiss, Ella turned around, “What are you up to?” This time, Jerry quickly closed his mouth and pretended as though nothing has happened.

In DWL, Jerry acted as an aloof and “lethal-tongued” lawyer who specialises in divorce and fights for inheritance cases. On the other hand, Ella acted as a rich-to-rags girl, Yang Guo, who would end up working for Jerry as a nanny for his nephew and niece (under the arrangement of her elder sister – Yang Duo). Together, Jerry and Ella will weave a romantic love story in the drama serial.

When sharing on the change in him, Jerry admitted, it was due to the director, his co-stars, and members of the crew who have influenced him. Through Ella, he has learnt how to adopt an optimistic outlook to certain things, to be happy with oneself and to care for others. During the interview, Jerry was forthcoming in sharing on many things. The initially 15-minute interview actually stretched to nearly an hour and had to end as the crew hurried for it to wrap up. When he stood up, Jerry took the initiative to ask for the name card of the reporter and added, “Let’s chat again if there is a chance.”

With a serial titled [Down With Love], a new partner named Ella, we discovered a different side to Jerry Yan.


A Change in Temperament

To the filming crew, he would crack jokes and make fun.

Despite being the Heavenly King and Heavenly Queen in their respective area, DWL is the first time Jerry is collaborating with Ella. Although having heard of and were aware of each other prior to this, they did not know each other personally.

The passionate and warm Ella managed to “melt” Jerry within a week. “Female co-stars whom I had worked with previously would find me very cool and hence keep a distance away from me. But she (Ella) would pop over to kick me, but I am not angered by it. Instead I find her very adorable.” In the past, Jerry thought it would be sufficient and OK as long as he did his part, but through this collaboration, he observed how Ella would put in her best efforts not only at work, but also to spread happiness and joy to those around her.

“In the past, my impression of her was only bubbly and adorable. But after our interactions, I discovered she is very sensitive and sentimental. The kindness she treated everyone with, would make you feel that the world is really a beautiful place. Sometimes, certain artistes will try to gain an edge by hurting another person, but for her, she would always show concern for you like you are her family.” When Jerry first arrived in Hangzhou, the weather was very hot and once while he filmed till 3 am in the morning, he suddenly felt very down. Ella not only kept him company, but also offered him encouragement, causing him nearly to be moved to tears. The very next day despite the weather was still hot, while he was filming, and with Ella was on the sideline teasing him, Jerry suddenly lifted her up and twirled many rounds until she could not stand up straight after he put her down. “From her, I’ve learnt that when you have made others’ happy, you would also feel very happy too. Therefore, now I would always share and crack jokes with fellow members of the crew.”

To members of the media who had once hurt him and made him feel adverse to them, Jerry has since adopted a new perspective, “Now I tell myself, I must be happy. There’s no need to be afraid of the media. I should not be against all media, just because of the hurt from one particular reporter. Furthermore, the media can serve as a reminder to us at times. If I am really not doing well in certain areas, I would pay attention to it. As for the misconstrued and distorted reports, there is no need for me to be angered. I will not try to get into their good books; I will just treat everyone sincerely. It is impossible for everyone to like you.” During last month in Taipei when Jerry held his new album release autograph session, he saw how a reporter was perspiring badly under the weather with the heavy recording equipment. He simply passed the reporter a tissue, leaving the reporter very surprised but smiled in reciprocity when he took the tissue. Jerry was very happy, “Actually this is not a difficult gesture, why haven’t I thought about it in the past?”

A Change in the Way He Treats Others & Handles Situations

Squatting down for a meal with crew members, helping them to move props and the track (for camera).

During the interview, the reporter could feel Jerry’s sincerity. To past comments of being difficult and bad-tempered, Jerry admitted gamely to the reporter - before he entered the entertainment industry, some people already made comments that working with him would be very stressful. “When I was young, my family was poor and I always feel the need to win. I keep telling myself, despite being poor; I must never let others look down on me. Therefore, I am always the class monitor, and even the team captain of the school’s basketball team.” But beneath his strong appearance is actually a very gentle heart. “When I was young, I would always fall sick. And only when I am sick, I feel more human, because I can enjoy being doted on and loved by others.”

The rose to fame of F4 has caught Jerry by unaware. He was not prepared psychologically to become the super-star, to enjoy the love and admiration of so many, within a short span of time. Every day he would be accompanied by an entourage of assistants. Other than work, his contact with the external world would be very little. Being overly protected has its cons too as he could not figure out if he was doing fine, and could not fully empathise with the hardships and efforts of others around him.

While filming DWL, Jerry worked almost alone, and has more chances to interact with crew members and could better empathise with everyone’s efforts. “In a scene whereby we have to break the glass window of the car, the prop master’s hand was injured.” Now, he no longer wishes to be the spoilt kid, “Do not take for granted that every single thing others have done for you is meant to be so.” Now, he could squat down and join fellow crew members to enjoy their meal boxes together, helped them move props, and tracks (for camera). Meanwhile, crew members who noticed his approachability would also take the initiative to help him shield the sun with umbrellas. “When I used to wake up daily in the past, I would ponder over what I would be like today. Suddenly I realised one day, if I could pay more attention to others, perhaps, my life could change for the better.”

While preparing for his new album - [Freedom], Jerry was actually filming DWL too. Once when he had filmed till 2am in the morning, and had to travel another 2 hours to another venue to film 2 MVs. He was nonetheless exhausted. However when he reached the MV filming site, he saw how early the members of the crew had started work in order to prepare the set-up. He forgot all of his fatigue and felt a little awkward instead, that he could only afford so little time, resulting in everyone having to rush filming 2 MVs in a day. That day, he put in all of his efforts to finish the filming and when it wrapped up, everyone was feeling very happy. “All this while, I have not been understanding enough and only concentrated on finishing all the work to perfection. Now I’ve understood, actually with a little more concern and attention to those around you, you could actually achieve even better results.”

A Change in the Way He Expresses Himself

Wishes for a chance to go boating with Ella and enjoy the scenery, while listening to her share on her thoughts.

Looking cold on the exterior but warm at heart, Jerry is one who is not good at expressing himself. When he went on a Taiwanese talk show - [shen Chun Hua Life Show], he shared that he does not know how to say the right words to coax his former girlfriend, was unromantic and often let her feel disappointed. He admitted that he was not good in expressing his concern via honeyed words. “Because my father passed away early, I always feel responsible to take care of the family. In the end, I treated my mother like a younger sister. Her health is not good and I would always chide her to go see a doctor. Actually I do not mean to ‘scold’ her, but rather I feel heartaches for her.”

Ella spent her 28th birthday in the midst of filming for DWL. On the day, Jerry was only scheduled for filming in the afternoon, but he made an effort to arrive early at the filming site. In order not to let Ella detect anything amiss, he hid in a car to wait for over 2 hours. As voice recording was done at the same time of filming, Jerry could not turn on the air-conditioner in the car, and had to open the door to let in the breeze. He only appeared eventually after Ella wrapped up filming, and this came as a pleasant surprise to Ella. To outsiders, perhaps, this surprise gesture would already look “romantic” enough, but when sharing about it to the reporter, Jerry expressed his regrets, “Actually I was quite angry with myself. I have been planning a surprise for her all along, but because I have something on (new album release), I was unable to accomplish it. In fact, I have already made plans for everything already.”

While filming in Hangzhou, Jerry noticed that Ella had appeared a little down for 2 days, and even contemplated to walk into her room to offer a comforting hug. Nonetheless, he still lacked the courage to do so. “Perhaps, I had cultivated a habit and discipline of extreme self-restraint since young. Haha.” Until the day of the press conference, Jerry finally could not hold back and shared his thoughts with Ella, and his gesture also made her feel very touched. While filming in the scenic Hangzhou, he shared that he liked the nature scenery there, “I wish there will be a chance for us to go boating together and enjoy the scenic view. I could take the initiative to listen to her thoughts and show my concern; all along she has been the one showing concern for me.”

A Change in Perspective in Love

In the past, he preferred long-haired, gentle girls but since having met Ella, he shared he also like her type.

Jerry Yan and Lin Chi-ling’s romantic relationship has been revealed to all. During the interview, when asked on the type of girls he preferred, Jerry smiled shyly, “This is difficult to answer. In the past, I like girls with long hair and gentle. But having met Ella, I thought I also like girls like her type.” Prior to their collaboration, a girl with an androgynous disposition like Ella would probably not be his type. Thus, he now realised, “The most fantastic thing about love is all about feelings. One need not necessarily have to be 178cm, 58kg…” He shared that he wishes for his other half to be someone who can care for him, be understanding and sensible. “In our circle, the stress is really great, and we keep irregular hours. If my other half could not understand this, there will definitely be conflicts.” When probed if Ella and him could develop their friendship further, Jerry said, “I would not give special thoughts to that. But I have been touched by the kindness and concern she has given me.”

In the Eyes of Co-Stars Who Worked with Jerry Yan


Ella: He is a comedian, very playful. Off-screen when rehearsing with me, he would purposely put on funny faces to tease me. In real life, he is just like me, both of us are “kai xin guo” (lit transl: bundles / sources of joy).

Chen Zi Han: He would often crack jokes with everyone. One day he walked into the filming site and said, “As I was passing by the entrance just now, the security said I resembled Jerry Yan. Why didn’t you all come take photos with me?” Everyone burst into laughter at this.


Rong Rong: When I first joined the filming and saw Jerry, he exchanged greetings with me in a very friendly manner. He said, “Qi-mama (character name), how do you do?” When filming wrapped up, he would say, “You had a hard day.”

Yuan Wen Kang: The first time we met was in the dressing room. He was already seated inside when I entered and he took the initiative to say, “Have you acted in [Ji Jie Hao]?” I answered, “Have you watched it?” He replied, “No, but I wish to.” Then I said I would give him a disc as a gift. He was very happy and said he looked forward to watching it.


Chen Zi Han: During his breaks, he would express his concern for members of the crew and asked if they had their meals or if they are thirsty etc. Without realising, you would soon find a bottle of mineral water being put before you with a straw inserted. He would also help the lighting crew to hold the reflecting board, and help to massage the crew members. A lot of the female crew members have enjoyed this “benefit” before.

~~ End of Translation ~~



Source: Shanghai Entertainment TV Magazine – July Issue

Credit: Selina15@www.nbbbs.com / cherryyan@www.jerryyan.org

Thanks for the wonderful translation.


When the mischievous Ella started to open her mouth wide before the camera, Jerry saw it from the corner of his eyes and immediately secretly mimic Ella to open his mouth wide too. Both of them appeared just as if going to eat the apples falling out of nowhere from the sky. Everyone who was around them, and witnessed this scene burst into laughter. Sensing something amiss, Ella turned around, “What are you up to?” This time, Jerry quickly closed his mouth and pretended as though nothing has happened.

When the mischievious Ella meets the mischievious Jerry, no wonder they get along well.


Wishes for a chance to go boating with Ella and enjoy the scenery, while listening to her share on her thoughts.

A Change in Perspective in Love

In the past, he preferred long-haired, gentle girls but since having met Ella, he shared he also like her type.

Jerry Yan and Lin Chi-ling’s romantic relationship has been revealed to all. During the interview, when asked on the type of girls he preferred, Jerry smiled shyly, “This is difficult to answer. In the past, I like girls with long hair and gentle. But having met Ella, I thought I also like girls like her type.” Prior to their collaboration, a girl with an androgynous disposition like Ella would probably not be his type. Thus, he now realised, “The most fantastic thing about love is all about feelings. One need not necessarily have to be 178cm, 58kg…” He shared that he wishes for his other half to be someone who can care for him, be understanding and sensible. “In our circle, the stress is really great, and we keep irregular hours. If my other half could not understand this, there will definitely be conflicts.” When probed if Ella and him could develop their friendship further, Jerry said, “I would not give special thoughts to that. But I have been touched by the kindness and concern she has given me.”


View Member Profile Aug 4 2009 2 15 PM Post #735


COLOR~August No. 177 issue

credit to mamy@www.yanchengxu.net

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credit to jerrys harbor

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Date: 3/8/2009

Source & URL: http://ent.ifeng.com/music/hk/200908/0803_1839_1282307.shtml

Ella辟谣S.H.E.不会解散 和言承旭暂无火花




ELLA Refutes Rumours - SHE Will Not Disband, No Romance Sparks with Jerry Yan

There were rumours surrounding idol pop group SHE recently, on the group’s possible disband. Recently during their performance in Nanjing, Ella responded to the media’s queries in the dressing room, and clarified that these rumours were mere speculations by the media. The trio would have their personal career developments planned, but SHE would not disband. “There are still many places out there we have yet to visit, many fans whom we have not met; why should we disband?” Being the most distinctive member of SHE, Ella very often ends up being the official spokesperson for the group to respond to the media. When the reporter asked about her recent career development plan, Ella shared that she has interest in acting because she can experience and take on different kinds of roles.

Lately, the idol drama serial - [Down With Love], which stars Ella and Jerry Yan, attracted the attention of media across the shores. As this love story drama is a big joint venture between GTV and other TV stations, filming also included on-site shooting in Hangzhou, which is not far away from Nanjing. Earlier on, when the casts of DWL attended the drama’s press conference in Hangzhou, Jerry revealed “boldly” that Ella was one of the women who has influenced him greatly. The particular comment then got many media speculating if there would be romance sparks between both artistes. Hence, the reporter took the chance to probe Ella about this and her impression of Jerry. “Filming is very hectic for the whole production team. Although Jerry knows how to look after himself during filming, actually he can be like a child at times. We have no barriers in communication. As Jerry and myself are more playful, therefore we can get along well.” Based on Ella’s reply, the relationship between both artistes is really not as suggestive as how external parties make it out to be.

Reduced: 85% of original size [ 600 x 400 ] - Click to view full image


SHE refuted rumours on disbanding.

~~ End of Translation ~~

credit to jerrys harbor


translated by Syyang@DWL thread. thank you


Source: COLOR - August No. 177 issue

Credit: mamy@www.yanchengxu.net


As An Aloof Lawyer in [Down With Love], Jerry Yan Falls for Down & Out Nanny Ella…

Idol drama serial [DWL] took the chance to hold a press conference for the local media while filming was done in Hangzhou recently. On the day, the weather was scorching hot and over hundred fans crowded the hotel. Some fans had even arrived a day before at the hotel as early as 3am in the morning.

Being their first time filming in Hangzhou, and despite arriving only for a few days, Jerry and Ella were already attracted by the “paradise on earth” scenic view of Hangzhou. Jerry shared, “It is really very beautiful! I was exclaiming in awe along the way. It is truly beautiful just like overseas. With such scenic views, one should really make the best of it to fall in love!” Ella, on the other hand, poured her woes and shared, “Hangzhou is very hot! The heat’s a killer and sometimes, I feel like I am driven crazy by the heat! But then, Hangzhou is really very picturesque. I will definitely bring my parents here for a visit when the chance arises.” A reporter asked Jerry, “If Lin Chi-ling is in Hangzhou, would you visit her?” In response, Jerry merely smiled. When he was asked if he would fall for a “petite girl” such as Ella, he laughed and replied, “She is quite tall today (in heels)! Furthermore, watching how she has dressed up today makes me feel shy.” Ella, who heard this, got a fright and immediately pulled up the neckline of her dress.

~~ End of Translation ~~

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Guest barneyashley

Ella and Jerry surely created such good chemistry together in HuangZhou conference . July 20th 2009 .

I've never seen Jerry this touchy to any of his other co-stars and yet with Ella , he was totally at ease and seemed so comfortable with Ella .


Even on Ella 's birthday , he pinched her cheeks b4 giving her flowers and teasing her when Ella tried to say thank you

I hope that this series is going to be good since the chemistry between Ella and Jerry on / off screen are so amazing .

As Jerry has always been very careful with his actions in order not to create unessary scandals with his co-stars but I was so supprised to see his behaviours this time with Ella at the conference . What a big difference ....

More News

Credit to Syang in Asianfanatics.net


Date: 10/8/2009


Source & Credit: http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/...ssueID/20090810

Hidden Text:

言承旭冒风雨轧《赖著你》 否认脚本曝光



《就想赖著你》还未杀青,但却有粉丝在言承旭的官网上抗议,网路上已可看到全剧25集的脚本大纲,包含剧情内容桥段,柯宜勤否认说:「我们给的剧本是90分钟的15集,不可能有25集的剧本曝光。」言承旭的经纪人Fenny也说:「剧情应该不会提前曝 光。」


Jerry Yan Braves the Typhoon to Continue Filming for [Down With Love]; Clarification on Rumours of Script Being Leaked

Jerry Yan is currently focusing on the filming of GTV idol drama - [Down With Love], and has continued so despite the typhoon recently. Although he has to leave home for work, all filming has been changed to indoors shooting instead for safety. However recently fans and netizens have been complaining on Jerry’s official website on the leakage of [DWL]’s storyline and voiced their concerns that this might affect the viewership ratings adversely. Yesterday, producer Ke Yi Qin clarified, “There is no possibility of the storyline being leaked out in advance.”

Fans Protest on Leakage of Storyline

[DWL] has yet to wrap up filming, but fans have already protested on Jerry’s official website that they could view the summary of the storyline for the 25-episode serial online. The information not only included the storyline, but also the plots and subplots. Ke Yi Qin denied this and clarified, “Our script consists of 15-episode of 90-minutes drama. There is no possibility of a leakage for a 25-episode storyline.” Meanwhile Jerry’s artiste manager, Fenny added, “The storyline would not have been leaked out in advance.”

Filming is scheduled to wrap up in September.



Source & Credit: http://ent.sina.com.cn/v/h/2009-08-10/00002645429.shtml

Hidden Text:

陈紫函戏中为言承旭所伤 败金游玩向黄晓明借钱


新快报讯 (记者 易哲)《大汉天子》里大气的平阳公主,《倚天屠龙记》里对爱情执着的蛛儿,新版《白娘子传奇》中扮相极美的小青,《神雕侠侣》中任性的大小姐郭芙……一个又一个古代美人,让观众认识并喜欢上了这个颇具古典气质的陈紫函。在由安徽卫视、台湾八大电视台、金溪影视合拍的偶像剧《就想爱着你》中,陈紫函来了个华丽转身,换上了时尚现代装。她扮演红遍两岸的大明星丁卉凡,和言承旭饰演的大律师项羽平爱恨纠缠。











Translation (only on parts relevant to DWL):

Chen Zi Han Injured in Serial Due to Jerry Yan; Borrowed Money from Huang Xiaoming to Fund Extravagant Travel

Intensive Filming of [Down With Love]

She has acted as gracious “Princess Tai Ping” in [Da Han Tai Zi], devoted “Zhu-Er” in [Yi Tian Tu Long Ji], pretty “Xiao Qing” in the modern [Legend of Lady White Snake], and willful “Guo Fu” in [Return of the Condor Heros]… One after another pretty role in the period dramas has allowed viewers to know and like this actress with a classic elegance. [Down With Love] is a joint venture between An Wei TV, Taiwan’s GTV, and Jin Xi Media. Chen Zi Han has now transformed into modern lady. She will be acting as a famed celebrity - Ding Hui Fan in the serial, and involved with Jerry Yan, who is acting as a lawyer, in a tangles of romances.

“First On-Screen Kiss” to Michael Zhang

Earlier on in a drama serial - [Lian Ai Bing Fa], Chen Zi Han has already acted as a celebrity. This time, she will be acting as one too in [DWL]. She was quick to counter media probes if she would be worried in the repetitive roles she was casted in. “Although I am acting as a superstar again, compared to the more ‘princess’ roles with ‘common princess temperament’ in the past, my new ‘princess’ role will be a lot gentler.”

This superstar role is not only without ‘common princess temperament’, but also loves to cry. Chen said, “I’ve never shed as much tears in my past serials compared to this particular one.” She shared that she liked this role as Ding Hui Fan very much. “Hui Fan has always been confident but as she valued her career more, and spent less time with her boyfriend, it resulted in the 7-year relationship coming to a close. When she finally realizes how important romance is to her, she wished to trade her career for pursuit of love. However this caused her to lose even what was left in the friendship with her ex. She has not done anything too wayward or evil, unlike such roles in which other idol dramas tend to, thus, this character is different from the roles I’ve acted in previously.”

In this serial, Chen also gave her debut on-screen kiss. However the actor was not the Jerry, who was acting as her first love, but Michael Zhang who rose to fame from Taiwan idol drama - [The Outsiders]. When asked if she would accept a similar guy in real life, she shared, “I feel that love is love, and friendship is friendship. One cannot cheat love just because of being touched. I admire this attribute of Ding Hui Fan. She would not lie to love.” Meanwhile Chen also praises Zhang, “His personality is close to the character he acted as in the serial. Warm, gentle, thoughtful; while filming in Taiwan, he would extend his welcome by being a warm “tour guide”, sharing with me places for good food and fun.”

Injured On-and-Off-Screen Due to Jerry Yan

In [DWL], Chen’s role as Ding Hui Fan could not stand being in a long-distance relationship with Jerry’s role Xiang Yu Ping, due to her work, thus, resulted in their 7-year relationship taking on a change. When she finally decided to give up her career and to pursue her lost love, she ended up hurting herself all over.

Off-screen, Chen was also injured due to Jerry. It happened that Jerry favoured Hangzhou’s spicy little lobster and could eat a few servings each go. Chen shared, “One evening after work, the director and cast, cameramen etc went out for a meal. I specially chose a place which served the little lobster. As Taiwanese seldom eat this delicacy, they tend to be slower in peeling off the shell. Therefore I decided to help everyone. But never did I expect, the day after, my thumb actually swell up.” However Chen’s ability to peel the shell has always been on Jerry’s “mind”. Even when Chen is not filming, Jerry would say jokingly, “Please issue Chen with a filming schedule so she can come peel the shell.”

(In the next 2 paragraph…

Chen shared on her “extravagant shopping trips” in Taiwan in the next paragraph and the places of interest she has visited for shopping and food. She spent all the Renminbi and US dollars she brought to Taiwan, and had to borrow from Huang Xiaoming, who happened to also be filming in Taiwan then to fund her trip. While [DWL] was filming in Hangzhou and Chen has started touring Xihu and would visit scenic spots and the musical fountain if she does not need to film at night.

~~ End of Translation ~~

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Guest barneyashley

Credit to Syyang in Asianfanatics.net

MAGAZINE FEATURE - 时代影视 Issue 255

Date: 1/8/2009

Note: Please clearly cite all sources when transferring the articles / photo scans. Thank you.

Latest On-screen Couple, Spicy & Hot; Definitely Pulse-Racing & Youthful!

[Down With Love], [Tao Se Xiao Mei], [Ai Si Bai Hui]… 2009 seems to be another year with abundance of good drama serials. We are really thankful to the scriptwriters, for everyone will not be lonely for the next half year coming!

While the battle between the idol drama serials are waiting to start; although the attractiveness of the storyline and the impact of the contents are of our concern, what really keeps our pulses racing is really the line-ups of new on-screen couples for our eyes to feast upon! Which pairing is exactly the “match made in Heavens”? Which pair of artistes lined up would leave viewers with the deepest impression as the next “On-screen Couple”? Let us take a quick look!

On-Screen Couple with Most Blessings: Jerry Yan & Ella

Choice Serial: [Down With Love]

Based on the high viewership ratings and popularity of [Hana Kimi] and [The Rose], Ella’s pairing up with a tall, suave and cool handsome guy on-screen would best attract viewers’ attention. While one party is cool and quiet like the ice, the other is cheerful and bubbly as fire; regardless of interactions on-or-off-screen, there is always a “Cinderella vs Prince Charming” effect, which fans would look forward to and feel close with! Other than Jerry Yan and Ella, there is probably no other on-screen couples we would look as forward to!

Sources cited that handsome Jerry Yan seemed to be the type of guys Ella fancy! Who knows, perhaps we might catch lots of sparks and chemistry between the 2 through DWL! And with Ella’s lively personality, it would probably not be long before Jerry is “melted” by her warmth.

Wild Guess: If things go smoothly, this new E-Xu on-screen pairing would even be comparable to the earlier E-Chun pairing (from [Hana Kimi]).

On-Screen Couple Compatibility: 5-Stars Rating

Super Champion Cup - [Down With Love]

Champion for the Super Line-Up of Cast & Crew

[Down With Love] has a very strong line-up of cast and crew members. From the male and female leads, to the director, the serial is already a draw!

Female Lead - Ella

One of the unbeatable female artistes, every of the drama serials which she stars in would make a great impact in the entertainment scene! Upon a scale of 10, an idol serial drama which stars Ella, would have a score of more than 8.5 in terms of “watch-ability & potential”!

Most Classic Serials: [The Rose], [Hana Kimi]

Male Lead, Jerry Yan

A popular classic idol from the 1st generation of idol dramas. Despite over 30 years old, his physique, looks and charisma remained perfect as the “No.1 Cool Handsome Guy”! Sources revealed, Jerry Yan’s charisma and style are attributes which many male artistes tried but failed to imitate!

Most Classic Serials: [Meteor Garden], [Hot Shots]

Director - Ke Han Chen

Although he might not be handsome, the idol serials which he had directed are famous!

Most Classic Serials: [The Outsiders], [The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries]

Champion for the Most Surprising Coming Together of Leading Casts

Jerry Yan and Ella, appeared as artistes whom one would not usually link together. However they made their debut collaboration in [Down With Love]. Both artistes, as diverse as ice and fire, viewers are in for surprises on their interactions…

Element of Ice: Jerry Yan & Ella on Bad Terms

During the start of filming for DWL, one day while shooting a scene whereby Jerry reached out to comfort Ella, both artistes appeared to be doing well. However when the director shouted “Cut”, Jerry turned around and showed an expression of as if “rolling his tongue over his teeth”, as if in disdain. As such, speculations of Jerry and Ella on bad terms immediately started to spread. “Relationship between the lead actor and actress has dropped to that of freezing point”. Regardless if the news was true, during then, the rumours has already left many viewers startled.

Element of Fire: Jerry Yan, “Ella is one of the ladies who influenced me greatly!”

While rumours of being on bad terms between the 2 artistes was spreading on one end, Jerry had come forth on the other end to share that Ella was one of the “most important” ladies in his opinion. He would reveal the child-like side of him before her, bicker and play with her, and even appeared “close” to her before others… Such a dramatic change once again stunned everyone around them.

Jerry is an introvert who would usually be stern and a man of few words. There were times he would probably lose his temper and thus, the nickname of “Bao Long” seemed to be appropriate in describing him. Jerry has strict expectations of himself, and would pound his fists or hurt himself when dissatisfied with his performances. Once when he was experiencing such, Ella walked over and gave him a comforting hug, which made him feel a sense of warmth he never had. Ella’s initiative has opened up Jerry more and he has become more cheerful, and learnt how to better express his concern for others. Most surprising, when faced with the media, Jerry is no longer the temperamental “Bao Long”; instead he has become a lot more easy-going… Seems like Ella’s influence can really make one’s personality take on a different perspective!

Ella’s Charge: He is a comedian, and not as cool as he looks.

When DWL started filming, Ella has already vowed to melt the ice in Jerry.

Indeed, she has succeeded but she also expressed her “regrets”; as Jerry is not really cool, but just a little slow to warm-up. However when Jerry started to warm up, he would become very high, and even so high that he risks ruining his cool-guy image!

Crimes of “Bao Long” 1: In between filming, Jerry and Ella love to chat with each other. From interior design to 3C-products, they could chat about anything and everything under the sun. Meanwhile Jerry would suddenly crack a cold (anti-) joke which left Ella so “chilled” that she would exclaim that she needed winter coats.

Crimes of “Bao Long” 2: There was once when Jerry wanted to play the DVD of [slam Dunk] for Ella to watch, and revealed a very child-like side of him. This gesture made Ella feel that she seemed to be so aged.

Crimes of “Bao Long” 3: In the past, it seemed to be Ella who is teasing others. But since Jerry has become closer to her, Ella turned into the one being “bullied”. Once, Jerry actually used his finger to poke at her underarm which was wet and this caused Ella to be stunned and shout aloud without a care for her image.

Champion for the Happiest Filming Team

A filming team consisting of Ella would be the happiest group around. But only when other members of the cast and crew started to join in would the whole team win the “Champion Cup”.

Ella Teasing Michael Zhang

In the serial, Ella would be a very gentle girl. In order to cheer Michael Zhang up in the serial, she pasted on a little moustache and put on a cloak to act as a magician! On-screen, the setting looked very romantic, and Michael appeared like a much-doted on Prince. But on-screen, both artistes’ relationship is definitely not so! One day, when Ella finished filming a “bed” scene and the director has shouted “Cut”, the barefooted Ella immediately resumed her playful nature. Within seconds, she placed her toe near to Michael’s nose. Surprisingly, Michael actually said, “Her toe didn’t poke me! Just a light tap.” Seeing her prank did not play out, Ella jumped up trying to play another trick on Michael. But being used to be “bullied”, Michael did not get upset, instead he laughed and replied, “Your feet don’t stink!” Giving up, Ella gave a light shrug of her shoulders and said, “He is a nice guy!”

Jerry Yan Got Ella “Fuming Mad”

Jerry Yan likes to mimic Ella in speaking. Each time when Ella speaks Taiwanese, he would catch hold of a certain statement with full “Ella-charisma” and keep repeating himself, like that of a parrot learning to speak. Gradually, this became a little habit of Jerry, to mimic Ella’s speech until she would be “fuming mad” till she rolled her eyes. Once while filming a scene whereby Ella was nearly knocked down by Jerry, when Ella stood up, she had to pretend to spit and said, “Peh!”. When the Director stopped filming, Jerry immediately started to mimic Ella and went, “Peh!” After that, he even put on a proud look…

Collaborating to Scare Zhou Xiao Han

Culprit 1: Ella

Zhou Xiao Han is acting as Ella’s good friend in the serial. As she is very adorable, everyone from the production crew likes to tease her. Especially Ella, who likes to hug “forcefully hug” her and exclaim, “I love you~~”, putting on an act of girl-to-girl romance. Ella shared, “Xiao Han is really very adorable. I would suggest for the Director to let us have a fierce kissing scene.” But shortly after she said this, Ella mumbled to herself, “But no, I already have 2 wives already (S & H).”

Culprit 2: Jerry Yan

Zhou Xiao Han is unfamiliar with Jerry, but yet she has to act along with him, who has a cool disposition. In the end, she was nearly frightened to tears. During rehearsal, everyone was following their scripted lines. However during actual filming, Jerry suddenly shouted into his mobile phone, “Shut up! I am very busy!” Zhou Xiao Han was so startled and frightened that she forgot how to continue her lines and thought that Jerry was really angry. After filming wrapped up, she was close to tears. Seeing this, members of the crew quickly explained to her that was actually part of Jerry’s impromptu acting.

(Will only translate the part relevant to DWL)

The Ultimate Kiss

Most Anticipated Kiss

Ella & Jerry Yan

From: [Down With Love]

Blessed with good luck, Ella is no stranger when it comes to kissing scenes in the drama serials she acted in. Let’s not ask Ella which handsome male artiste she has kissed; but rather, which handsome male artiste has she not kissed! This time, extremely passionate Ella will meet extremely introvert Jerry in DWL. Up till now, the 2 artistes have not had any kissing scenes. But since Ella has “melted” Jerry’s heart, the mission is considered almost accomplished. Next, she would have to “conquer” his lips in the serial! Furthermore, Ella will be giving away her first on-screen kiss to a fellow female artiste too! Although we are unsure who she might be at the moment, this scene is definitely one worth looking forward to!

~~ End of Translation ~~



Title: [Down With Love] Press Conference in Hangzhou – Clip 6


Credit: myycx1

E = Ella

J = Jerry

N = Newscaster

R = Reporter

VO = Voice-over

N: Jerry and Ella were seen together, but of course, they are not romancing each other. Instead they are together for the promotion of their new idol drama.

VO: The latest idol drama - [Down With Love], starring Jerry Yan and SHE’s Ella, organized a press conference in Hangzhou. Most cast members attended this event. Despite being their 1st partnership, Ella, the “Kai Xin Guo” (lit transl: Source of Joy), has melted the usually very cool Jerry. Of course, many of us are familiar with Ella’s warm disposition, but there have been rumours of her calling everyone “Hubby” in the filming site. Hence, we decided to clarify this.

E: (in response to rumours of her calling everyone “hubby”) No… Definitely no such thing. (laughs, to R) Surely I have not called you “hubby” when I see you, right!?

R: Then how do you normally address Jerry Yan?

E: (matter-of-factly) I’ll call him Xu-xu… (ponders) Xu-xu or Jerry-Baby, just like this!

All laugh including J.

R: Ella, you seldom dress like this huh?

E: (agrees) Ah…

R: Are you starting to change your image to a more mature-young-lady look in future?

E: No… This dress was borrowed by my stylist. Then… my company will peruse whether it is suitable for the occasion. They felt that this outfit is appropriate for today’s function, therefore, they arranged for me to wear this today. As for the future… we’ll let nature takes its course. Anyway, I am (J took the mic in E’s hand) not against wearing… (to J warily, trying to cup the mic) What do you intend to say?!

All burst out laughing including J.

J: (stifles laugh) No… I just wish to add she has a great figure.

E: (relieved and happy) Thank you.

VO: Since Jerry revealed that he has an undelivered love letter, everyone has been speculating if he would reconcile with Lin Chiling. Although Jerry did not wish to talk much about Chiling today, he spoke up that Ella was among one of the ladies who influenced him a lot.

J: (refers to E) She is someone who is so nice that you would wonder how can there still be an artiste in this circle who is so nice. She is just very innocent and… you won’t feel that she is a very complex person. Usually when she talks… For instance, I remembered there was once… when I filmed till late at night… about 2-3am… Actually everyone was very exhausted and I was actually feeling unwell and sitting by the side, she actually took the initiative to come over to chat with, and encourage me. (E laughs, awkward) Sitting there, as I listened to her, suddenly I feel touched and nearly cried…

VO: In the past, there were always rumours of Jerry Yan being a “big shot” who is hard to work with. Even he admitted he has a bad temper. But he also added his priority is to do his best as an actor, and would not mind other criticisms.

J: (in response to R’s question on his temper, jokes) My temper is bad!

R: Is your temper really bad?

J: My temper is bad! (laughs)

R: Compared to other members of F4, would you feel that you are slightly behind, in terms of achievements?

J: Actually, it’s fine. I just wish to do my best in what has been task to me. I would not compare with others.

~~ End of Translation for Clip 6 ~~

Title: [Down With Love] Press Conference in Hangzhou – Clip 7


Credit: myycx1

E = Ella

J = Jerry

VO = Voice-over

VO: Idol serial - [Down With Love] is in the midst of filming in Hangzhou. In the serial, Jerry Yan is acting as a cool lawyer; meanwhile Ella will act as his girlfriend cum super-nanny for his nephew and niece. During the press conference, Ella shared that despite being the 1st time she is acting with Jerry as lovers, both of them are much immersed into the roles. In response to probes on their views on relationship, both artistes also shared similar views.

E: Personally, I am someone who needs a lot of space in a relationship. I do not like sticking with my love one all day long, and I don’t like my boyfriend to be too clingy too.

J: (playfully pulls E to his shoulder, stifles laugh) Yes, don’t like… No good… (shares his views) My sentiments are similar to hers. I also feel that actually between a couple, there is still a need for appropriate space so as to have freedom… As… as… After all, there will be times when we would like to do some things…

JE: On our own, which do not necessary need for both parties’ to be together…

J: So when both can… (a little lost for words)…

E: (adds on to J’s words) It is important for a couple to give each other space. Furthermore sometimes when one is too close to the other, there might be friction. (J: Exactly) Thus, with just the right amount of distancing, there would be an element of beauty in itself.

VO: Since the start of filming, the actual interaction scenes between Ella and Jerry have yet to begin. Both artistes are still in the state of “warming-up”. However in order to better portray the role of a couple in love, both artistes have been building on their chemistry. Hence, now, their relationship is indeed very close.

J: (playfully hugs & nudges E) I have always been having body contact with her. (moves E’s head onto his shoulders, laughs) See, even like this…

E: (frowns in retort, jokingly) I feel so poor thing… (J wipes her face and smiles) I feel like either his pet or toy, you know…

J: Actually I hope, in future, if there is a chance, perhaps I can go visit her (E) family; for instance her pet doggy is very adorable, I can pay a visit to look at her pet, or greet her grandfather and grandmother…

E: Yes.

J: Yes. She would often share with us about her family.

VO: [DWL] is a modern fairy tale of a Prince Charming and Cinderella. There are plans for same-time telecast in Shanghai, Taiwan GTV and other parts of China in time to come.

~~ End of Translation for Clip 7 ~~


Date: 17/8/2009

Source & URL: http://ent.sina.com.cn/v/h/2009-08-17/00002656120.shtml

《就想爱着你》热拍 张勋杰剧中“误吻”言承旭

Hidden Text:



[Down With Love] Hectic Filming – Michael Zhang “Accidentally” Kisses Jerry Yan

Idol drama [Down With Love] is in the midst of hectic filming in Hangzhou, and the cast members include Jerry Yan, Ella and Michael Zhang etc. When sharing on his most impressionable scene while filming, Zhang shared, “I have kissing scenes with almost every actress in the serial, with the exception of Su Fei (starring Jade Liu Li Yang).” He even revealed there was actually a “kissing scene” between Jerry Yan and himself. “In that scene, I was supposed to go kiss Ella, but Jerry suddenly popped his head over and the scene ended as a kiss between Jerry and myself.”

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Guest sang_woo_always

I cnt wait to see this! one of my most anticipated dramas!!!! i miss ella so much! and plus jerry is awesome!

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I've been following the thread in asianfanatics site, and cant hardly wait till its aired. The whole buzzed about how close Jerry and Ella are and how she changed his life making me smile even more. :);)

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Guest barneyashley

Credit to Mariane CEangel and prella in Asianfanatics.net


Ella = Yang Guo

Jerry Yan = Xiang Yu-ping

Xiao Xian = Yang Duo

Chen Zi Han = Ding Hui Fan

Michael Zhang = Qi Ke Zhong

Xiao Xiao Bin = Xiang Yu Ting (Yu-ping's nephew)

child actress = Xiang Yu Fei (Yu-ping's niece)


Ella/Yang Guo <---> Jerry Yan/Yu-ping

Chen Zi Han/Ding Hui Fan ---> Jerry Yan/Yu-ping ---> Ella/Yang Guo

Chen Zi Han/Ding Hui Fan <----Michael Zhang/ Qi Ke Zhong ---> Ella/Yang Guo

Xiao Xian/Yang Duo ---> Michael Zhang/Qi Ke Zhong

Note: Please credit wyn0602 of CEFC for translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article. Please quote this translated article (including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

Storyline for DWL

Yang Guo, an ordinary Taiwanese girl, no rich and famous background, no beautiful outer appearance nor outstanding talent. All she had was a kindhearted, innocent, warm and optimistic personality and knew how to be grateful and to treasure what she has. Xiang Yu-ping, with his bicoastal law license was an expert in divorce and inheritance lawsuits. Perhaps people would use words like cold, selfish, unkind and ruthless to describe him but no one could deny that in his profession, he was the best and the most successful.

This pair that seemed to have no connection to each other and with totally unsuitable personalities was miraculously bounded by destiny through two children. After Yu-ping’s older brother died in a car accident, Yu-ping had to take in the two orphaned children – Fei and Ting. Although the children were young, they were also so mischievous that even Yu-ping could not cope with them. To make thing worse, every nanny that Yu-ping hired was either scared off by the children or somehow ended up falling in love with Yu-ping. Reaching the end of his ropes, Yu-ping had no choice but to ask his secretary Yang Duo to find a nanny that would meet his requirement.

The parsimonious and money-hungry Yang Duo happened to be the older sister of Yang Guo. Actually both she and Yang Guo were from a rich family when they were younger. Unfortunately after their sharp-minded mother passed away, their father who was ambitious but lacked ability quickly squandered away the family fortune and left his two young daughters to fend for themselves while he ran away to avoid debtors. Since then, the two sisters depended on each others. While the trials that they experienced gave them independent and strong personalities, it also shaped Yang Duo’s parsimonious, cheap and would do anything for money attitude. When she found out her boss Yu-ping provided such a job opportunity, of course she would not want to miss it. So without any hesitation, she recommended her sister Yang Guo for the nanny job and in order to assure Yu-ping that Yang Guo would not fall in love with him, she even lied to him that her tomboyish sister did not like guys at all.

Because of some chance misunderstandings, Yang Guo and Yu-ping already had an unhappy first encounter. That led Yu-ping to further believe that it would be impossible for Yang Guo to fall for him, so she successfully became the new nanny for Fei and Ting. Although she was given a very hard time by the two children, but with her determination and never-give-up attitude, she worked hard to melt the lonely hearts of the two children with her sincere concern and care. In their daily interactions, Yang Guo also discovered that the cold Yu-ping also had a kind and adorable side and could not resist secretly falling in love with him.

Unfortunately, Yu-ping already had a girlfriend – the famous actress Fan. Fan was beautiful and elegant. They started dating since university days. Later because Fan started to become popular in the showbiz, their relationship could not go public. Also because Fan had to shoot movies in Mainland China for long periods of time, her hectic schedule reduced the time that they could see each other. Yu-ping was unhappy that their relationship could not be revealed. At the same time, in order to avoid any hindrance for her work, she wanted to split up with Yu-ping.

After the broken relationship, Yu-ping threw himself even more into his work. That made Fei and Ting who had always hoped for his love and attention very sad. Later, through Yang Guo’s efforts, the relationship was mended and the situation got better. It also allowed Yu-ping who had never enjoyed the warmth of family life to experience such love for the first time. Subconsciously, Yu-ping was moved by Yang Guo and started to notice this girl who although not particularly pretty but always made people feel warm and happy. A subtle strand of feeling started to grow between them. However Yu-ping continued to believe that it was impossible for Yang Guo to fall in love with him and so he kept his feelings in check.

At this point, after the separation, Fan found that she still could not forget Yu-ping and wanted to get back together with him again. However, she discovered that Yu-ping no longer have any feeling towards her. Instead, he fell in love with his nanny – the ugly duckling Yang Guo. The proud Fan simply could not accept this truth and decided to use whatever method necessary to regain Yu-ping’s heart.

Handsome and gentlemanly interior designer Zhong was a good friend of both Yu-ping and Fan in university. He too once loved Fan deeply but because the person Fan loved was Yu-ping, he did not pursue her although he continued to love her. Zhong was the dream bachelor in everyone’s eyes because his family was very established in both Hangzhou and Shanghai and he was very successful in his own profession and good-looking as well. With that in mind, Fan asked Zhong to pursue Yang Guo in order to destroy any possibility between Yang Guo and Yu-pong. In order to avoid making Fan sad, the kindhearted Zhong reluctantly agreed this unreasonable request.

Fan’s plan worked. Yang Guo really thought that Yu-ping and Fan got back together. In her heartbreak, she slowly was moved by Zhong’s gentleness and understanding. When Yu-ping found out that his best friend was dating Yang Guo, although he felt painful, he still hoped that Yang Guo would be happy. Zhong invited Yang Guo to be his assistant in his company. He brought Yang Guo to Hangzhou on a business trip and took the opportunity to introduce her to his mother. His mother found Yang Guo lacking in every way. Her attitude and behavior often hurt and embarrassed Yang Guo. However, in order to prevent any conflict for Zhong, she still handled everything with a smile.

Yu-ping could not prevent himself from thinking about Yang Guo. He deeply understood that in his heart, Yang Guo’s was irreplaceable. He refused Fan at every turn, left his work and rushed to Hangzhou, just to confirm whether Yang Guo was truly happy. Yu-ping witnessed the unfair treatment Yang Guo received from Zhong’s family. He held back his pain and gently comforted Yang Guo. He even gave suggestions to Yang Guo. Yang Guo worked hard and demonstrated her sincerity and finally changed the mind of Zhong’s mother who sincerely accepted Yang Guo as her future daughter-in-law.

Fan finally realized that no matter what scheme she tried, she still could not win back Yu-ping’s heart. In anger, she turned her attention to destroy the relationship of Yang Guo and Zhong to hurt Yang Guo. When Yang Guo found out that Zhong’s pursue of her was actually a lie and deception, she was stunned and at a loss. However, at the same time, she discovered that Yu-ping who had been caring for her by her side all this time had actually loved her for a long time….

A relationship must always go through trials and tribulations before one knows how to treasure it. Yang Guo had always believed that in this world there was an unconditional love. She also finally tasted the fruit of “Love conquers all” – Yu-ping and Yang Guo confessed their love to each other. With the blessings of everyone, they finally were together. As for Zhong, after losing Yang Guo, he suddenly realized that by his side, there was still Yang Duo who had been waiting for him all this time….

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Guest lovesiick

wah, this sounds so interesting <333

ella is one of my alltime fav. taiwan entertainers <3

she's simply adorable~~ and jerry~~ hottie~

can't wait for this collab, it'll be halarious! xD

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