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Freshlook Colorblends Turquoise Lens With Blonde Asian?

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Do you think that would look weird?
I just recently bought some freshlook turquoise lens. & I wasn't sure if it would look weird because I'm blonde-ish asian and I just wanted an opinion of what people think about blonde asians with blueish or green eyes.

Do people really come to believe they're trying to be "white" cause in all honesty I just want to tweak my appearance(:

Haha but here's a picture of me to show more of what my hair color looks like.


I had hazel contacts in. But now that I got turquoise I'm a bit self-conscious about the "look" of it.

would it be weird? haha

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Guest metallicbunny

omg they look gorgeous on you :0

is it hard<and expensive> to maintain ur hair color? lol

dont listen to those people who thinks "people try to look white"

it's bias,, i havent even once heard anyone say white chicks try to look asian by dyeing her hair black :3

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Guest noodlenoodle

Yes, I think it'll be really pretty :D

and and I love being 'blonde', I'm always dying my hair a little lighter than the current colour.

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Guest dreamsicle

Don't do it. Trying to look Caucasian is another issue, but honestly, blue eyes do not look good on Asians, let alone turquoise.

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Guest ling_ling

i think other asians will see it as "being white" and even white people will see it as wanting to be white

When i dyed my hair blonde ~ i was like cool ~ abit ganguru, ya know whatever lol and I had brown eyes so i looked asian

but i also have blue contacts (geo nudy blues) and when i took a picture I looked at it and thought "OMG i dont even look asian nemore!!! @#!~ -__-" so i dyed my hair back to black ~ and i wear blue contacts still

But if you want to and you dont if some people make a comment then go for it

if you know your not trying to be white and its jus for u then do it

its your look not someone elses!

I mean if u like the look when u wear em together its ur own choice ~ dont let other people stop u!!!!!

But if you wear em togehter and still feel uncomfortable or think what i thort then dnt wear it

just wear em when ur hair is back to dark or something :)

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omg they look gorgeous on you :0

is it hard<and expensive> to maintain ur hair color? lol

dont listen to those people who thinks "people try to look white"

it's bias,, i havent even once heard anyone say white chicks try to look asian by dyeing her hair black :3

Haha my hair color? I had my hair done for $60 but in most places it would cost alot more. It's not hard to maintain at all, my blonde barely washes out so it's really good :]

& that black hair comment VERY TRUE, thank you!

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Guest Mirae-chan

If it's like a greyish blue/green that'd be fine, but not super bright blue, like cyan.. that'd look just weird on Asians.

I like your hair though, it's nice.

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Guest FrozenWaterMelon

I've tried these before, lol they were actually better than the blue ones.

the blue ones made me look completely doll like.

turquoise were quite pretty.

but im not sure how it would look because my hair color isnt blonde.

I don't believe its someone trying to be white if they are using colored contacts. thats bs.

You should go for it! :)

and as metallicbunny said,

if people are saying asians are trying to be white with colored contacts, then why don't asians say white people are trying to be asian if they dye their hair black. -.-

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Guest plegend2007

You look pretty good to me, so whatever floats your boat.

I understand the whole Asian wannabe White thing, but who cares as long as you like it and you are comfortable with it, I say go for it.

If people say anything negative about you, I say they maybe jealous b/c they can't pull it off the way you can ;)

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Guest c'erine

i used to have really light brown hair

and i got comments especially from ahjummas

about me apparently trying to become white

so in all honesty, if you combine blonde hair

with turquoise contacts then yes, ppl will think

you're trying to be white

BUT, if you think it'll look grand then go for it

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i think it would be beautiful on you, especially since you can totally pull off blond hair and hazel eyes :D go for it! and just ignore all those people who think you're trying to be Caucasian ==;

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Guest PrettyJiwon

You are super pretty. :) They would look fine on you and not weird. You are not trying to be white and if people look on you as so, then too bad for them. Trying to be white is completely different though.

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Guest cute_lil_fiend

You look fabulous girl. Go for it if you like it, and don't mind if people think you're trying to be white. Leave them to wrestle with their own hangups and stereotypes.

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Guest hl1004

your so pretty!

anyways, i think the turquoise contacts would make you look..kinda fake.

blonde hair and turquoise contacts on an asian would look really unnatural.

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Guest xBABy

I think it might look at little fake, but I understand you're not trying to look "natural" anyway. In my opinion, a change every now and then is always good :)

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