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Guest jennnayx81

^ audrina, whitney, and lauren were on an episode of the tyra show about new designers without heidi ( i think ... i didn't see her, but i started watching halfway through).

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Guest ceinnoc

I don't know what Heidi sees in Spencer, he's so freaking ugly. I used to think Heidi was so adorable, especially in the 1st Season. Now I find her irritating and a brainwashed, backstabber. Spoiler: She totally told Jen to make out with Brody, of course with Spencer's encouragement. Also, Jen is such a backstabber. Ugh. I feel so bad for Lauren because she's always been there for Heidi and Heidi just takes it for granted. By the way, I love Lauren's outfits, she's so pretty and has such pretty clothes!

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Guest Caroline :)

Spencer was SOOOOOOO annoying in last night's episode.

I don't think he's ever been THAT irritating.

OMG I hated how he kept telling Heidi "You see, Lauren didn't even say bye to you. Is that being a good friend?" and etc etc etc

but I LOVED how Heidi's coworker rolled her eyes at her when they were talking about the whole moving in deal.

I'm glad Lo came back!! I LOVED LO DURING LB <3

I hope spencer falls in a hole and breaks his legs.

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Guest steph*funny

^ You took the words right out of my mouth :lol: Spencer is so URGH! Isn't he supposed to comfort his girlfriend, not point out things to make her feel crappier? Ughhh.

I'm kinda glad Lauren ignored Heidi for most of the time though. Lo is so funny.

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Guest kiss*kiss

For a second it seemed like Heidi was really trying to balance things out between her, lauren, and spencer.... But then Spencer flashed his creepy perma-grin-chucky face and called her "princess" and she was back to being brainwashed.

On the after show, or that chat session thing with Susie, Heidi called in and actually said she would marry Spencer. Poor girl.

Next episode looks really good... But thats what I thought about this ep and basically the exciting stuff happened at the end. Its like the previews say "and this is how next weeks episode will end...". Lame.

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Guest kiss*kiss

Jenn really does go to USC. I heard she's studying neuroscience and has been on the dean's list several times. Weird, huh? She totally comes off as an air head. But I don't know if I'm completely convinced with that info... a neuroscience major that doesn't know where "11:00" is? Yeah...

Hehehe... but it's so funny how her last name is "Bunny". Mr. and Mrs. Bunny... nice.

I hope Lauren doesn't forgive her because like Heidi, Jenn completely put "spotlight"/boy in front of "friendship" which is just wrong...

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Guest angelZ

i'm glad Lo came back too!! it was great seeing someone else in the show...lol

& i can't believe heidi is even considering moving in with spencer! omg...-__-

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Guest Solly

spencer is a ghfdsghjfdojshgfdhgjdfghfjjsghs

my favorite person in the hills is whitney.

i really like how patient and determined she

is with her internship. :DDDDD and she's

actually the smart one here in making

decisions >0<;;; go whitney! haha~

heidi absolutely disappointed me... ermm....

haven't seen this monday's episode, but my

friend said that i wouldn't like it because of

what heidi might decide to do >0<;;;; oy~

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Guest lowdown4155

LOL, I thought it was funny when Spencer was teasing Heidi about being ditched on New Years. She needs to realize that she is pushing herself away from the good friends she has by staying with Spencer. He is such a jerk and I find it annoying how Heidi still kind of hates on Audrina for the Spencer thing. Hello?...Audrina was completely innocent in that situation; Spencer was pursuing her behind Heidi's back. Heidi's just too dumb to realize what a lying loser Spencer is.

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i saw Lauren at FIDM!! That is the only reason i watched even one episode of this.... MTVREALITY -___-;; (i hate reality shows lol)

shes so pretty. I dont like Heidi, she annoys me

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Guest proFRESHional.

I don't know what Heidi sees in Spencer, he's so freaking ugly. I used to think Heidi was so adorable, especially in the 1st Season. Now I find her irritating and a brainwashed, backstabber. Spoiler: She totally told Jen to make out with Brody, of course with Spencer's encouragement. Also, Jen is such a backstabber. Ugh. I feel so bad for Lauren because she's always been there for Heidi and Heidi just takes it for granted. By the way, I love Lauren's outfits, she's so pretty and has such pretty clothes!

^haha, he is and a manipulative person. He's brainwashing Heidi and that pisses me off everytime I see his face. He was never a good guy to begin with. There's something evil about him that you can just see right through his face when you first see him on the hills without knowing his personality.

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^ audrina, whitney, and lauren were on an episode of the tyra show about new designers without heidi ( i think ... i didn't see her, but i started watching halfway through).

Audrina, Whitney, Heidi and Lauren were alllll on the show~

They seem friendly..

and Yeah! Brody's stepfather is DAVID FOSTER! :o [read it on the magazine like just yesterday] and dayummmm he's huge!

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Guest bloopy_babo

I think Lauren still is friends with Heidi because I saw this recent picture of Lauren celebrating her 21st birthday and Heidi is right next to her.

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Guest krankee

i think LO is so cute <33

heidi is stupid for taking spencer back. its her fault that her and lauren's friendship turned bad.

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Guest xtrammieex

i liked heidi at the beginnign when the hills first started but i find her soo annoying now..and spencer tooo..hes ugly and looks creepy with his brainwashing ways..

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Guest jennnayx81

i was really fed up with heidi the past couple of weeks, but she surprised me this week. can't wait til next week, it's definitely gonna be interesting.

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Guest Chillie

^ Princes of Malibu?

I was really surprised that Heidi decided not to move in with Spencer. And Jen Bunney is.. wow. First of all, she is the biggest richard simmons ever. And I don't get why Lauren still takes her back after what happened with Jason and Lo. Well, hopefully this time the friendship is over for real. She's also really ugly compared to everyone else on the show.

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