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Iphone , Worth To Buy It?


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Im thinking to gonna get a Iphone, but i want other opinions first before i spend 600euros on it -__-'

is it worth to buy it?

any flaws / good things?

soz if this topic has been created but search function never works for me bleh

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Guest AiMango

flaws: touch screen can be annoying in cold weather, ive heard. and if you dont like dirty screens w/ finger prints all over.. yeah i have this pet peeve against that.

pros: free internet, nice downloadable apps, games, etc. huge screen size.. phone, music, videos, etc. all in one.

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Guest tirahbunny

it's size/weight can be annoying and the touch screen is very weird you'd have to use your whole finger tip, you can't even use your nail to do it like LG or Samsung touchscreens, hence there is no stylus which can be difficult for people with big fingers or have longer nails -____-

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Guest --after forever

honestly, i love it.

i think it's worth it cause i got it for CHEAP too. it was $199 from Rogers then i jailbroke it :]

hm.. there are a few cons, which would be the shape of it i guess like how it's flat. it's not that great ergonomically =p other than that, i absolutely love it. i have this super cute tokidoki theme ^^

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Guest ipaul

iPhone is a revolutionary phone :)

you should wait though...Apple will probably announce a newer model this summer...just an FYI :D

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Yes wait for it....wait fooorrr itttt..at least until June and WWDC is over. They always announce new goodies. Also iPhone OS 3.0 is going to bring some great new features such as the long awaited copy/paste, and landscape keyboard. As far as touchscreen, i liked the iPhone touchscreen a lot better than my current phone, Haptic 2. I found the touchscreen on the iPhone much more responsive and tactile. Any touchscreen will get fingerprints on it, unless of course you use latex gloves or maybe burn off your fingerprints. :P

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Guest onetwothuy

Yes, I agree. You should wait for the new one.

I like my iPhone. <3 I just hate how expensive the data plan is.

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Guest Xarthan

too late i bought mine 2 days ago xD

i love it but its so complicated so many buttons dont know what to press

Yes that 1 button will mess people up :D

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Guest DailyMelody

I have mine for almost a year now, don't have any problems with it. I practically use it for everything; even school, its very handy if you forgot your agenda or calculator but these days every phone has its own agenda and calculator so...

But for me its kinda handy cuz i always lose everything, my iPod, my phone and well yeah this time its all in one o_o ..

The camera makes normal pictures, even though the iPhone wasn't designed to make greaaaat pics, you could say that i'm a happy costumer. I rly like the app store, you can download a lot of kewl programs and can practically do everything with it once you jailbreak it. No exp with that whatsoever; cuz i'm the kind of girl who always has bad luck with those kinda things.

But i got it with a contract, so i didn't have the pay €399 / €499 (Yep live in europe)

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Guest j2kay

Yes wait for it....wait fooorrr itttt..at least until June and WWDC is over. They always announce new goodies. Also iPhone OS 3.0 is going to bring some great new features such as the long awaited copy/paste, and landscape keyboard. As far as touchscreen, i liked the iPhone touchscreen a lot better than my current phone, Haptic 2. I found the touchscreen on the iPhone much more responsive and tactile. Any touchscreen will get fingerprints on it, unless of course you use latex gloves or maybe burn off your fingerprints. :P

ooo, i really like the haptic 2, but a bit too high for my price range =(

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Guest Xarthan

theres a 4g coming soon isnt there?

no not really, it'll still use the 3G network, but it'll be the 3rd Generation iphone.

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Guest shikonari

theres a 4g coming soon isnt there?

My dad has a friend that works for Apple, and he said the knew iPhone is coming out in July. He said something about video sharing or video messaging or video chat...? I don't remember. He wasn't very clear on the details ><

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Guest naoto

You don't really have to wait for the new one if you want one now. I'm in the same position as you. The old iphone is still selling USED for more than $240 CAD, the current one is selling used for about $400 CAD, a new iphone currently costs $599.99 CAD. These phones hold very good resale value so when the new one comes out, after a while you can buy it and sell the one you have. It's guaranteed a new iphone won't cost anything less than $550 CAD when it comes out in July right?

Yeah I'll bet the new one will be better but I don't think I will regret buying a used one now because I'm broke -_-

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  • 1 month later...
Guest tootoo777

well if you actually need a phone then yeh. iphones pretty good and definately would keep you entertained for a long while. but if you only want the entertainment part then you might think baout getting a touch. its alot cheaper but its missing the microphone functions and stuff. but iphone. you might as well wait a while until a newer model comes out

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Guest lilaznanime

Well, I don't like big phones. And Since you use the Iphone for apps, phone, and music, battery dies fast. Earphone jack on top. I have used the Iphone before. Was very confusing. I don't think you can photo text though. Many features. When you text, it shows like as if you were IMing someone. Free internet as long as you find WiFi. Good camera though.

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Guest mushroomy

Um do you know how to compare the FAKE and the original one? Because someone sells an iPhone for me for $350 only T___T *LOL iPhone here in my country is like $900+ Any idea? But he gave me the unactivated serial number and when I checked it on apple.com, and yes it's a true number D:

I'm still 14 years old, is it worth it to buy iPhone?

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Guest Angelina

I think it's worth it to buy an iPhone. I should've waited a bit for the new one to release, but I went ahead and got mine earlier this year. It has been my source of life. I'm in love with my iPhone. I haven't been able to complain about it also (ok, only one .. the fact that I can't get my hotmail on there!) other then that I say wait til the 3rd Generation comes out.

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