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[Variety] Super Junior Full House 슈퍼주니어의 풀하우스

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Guest kaysi

^We're not fighting. =] I hope everything's clear now. Besides... I just wanted to note that i didn't make any changes AT ALL... seeing that the one i uploaded wasn't the correct one anyway. o.O And really all i did was add some spaces here and there. I do respect everyone's hard work. I've subbed before and so i do understand how long the process takes and the work you gotta put it.

Anyway, i don't wanna make this about me.

ALL FOR THE [sJ* Full House Team]

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Guest atrabida

I watched episode 1 before in LQ and while I was watching it, I was reading the translation. It made me dizzy.

Im really glad that there are now subs. Thanks a lot for providing the subs. I downloaded an HQ version when i found out that subs are available. I watched it for the second time with the subs and it made it funnier even though i already know what is going to happen.

Thank you so much for the subs. It was really wonderful to watch with subs. Thank you for your hardwork. We truly appreciate it. You guys are the best.

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Guest ripgal

hahahah.. so it was a PRANK!! ahh.. u guys are making me so excited!! i really really wana see this ep.. since it's the funniest.. im glad it's a prank.. hehe.. =P

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Guest plumeria

^ geez, no need to go anal status.

just say you don't appreciate the editing, and you're done. it really wasn't necessary to crap fulminate over it. not like she's done it numerous times.


I had my reasons it's not easy to sub-edit-fix errors for hours just so other fans can enjoy it. By all means I don't mind taking my free time to sub because I love subbing just don't like when someone re-edits your hardwork. ^__^v. CHIIIIHEEEE!

:lol: I'm completely calm down. There is no fight at all I love my team members. kaysi didn't know and I didn't know someone would do something like that all I thought was credits being removed hahaha. But yes please no editing our subs. Thank you.

Don't worry Mady I'm perfectly calm :lol:. when you said that I thought of Siwon and Donghae saying that in episode one. Whoa, Whoa Whoa.....Calm Down, I ended up laughing my you know what off.

This subject over and done. Nothing more to said. It ends right here. If anything feel free to pm me :P


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Guest VidelKM

The bit when HanKyung talking in Chinese! XD :D He's so cute!

Sorry my chinese isn't that good.....

'現在呢我們做是這個 蔬菜呢....有什麼dukbokki呀..還有什麼什麼香腸啊 什麼東西都有'

(Right now ne...we've made these vegetables...has dokkoki ah...and and sausages ah...it has everything!)



(So if anyone who wants to eat it, come and let's eat it together. )

來來來....大家吃(And Heechul and EunHyuk copying what Han Kyung says XD)

Come Come Come, Everyone eat!

I was watching the clip while reading it~ Hahaha it's pretty accurate and you got the main points of what he was saying. He was adding a bunch of "uhh" and "today" and a few more "right now." Hahaha~ I couldn't really understand him much since I don't speak Mandarin much so this helped out a lot ^^

Someone also asked whether or not HanGeng knows other dialects of Chinese (most notably, Cantonese), and I would say: I doubt it. He's from Mainland China, and the only place where they speak Canto is in GuangDong (I'm pretty sure). Even then, the people in that area don't really speak Canto much anymore. HongKong is the only place that really speaks Canto now (and they speak Mandarin and English there too). Does anybody know what part of China HanGeng's from?

Also, I just got the subs and as I'm looking through it, I see some grammar and spelling mistakes. This is just a small request and I don't mean to make anybody angry or anything, but if possible, could there be an editor for that?

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Guest babixtin3

ahh i love this show :)

i dont want it to end but i know its going to cus the girls only stay for a month. hmm sad :(

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Guest dare2move

wai~~ thanks for subbing this show!!! i'm so glad that i can actually UNDERSTAND what they're saying. XD

awww... the pj fashion show was so cute! they were all wearing girl pajamas except shiwon.

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Guest tklovex3

hahaha that prank was so funny!

but when they showed hankyung's worried face

i felt so sad for the boy! i was like awww!!

his sad face can break my heart. =\

omg and when the prank was reversed

so that it was eunhyuk.. haha

it was HILARIOUS how hankyung was

showing heechul eunhyuk's worried face

so0o funny.. poor eunhyuk!

and my my... can donghae look any hotter

in that piggy sleepwear?!?!?!

can't wait for saturday! yay ^_^

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HAHA Hankyung is so cute. His expression are so...adorable. XD Like while he was with Anya and Eva...

The fight O_O.

I couldn't stop laughing at Heechul. His grin was so obvious!

And how Ki Bum just kept smiling while kicking the door was HAHA!

And Anya "Is this a joke?!" Well.... maybe she didn't say that..but it sounded like it.

They were dancing around in the room. That was hilarious. XD

KiKum couldn't stop laughing.

I wondered why Han Kyung didn't go into the room earlier.

BUt when he actually walked in.. Heechul's face was like O_O !

....then they continued to pretend to fight. XD

Then HanKyung pulling the prank back at them XD .. EunHyuk

SO many funny moments! Got to the funniest episode yet!

The bit when HanKyung talking in Chinese! XD :D He's so cute!

Sorry my chinese isn't that good.....

'現在呢我們做是這個 蔬菜呢....有什麼dukbokki呀..還有什麼什麼香腸啊 什麼東西都有'

(Right now ne...we've made these vegetables...has dokkoki ah...and and sausages ah...it has everything!)



(So if anyone who wants to eat it, come and let's eat it together. )

來來來....大家吃(And Heechul and EunHyuk copying what Han Kyung says XD)

Come Come Come, Everyone eat!

thanks for the chinese trans. i dunno chinese but they do soound pretty right... lol. =]]

i'll put this up as a part trans. if u dont want it up there tell me.

Someone plz re-up epi4 in YSI or MU link???

Really wanna watch it!

I can't be patient anymore T_T

check back a page before requesting. also requesting is not allowed in threads.

Is it only me, but wasn't HeeChul calling ShiWon "Andrey/Andre" during Fashion show, was he?

Andre Kim the fasion designer. =]] thats what he was calling him that and also i think he imitated andre kim

im thinking u know how kaysi editted plumeria's subs i guess permission shouldve been asked. subbing probably takes a long time but maybe there could be other subbers who check someone's work but doesnt change it but inform the original subber of maybe some errors they think should be altered. and if the original subber sees it fit, they could change it, but this is just a suggestion. if doing something like this would really upset certain ppl then ignore it.

also sorry about not updating the thread yesterday. my computers continuing to act up so its really hard to stay on for long periods of time or even short periods of time. its just really annoying with all these popups but i think the popups have lessened to only 3 popups. lol.

i'll be updating the first post now~

cute episode. i didnt fully watch it but ahahaha hankyung's expression finding out it was a prank. oh and also heechul's =]] priceless. lol. also i love donghae's shiskabob. =XX he actually ate it. haha adorable. will have more later

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Guest aymei

i just watched it. i got teary when dong hae started getting teary. hee chul asked him if he's thinking about his parents and dong hae said no, but probably he was. you know how moments like that you think about those type of stuff. i can't believe he's been living away from his parents for 6 years. that's a crazy amount of time for someone his age. it made me teary cause i felt sorry for him. i also liked how hee chul or someone said "we're not breaking up" when shiwon started talking and he had a sad tone to his voice. cause last time they did and a lot of htem were crying right? b/c they thought they thought super junior was over.. right? oh and didn't someone say "fu*k"? heehee i though ti heard it

anyways, for those who haven't dled it yet

Super Junior's Full House - e4.061706 - Making Memories (part2)

available @ http://clubbox.co.kr/NowNForever

Wow, I watched it yesterday but I didn't know what they were talking about, reading your message made me get teary eyed. I never knew that about donghae, I thought they would at least see their parents once in a while, but six years is TOO long to be away from your parents. It just makes me sad thinking what they have to give up to succeed their dreams of becoming a singer. Even though suju isn't going to "break up" even if they are a project group, it's just sad they'd talk about it TT^TT. I do remember them talking about the suju "break up" in the suju show when they went to the mountains. Hehe. Eeteukie was crying a lot, *sigh* I don't know why but the donghae/parent subject makes you really sad. I can't imagine being away from my parents for 6 years, I feel for him though...keep fighting donghae~

yes i know its been a whle since ep 1 has been released but the subs just got out and i rewatched it..

i noticed when they were doing their introductions kibum said he's 20 this year >.> isn't he suppose to be 19 this year?? (chinese->english subs)

& then..in the end where it has the previews for the next ep, i see them all wearin "Reds go together" shirts & i guess they're at a south korean game?? but how come we dont get to see that? i'd probably enjoy watching suju + the girls enjoying the match/games.

& also..just wondering, but how many episodes are there?? im guessing there's 4?? because it said the girl's were staying for a month, and thats just about 4 weeks and so far theres 3 eps? & 1 ep comes out every week......& these eps. are they from like one day to the next?? or one day of the week, then another day of the 2nd weekk??

sorry..asked too much questions lol

Ki Bum's 20 in korea. Because korean's believe that you are alive when you are still in the womb (9 months). So when you are born you are practically one year old in korea. So to put it in simple terms, in korean age you just add a year to your age compared to other countries where they don't count being in the womb a certain age. Does that make sense? I think I just confused myself, aigoo.

I think that they are celebrating the korea:togo match when they are in red, and I think they are in downtown seoul.

And we don't know how many episodes there is going to be, but I think that there isn't only going to be four episodes because remember they are filming the WHOLE time they are there, meaning not just on the weekends when they broadcast the suju show full house. But the whole month, so I'm guess there will be more than 4 episodes because they're filming for a whole month, and it takes time to edit, and I think they don't go from day to day, maybe like they make 2 days go into one episode, or 1 day to one episode, it just depends on what they do that day, and the producers editing. :P

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Guest atrabida

question: I want to discuss the episode but their are spoilers in what Iam going to say. How do i put spoiler tag so that people who do not want to read my post will be able to do so.

edit: nevermind, i already found out how. thanks.

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Kyaaa!! i never thought eps 4 would be available this soon! i'm going crazy! peeping through your comments and spoliers made me go even crazy cause the DL-ing progress is really slow!!...

but i got some questions though (since i'm not familliar with SuJu before this show) here it is : How come Dong Hae's seperated for 6 years with his parents?? where do they lived? aren't they in Korea too?

and i'm also wondering about the episodes too, i hope to see more !! i hate it to end, this is a really entertaining show... :( getting to know SuJu is really good for me.

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Guest x_lisaa

hankyung, i am so falling in love with that guy! he's such a sweetheart :) i love his chinese, i only caught a little bit of what he saids about the food but i found it so funny how when he was saying "come come, let's eat!" (lai lai lai) heechul was like LALALA! LOL! i was cracking up like crazy.

i simply love kibum, shiwon, and hankyung =) =)

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Guest kisekied

omg. these guys are seriously hillarious. basically just by their body language can make one roll on the floor nonstop.

heechul is pure ebil. haha. it's just damn funny!

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Guest xiahh

woww :D i just have a quick question. how come not all of the super junior members come out? it's only heechul, kibum, donghae, shiwon, hangyung, kangin, and that one time eunhyuk... hm. does super junior not live all together? or.. did they just choose to have those certain members only?

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Guest vana117724

woww :D i just have a quick question. how come not all of the super junior members come out? it's only heechul, kibum, donghae, shiwon, hangyung, kangin, and that one time eunhyuk... hm. does super junior not live all together? or.. did they just choose to have those certain members only?

you're right the second time......only some are on the show......some of the other members are i.e. on super junior adonis camp and what have you :)

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Guest MsK01234

that and they do live in different 숙소's

cuz they can't possibly fit all 12 into one condo

and before hankyung and heechul lived by themselves

and kibum and donhae w/ heechul

so i guess they all get moved around

and they all have other activies as well

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