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[Variety] Super Junior Full House 슈퍼주니어의 풀하우스

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Guest beauti_fulsecret

wow.. if hankyung is really chinese, then he speaks really good korean. he doesnt have an accent or anything! 2 years is not really a long time..

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Guest VINTAGE'art: moderne

hmm i bet it was a prank~ heechul totally gave it away with that big grin lol. .

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Guest kayomlicious

i hope it is a prank..-___-;; but its so weird how they only left one person haha. they all come out soooooo cute here..! haha~~

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Guest moochelle

does anyone know if this show is scripted?

my cousins told me that it isn't, but then i'm reading on these boards that it is -____-

i thought that they only 'planned' out what they were going to do, but didn't script anything.

if it really is scripted....that really takes a lot of the fun out of it. heh..

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Guest elmmmo_

Oh, and this question was asked a while ago but I think the reason why KangIn had to go was because he had plans to do, and I'm thinking he had to film something. Either that, or he had an appointment with someone, who might be "ebri" whoever that is since "ebri" kept calling him.

kangin had to go do his radio show in seoul

i finally got around to rewatch this episode

they all looked soo hot in this episode, especially kangin<3 ; )

the part with the game on the bus was hilarious !! hangeng vs. kibum, kangin and donghae protecting eva, i think anya was really tired cos she had her head down several times and she didn't talk much

it was so funny when kangin and donghae were on the swing thing singing and playing the guitar

and when heechul came to anya's rescue and he told the guys not to bother her awhh!

heechul's and anya's relationship is soo interesting... he can be so nice to her one second and spazz at her the next

heheh kangin using his nose to blow up the bottle was so cute!

during the game they played heechul kept calling kangin by his real name.. pwahah i thought that was soo cute !!

haha heechul was hilarious in this episode!!

i can't wait for next week's ep!! damn cliffhanger > - <

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Guest vVAniVv

hmm i bet it was a prank~ heechul totally gave it away with that big grin lol. .

^ HAHA yeah. If i was pulling a prank, I'd be like Heechul XD


I made a gif of HanKyung's expression. HAHAH cute!

Please upload to own server and credit if use.


Sorry if it seems a little choppy. Haven't made them for a long time. --;;


Even if the show was scripted, I still think it's hilarious. I just tend not to think about it.

Just like Love Letter. Funny show.

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Guest sweet; sarang

yeah this episode was really funny..

i liked the game they played on the bus haha, ki bum kept hitting hankyung ahha..

i hope that fight was a prank, if it wasn't, i'd be worried.

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Guest battleuphoria

haha yes. hankyung is really chinese and he speaks decent korean. but he does not speak it perfectly. in fact, he has this accent. hehe it is noticable when he speaks and the other members soeak. hehe

well, as for the fight, i think it's a prank. hehe i mean, how come they would be like that when they come into the house where in fact they were happy outside? hehe anyway, it's just my thought and anyhow, i can't wait for the next episode! haha

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i heard the two foreign girls on this show are SM trainees & that they're on this show as a form of advertisement so that the public can get to know them better. & the girls really don't live with the guys. they live separately.

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^ Are you serious?!

It'll totally spoil the whole thing.


Episode 3 was crack!

I like it when they play the game thinggy. Their poses are silly! haha.

URGH, can't wait for the next epi. They're keeping us in suspense with that fight thinggy.

Why cant the show be aired longer? T.T

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They don't really seem like SM trainee style to me. Lol. As for whether they live together or not, who knows. Maybe they don't, but only for a few days when they have to film something. Afterall, suju has such a tight schedule and I guess it would somewhat inconvienent to have 2 girls in their house.

^^^yeah, although i don't understand korean, i can also notice hankyung's accent. sorta chinese-y. haha, he's so cute! :D

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Guest miss tran

hey is there someone who know the lyrics for the game rock, paper, scissors... the game they are playing in the bus...

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kangin had to go do his radio show in seoul

i finally got around to rewatch this episode

they all looked soo hot in this episode, especially kangin<3 ; )

the part with the game on the bus was hilarious !! hangeng vs. kibum, kangin and donghae protecting eva, i think anya was really tired cos she had her head down several times and she didn't talk much

it was so funny when kangin and donghae were on the swing thing singing and playing the guitar

and when heechul came to anya's rescue and he told the guys not to bother her awhh!

heechul's and anya's relationship is soo interesting... he can be so nice to her one second and spazz at her the next

heheh kangin using his nose to blow up the bottle was so cute!

during the game they played heechul kept calling kangin by his real name.. pwahah i thought that was soo cute !!

haha heechul was hilarious in this episode!!

i can't wait for next week's ep!! damn cliffhanger > - <

so agree with what u said..i was totally into kangin when he started to protect eva..i love him but after seeing this i love him even more hehe..donghae was such a cutie..to bad kangin have to leave..do u guys realise kangin expression when he saw hyukjae in the car..so cute hehe..im sorry im just totally in love with kangin..heechul keep on calling kangin with his real name..oo got to rewatch i guess, my fren keep on bothering me just now, heechul was funny hahah..my fren n i could not stop laughing cant wait for next week :D

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Guest rainz*gurl

wat?? the two girls r SM trainees?? is it true?? >_<.. oh but nobody minds it rite?? i jus enjoy dis show soo much!!!

yeah.. bout the prank thingy.. did u guys notice the ppl walking outside the house when kibum came rushing in.. i notice cos my fren told me... they were in somekind of red football shirts.. but kibum really looks upset...

i think in dis pic he looks real sad..


but heechul was there smiling away... donghae looks real angry n when he slams the door.. ouch... n when they shouted at each other.. it was real scary... anyhow.. rewatching the preview in eps 2 makes me confuse again... so... just wait patiently for next week..

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Guest rainnyza

i'm not sure if sPark* is working on it... since she seems to be really busy with her finals

if u can make SOFT sub for that [yea, i guess thats what everybody's looking for ] + ask permisson to the translator for using their translation, that would be all good.

[+, dont forget to say wich version of video u are using to make the sub]

Since we have so many voluteers, i think we need to have a subbers + translators team for this. what do u think guyz? (just like in the LL and X-Man's threads ^^)

i can make softsubs (.srt rigth?).i think i can make subs for HO coz i download only HQ (i don't have LQ version)but i think it maybe work on LQ

i think it's good if have translators and subbers team,and this show not long time.

you said sPark* made eng subs right? So i waiting for translators has translate ep.2 and i'll make subs OK?

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^ no i dont know if she's working on the eng sub for episode 1 since she's really busy....

but there already translation of the whole episode 1.

and yes, soft sub is the srt file.

u're using HQ to sub, but which HQ version (there like 3 or 4 versions of HQ X__X )


what?! SM trainees?!

i doubt that's true o__O

if they really are trainees.. what are they trainees for?! being singers? dancers?............ that's a bit weird.....

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Guest miss tran

hey is there someone who know the lyrics for the game rock, scissors, paper... the game they are playing in the bus

and what is a SM?

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Guest VidelKM

I really doubt they're SM trainees. They're kinda old to be part of SM and their style doesn't match. Anyway, they're students, so I reckon they do go to school and don't really bother SJ much except when they come back from school? Even then, SJ might not even be home since they do have other activities.

Someone asked what songs where at the end of Full House on episode 2 and 3. I think they were Fly to the Sky's 'pi' 피 and Typhoon's 'keu rae suh' 그래서. I'm not 100% sure about the FTTS one because I don't have that clip anymore.

edit for miss tran:

SM is the very famous management company that SJ is currently under. The company is renowned for its ability to produce some of the "top artists." Other artists formerly produced by SM are Yoo YoungJin, H.O.T., S.E.S., Blackbeat, ShinHwa, Fly to the Sky, and probably many more. Some groups/singers that are still with SM include Moon HeeJun, KangTa, BoA, Dong Bang Shin Ki, The TRAX, and Chun Sang Ji Hee. For even more information, please refer to the wikipedia.

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