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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest happeecampee

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: sup mun

Stranger: asl?

You: 89 kentucky male

Stranger: 4 f new york

You: match made in heaven

Stranger: totally. when should we set the date?

You: now, i'll fly over

Stranger: dont die

You: i wont,

You: i'll bring you soemthing special

You: unicorns and rainbows

Stranger: im into cutting...

You: oh..

Stranger: paper lol

Stranger: hahahahahahahahha

You: :D

You: im wearing a paper thong

Stranger: im not wearing anything

You: potty trained?

Stranger: only if u want me to be sexy...


Stranger: ooooohhhh yeeeeeaaaah

You: im in times square now,

You: where are you?

Stranger: antarctica


You: omg

You: why are you doing this to me?

You: i think im having a heart attack

Stranger: nooooooooooooooooooooooo

You: great, i'm going to die a virgin

Stranger: my beloved

Stranger: im not

Stranger: lol

You: premicious

Stranger: im into necrophillia btw

You: perfect, me too

Stranger: so who should die then?

Stranger: should we kill someone?

Stranger: and john tesh em?

You: okay

Stranger: hard?


Stranger: all over?


Stranger: then il yank u off


Stranger: be my babys daddy

You: be my babys mommy

Stranger: ok

You: john tesh you can be my babys sister

Stranger: u into that kinda stuff?


Stranger: and anime?



Stranger: thats just wrong. freak

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Guest velvetsky

mine was a bit weird LOL but funny I suppose

Stranger: Hi there.

You: greetings (:

Stranger: How are you, follow alien?

You: LOL

Stranger: These Earthlings are so simple in their greetings.

You: spendid and you my earthing?

Stranger: I am no Earthling, alien citizen!

Stranger: I am a Jupiterian.


Stranger: I live on the gas clouds of Jupiter.

Stranger: We are a small race.

You: nice, I like your imagination haha

Stranger: Often squashed by the Martians.

Stranger: Those big-footed babboons are klutzes.

Stranger: It's a miracle that the Earthlings have not discovered them yet.

You: LOL oh god you are hilarious

Stranger: But it is just a matter of time.

Stranger: They are also starting to use the cameras we have sent to them.

You: phobes?

Stranger: They are the most primitive of all of us Milkyway species.

Stranger: The most sophisticated, in which we Jupiterians modeled our society after, are the Plutoniums.

Stranger: They are the most intricate and interesting group of fellows I have ever seen.

You: are you into the astro stuff? lol

Stranger: With green fur sticking out of their spider legs, it is a miracle they can maneuver the way they can.

Stranger: ...I'm sorry.

Stranger: I don't know what I'm saying.

Stranger: I'm just rambling.

You: LOL no its okay

You: its pretty funny just reading them

Stranger: Nice.

You: quite an imagination you have there

Stranger: Did I make your day?

You: LOL yeah you did

Stranger: Yay!

You: :D

Stranger: Glad to hear it.

Stranger: Anyway, nice to know I made your day.

Stranger: Gotta go, Earthling!

yea I think mine's a star war geek or something LOL

this one was alright, the guy just went with the flow with what i was saying LOL

Stranger: hey stranger :)

You: i live in a yellow submarine :D

Stranger: down in the deep blue sea? :)

You: LOL! haha yes, in the deep sea

You: and you?

Stranger: I live in a pineapple :-bd

Stranger: under the sea

You: LOL that's pretty awesome

You: we can be neightbours

Stranger: yeahh ....

Stranger: hahaha!

Stranger: asl?

You: female

You: you?

Stranger: male

Stranger: age? :)

You: 19 (:

Stranger: wow .. I'm 19 too

Stranger: lol

Stranger: where u from?

You: ohs cool xD

You: australia

Stranger: before you moved into your yellow submarine?

You: you?

You: ohhh LOL!

Stranger: Philippines :)

You: before you lived in the pineapple right?

Stranger: no before the pineapple I live in a sea

Stranger: a sea aneme

Stranger: anemonnomony

Stranger: or something like that

Stranger: lol

You: LOL!

You: kay well laters dude :D

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You: pervert!

Stranger: damn right ;)

You: I like you!

Stranger: good

Stranger: asl?

You: No

You: just english

Stranger: youwot?


Stranger: oh, cool

You: yeah!

You: You sign it!?

Stranger: no

You: aw! I do

Stranger: fair enough

You: ^^ My name is Dori

You: u?

Stranger: Josh

You: Hi Josh!

You: how old?

Stranger: 20

Stranger: you?

You: ahh Im 18 going to 19

You: ^^ We're so old!

Stranger: cool

Stranger: we are!

You: lol!

You: I live in Korea and you?

Stranger: UK

You: nicee!!!

You: You should visit me

Stranger: yeah

You: so when are we going to get married?

You: lol

Stranger: dunno

You: dang it.. I was realy counting on you knowing it

You: how bout tomorrow?

Stranger: yeah why not

You: okay let's go to the bathroom lol

You: ^^ jk

Stranger: damn, i thought you were serious

You: hahahah

You: no I'm not a pervert

Stranger: shame ;)

You: lol

You: byyyee!

You: I will miss yoU!


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Guest raman

You: :) hi

You: ^^

You: lallaaa

Stranger: hey

Stranger: lala

Stranger: :')

You: rararaaa

Stranger: the name is david you are?

You: suzy :)

Stranger: rara

You: lady gaga

You: lol

Stranger: or you just a lion?

Stranger: ')

You: lion works too

You: hehe

Stranger: :') *

You: rawr

short hahaha am i boring?? lol

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Guest AoiAi

I tried it before and I ended up chatting to a very strange person who asked me for pictures and my asl. I told him I was 14 (a lie) and he seemed to be very.... interested. THIS MEANS THAT IT'S TIME TO DISCONNECT

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Guest kalliy*10

Well here's mine:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: Meow

Stranger: WOOF

You: mooooo

You: don't you leave me, bobby

You: come on billy

Stranger: NEVERRR!

You: billy, i love you

Stranger: hahahahaha I LOVE YOU TOO

You: good, you need to me the grandparents

Stranger: yeahman lets do it

You: then we can get married

Stranger: and have vampire babies?

You: do i look like edward?

Stranger: HAHAH umm maybe?

Stranger: Do you lmao

You: seriously i thought you knew me

You: i don't even know you now.

Stranger: haahhh i dooo know you

i was just thinking, yes you do look like edwrad

Stranger: *edward

You: i don't think i do, i take showers and for sure i don't glirter in the sun

You: this must be jacob

Stranger: OH jacob is mean tho

You: bella is annyoing.

Stranger: yes i agree

You: soompi?

Stranger: huh?

Stranger: haha

You: awh never mind

You: how old are you?

Stranger: hahah 17 and you

You: 108 years old

You: where are you from?

Stranger: MEAN

Stranger: New Zealand and you?

You: Forks Washington.

Stranger: rofl psssh sure sure

You: name?

Stranger: Alice

Stranger: JOKES

Stranger: its Jess

Stranger: srsly

You: Edward.

Stranger: whaaaatever Edward isnt real.

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I go on there all the time! Me and my friend have an ongoing message thing of omegle conversations on facebook! Haha I guess I should do some now.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: im searching for a horny girl to cam with

You: why hello there!

You: i am!

Stranger: how old are you girl:)?

You: 12

You: ;)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

It would have been funnier if I said 9 or something younger.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: why hello there!

Stranger: hello

You: what i want want want is what you want want want!

You: come here rude boy boy can you get it up?

You: come here rude boy boy is you big enough?

Stranger: oh....i dont understand

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: from finland?

You: hi

You: hi

You: hi

You: hi

You: yes~!!tgw

You: i am !!!

You: :D

Stranger: terve

You: you?

You: indeed, my friend, indeed!

Stranger: yes i am

You: do you enjoy eating mushrooms with fish?

Stranger: i dont like mushrooms and fish

You: i like mushrooms with whipped cream on top.

You: in fact, i have whipped cream with everything!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I was gonna say that I like having whipped cream with steak and hot dogs, but they disconnected while I was typing! <_<

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hello

Stranger: hey

You: where are you from?

Stranger: the us u?

You: samw

You: *same

You: what state?

Stranger: cali u?

You: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Guest yoko102308

I talked to a cool kid!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Ola.

Stranger: Hey

Stranger: asl?

You: 17. (I lied, I'm 16)


You: Socal.(& I have never been pass Nevada xD)

Stranger: -oohh face here--

Stranger: really now?

You: Ya

Stranger: 18 m canada here

Stranger: so how are you?

You: I'm pretty good, you?

Stranger: Good

Stranger: Whats your name?

You: hm, I see you're getting personal pretty quickly

You: Mia. (& my name is Dijah xD)

You: as in Me-uh, not My-uh

Stranger: haha :) Nice name

You: Thanks~

You: Shall I call you Bob or something else?

Stranger: Max would be fine haha :)

You: So Canada..I've always wanted to go

Stranger: Meh been raining for the past 4 days ): but otherwise I think it would be nice

You: Ah~

Stranger: I could show you around :)

Stranger: haha

You: I wanna go to Vancouver!

You: or Winnipeg <---if spelled correctly

Stranger: smiley face Nice

You: smiley face (soompi limits emoticons)

You: Ever been to the US?

Stranger: Yeah only like once though I want to go back to Cali though

You: woo Cali!

Stranger: haha I wanna go back to LA/LB

You: <3 )

Stranger: Where do you live there?

You: Koreatown,LA (Like I said, I've never been)

Stranger: oh nice

You: So what part of Canada are you from?

Stranger: Alberta

You: Ah

Stranger: So.. what do you like doing?

You: lol; I play video games.

Stranger: haha

You: And I learn languages for fun. Just 'cause it's one of the few things I'm really good at

Stranger: Which games, and languages?

You: Anything Sqaure Enix! Then I like Halo, God of War, Prince of Persia, Jak and Daxter/2/3, and other I can't think of at the moment

Stranger: Oh dang thats a lot

You: Japanese (doesn't count though), Tagalog, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hawaiian,Mandarin

You: But man, I SUCK at korean. (This is actually all true !)

Stranger: Oh wow thats a lot there

You: xD

You: What does Max like to do in his free time?

Stranger: Breakdance, sports, hang with friends, music, and game it up sometimes

You: Breakdance! wooo. I'm still working on balancing well

You: What sports & music?

Stranger: haha aw yeah, been workin at it for 3 yrs now

Stranger: uhmm hockey, soccer, basketball but I pretty much quit them all 1-2 yrs ago but I play em just with friends for fun now

You: Have you been watching the world cup?

Stranger: Only at school when it was on but other than that not really you?

You: Eh, certain teams.

Stranger: what teams would those be?

You: USA,Brazil,North Korea, Mexico, Argentina,France

You: But Brazil is my favourite. Just don't tell anyone 'cause I'm American xD

Stranger: haha

Stranger: How are they doing?

You: Brazil is still in, so is Argentina

You: All the rest are out.

Stranger: oh dang

You: North Korea was interesting to watch and they weren't bad at all. & USA did pretty well. No one expects us to do good at soccer

Stranger: Meh

You: Oh and I watched England play. But they didn't do so well this world cup xD

Stranger: Anyone can be good at it haha

You: Yep~

You: So you get to watch soccer in school?

Stranger: Yeah when we had school they would just play it on the tv's while were being taught or something

You: Woah! I wish my school was like that.

You: Teachers freak out the moment they see anything electronic.

Stranger: Meh didn't get any sound though so

Stranger: Dang...

You: Oh..hahaha then you didn't have to hear the vuvuzelas

Stranger: yup

You: So..

You: I hear Canadians say 'Eh' a lot. All my Canadian friends say they don't..

You: It's just some odd stereotype here

You: I think..?

Stranger: haha lol i'd say some of them do but a lot of them don't

You: Ah.

You: What's the Canadian stereotypical view of the US?

Stranger: hmm I actually have no clue

You: hahaha you're forgiven

Stranger: sowwie

You: So have you graduated from HS? Or whatever is may be called in Canada?

Stranger: Nah I'll be a senior this year actually best year!

Stranger: what about you?

You: I'll be a junior. It's cause I failed kindergarten D:

Stranger: ): damn how'd that happen?

You: Had trouble with the alphabet and numbers. Dyslexic. (I'm not.Never had trouble. College level reading since before age 10)

You: But I've improved quite a bit so it's all good now.

Stranger: oh ): im sorry to hear that

You: Eh, stuff happens

Stranger: Yeah tbh I kinda failed also (gr 1) cause I was in french and had no clue what anything was

You: You guys have French that early?

Stranger: yeah all the way up

You: ahh, some schools are like that here

You: But I couldn't take a language until my Freshmen year back in MS.

Stranger: why not?

You: The school district I was in didn't offer it until then D:

You: But the other ones (that I probably should have gone too) started in 8th. But now a lot of elementary schools are teaching Spanish and Mandarin.

Stranger: o.0

Stranger: Yeah things change over the year it sucks sometimes but hey what can you do

You: So you're French is really good?

Stranger: Nah.. dropped it in grade 1 and never went back :)

You: Oh.hahahaha

You: What do you want to do once you graduate?

Stranger: I don't know yet but I probably should figure that out... I needa know before the 2nd semester so..

You: Ah~ I understand

Stranger: What about you?

You: I wanna go to UCLA <3 or some other UC. If not..man I dunno because I hate the south so I'm avoiding that at all costs. Maybe a school in Seattle.

You: Or maybe even out of the US

Stranger: oh wow wish you luck on that

You: Thanks~

You: Well I must go as my mother wishes for me to help her type.

Stranger: I think you could get in

You: Based on?

You: xD

Stranger: Just knowing you

and that you know a lot of languages

You: haha I shall remember that

You: It was nice talking to you Max~

Stranger: Was nice meeting you Mia

Stranger: Bye

You: Bye!

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Guest ReiRaa

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: 15 m usa

You: 1555 f London

You: Oops.

Stranger: lies!

Stranger: perve

You: I'm honest!

You: What? D=

Stranger: yea your a fat guy at home with a beard

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I AM a girl! ... THAT!

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Guest CBfantastic

Stranger: 22 m us

You: hi then

You: ... 14 F US [not 14]

it would have been odd if he stayed.... :mellow:

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Guest frostyyy

I'm scared of Omegle. It's just so freaky to talk to some random teengers. ):

The conversation here are pretty funny! Haha! (:

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Guest -K-Jae

Stranger: hi


Stranger: u are sure m


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Guest Radish

Stranger: sup

You: yo

You: yo

You: yo

Stranger: yo man

You: wassup

Stranger: i am snoop dogg

You: o? cool

You: i'm jay-z

Stranger: really?

Stranger: lets have a duet

You: yeah, man

You: okay, homeboy

Stranger: 2 bros singin man

Stranger: yo

You: singing? you best mean rappin

Stranger: yeah whatever man

Stranger: rap is my life

Stranger: hows beyonce?

You: oh, she's fineeeeee

Stranger: send her my love man

You: ok brotha

You: i will

Stranger: thanks man

Stranger: you re cool

You: i do what i can. and back at you snoop

Stranger: yeah man

Stranger: so what will we b rappin?

You: yo dawg, let's rap 'bout....

Stranger: sex man

Stranger: like that?

Stranger: sex with ma chick

You: yo dawg, that's everywhere on the radio

You: i wanna get a grammy dawg

Stranger: yeah man

Stranger: if we have naked chicks

Stranger: everyone will like da song

You: you right, snoop

You: we also need some wheels

You: and some chains

Stranger: do what with dem?

You: ride down the streets

Stranger: oh man yes

You: showin'off our teeth

Stranger: yea

Stranger: ferraris

You: tellin' the world that we can't be beat

Stranger: you re right man

You: what about the chorus

You: we need a female vocal

Stranger: that's exactly what i was about to tell ya

Stranger: rihanna?

You: boy, i already collabed wit rhi

Stranger: yea man

You: someone fresh

Stranger: a model perhaps

You: you know a singin model?

You: cuz all i know are the ones that look good and nuthin else

Stranger: man every one can sing nowadays

Stranger: why not a model

You: you right homeboy

You: autotune her

You: i like your style

Stranger: yea man i know

Stranger: what about katy perry

Stranger: or do we want a black chick?

You: aw man

You: i just remembered

You: i got a song saying death to autotune

Stranger: hahah you are funny bro

Stranger: like ur attitude?

Stranger: soo

Stranger: what about her

Stranger: katy perry man

Stranger: big boobs

Stranger: sexy

You: hm...

You: i thought you wanted a model

Stranger: whatever

Stranger: just a sexy girl

You: okay sure

You: you call her up

Stranger: ok man

Stranger: do u have any suggestions?

You: I was thinkin

You: Hows about TSwift?

Stranger: man she is cute but so innocent for us know what i mean?

You: That way we can catch all demographics

You: oh, yeah

You: nevermind

You: i wouldn't want a lawsuit anyways

You: haha

Stranger: yeah man

Stranger: let alone that katy perry is great to work with

You: you right. you rung her up yet?

Stranger: in california gurls she was soo good man know what i mean?

Stranger: tell me jay-z do u want me to or r u thinkin someone else

You: no you do it

You: i don't want beyonce to be gettin the wrong idea

Stranger: yeah man ur right

Stranger: we should have a backup plan in case she turns down the offer do u know what i mean?

You: yeah

You: hey

You: let's do like B.o.B. and pick a chick from a rock band

Stranger: yeah man great idea?

You: hm...

Stranger: like who?

You: i don't know any rock bands tho.. haha

Stranger: me neither man

You: aw

You: we stuck now dawg

You: this collab is my dream

Stranger: ahh i know

Stranger: what about the orange haired chick from paramore?

You: but that's just who B.o.B. picked for airplanes

Stranger: anyway man

Stranger: i ll call katy

You: k man

Stranger: and let ya know

Stranger: gotta go

Stranger: take care bro

You: i love you mah brotha

Stranger: me too man

You: take care snoop

You: see you at the grammys

Stranger: sure man

Stranger: see ya

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Guest laurenmychelle

--- From the end because the beginning is boring although this person turned out to be a teenager haha! xD

Background information - He's from Switzerland. And.. apparantly I am dumb because I lack knowledge of world geography even though I got an A in the course :[

You: is it winter right now or summer for you?

Stranger: summer . oh come ON

Stranger: europe isn't on the other side of the equator..

You: xD Hahha cos like

You: In Australia

You: it's winter right now.. so yeah! xD

You: I fail again huhhh lol

Stranger: well yes

Stranger: everywhere on the other side of the equator its winter

Stranger: yes. double fail for the californian

Fail for the Californian. D:

This person was actually very fun to talk to.. xD

Another person.

Stranger: dude

Stranger: r u german?

You: Nope are you?

Stranger: no :(

Stranger: im gonna marry a german girl tho

Stranger: i plan on it :D

LOLOLOL HAHAHHA that person made me laugh so much! ^_^

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Guest boring123

I met a talking cloud. 

You: hiStranger: IM RACISTYou: you are?Stranger: yesYou: well what are you??

Stranger: a cloudStranger: floating in the skyYou: why all the hate on em thundercloudsYou: or wait are you a thundercloud?Stranger: because they are darker than meYou: LOLStranger: no, i am puffy white cloudYou: cool do you look like a sheep?Stranger: Yes. like a giant sheep in the skyYou: i guess because the thunderclouds are big bad wolvesStranger: And they keep blowin my house down :(You: no wonder the sky dissapears when the thunderclouds appear, all i see is the black universeStranger: My job is to hide the universe. Stranger: ANd to look like a sheep.You: i like your blue houseStranger: Isnt it nice?You: ya but i can see you nakedStranger: I told them we shouldnt keep the window open..You: and i can travel through your bodyStranger: ewYou: yaStranger: but then youll get all wetYou: no just dusty thats all, you should really take a shower. ask the thunderclouds for help and maybe you wont be so racist :)

Stranger: But theyll destroy my neighborhood :(You: i just realized! omg you're a wolf in sheeps skin! because you turn into one of themStranger: You catch on fast. Now i have to kill youYou: aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mini cooper gotta runYou have disconnected.

So Lame x)

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Guest sunnicherri

Stranger: pokemon

You: pikachu

Stranger: great answer

You: i know

You: oh.

Stranger: Are you a pervert?

You: no...

You: why are you?

Stranger: No, I'm just wondering

Stranger: I sure am not

Stranger: ;D

You: lol

You: I'm gonna leave

Stranger: dont leave me all alone

Stranger: ill be fine

You: Go find some other stranger to talk to

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Guest xoxoshree

haha , i was cracking up. 

Stranger: haiStranger: im 16/fStranger: u?You: 75/mStranger: mmmYou: lol jksYou: i prefer not to say me real age :]Stranger: wanna see a pic of me?Stranger: ;)You: no am goodYou: am a femaleStranger: :(You: ya...Stranger: okeiYour conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest xoxoshree

    • LOL, they believe ANYTHING. i didnt even have a chance to say JK
  • You: HIIII
  • Stranger: female?
  • You: sure
  • Stranger: age?
  • You: not gonna tell you :]
  • You: you?
  • Stranger: ooo ur a fiesty one
  • Stranger: i like it ;)
  • You: >.> thx
  • Stranger: so what do u wannna tell me then
  • Stranger: :P
  • You: how old are ya?
  • Stranger: il only say if u do
  • Stranger: :P
  • You: oh, i see how it is.
  • Stranger: hahhaa
  • You: ok, fine.
  • You: am 45
  • You: you?
  • Stranger: woah far too old for me granny
  • Stranger: soz bye

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Guest Eoo2

Stranger: Hi. Tell me a secret about yourself.

You: i'm gay!

Stranger: Not out of the closet yet, eh?

You: nope

You: so what's your secret!?

Stranger: I slept with one of the bridesmaids the night before my wedding.

You: mm.. she must be hot!!

Stranger: She was, yeah.

You: lolz.. did your wife ever found out!?

Stranger: Not a clue.

You: hahaha.. that's cool!

You: should've have an orgy with those bridemaids then!

Stranger: LoL, would have been interesting, one of them was my wife's sister.

You: LOLz.. wow.. dude.. that's extreme..

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