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Chat With A Stranger


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This was an amusing conversation. LOL I kept wondering what if this other person is someone on soompi. XD

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: ....???

Stranger: ....!!!

You: >__<

Stranger: o.O

You: \m/ >_< \m/

Stranger: <(o.o<) <(o.o)> (>o.o)>

You: ^o^

Stranger: T_T

You: =__=

Stranger: @.@

You: O__O

Stranger: > _ >

You: *o*

Stranger: V_V

You: ~_^

Stranger: ^.^

You: V-_-

Stranger: (o/_o) <-- Phantom

You: V=__=V

Stranger: =B

You: =)

You: D=

Stranger: +_=

You: =D

Stranger: Haha this was fun. Thanks for entertaining me!

You: haha

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest kidfromkorea

I meet my boyfriend there a year ago, LOL. Feel so stupid when people ask "Where did you meet each other??" "Eeeh, Omegle D="

So, I love omgle forever haha.


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Guest Sightless

I had a very long convo with some chick... I was, according to her, a cult member. "Yes, let us go to that special place and be cleansed of all our past sins!" ... <pretty much the whole convo. Ah, I'll go on again later :)

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Guest LazyAzian

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey!

Stranger: Smell my eye.

You: Whats your name?

You: Where do you lvie?

You: I like apples

You: Do you like apples?

You: Whats your favorite color?

You: Are you happy?

Stranger: My name is Victoria whisker

You: Lets go eat!

Stranger: live in richard simmons

Stranger: yes i like apples

You: What do you like to eat?

You: What's your ethnicity?

Stranger: favourite colour is purple

You: Why do you like apples?

You: Do you even like apples?

Stranger: i like liver

You: Do you have a cellphone?

Stranger: i'm red

You: What's your favorite music genre?

You: Who's your favorite artist?

Stranger: i like apples cause they are aplles

Stranger: yeah i have an artist

You: Why do you live in America?

You: Your an richard simmons?

You: What's richard simmons?

Stranger: dont have favourite music genre

You: Do you have an richard simmons?

Stranger: kate bush is my fave artist

You: Do you like Michael Jackson?

Stranger: i dont live in america

You: Do you know who Ayumi hamasaki is?

Stranger: richard simmons is the anus

You: Are you Asian?

You: Are you White?

You: Are you African?

Stranger: i live in a town called richard simmons

Stranger: i like michael

You: Are you Latino?

You: Are you European?

Stranger: no i dont know him

Stranger: no im not

You: Are you Antartica?

Stranger: im white

Stranger: european

You: Are you from Madagascar?

Stranger: no

You: Do you know where Kiributi is?

Stranger: no

You: Do you like Pandas?

You: I like Pandas

Stranger: no

You: Where is the North Pole?

You: Where is SANTA CLAUS?

Stranger: i like to hurt pandas

You: Where are you?

You: Where is Europe?

You: Is it in richard simmons?

You: Are you a girl?

You: Are you a boy?

Stranger: yeah

You: Do you have pie?

Stranger: i'm oth

Stranger: *both

You: Do you know how ot make pie?

Stranger: i have a pie hole

You: Have you made pie before?

You: Where is sushi from?

Stranger: no i'd need instructions

Stranger: no i have not

You: Is Sushi from Japan?

You: I like Sushi

You: Do you like Sushi

You: Is Sushi awesome?

You: Are cellphones cool?

You: Whats a cellphone anyway?

Stranger: i never tried it

You: What is a bluetooth?

You: How do you use that thing

You: What is that thing?

You: I have a lap top

You: Do you have a lap top?

You: Why do you not have one if you dont?

You: I have a lampshade beside me

You: Do you like lamps?

You: Do you like waterbottles?

You: Where is Italy?

You: :D


She never answered all of my questions :(

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^hahaha, i love it.

You: Haha! We meet again, rival.

Stranger: hey

Stranger: wat?

You: What evil are you doing now?

You: Stealing condiments from taco bell?

Stranger: well i just got done having sex like thirty minutes

Stranger: does that count?

You: Oh, you're not a christian? Vile sinner!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: Do you fancy Mario Kart?

Stranger: maybe y?

You: You like throwing bananas at karts?

Stranger: y u askin me random questoins?

You: Why are you questioning my questions?

Stranger: ur gay get a life pinkberry

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Can you sing me a song?

Stranger: thats random

You: Can you?

Stranger: yea

Stranger: sure

You: Lady Gaga - Bad Romance, go.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Still so amusing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

You: Hi

Stranger: I exist.

You: o_O

Stranger: Quick.

Stranger: Be somewhat interesting.

Stranger: I sparkle.

You: ok?

You have disconnected.

WEIRDEST mini cooper EVER

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Guest soompier1

Stranger: hey asl

You: male/79/jamaica

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hi

You: I'm edward cullen

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: I love twilight

Stranger: interesting...

You: edward cullen is real

Stranger: so is harry potter

Stranger: i'm a harry potter fan

You: then I guess we're rivals

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: but i clearly win

You: edward cullen sparkles

Stranger: harry potter does magic

You: edward cullen plays piano

Stranger: harry potter can make himself sparkle

You: edward cullen lives forever

Stranger: harry can if he keeps the sorcerer's stone

You: I'm actually not twilight fan so that's all I've got

Stranger: ah i see

Stranger: well

Stranger: you gave it your best

You: harry potter ftw

Stranger: i agree

Stranger: he clearly came out on top

You: clearly


LOL I tampered with none of these

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: asl

You: u?

Stranger: 16 m holland

You: 99 f jupiter

Stranger: nice

You: yup

Stranger: ur horny

You: no

Stranger: wel thats because your old

You: or ur talking about urself o_O?

Stranger: no not yet

You: yet?

Stranger: yup yet

You: i own 6 cats

You: 4 dogs

You: 31 chickens

You: 65 balloons

You: 9 cows

You: 12 pigs

Stranger: wow and you have sex with them

You: 43 goats

You: ur an bubble gum

Stranger: haha

You: pinkberry

You: !

Stranger: cant take a jock you black bubble gum

You: racist

Stranger: care

You: penis hungry mothajohn tesher!

You have disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: NO!

You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


Stranger: :o

You: ...

You: sooo... do you like turtles?

Stranger: Yes, :] And snakes

You: NO!

You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Hi?

Stranger: asl

You: 22/m/ca

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: asl

You: no

You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Do you like waffles?

Stranger: Actually, no.

You have disconnected.


Hahaha, I love messing with people. Most of my convos were of me saying NO! and me disconnecting on them.

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Guest i-adore-u

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: asl?

You: Im crying!

You: my boyfriend just left me!

Stranger: omfgggggggggggg?

Stranger: what happened?

You: he caught me kissing his best friend!

You: but it was nothing!



You: i didn't mean anything~!


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: wowowowowowow

You: wowowowoowow

You: boom chika wow wow

Stranger: Whoa

You: wat wat?

You: wow u sure type slow don't u?

Stranger: Wanna buy uranium?

You: no

Stranger: Damn

You: gives u cancer bro!

You: cancer!


Stranger: My uranium makes you live longer

You: im not stupid

You: ur dumb!

Stranger: I have tried it

You: yea like wateva

You: im have a BF!

Stranger: Im now 174 years old




You: u make me laugh

You: LAUGH!!!

Stranger: Cool

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

(bf= pinkberry fit if you watch white chicks =])

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: lets go to candy moutain

Stranger: Will there be candy?

You: no mini cooper bro

You: its called CANDY moutain

Stranger: Well, I didn't see any sandwiches when I went to the sandwich islands

Stranger: Sometimes names are a lie

You: have u been to charlies chocolate factory?

You: its not actually chocolate

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: you're a gay kool-aid that likes penis

You: really?

You: ur a lezo that likes vagina

You: ur fight is lame

Stranger: no

You: yea

Stranger: i'm not a lesbo

You: how old are u kid?

Stranger: mind your own john teshing buissness

You: shouldn't u be going out and play in ur lil back yard

You: get lost kid

You: ur underage

Stranger: no u

Stranger: i'm not underage

You: u should be under parental supervision

Stranger: i'm 13

You: wow.. big one ey

You: ur still underage

Stranger: you made me bite myself

You: wat u gonna cry now?

You: go cry!

Stranger: no

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

(yes, i know i am a mean one.. but he/she shouldn't be on sites like this!!)

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Guest jaeka

I started every conversation going "日本語?"(Japanese language?) and everyone left! Haha. Man. I'm having so much fun reading these convos. :')

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Guest theotherwoman

it's pretty weird..

Stranger: Hello my name is davide I'm 20 from Italy you ?

You: i'm 19 USA (I lied my age)

Stranger: name ?

You: anli (my cousin was over so i use her name...)

You: what r u doing?

Stranger: chilling out

Stranger: and you

You: watching naruto

Stranger: anli it's a male or a female name ? i've never met someone with this name

Stranger: how old are ou

You: i'm a girl

You: i don't like repeating myself

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: i'm stupid

Stranger: it's late here in italy

You: your stupid?? i'm sorry i didn't know a stupid person can use a computer.

Stranger: so i'm a little bit tires

Stranger: come on

Stranger: take it easy

You: no forgetful ppl are annoying

Stranger: lol

Stranger: anli where especcialy are you from us

You: california (didn't lied about location)

You: where the sun shine is

Stranger: nice

Stranger: i would like to visit it

Stranger: have you never been in italy?

You: no i've been to paris (been there once)

Stranger: nice

Stranger: i'm half french

You: i took french in high school

Stranger: can you speak it ?

You: but i don't speak it

so I try another one:

You: YO

Stranger: hi im bi 17f

You: cool i'm 19 f

You: straight

Stranger: damn it

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cakeh

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: :)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

First try. XDD


OMG. a cou[ple of chats later, I met a really epic person. Regardless of gender, i wanna marry this person. XDD

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: HAAII~~

Stranger: you type slow

You: LMao

You: thanks


You: :D

Stranger: nothin much

Stranger: just wanted to ask

Stranger: you smell bacon?

You: YES.

You: OMG.

You: DO YOU?? O_O

Stranger: yes

Stranger: IKR

You: Good, I'm not the only one!

You: I was starting to wonderrr...

Stranger: Um

Stranger: with wings?


You: and hot chocolate.

Stranger: so your a funnyjunker?

Stranger: or just a random troll xS

You: Well. I'm not a troll. xD

You: I've been on funnyjunk, but not recently.

You: and I never looked through much. xD

Stranger: loool

Stranger: That was from funnyjunk

Stranger: you say you smell bacon

Stranger: and the fj code is saying with or without wings


You: Wow. I just played along. xDD

Stranger: ______________________________________________

EPIC..............EPICEPIC..............EPIC..EPICEPIC.........EPICEPIC........ . .....EPIC

EPIC............EPIC..EPIC............EPIC......EPIC............EPIC.. EPIC...... ......EPIC

EPIC..........EPIC....EPIC..........EPIC.......EPIC...........EPIC... .EPIC...... ....EPIC

EPIC........EPIC......EPIC........EPIC........EPIC..........EPIC......E PIC...... ..EPIC

EPIC......EPIC........EPIC......EPIC.........EPIC.........EPIC........EPI C...... EPIC

EPIC....EPIC..........EPIC....EPIC..........EPIC........EPIC..........EPIC. ...EP IC

EPIC..EPIC............EPIC..EPIC...........EPIC.......EPIC............EPIC..E PIC





Wow, believe it or not, I met a really sweet person later. :( It was sad having to leave him. XDD He was all depressed, LOL! I felt sad later, too. So weird. xD

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Guest jee4life

Mines was weird! but i played along to see what will happen....lol. my stranger was a bit horny? i guess.

there will be word changes that i made okay =]

Stranger: hi

Stranger: horny?

You: very you?

Stranger: m/f?

You: m

Stranger: wow

Stranger: i want ur penis

You: cool

You: come get it.

Stranger: okaay

Stranger: wat u want

You: i dont know...what do you have?

Stranger: im do fingering to my pie

You: cool.

Stranger: want see

You: uh sure?

Stranger: but now you must naked

You: something like that.

Stranger: yap

You: yeah.

Stranger: i want suck ur penis

You: oh ok. go for it.

Stranger: can we meet?

You: sure. where?

Stranger: u from?

You: LA

You: you?

Stranger: wow nice

Stranger: im NYC

You: sweet.

Stranger: where we meet?

You: uh...in the middle.

Stranger: but must in a hotel

You: middle,hotel.

Stranger: i wont if not check in

You: uh oh ok?

You: hey...i brb bathroom. =]

Stranger: now you must check in

Stranger: ooh

Stranger: shiit

Stranger: do meee

Stranger: dont go

Stranger: coli?dasar kau tolol

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Guest FOBv

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: OMG

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: OMG

Stranger: WAT



Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: OMG

Stranger: what


Stranger: that sucks

You: yeah..

Stranger: pee on it

You: no.. my vagina hurts

Stranger: why

You: because i masterbated twice today

Stranger: thats nice

You: i guess

Stranger: you cant spell though

Stranger: thats sad

You: masturbated*

You: big deal

Stranger: there you go

Stranger: it IS a big deal

Stranger: stupid rainbow

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

what a jerk face....

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey

You: OMG

Stranger: whats up?

You: my house is on fire T.T

You: save me

Stranger: save yourself by yourself

You: ...

You: jerk

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: OMG

Stranger: wat'

You: my house is on fire T.T

You: save me

Stranger: yer rite u freak

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

and then i talked to this really intelligent man (:

pretty tight.

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