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Jang Ja Yun's Manager Speaks Up.

Guest hellakoo

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Guest kriza_09

That's not the x-file that those articles are referring to....though I'd be interested to see it. The one that everyone's worked up about is just dirt on celebs and you won't find it posted anymore bc it's illegal.

"This past week the S Korean entertainment industry had been rocked by a 113-page report in a Microsoft Power Point file, dubbed the “Entertainers’ X-Files,”. Created by Dongseo Research for Cheil Communications the file was a research document which would be used to determine the value of potential models and minimize risk factors for advertisers. [Ed note: Dongseo interviewed 10 reporters, who were given vouchers worth 200,000 Won each for their information - Approx $500 CDA]

The report first scores “present position”, describing how entertainers became known and what they do as well as their “prospects”. Other categories, “Attractions/talents”, “self-management” and “rumors” are scored in a separate table.

The “rumors” category has become especially troublesome. There are unconfirmed and potentially defaming rumors. Keywords and phrases like “bisexual,” “scandals involving the sons of a certain business tycoon”, “love affairs with entertainers”, “sponsors have recently changed”, and “had a friendly relationship with a certain Cabinet minister” appear in the report.

Sadly, attention has mainly focused on the “rumors” category. Comments and posts on message boards about this file and categories are mostly nasty than supportive. The contents of the file have been expressed in crude fashion. Many ridicule the rumored sexual tendencies of some of the stars in very colorful language. Others claim to be of a higher moral standing and resort to expressing their disgust with the poor personal morals of some of the entertainers. Of course this is something that is so much easier to do with the anonymity of the internet. They’ll never know who you are so go ahead and slander them!

-> I think it's the file. It has everything of what is said above. And I think the 'dirt on celebs' you were talking about are on the rumors section, which I agree are pretty 'WOW'.. At first I only read Eric's part and it doesn't have anything like that.. but after I moved to other artists, then I saw what you're talking about... some of the RUMORS say that 'the management company CEO telling so-and-so to go to room salon with a producer of a TV station so that she can debut there'. or 'so-and-so has not only 1 or 2 'sponsors''. or 'it's true that so-and-so was dating a TV station's PD when she debuted'.

note: 1. of course not all the artists have these kind of rumors. Some are clean and some only have rumors about their dating whom.

2. The file is in korean.

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Guest csnrain

in regard to peachgaru's post....

I really hope that all of the korean entertainment industry is not as you say it is, cause that is truly heartbreaking...a lot of these idols debut when they are in middle school, are you telling me that these kids have all had to sleep with those in power to debut? that all of these talented PD's, writers and directors have taken advantage of their positions to get sexual favors from newcomers? that basically everyone in the industry is morally depraved?

somehow, I find that hard to believe...and as cynical as I am, I don't want to believe it.

I'm still not sure if everything that is surfacing about Jang JaYun and her situation is true but if it is, I hope that some people stand up and do what's right.

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Guest D R E A M


they revealed parts of her diary (which basically states that she was forced to sleep with people, drink with them, and that she was abused)

and txt messages from the company's head to stop the investigation

cred to yahoo korea

sorry am i allowed to post these up?

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Guest sweetyx3

-> I think it's the file.

sorry for cutting your post, but i was wondering if these files where still online and where you can find them if they are.

the notes she wrote just shows how mentally stressed she was.

some of the words are really jumbled and confusing.


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Guest theskinnygirl

I read the "xfile" back when it was first released, but I totally can't remember.

There was something kind of interesting about Kwon Sang Woo (his past), but I forgot.

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Guest Justalilodreamer

I just found a file on Korean website about a 112 pages of detailed analysis on Korean celebs (mostly actors/actresses) done by Dongseo Research. I'm not really sure if it's the right file, but I think it is. It is basically a research on 96 celebs based on their current position, skills/charm, self-image management, secrets, and rumors.. I guess it's to determine their worth (like if they want to use them for CFs and such).. and i have to say it's quite objective and professional.. It's dated back to Nov 2004, so nothing about DBSK, bigbang, etc..

They call it 'entertainers' X-file' and apparently there have been 'entertainers' X-file' part 2,3, and 4 since then... so far I can only found part 2.. now this one is more interesting... it has some scoops on the new celebs like Bigbang, Suju, SNSD, WG, Solbi, etc... and not as professional as the first one.. it talks more about what they're really like in person, who's dating whom, how some singers always lipsync (recording beforehand and then play the AR during performance to make it sound live)..

I'm really sorry for being off-topic...

dang im soo curious (or maybe im just nosy) :huh: :huh: but its in korean so i wont understand it anyway

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Guest shawty_says

WAIT what i'm getting from this is... he knew she wanted to kill herself, and he just LET her?! And if already knew about the attacks, then why didn't he inform the police?

If this is true I feel kinda bad for her. On one hand she tried to stop it and her company just beat her. But on the other hand... she was the one who sold her body in the first place for fame. Still, I hope the truth comes out soon and she can RIP.

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Guest Bethany


I don't think the manager knew that she was going to kill herself, but he did know she was in depression.

The manager probably didn't know about the whole abuse until he received her journal in the mail and by that time it was too late.

The entertainment industry is very dark and it's the same throughout the world, even in Hollywood.

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Guest passmethewrinch

I just found a file on Korean website about a 112 pages of detailed analysis on Korean celebs (mostly actors/actresses) done by Dongseo Research. I'm not really sure if it's the right file, but I think it is. It is basically a research on 96 celebs based on their current position, skills/charm, self-image management, secrets, and rumors.. I guess it's to determine their worth (like if they want to use them for CFs and such).. and i have to say it's quite objective and professional.. It's dated back to Nov 2004, so nothing about DBSK, bigbang, etc..

They call it 'entertainers' X-file' and apparently there have been 'entertainers' X-file' part 2,3, and 4 since then... so far I can only found part 2.. now this one is more interesting... it has some scoops on the new celebs like Bigbang, Suju, SNSD, WG, Solbi, etc... and not as professional as the first one.. it talks more about what they're really like in person, who's dating whom, how some singers always lipsync (recording beforehand and then play the AR during performance to make it sound live)..

I'm really sorry for being off-topic...

Damn my curiosity.

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Guest edmame

Jang Ja-yun said she felt powerless and weak as a newbie.

her example and many others, make me think it's easier to

take alternative routes to fame, than changing the system.

her agency treated her as young piece of meat. well, leave them.

work PT job and build acting resume in theatrical plays and musical.

work in indie movies shot on digital video. you'll be poor but it doesn't

sound like she got fair pay under that nasty PD and her own management.

with any acting talent, you'll build a resume proving you can do certain

types of roles. then when you transfer to small roles in TV (even though

it may be years before you make the crossover unless you're

super-talented or appeared in outstanding production due to

other people's talents), you'll be someone with skills not just pretty face/body to

those exploitative sick-Fxxx ajussis.

want something bad enough? do it a different way that doesn't

compromise your values and conscience. whata sucky world :tongue2:

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The x-files were not files that were purposely made to simply write dirt about celebrities, nor were they intended to ever be briought to the public's eye, ever.

X-files were originally the file of 99 top stars (actually, 100- but the person who posted them was a Kim Haneul fan so he took all her information out before posting online) that heads and high staffs of PDs and commercial companies keep in store to know who has what reputation, habits, goods and bads going on to eye on casting. The reasons for having these were to not spread anything but simply so they know who's always late for schedules, who has bad habits of sleeping around/dating, this and that-- just so they know who to cast and not cast depending on those things to avoid bad work for their projects. It was simply listed something like:

Kwon Sang Woo

Stars (out of five; as in star quality): *** (not what his was, just example number of stars)

Management: blah blah blah

Future Peak-Status Expectation: blah blah blah years

Charms/skills: blah blah blah

Habits: blah blah blah

Rumors: blah blah blah (and this is where everybody got hyped up about because there were tonnns of information on the stars)

And so on...for every star.

And the reason why they were posted online was because somebody who had a hold of them stupidly just wanted to show his friend because it was so interesting, but the FRIEND betrayed and blasted everything he had on the internet-- and of course, all hell broke loose at that time.

But nobody's reputation or career could particularly be ruined because they were basically ALL the big time stars at that time-- the big thing was just the fact that everybody was so shocked about the industry and just about about certain stars that they nobody knew about. The RUMORS parts...ARE rumors so not all of them could've been true, but majority of people who work in the industry say that they are true for the most part. They included stars that were mostly actors such as Kwon Sang Woo, So Ji Sup, Kim Hee Sun, Han Ga In, etc etc. and then a few big time singers like BoA, Lee Hyori, Eric Mun, Jun Jin, Sung Yuri, and so on. I had no idea there was a part two about recent people, but yeah-- it was so big at the time, and everybody had a copy of it (including myself which I honestly really regret reading -___-) and it was horrible for these poor stars.

So yeah, even though it's probably obviously, I guess I just wanted to clear up again that all that information wasn't intended by these people to blast the celebrities like it ended up to be at all. It was all confidential and just records for them to know for future works and projects.


Useless, contradicting personal rant that nobody really needs to read:

All I can respond about all of this...is just an almost exhausted heavy breath of sadness, anger, and just a question of WHY...all this has to go on in the first place. Of course...of course the world somehow built it up so that simply wanting to act or sing and entertain and be well-known has become such a horrible thing to want so that you have to go through all this. And I know it goes on everywhere around the world but I feel like it's sick to a whole 'nother level in Korea. The fact that these PDs and men of "high power" take advantage of these girls like this at all...makes me think that if anybody is dirty or low without dignity in this, it's them. How little must you be to use that supposed power you have for low things like having girls act like they like sleeping with you when it actually makes them want to commit suicide, but it's supposedly worth it because that's how much they want that stupid part in your stupid drama? I know it's such a 'duh' question-- but whenever people point to these helpless, sad and yes, okay, almost pathetic Korean female celebrities, all it does is make me actually view the men in even a worse, sadder, dirtier and even more pathetic way. At least these girls (and probably some guys) have a reason of desperation and vision. To take advantage that these girls are dirt poor and need money, want to be casted, and exploit that to a level taken this far of what Jang Ja Hyun has done and written/proved is just...unexplainable and even embarassing as a Korean person.

But besides tjese pathetic PDs and men, I understand there are other financial problems if there are no investors and such for certain big things...so sending these actors out to sleep for money to make the projects are another only source that the industry seems to have most of the time-- which sadly makes sense in its twisted ways and breaks my heart. I don't want to generalize and say that this is for every popular Korean superstar out there, but there's so much of it, enough to basically just label it as a general whole. Yeah that's how fame works, and yeah that's how the world is, but the world, especially as of now, has more room than ever to change.

I know everybody, especially in Korea, always just point and identifies Korean celebrities as 'dirty' or 'low,' but I always for some reason have been sensitive to this subject since I was young, and can't help but only feel sad for them and the things they go through, the things they choose to go through, and the fact that everything there has a set up system like this in the first place. When I read the x-files with my friends, we all gasped for almost every celebrity's profile and they were gasping about how "twisted" these people really are but all I can gasp about was the fact that their life turned out to be this way and rather than low, that something's led them to do these things. Sigh- it's like (and I don't mean this by anybody specifically bc I really do love all our kpop celebrities despite all this), but no wonder we have soooo many -to speak bluntly- talentless people that are so big who so many complain about which will never change unless all this changes, which will...probably take longer than within our lifetime-- with people who have real talent with dignity that can't be known because of THIS...who I'm proud of and who my heart goes out to for their struggles even with their talents that are actually worth more than gold out there, but at the same time, a bigger part of my heart really does go out to all of those who have had to sacrifice the dignity to get to where they are now as the top stars they are now-- and we honestly all have come to love. If I spend my time watching these people, enjoying what they give, laughing at their entertainment, well-up when seeing clips of their hard work backstage, watch their dramas addictively and listen to their songs-- I can't possibly bring myself to judge them in any way about the way they've come to give me the things they did. The only thing, if anything, when I first heard was feel sad looking at my posters after reading everything about this-- and should stop supporting it all because I hate it, but of course- once I leave this thread I'll go and turn on another kpop song or drama and feed this disgusting cycle without another thought about it.


Rest In Peace, Jang Ja Yeon. No matter what the world says, I believe that God is a merciful God, and after all this, and bringing such strong light and attention once again to one of the biggest things in the world that has to be changed-- that if you aren't completely just yet, you will in the end be at rest.

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Guest edmame

I know everybody, especially in Korea, always just point and identifies Korean celebrities as 'dirty' or 'low,' but I always for some reason have been sensitive to this subject since I was young,

yes it makes me sad too. people lay it on the women (e.g. a "Korean ajussi"

often going around the blogs calling all korean actresses "richard simmons"), because

it's an easy way to identify the problem but not recognize its true face -- that

the poor, young, female, powerless are used and then tossed away, and even

bearing the stigma FOR the men who used them. the men get off scot-FREE!

plus age-old sexism conditions people to adhere to a double standard. women

are either richard simmons or virgins - there's no inbetween, no alternative (except if

they're powerful or know how to play the game, seen as men disguised as women LOL!)

blaming the victim, seeing them as scandalous and willful participants

in their own "grime" and "shame", won't cause cognitive dissonance

that the WHOLE system is corrupt because EVERYBODY (MEN & WOMEN who

ENABLE it) consents to the men in power. aka. Old Boys Club. i'm sure the

"respect your elder" thing makes it worse too.

p.s. that X-file thing...it was still available on some K-blogs as scans of the PDF...

up to maybe, 2-3 years ago? anyway i found it quite boring, just lots of "dry" info.

obviously it's interesting if you're a fan of certain stars, but it's so clinical and assured

in tone (as though it believes everything profiled was "true", no arguments),

yet still serving their own needs of watching out for "problematic" stars to represent

their brand, act in their production.

at the end it's like a high school gossip party, just how people see other people. i said

it's boring because when you watch the stars, actors, you're watching them in something

made up, fictional, a fantasy anyway. what does it really matter what they do in their

private life? and don't people's perception of you change all the time, just as your

personal fortunes or tragedies, loves and break-ups change over the years? (e.g.

what does it matter kwon sang-woo did? are you sure it's XYZ not ABC blah blah?

he's now a father! life moves on!) i pity the person who had to assemble the PDF.

it was freak-azz LONG! all the formatting and


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if only the manager could protect her > <

i hope her company and the pd that rapes/harassed her gets what they deserve D:<

RIP Jang Ja Yun :(

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Guest fallen*angel*

i am confused. cam someone help?

i wanna know the one who "raped" her, is he the production director at BOF? yes or no?

thank you!

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Guest love-yun

i doubt it. it's not really 'news' to anyone who knows the entertainment industry as it truly is. this will only make the people who are doing it more careful, but it's not going to change anything. which is soo sooo sooooo sad.

RIP JJY, i hope you're resting in peace.

I completely agree.

This is nothing new in Korea. It's been going on for years. Many top female celebrities have paved their way through sleeping with PDs or people of the like - we just don't know about it. The entertainment industry likes to keep a secret, but when the cases of actresses like Jang Ja Yun come out, it's no surprise. There are probably so many other actresses in the same boat - depressed, abused, forced...

RIP Jang Ja Yun

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