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Guest xsuperBATTLE

hey guys and gals.

there's this guy i like and i found out he likes this girl who he liked for two years and counting. he had crushes every now and then cause the girl moved away for college (she's one year older than he is) and he told me one day when he was really sad. i got sad but never said anything. he has no clue that i like him. he then said something the same night which was "i'll be that guy best friend who you will have when you and your boyfriend breaks up" (i don't have one lol) and we only started talking 1-2 weeks ago. seems silly that we only talked 1-2 weeks ago but we knew of each other for 4 years. i don't know what to do. i mean, he told me he's going to get over her.. but we have a grad party at a club this thursday and i found out the girl's going... should i just give up or wait a little bit so he gets to know me better? i mean, maybe in time he'll like me? but, that sounds a little desperate... i'm thinking because he has only known some of me, maybe in time when he actually fully knows me, he'll like me? -_- okay this is embarrassing lol.

thanks in advance.

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Guest magical-x-miracle


I think you should just hang out with him and be a friend for a while. If the girl comes and they hit it off, then there's not much you can do, but just be happy for them. If the girl comes and she breaks his heart, you'll be there to soften the blow. You should just have fun being around him, be a friend and go with the flow. Take an opportunity, should it present itself, or just watch from the background.

If it's meant to be, it'll all work out somehow :D

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Guest ayeechawush_ee

hey guyss! i have question too.i met this guy through my sister and her friends and we actually hang out a lot of times.when all of our friends hang out they always tease us together since me and him are close at age and i didnt really mind at first but as time goes by i started liking him. There are also times when i feel that he likes me too and everybody keeps telling me that too but i dont really dnt have the courage to ask him.now we barely see each other but wen we did he started asking me who is the person i like.i mean why would he ask me that now?? why didnt he asked me before.Seriously he keeps asking me and i told him i dnt mind telling you but can you at least give me one reason why you want to know.??? but he couldnt say any reason so im like wtf?

After two days i saw him at a friends party.It was awkward and it wasnt like how we wer before and it bothers me.i mean i dnt want him to change the way he acts towards me.anywayyyy back to the story so we wer at a party and i was bored and he was texting somebody.so i went outside to talk on the phone with my friend about 10-15 mins he came out and he ask me who i was talking to like he came up close to me ask me who i was talking to.he did that about 5 times.and im like just a friend ;]

i just need advice on what i should do.? im kinda shy so yahh.

and i dnt want anything awkward when we see each other.

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Guest ketchup?

Sounds like he's interested. He seems to be making a lot of attempts to get closer to you. Does he act awkward around you though? Or do you think it's just awkward for you? Hang out with him one on one and ask him what he thinks about you.

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Guest kk188

i wanna ask for opinions for this matter.

this guy whom i'm not really close to(he's close to my girlfriends)

is my classmate who is really popular with the girls especially juniors.(we're senior,and he's in football team)

well,this morn. his friend jokingly pushed all my girlfriends and me.i ended up getting my feet hurt after crashing the wall.the guy,after realising my condition he said or maybe did something but only that i know that he accidently touched my butt.maybe poked.i'm quite defensive when it comes to male so i hit him on his back.reflex action.later then,i apologised for hitting him so hard.he somewhat ignored me.is he really angry?i'm not close to him.just happen to know him since we're in the same class for 2 years and he's close to all my friends(as i said he's popular with girls)

i felt guilty.i asked my friend about this and she said that he'll forget it soon.just act like nothing happened.

i wanted to,but when apologise to him(and after i hit him) it seems like i've hurted his feelings.

what should i do.i'm really a worrywart+a total hothead fyi.

this a second time i did that to a boy.last time,we didn't even make up.till now,still not talking.i really dont want another.

settled :D

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Guest Nightmare

The waiting game... I seem to stumble my toes over this. I can wait, but sometimes I crave more but I don't want to come off as clingy or desperate. (I'm just hungry.) So in general about dating, how long is too long and how short is too short? First kiss, the wait between dates, etc..?

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I've gotten myself into a dizzy situation. I was playing matchmaker with two of my closest friends from two different groups in school. I knew my guy friend really liked my friend and started to talk him about it. He was really sweet about it and was kind of shy, but understanding too. It took a month to get them together. When i heard they were finally together i kind of felt sad. I think i started developing feelings for my guy friend while trying to pull out all his good qualities. What do I do? should i tell my friend and my guy friend? should I just shut up about it and forget all about it? I really like both of them and don't want to do anything to ruin their relationship. I understand he's taken, but should i say what's going on with me? I wouldn't make any moves but at least he would know.

Sowwie if this was long and stupid, but i'm so confused right now. >.<

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Guest lienlee

I've gotten myself into a dizzy situation. I was playing matchmaker with two of my closest friends from two different groups in school. I knew my guy friend really liked my friend and started to talk him about it. He was really sweet about it and was kind of shy, but understanding too. It took a month to get them together. When i heard they were finally together i kind of felt sad. I think i started developing feelings for my guy friend while trying to pull out all his good qualities. What do I do? should i tell my friend and my guy friend? should I just shut up about it and forget all about it? I really like both of them and don't want to do anything to ruin their relationship. I understand he's taken, but should i say what's going on with me? I wouldn't make any moves but at least he would know.

Sowwie if this was long and stupid, but i'm so confused right now. >.<

what's the point in letting him know?..

this is mean to say but if they break up you have a chance, if you keep your mouth shut. =x. just saying

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Guest _YooMi

I don't know what to do

Hi guys, I hope you can help me out here because I am really confused. So I've been friends with this guy for a couple of months and we really get along with each other. I even consider him my best friend already, but today he asked me out on a date and after tons of i don't knows I gave in. The problem is, he is going to university next year which is away from our city and I'm still in high school. How should I deal with this situation >< I want us to stay friends because I know that I will regret it later.

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Guest mularice

^ Well why don't you give him a chance? How do you know that it won't work while he goes to University and you finish high school? I think you're worrying prematurely here. You may go on a couple dates and realise being friends is the better option. Or you may last and when the time comes the high school/college thing may not even be an issue! Sometimes things just work out one way or another without you having to make rush decisions or pre emptive strikes!

If you really don't want a relationship with him just go on the date and say you think it would be better to stay friends as you value his friendship so much that you don't want to take any risks jepordising it. Hopefully he will understand.

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Guest nsterling

I think you're just scared to hooked on him because he'll be gone to college. Long distance relationship is really hard but it depends upon the persons involved to make it works.

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Guest SUperLong

So i just got into an argument with my girlfriend about how she should try and talk to her parents more and speak up. I've been wanting to see her for 5 weeks, well mostly for 2 weeks bc the other 3 weeks i was on vacation. But I just miss her a lot and think about her a lot. So i just told her to ask her dad if she could just see me on sunday just so we can hang out. but then she goes and assumes that the dad will say no and then give her a lecture. i tell her to just ask but she says no bc she is afraid. i tell her that it seems like she isn't trying in this relationship and then i got mad and blah blah blah. is it ok for me to be angry? am i being unreasonable? i've been so understanding to her and been trying but as a guy i just want to be able to talk to her face to face for at least once a week. but i can't bc shes too afraid to ask her parents.

and just to let you guys know she is 23! so what do i do? how can i get her to speak up without being mean? idk...

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Guest lienlee

So i just got into an argument with my girlfriend about how she should try and talk to her parents more and speak up. I've been wanting to see her for 5 weeks, well mostly for 2 weeks bc the other 3 weeks i was on vacation. But I just miss her a lot and think about her a lot. So i just told her to ask her dad if she could just see me on sunday just so we can hang out. but then she goes and assumes that the dad will say no and then give her a lecture. i tell her to just ask but she says no bc she is afraid. i tell her that it seems like she isn't trying in this relationship and then i got mad and blah blah blah. is it ok for me to be angry? am i being unreasonable? i've been so understanding to her and been trying but as a guy i just want to be able to talk to her face to face for at least once a week. but i can't bc shes too afraid to ask her parents.

and just to let you guys know she is 23! so what do i do? how can i get her to speak up without being mean? idk...

First of all you do have a right to be angry, but the mistake is getting angry at her. that wont solve anything will it? your just pushing her away from you. dont force anyone to do ANYTHING if they aint willing too.

Just let her know how you're feeling about the relationship and what you want it to be. 

think about how she might feel ..

if she doesnt want to work for the relationship..then..i'd let her go because if shes not willing to fight or try to make a relationship work. what is she gonna do with all the obstacles in life has to offer us..down the road

in summary, calm down. let her know how you feel. ask her how SHE feels. and then go from there.

if she doesnt act..then..you have two options. 1. wait for her to finally do something. 2. dump her...

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Guest mularice

To SUperLong;

Don't get mad at her. Like lienlee said, it will only push her away.

Look, I was in a similar situation to her with my Mum. She just knows how to get me angry and upset. She's controlling. But, there's not much I can do about it. Same for your gf, she probably has to deal with a lot more than you even realise. So how do you think your gf is going to feel having not only her parents yelling at her but her bf, you, as well? As her bf you're supposed to be supportive and understanding. Don't get me wrong, I understand your frustration too but you need to realise that she isn't doing this to spite you, it's not because of you. Put yourself in her shoes and imagine if someone was pushing you into a situation in which you would be a target for shouting and anger, would you want to be pushed? Probably not. It's easy to say, "Oh I would stand up for myself" when you don't know first hand what her Dad is like. And even if you don't put yourself in her position, think about it, do you want to push your gf into it? Do you want her to go through that hassle?

Once, a bf wanted to see me but my Mum was in a pretty bad mood with me anyway. He kept pushing it and pushing it till I caved in and asked her. It triggered a HUGE argument where she threw me out of the house. Yeah, great. I'm not saying that will happen to your gf but think about the bigger situation here. She probably is just trying to keep the peace and not make things even worse.

This time, it's okay, I stood up to my Mum and she went mad and disowned me, but my bf is very understanding and he has supported me in every sense of the word. I have him to rely on when it comes down to it. We live together too so at least I'm not wondering where the hell I am going when my Mum goes mad!

If it bothers you THAT much maybe you should ask yourself if you are willing to put up with her situation and her reluctance to do much about it or not. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the fire.

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Guest brinyblue

We share our house with other people. One of the people living here, is a tech sort of person. Let's name him XYZ. And by tech person, I mean, he can take stuff apart and put it together. So last summer, my parents gave me a hard drive and asked for movies, and since he had the largest collection, I gave it to him and asked him to put some movies in it. Now, he didn't look at all the movies I had, and just dumped his movies in. 

Turns out I already had a lot of his movies. Almost a hundred movies were the same. So I tell him so, and he says well okay, I'll fix it, tomorrow. And he never did. So I told him, I'd take care of it. I was a little annoyed but I brushed it off. THEREFORE, I spent my whole summer reorganising the entire hard drive. I was just applying for colleges at that time, and attending extracurriculars as well so it was a bit hard to do all those things, but it was okay, I managed.

This summer, there are a couple of good movies out right? So my parents asked me to put in some movies that came out this summer, and he told them that he'd put it in for them. I really didn't want him to, because I was worried the same thing would happen again, but my parents agreed to let him put those movies in. And the same thing happened. He didn't even look if I had the same movies, and his movies were the same. They were just named differently. So now I had 200 duplicates of the movies that were already inside the hard drive.

This time I got angry. I went up to XYZ and asked for an apology after telling him what he did. He just laughed it off and said its nothing to be angry about. I spent my whole summer reorganizing it the first time. This time there are about 400 movies to sift through. Is it right for me to demand an apology? Is it alright for me to be a bit angry about this, or am I just crazy?

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Guest lienlee

We share our house with other people. One of the people living here, is a tech sort of person. Let's name him XYZ. And by tech person, I mean, he can take stuff apart and put it together. So last summer, my parents gave me a hard drive and asked for movies, and since he had the largest collection, I gave it to him and asked him to put some movies in it. Now, he didn't look at all the movies I had, and just dumped his movies in. 

Turns out I already had a lot of his movies. Almost a hundred movies were the same. So I tell him so, and he says well okay, I'll fix it, tomorrow. And he never did. So I told him, I'd take care of it. I was a little annoyed but I brushed it off. THEREFORE, I spent my whole summer reorganising the entire hard drive. I was just applying for colleges at that time, and attending extracurriculars as well so it was a bit hard to do all those things, but it was okay, I managed.

This summer, there are a couple of good movies out right? So my parents asked me to put in some movies that came out this summer, and he told them that he'd put it in for them. I really didn't want him to, because I was worried the same thing would happen again, but my parents agreed to let him put those movies in. And the same thing happened. He didn't even look if I had the same movies, and his movies were the same. They were just named differently. So now I had 200 duplicates of the movies that were already inside the hard drive.

This time I got angry. I went up to XYZ and asked for an apology after telling him what he did. He just laughed it off and said its nothing to be angry about. I spent my whole summer reorganizing it the first time. This time there are about 400 movies to sift through. Is it right for me to demand an apology? Is it alright for me to be a bit angry about this, or am I just crazy?

well,..realistically. from someone who taken law. technically he doesnt owe you anything. you never paid him to do it tongue.gif

but aside from the law LOL

i think you have every right. if someone offers to do something..i mean get the freaking job right..2nd time around. 

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Guest Meletta

How can you forget about someones past...

Stop actively trying to forget D:

Learn to accept that the past is a part of who the person is now.

Time, itself, will heal.

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Guest lostserendipity--

Hey guys,

I think this is going to be a bit long, so apologies first!

About two months ago, Friend A told me a secret that he only trusted me with. I was stupid, and I told this to my best friend (he's a guy) Friend B. I trusted Friend B with almost everything. He was my best guy friend and probably ...my best friend in general. We went to elementary school together, but it was during our last year of high school that we became really close, and started to talk more often. Gradually, our friendship grew stronger and stronger (or so I thought ...) and we talked on the phone almost daily, shared secrets, etc. I trusted him ...a lot.

It was a friendship that I thought I would never lose.

Anyway, about three months ago, Friend B began to get close to another girl. I'm going to admit that I was a bit jealous, but at the same time, I had other close guy friends too, and it was only fair. The only thing I was worried about was if my secrets with him were safe or not. My suspicions were right.

I went out to eat lunch with this girl, and she blurted out the secret that Friend A had told me, and that I had told Friend B. (Sorry if this is confusing.) I know this makes me untrustworthy too, and that I probably have no right to be feeling all these emotions that I have...

I was furious with Friend B. He knew that that secret was something very very very important to me. We stopped talking for about two weeks, until he messaged me. Naturally the incident was brought up, and .. he admitted that it "slipped out."

How could something like that slip out? He also said that he meant to tell me that he had accidentally told this girl, but just couldn't do it.

In that first conversation after the incident, everything came out. It wasn't an argument, but we both listed out things that were bothering us, things we couldn't stand. He admitted that he had neglected our friendship because he had become fed up with some things I kept doing.

That made me cry the most. The fact that he solved his problems by running way from it, going to someone else and betraying my trust.

We talked twice after that. But ..I haven't had any contact with him since.


I don't think I'm an overly emotional person, but I do sometimes cry myself to sleep still. It's been so long but I can't let go. I can't let go cause it was so important to me. I truly believed that even when I was 30, I could call him and we'd be able to talk and laugh just like old times. But that day, when I found out what he had done, it just completely shattered everything I built up.

All that trust and confidence was gone. I keep asking myself, "Can I trust him still?" and the answer I always feel is, "No."

I can't trust him, yet ...I'm still crying over what happened.

I guess what I'm asking is, soompiers, is ...what can I do?

It's so hard to make another friend like this, that's for sure...

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