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[Drama 2001] Beautiful Days 아름다운 날들


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Urghhh.... the tot of changing cd... :sigh:

I will try again the cb link

Reason hate to use vcd -

1. Output (picture) quality suck..

2. There's sub title - will ruin the whole feeling.

3. Take time... almost triple the time if use avi.


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Yeah.. you've got a point there... especially the unclear visual & subs getting in the way. Major drawback with BD... being an older series (4 years +) is that not many would upload it onto CBs, I think... compared to the many new series these days... not to mention, lots of movies too.

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Episode 10

Lee Xuanzai returned to the operation room and saw the worried Minzhi and Yanxiu waiting anxiously, on the chairs along the corridor,for Minzhe. He went to them immediately :" Don't worry. Brother is going to be okay. My senior told me , he is performing a bone fracture operation. Brother suffered injuries at his scapula and clavicle areas. Fortunately it was not an open fracture, it did not cause any damages to his internal organs . Hence, now they are performing the fixture operation, the rest are only external injuries or scatches, Brother is going to be okay. "

Seeing a relieved expression on Yanxiu and Minzhi at his reassuring words, Xuanzai continue :" Now Brother would need to be hospitalized for one to two weeks , apart from the fact he need a lot of rest to recover , as Brother was injured in a car accident, he need to be under observation for any sign of cerebral concussion." Yanxiu finally feel relieved at Xuanzai comforting words: "You have done so much! Thank you !" :

"Its all right ! Minzhi , I will drive you back so you could pack the things Brother will need for his stay in the hospital "

As he was waiting for Minzhi to get her bag , Xuanzai turned to Yanxiu : “You stay here and I will be back soon, Will... you be all right ?" Yanxiu gave him a reassuring smile and nod. Only then did Xuanzai help injured Minzhi slowly to his car and leave the hospital

Minzhe was finally back to his ward after he was pushed out of the operation room and then to recovery room . Looking at Minzhe laying on the hospital bed, Yanxiu had been by his side all the time. The Minzhe she saw now, have his shoulder partially covered up with gauze , the wound from the operation was quite big. Yanxiu heart ached and frown at the pain Minzhe must be in . Staring at his head which is also covered with gauze and still show signs of bloodstain from his injuries. Yanxiu gently swept the hair from Minzhe forehead, she touched Minzhe’s warm face , look at his tight lips and listen to his breathing , she could now finally rest her heart which had been hanging in mid air . Minzhe is still by her side.


Three days later, Xuanzai was just back from the hospital, Minzhe could now leave his bed and move around. Xuazai saw that Mnizhe had regained his energy and only then did he return to his work with his mind at ease.

Xuanzai walked into Muse Records with a light hearted mood. Shina album " Waiting " had been on the top of the charts. She has been immersing herself in her work recently. Thinking of Shina, Xuanzai could not help being worry again

“Chief , another threat letter! " The General manager Lim Yong Xiu handed a letter to Xuanzai . Ever since the first one, this is the 12th . Xuaznai said to Lim : “This is the 12th letter, right ? " Yes, but this time the content is different, it give one an eerie feeling " As he listen to Lim, Xuanzai carefully took out the letter from the envelope. Xuanzai was quite taken back at what he had seen, all the previous letters had been written from letters cut from newspaper to form the words, this time there is no words,. On the black paper, there was a photo of Shina, taken for a magazine recently.

The photo were covered with scribbles in red ink and within the redness, traced of knifes marks could be seen. This is indeed weird, a sense of uneasiness curled up within Xuanzai. He said to Lin : "Where is Shina, does she have any schedule for the day ?

Lin look through his diary and answered : " Yes, this afternoon , she had a autograph session at Ming Dong. She should be in the office soon " Xuanzai put the letter on his desk and told Lim : "Once she is here ask her to see me, if necessary cancelled the afternoon autograph session. And also, inform the media about this threat incident, let the culprit behind this know that Muse Records is looking into the matter seriously so he could back off . And make a police report and if required , seek their assistance to ensure Shina safely during her promotion activities." Xuanzai was ordering Lin with a dense look

Once Lin was out of his office, Xuanzi stared at the letter on his table , he could not help but feel anger rising within him uncontrollably, they will not hurt Shina.


“Xuanzai, are you looking for me ? " Shina was walking into his office with a sleepy look.

“Yes. Come in, had a rush schedule again yesterday ? You look very tired " Xuanzai pulled her down and sat with her on the sofa.

“No. It was just because Nalan insisted I drank up the soup she made for me . I had to go to the washroom several times during the time. It really irks me " Shina was complaining. Xuanzai laugh at her reason, but he was thinking of other matters as he look at Shina.

“ Could we cancel the autographed session today "

“Why ! Xuanzai, do you know what are you saying!! Cancel ? Why ? “ Shina was questioning angrily at Xauznai .

“Shina, Do you know about the threat letters ? I am afraid you will be in danger " “Threat letter. I know about that. Nalan had told me . So what ! I am not afraid of him, I dare him to come and look for him ! I won’t let him off so easily . You want me to cancel my autograph session because of this prankster . Oh , it really make me angry " shouted Shina who could not control her anger

“Shina ! Listen to me " Xuanzai was trying to persuade Shina , he did not want to see Shina come to any harm especially with his sense of uneasiness with the threat letter.

“Xuanzai.! You should be the one listening to me . I won't cancelled the autograph session. I will be there on time, to autograph for my fans who had support me . Do you hear me ! " Knowing that she had sounded a bit overboard, Shina toned down and continue :" Xuanzai, I have worked so hard, and finally I am back on stage. I am grateful to you ! Really! But I will not because of a small matter give up my fans who have been queuing up for me . I must attend!! This is my dream !!Xuanzai, do you understand how I feel ? "

Listening to Shina deepest feeling , Xuanzai stared into her clear eyes and was convinced . " Okay, I will respect your decision. But ! you must promise me , should there be any sign of danger you must protect yourself . “

“Xuanzai !!” Shina hug him in excitement :” Actually, you don't have to be so worry, Nalan will be there to protect me and also that ...person ! " Shina tone changed suddenly : “That person ?” Xuanzai was wondering who she is referring to and remembered that Shina do have another extra person around her , Pu Zhengyin.

Auntie Pu had volunteered to help Nalan take care of Shina and have been following her around since. Initially, Shina object to this arrangement but after a few tantrums at Zhengyin, she seems to just approve silently about Zhengyin presence around her.

Shina's character is just like that . In her heart she had forgiven the person , but she will act stubborn and armored herself and not let others see the vulnerable part of her. Actually... Shina is afraid of loneliness. Xuanzai looked at the strong minded Shina and just act on impulse as he pulled her into his arms , Shina look up at him with surprise at his sudden act of gentleness, her heart was pounding at their closeness. Xuanzai hug her tightly, with the fear that if he did not do so , Shina will just disappeared.

But why? Why does he have that feeling ? Xuanzai keep asking himself the same question in his mind .

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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Episode 11

Yanxiu, with her fish soup prepared for Minzhe, was just about to open the door of the hospital ward, when she heard voices from within. She curiously push the door slightly and peeped in to see Minzhe and Jizhai in deep discussion over office matters.

"Jizhai, this proposal looks good, we will proceed as planned and also regarding the request from the Japanese , we must also monitor it, the image of the artiste and the style of the song must not be mixed up. " Minzhe was sitting on his bed and going through the document in his hands and instructing Jizhai on the amendments to his proposal in his usual decisive manner. " Yes , I know , Mr Lee, you just concentrate on getting well . You don't have to worry about the company, I will follow your instructions. I will make a move first " Jizhai answered.

"Okay, thank for your hard work " Minzhe pushed aside the sliding table from the bed and was getting down to see Jichan to the door. "Sir, you don't have to get up, it's okay "Jizhai immediately respond , he bye farewell and went out of the ward. He saw Yanxiu sitting on chair along the corridor outside the room and gave her a polite bow. Yanxiu also return the greeting and said : " Sorry, to have you work so hard " Jichan " No, it just part of my responsibility, I have to go now" Seeing Jizhai off, Yanxiu then turned to enter the room.

" You are here ! The weather outside look good ! " Minzhe was greeting Yanxiu with his usual smile. Yanxiu silently put down her soup on the table and start pouring it into the bowl.

" Come, finish this first" Minzhe glanced at Yanxiu and took the bowl obediently. He finished it in one gulp and passed it back to Yanxiu . He looked at her strangely and asked " Are you feeling unwell ? Tired ?"

Tired? How could Yanxiu be tired when everytime she want to stay in the hospital longer , she will be chased back home by Minzhe . He was afraid the hospital have a lot of germs which will affect Yanxiu health. That's why at night, Minzhe is always alone in the hospital.

"You ! You are already laying on a hospital bed, and is still thinking of work . I know you are worry about the company affairs but you also need to rest. From now on, give me you mobile! " Yanxiu looked at the Minzhe on the bed, he look better now, though his head is still covered with gauze, but he still manage to look as cool and handsome as before.

Understanding Yanxiu's concern, Minzhe smile" Don't worry about me ! If you took away the mobile, if I think of you, and want to listen to your voice, what should I do then ? " Hearing her husband playful respond , Yanxiu did not know whether to be upset or laugh. She could only say to him :" Okay, I won't confiscate your mobile, but there is another thing, let Minzhi come and accompany you during the night okay ? I could handle things at home, you don't have to insist Mnzhi stay home to help me, the idea of you alone in the hospital worry me more "

" No, it will worn everyone out. Minzhi need to attend classes and you have to work.I could take care of myself . Look! how strong I am now" Minzhe was swinging his arms in front of Yanxiu. Looking at Minzhe, Yanxiu heart ached . As she had been in an accident before, she know that within 3 days of the accident , you could not even get down from the bed. As apart of pain from the injured area, the bone of your whole body seems dislocated and it hurt terribly. Now, that Minzhe had just had the operation, he always want to put up a strong front and insist of getting down to show he is all right, so Yanxiu and the rest will not worry.

Yanxiu hurriedly asked Minzhe to put his hand down and holding his hands firmly : "Now, I only want you by my side healthy . Really! When I received the call to inform me of the accident, I just panic. I was so scared that you will leave me! Please don't leave me so easily! I cannot do without you now ! " Seeing the tears in Yanxiu eyes, Minzhe gently pulled her into his arms. " Sorry, for making you worry .... When I was unconscious , I think I saw my mother. She did not says anything to me but just keep on smiling at me, that smile, even till now I could remember it so vividly. Then I think of you, you have the same smile as my mother. I won't forget the promise I make to you, I want to be with you !"

Yanxiu finally recover from her sadness and broke into a smile. "Really?" Minzhe said with determination " Really !"

Perhaps this is the work of destiny who want them to experience such life and death torment, so that the pair who had went through so much to be together could stay with each other longer, to cherish each other more, and to treasure the feelings each have for the other. No matter how much wealth you process, it will never be like having a person who is linked to you in heart and soul.

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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hey Rube ... HI!

i am rewatching bits of this favorite one (yet again) for the Nth time. :blush:

and of course, once again falling under magnetic Minchul's spell.

though he can be quite an as*hole, he's also really sweet and nice when he chooses to be.

amazing the trasnformation once he became a dedicated bf. calls her every hight no matter how tired! :phew:

perhaps quite duh of me, but never quite saw it like that before.

both of them are quite selfless when it comes to the best for each other.

- he refused to continue their relationship when he felt he couldn't offer her what she deserved

- she refused to come back to him when she was ill.

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Hey, hey! Good to see... a BD-lover... Minchul-hopeless at the thread! :lol:

I cannot agree more with you... Minchul... he is who he is... either love or hate him! He is who he is and he didn't hide it. Indeed, he can be a sweet person when he wants to... but the arrogant & bossy workaholic, is to ensure his and Minji's place in the family. The father's love & appreciation that they didn't get from their father... he will 'claim' it another way.

You've just pushed the button...love changed & strengthened the 2 lovebirds. Minchul actually thought of others (although some would beg to differ on this).. about Yeonsoo... just like he thought of Minji, the one person he cared a lot. Minchul said he would not bother Yeonsoo again... yet he went to see her secretly at her workplace and Yeonsoo, though she doesn't want to burden him... can't help being near him... spying on him at his house. Sigh... to be so in love!

And as the father stayed with them... Minchul & Minji's anger disperse as they open up to their father again and vice-versa.

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Hey, hey! Good to see... a BD-lover... Minchul-hopeless at the thread! :lol:

I cannot agree more with you... Minchul... he is who he is... either love or hate him! He is who he is and he didn't hide it. Indeed, he can be a sweet person when he wants to... but the arrogant & bossy workaholic, is to ensure his and Minji's place in the family. The father's love & appreciation that they didn't get from their father... he will 'claim' it another way.

You've just pushed the button...love changed & strengthened the 2 lovebirds. Minchul actually thought of others (although some would beg to differ on this).. about Yeonsoo... just like he thought of Minji, the one person he cared a lot. Minchul said he would not bother Yeonsoo again... yet he went to see her secretly at her workplace and Yeonsoo, though she doesn't want to burden him... can't help being near him... spying on him at his house. Sigh... to be so in love!

And as the father stayed with them... Minchul & Minji's anger disperse as they open up to their father again and vice-versa.

hahah Rube .... here's the "Minchul hopeless" in to add more comments (like i haven't said enough ever on BD and Minchul all these 3? 4? yrs! :blush: )

eh, what's there to "beg to differ on"?

if he was selfish, he would just go ahead with the engagement - he loved her, he was jealous, he didn't want his brother to have her. enough selfish personal reasons to go ahead and say i don't care, i am going to do it anyways. esp at a time when he really needed her support.

i had always thought quiet Yunsoo was the more giving and easy one throughout who was kinda manipulated (or even bullied - gosh, the way he always just drags and hauls her everywhere. or just over-rides what she says with his charming logic! :lol:)

for eg:

when he is giving her the ring for the 2nd time - this time to propose marriage.

"i can't get engaged to you." "but you've already said yes, a long time back, you can't refuse now".

when he shows up at her Artschool after he finds out the news of her illness.

"i am not hungry. and he smiles his super-irresistible smile, and just says: "let's go".

at the seafood restaurant, eating fish-soup:

"it's too late. i don't want to go out with you anymore." "but you love me, and you always will. that will never change. that's why i chose you. i chose to break-up and now i am taking it back!"

the best one yet: :lol:

the very persuasive way he kissed her - yes, the famous Victory showroom kiss, right there in public open floor - quiet unsoo must have been darn apprehensive and uncomfortable but teasing, thick-skinned Minchul was just too persuasive and irresistible!!

so it was quite duh for me to realise it was more than his own personal reasons for not wanting to go on with that engagement. (before, i'd still thought here he was pretty much the arrogant a-hole still at this point).

it also made that scene later where he said her illness gave him the excuse to come back to her .... so perfect, esp in light of how proud he always was.

can anyone answer one question for me - why didn't he want his dad at his wedding? Minji asked this question.

was he still angry with his dad?

or having come to terms with the situation .... did he not want an unpleasant reminder?

(kinda sad to see his father peering in furtively from the back and then scurrying away when he saw Sang-jae).

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Hahaha... how am I going to get out of this alive! :sweatingbullets::lol:

Nah... Minchul was just too confident of himself... always the go-getter... never the follower... what he wants, he gets it, he doesn't wait... that's what makes him "misunderstood". Yes... love is selfish and complicated... but love can also make one opens up and be totally unselfish... the cliche saying that goes "when you love somebody, set him/her free"...

Simply love your BD recaps... the more you watch it... the more we see and notice memorable pieces of love. So, how can we ever stop reminiscing this romance? :blush:

But Ju... did Minchul really say that he didn't want his father at the wedding? My BD copy didn't show such a reply... he didn't even answer... only sighing as I recall. :unsure: Thought it was the older man's feel of guilt that kept him away but still he came anyway, looking from afar? Because he's so against Yeonsoo in the first place, that one time he caught Minchul & Yeonsoo embracing in the dark... and all those 'things' he said about YS.

Oh... remember the scene afterwards where he went to visit his late wife... telling her about Minchul finally getting married? As all fathers are... he's just so happy & proud actually but consequences made everything a little awkward between them.

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Episode 12

Inside the ambulance that just sped by were Xuanzai and Shina . Shina look worrily at Xuanzai's wound on his arms, it was all because of her , refusing to listen to Xuanzai. and insisting on the session. Letting that prankster have a chance to hurt him! She held his hands tightly , never removing her eyes from the from his wound and the blood from it.

Xuanzai smooth his hands over her head : “ I am all right ! Just a scratch that’s all, really . I feel embarrassed enough going to the hospital for such a small wound '

Shina : " What are you saying ! It will be better if you have not got involve in my affairs ! That guy was targeting me! Just let him!. Why do you have to interfere ! Why are you so helpful ! “

Listening to Shina usual tone, scolding and shouting at one when inside her heart it hurts her . Xuanzai managed a weak smile :” It's not as if I had died . And that psycho was arrested by the police. Now I feel more relax since I don’t have to worry about when you will be hurt by him . "

Shina look at Xuanzai who seem really at ease now and she recall what had happened at the autograph session........


Shina was in her causal jeans and shirt that day when she appeared at Mingdon. she was on stage for an interview with the host, while Nalan and Xuanzai watched closely with alert at the fans in front of the stage. As there were too many fans crowded around the stage , Xuanzai had requested for the organizer to maintain order , and they had send out a group of staff to help keep order with little success as there were too big a crowd. On stage , Shina amidst the shouts from her screaming fans , started the song "Waiting" and immediately the crowd went silent listening to her ballad .

Xuanzai looked at Shina shining on the stage . He had witness Shina's growth, now she is really a successful singer. When he had agreed to Shina’s request to hold the autograph session, he was still feeling insecure and hence had followed her here. Perhaps he was oversensitive. Shina was sitting at the chairs provided while the fans were queuing up and coming on stage to get her autograph. Staff were stationed behind and beside her for added protection while Xuanzai was scanning the fans coming on stage , fear that the prankster will really appear.

Shina steal a glance at Xuanzai, in contrast to Xuanzai anxiety , Shina was unaffected and was signing for her fans with a care-free manner . As the event was coming to a close, everyone had relax their guard . Suddenly the staff behind Shina was attacking her with a knife in his hands.........Everyone was screaming , the fans,staff and Nalan, Luckily Shina, out of reflex manage to duck in time or perhaps because of her experience working in the bar , the killings blow from her attacker. But she is only a woman and was soon no match for her attacker who is stronger then her .

Just as Shina was being forced to a tight corner, Xuanzai managed to get through her amidst the screaming crowd , and gave her attacker a punch , and the two of them was entangled in a fight . By then , with the help from the working crew, the guy was finally captured and hand over to the police.

Xuanzai went over to Shina immediately after the attacker was finally subdued " Are you all right ?" Shina was still in a state of shock and could only stare at Xuanzai and give a short nod. Suddenly she saw the cut on his arms, and exclaim : " You are hurt ! " And hence this was how Shina and Xuanzai got to be at the hospital .

Minzhe and Yanxiu who had heard the news of this had also rushed to the emergency room . As it was the same hospital as Minzhe, Minzhe and Yanxiu was waiting outside while the ambulance arrive. Seeing the worry face of Minzhe and Yanxiu , Xuanzai who had just gotten off the ambulance simile:" I am all right. Please don’t look at me like that " and not forgetting Shina who got him here : " See, I told you I will be more embarrassed "

After having his wound attended to, Xuanzai accompany Minzhe back to his ward.Yanxiu and Shina were following behind with Yanxiu comforting Shina who went through such an ordeal . Looking at the worried Shina , Minzhe was teasing his brother : “Do you want to come and stay with me in the hospital ? Otherwise I think someone will be worry sick"

Helping Minzhe onto his bed, Xuanzai gave Shina a brief glance and was jokingly replying :" That's a good idea, I could do with some rest, it is really tiring to be running here and there " Shina immediately respond when she heard Xuanzai : " You really want to stay in the hospital ? Then I will come and visit you everyday ! What do you want to eat , I will prepare it for you "

Minzhe look at Yanxiu and both of them smile knowingly while Xuanzai : “You really take it seriously, if I had to be admitted with this small injury what about the rest ? You are really silly "

“Hey, what did you says ! It was your idea and you are blaming me ? You are really weird ! " Shina was rebuking. Seeing the two arguing non-stop, Yanxiu : “All right, the both of you, Stop arguing . This is a hospital ward, the patient need to rest " Minzhe was also cooperating with a painful expression . Shina and Xuanzai then stopped their argument feeling quite embarrassed .


Shina was accompanying Yanxiu to the nearby market to get the things for dinner tonight. Xuanzai was at the hospital with Minzhe waiting for Shina to be back .

“They caught the attacker ? " Minzhe was asking

" Yes ! Nalan called just now and said that guy is a frequent offender and his mind is unstable, keep having illusion . Once he had his eyes on someone , he will try ways and means to hurt them. The police have been keeping an eye on him... so ... that settle it ! " Xuanzai was cutting an apple as he replied .

“Shina is very concerned about you ! " Minzhe said . At his words, Xuanzai paused his cutting and answered : " I know "

“What about you ? " Minzhe took the apple and probe further. Xuanzai looked at his brother and suddenly laugh : "

“I am not sure! I am concern about Shina too, In the past I hate Father , I hate you , But now, I could not deceive myself anymore, deep inside me I care for you and Father, Minzhi and Yanxiu , I am not sure what are my feelings toward Shina, I only know I need to protect her, perhaps ...... maybe one day when my feelings may change” .

Listening to Xuanzai , Minzhe nod with understanding : “Perhaps it is better to let nature run it own course ! But, if you really want something, you need to take the initiative to fight for it, Then you won't have any regrets.”

Xuanzai : “I will. I have always been determined to get what I want "

Minzhe looked at the matured Xuanzai and his eyes were filled with approval .Perhaps there might be a lot of obstacles in the future, but as long as one heart is firm and face whatever hurdles in front with courage , perhaps beyond the hurdles there will be future you want ,faced everyday with determination and let each single day be filled with happy memories, and everyday will be a beautiful day .

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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Episode 13

Lee Xuanzai was driving his Benz onto the expressway from his office. He is listening to his new work on his care stereo system as he is driving. As he listens to the simple tune play on the piano, he could not help but frown, seems he is not satisfy with his recent work. He turn off the CD player and throw the CD onto the seat beside him, putting aside his displeasure and just concentrate on his route to fetch a VIP guest from the airport.

Xuanzai received a long distance call from his boss, the real owner of Muse, Lang Mei Mei .

"Hello ? Xuanzai ? I met this interesting new talent in US , you will like him. I have already signed the contract with him. He is on his way to Korea, make sure you fetch him from the airport. He is really good "

From Liang Mei Mei’s phone conversation, this new comer must be someone special. To receive such praises from Mei Mei, who had only been concern with providing the finance backing and leaving the running of the company to Xuanzai . Xuanzai was eager to meet this new talent.

Xuanzai entered the arrival hall of the airport and saw on the display board that the flight from US to Korea had landed. Seem he is late . He looked around .The airport was full of people coming and going , for Xuanzai to spot the new comer in this crowd, it was like fishing for the needle in the sea, since he had not even look at his photo. Just as he was looking around anxiously for any sight of the his target, he noticed two to three air stewardess crowded around a young man and was laughing :" You say.. you are cutting an album ? Then you will be a famous star " One of the stewardess was commenting .

" Of course !! And I will be the No1 . When my album is out, I will send you one. Anyway I am loaded with money.” The young man was saying, he had an arrogant expression on his face.

Xuanzai, who had wanted to ask the air stewardess with his queries, upon hearing the arrogant tone of the youngster, stop and look at him curiously. The young man was dressed in this baggy trousers and even the shirt on him seem a size too big, on his neck was a silver chain with the same silver cross. He was dressed in the Hip Hop style. Xuanzai could not help but simile at this immature young man. Just another frivolous youngster who is enjoy boasting in front of air stewardess to get their attention and worship.

That young man seemed to have notice Xuanzai staring at him . He flings his shoulder length hair and meet Xuanzai eyes. He also appeared to be judging Xuanzai with disdain. Xuanzai was wearing a dark green suit today which fit him perfectly such that it fully reveal his handsomeness, just as when the air stewardess is also admiring another fine male specimen, the young man went up to Xuanzai and just utter the question : " Are you Lee Xuanzai ?”

From the shocked expression on Xuanzai face, the young man had his victory and said to the group of girls behind him :" I am going ! " My chauffer is here. Bye beauties " His speech make the girls full of admiration for this youngster. After he had blown his farewell kissed at the group of girls, he turned to Xuanzai : What are you standing there for? Go and get my luggage ! “

Xuanzai was wondering should he be angry or laughing at the situation, this young man in front of him was ordering him without any care in the world, he broke his silence and asked :" What is your name ? How did you recognize me ? The young man who have been looking grumpy all the while answered :' My name is Yin Jun Xi, Auntie Mei show me your photo.. Em... you don’t really look much in person anyway . And with this he turned and continue his flirting with the girls.

Xuanzai finally managed to collect all the luggage and led Junxi to the carpark. Junxi with hands in his pocket does not seem to be going to offer any assistance in his luggage . Xuanai had to carry his luggage onto the car and open the door for him too. Looking at Junxi getting into the car so relaxingly, Xuanzai feel he really seems to be the chauffer . He cannot help but shook his head and start the car to Muse Records.


Lee Minzhe was sitting on the bed and buttoning up his shirt. He had been lying in hospital for two weeks and this is the happiest day . He got out of bed happily and took his changed clothes to the basket, Just then the door open and immediately he smiles widely, his beloved wife , Yanxiu is here

" Is everything ready ? You should have wait for me to arrange it " Yanxiu looked around and noted that everything in the room was packed up nicely. She understand her husband joy as she share the same feelings

" Lets go ! " Minzhe gave a charming grin to his Yanxiu. He gently put his arms around her and walk out of the ward together. He looked at Yanxiu who had pinned up her hair "Minzhi is at school ? This period must have been hard on you while I was hospitalized "

“ You should not says that ! I am your wife. This is what I should do . Oh! What would you like to eat for today ? I would prepare it for you " Yanxiu was saying

" En.. Today ? I would like to have spicy fish soup, and fired rice cake and also mixed rice.. everything." While Minzhe was in hospital, Yanxiu , want to make sure he had enough nutrition, so apart from hospital food , she had been preparing his favorite food for him , so this was a question that she will always ask Minzhe .

From his answer and his expression, Minzhe is really in a joyous mood today

" You must be really in a great mood today "

Minzhe seem to have recall something and press his head close to Yanxiu : “En.. The feeling of being back home is great !! Finally I could sleep with you again "

Listening to Minzhe, Yanxiu face blush fiercely till her face was bright red .She uses her elbows and hit him lightly, Minzhe saw the change in Yanxiu facial expression and laughed : " Really love the way your face blushed "

Yanxiu immediately pretend to be angry and keep silence. Minzhe realised his wife tactic and commented " I also love to look at the angry face "

She was defeated by his charms . Yanxiu put back the smile on her face and look at her husband. Everything was just like before, he is still as handsome and what is different, Minzhe's devotion and gentleness to her, these are all the things she cherish the most.

Welcoming the loving glance from his wife, Minzhe heart warm up . If it was the old Minzhe, he will not have this feeling. Before , he never believe in love, this was a redundant thing to him . But when he know that his hate for his father ,stepmother and even Xuanzai for so many years is just a joke. Suddenly he felt that that half of his life had been like a farce. He had kept his distance and close his heart to happenings and people around him, this was not with his own choice. Deep inside his tired and lonely heart , he also have a desire to know what is the feeling of happiness, what does it feel like to be happy ?

Yes! Yanxiu.. The first person to make him realise what is love , and what is happiness. Only she could be like the saving water to his withered heart,. and drove away the loneliness which had been his companion and replaced it with her love.

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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Episode 14

Yanxiu, with her basket of fruits, is on her way to Shina house. Shina is off today and taking a rest at home. Normally, Nalan and Shina are so busy rushing around with their schedule, the both of them forgot everything when busy. Now Shina's album is very popular and her promotion schedules and notices had also increased. Though there is Nalan to look after Shina, but Yanxiu could not help worrying about them especially since she had not seen them for a while. That's why once she heard they were off, she had went to the market to pick Shina favorite fruits

Yanxiu went up to the attic and opened the iron gate slowly,she was afraid to wake up the two who might be sleeping in the house. And she saw Pu Zheng Yin squatting on the open balcony and beside her was a pile of Shina and Nalan clothes. Yanxiu simile and walk towards her

" Morning Auntie " Yanxiu greet Zheng Yin

“Oh you are here . Morning " Zheng Yin stopped her chores at hand and turned to her

Yanxiu placed the basket of fruits on a chair and rolled up her sleeves: Auntie, let me help you " She immediately picked up one clothes ready to start washing .

“No, it’s okay ! Leave it to me " Zhengyin answered hurriedly. She had learned a lot from Nalan about the happenings between Yanxiu and Shina. She is filled with gratitude toward this person who had taken such great care of Shina , how could she bear to let Yanxiu trouble herself to help her

“Its all right , Auntie. It is faster with two person .” Yanxiu smiled and answered Zhengyin and just went ahead to filled up the pail with water. And then squat beside Zhengyin and starting washing the clothes

Seeing Yanxiu already at work, Zhenyin did not have anything more to says and just pick up one of Shina clothing and immersed it into the water. Staring at the clothes, she said to Yanxiu: “About Shina .. I am really grateful for your help “

Yanxiu turned to look at Zhengyin, while she continue : “Actually, I have been struggling about the reconciliation with Shina. For Shina, is this really good for her ? All these years , once I stare into the mirror, I will see my sister speaking to me : I will leave my daughter in your hands . You know, my sister had always been very lively and strong... I see this in Shina.. And Shina stubbornness and strong minded to refuse defeat seem so much like Ming Qing .. Finding Shina, is not only to fulfill my duty towards my sister but in a way... it is also a compensation to myself, I finally found my kin “

Yanxiu looked at Zhenyin, age had already leave its mark on her with graying hair and wrinkles.. she is really not young anymore, and all this years..... within Zhenyin there is this determination and regrets , she had been living alone in her search for Shina , just purely due to this emotional link with her kins, to find her only living family.

Yanxiu's was really touched. She grasp Zhenyin hand firmly and said : “Shina is really very fortunate . She already posses beyond anything that she think she have, Auntie, thank you so much for appearing into Shina's life. I believe you will be there to guard over her just like her mother will "


Lee Xuanzai led Yin Jun Xi into the apartment just in front

This was initially intended by Liang Mei Mei, to be given to Xuanzai, but he had been living in Senior Wu Zheng Hao house, so this house had been empty. Now it was just nice to be use for Yin Junxi . As he did not have any relatives in Korea and being a member of Muse Records, it natural to give their singers suitable quarters as staff benefits

Xuanzai opened the door and Junxi followed behind him

”This will be your home in future, you could use anything in here. Today you could take a rest and I will fetch you tomorrow morning to the company .” Xuanzai was saying as he open the lights in the apartment. Yesterday after meeting Junxi at the airport, Xuanzai had wanted to take him to the company for a look . But Junxi had commented to his suggestion :” I just got off the plane ..I am tired ! I want to rest .”

Although, it was sort of complain , but it was really a long distance flight and Junxi must be suffering from jet lag . So Xuanzai had took him to Wu Zheng Hao house. But his kind gesture was not appreciated . When he entered Wu house, Jun Xi turned and said to Xuanzai : “What type of place is this .. I don’t want to live here. I want to be in the best hotel “

Now... even the usually good-tempered Xuanzai could no longer control himself. He replied in a stern tone to the young man : " Fine ! Today you will be staying here or no where else "

Yin Junxi suddenly gone speechless. Because of his silence, the atmosphere have this eerie feeling. Xuanzai was waiting for Junxi respond and was also silent . The first to break the ice was Yin Junxi . He slowly went around Xuanzi and picked up the luggage that Xuanzai had been carrying for him .Wearing a smile of victory.. he pat Xuanzai on the shoulders " Its okay if I had to stay here !!I apologize for just now That was a small punishment for you being late "

That night, Junxi slept on the floor and with no situation happening. Xuanzai was the one who could not sleep as he was full of question about this young man . He had such alternative style, Xuanzai had decided secretly that he must found out the background of this man . Frankly he had that compelling X factor that demand one's full attention ,


The room had been renovated based on the request from Liang Mei Mei . The apartment had everything one need with very comfortable bedroom, living room and kitchen. Even the soundproof studio that was purposely build for Xuanzai was still intact with the electronic organ and all recording system. It just that the person moving in is not Xuanzai but Yin Junxi

Junxi looked around the room and to the surprise of Xuanzai , he just said nod lightly and said :” Ok. Be here tomorrow to fetch me . Now please leave "

Xuanzia left the apartment. He sat in the car and still was as clueless about this Yin Junxi as before, he decide to give Meimei a call when he is back in office.

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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Off topic JW

Updated Jan.16,2006 20:48 KST

Choi Ji-woo Sets her Sights on Hong Kong


With the Japanese mega-hit drama "Rondo" under her belt, Korean star Choi Ji-woo is set to make a foray into Hong Kong.

As the first episode of "Rondo," the special drama created in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), boosted the network's ratings to 20 percent as it took to the air on Sunday, Choi Ji-woo prepared for her visit to Hong Kong to attend the opening ceremony of a new Christian Dior shop at the Festival Walk in Kowloon this Wednesday.

The Hong Kong press speculated that the grand opening ceremonies will be packed with reporters and fans gathering to see Choi, as her popularity soared in Hong Kong after the drama "Stairway to Heaven" was aired in the territory. Choi has been active as an Asian model for Christian Dior cosmetics since March of last year.

This is Choi's first official visit to Hong Kong, which makes it all the more exciting for the press and fans, according to the papers there. A Hong Kong-based newspaper, Mingpao, reported that Choi Ji-woo is to be styled "marvelously" by a special Christian Dior-affiliate beautician using the latest products from the company for her appearance to cut the ribbon. The paper also added a detailed introduction to the shop, which is being touted as "the first beauty concept shop in the world."

The 120 minute-long special first episode of "Rondo" captivated Japanese viewers who applauded that the first episode was so well-made that it "seemed like a movie." In Japan, soap operas whose first episode brings in 20 percent or higher ratings are classified as "mega hit" as opposed to a mere "hit."

The ratings for the premier of the show that kicked-off the Korean Wave in Japan in the first place, "Winter Sonata," were a mere 9 percent of the viewing market, and those of the first episodes of "Stairway to Heaven" and "Beautiful Days" also were incapable of achieving more than 10 percent. When that is considered, the first episode of "Rondo" which raked in 20 percent ratings is a laudable accomplishment.

Choi says her hard work is paying off, but "I'm not going to let myself be content with the ratings of the first show. I want to incite a change that is the localization of the Korean Wave in Japan, and I'm going to giving it all I've got till the very end"

(englishnews@chosun.com )

Source: Digital Chosunilbo


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But Ju... did Minchul really say that he didn't want his father at the wedding? My BD copy didn't show such a reply... he didn't even answer... only sighing as I recall. :unsure: Thought it was the older man's feel of guilt that kept him away but still he came anyway, looking from afar? Because he's so against Yeonsoo in the first place, that one time he caught Minchul & Yeonsoo embracing in the dark... and all those 'things' he said about YS.

Oh... remember the scene afterwards where he went to visit his late wife... telling her about Minchul finally getting married? As all fathers are... he's just so happy & proud actually but consequences made everything a little awkward between them.

no, Minchul didn't - nothing wrong with your copy, Rube! :lol:

i was just wondering why his dad wasn't there. and when his sister said "dad should be here too" Minchul just kinda just gave that non-commital smile he does (when he doesn't want to talk about it?)

can't be the dad not wanting to come (or else why was he sneaking around behind?), i just had the impression no one invited him.

don't really understand the awkwardness either, bec they were all quite comfortably living together as a family by this time - no choice either, since so many challenging events kept coming up that they have to deal with.

but you're probaby spot-on with the guilt-ridden examples you gave. thanks! B)

sigh, 4(?) yrs now and still asking questions abt BD!

i like it lots, but funny how i have no questions to ask at all abt Lovers In Prague!

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I think... they did tell him about the wedding, my guess would (still) be Minji... not Minchul (he's a shy groom :P).. but they were not sure if he would come. Yeah.. while they're a family again... perhaps the awkwardness is more towards Yeonsoo... the one his son is marrying. Maybe that's what kept him away... at first. When the newlyweds return from their honeymoon... father-in-law... was beaming but a bit sad & embarrased?

Hahaha... BD... Minchul... what have you done to us? :P

Maybe we'd still talk about this drama another 4 years to come *gulp!*... if LBH doesn't come back with a drama soon! :lol:

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Episode 15

Lee Xuanzai, in his light gray suit appeared in Muse Records. He is now sitting in his office and opposite him is Yin Junxi. Junxi was commenting impatiently : “Hey .. aren’t you supposed to introduce me to the company? What are we doing now ? Wasting life………. "

Xuanzai frown a little and stared at Junxi . After his call with Mei Mei yesterday , thought he did not find out too much useful information on Yin Junxi , but he had some insight on his character.. like now .... his impatient tone indicates that he want to shift his attention,

Xuanzai smile and answered calmly : " Be patient .. It still early, since you are in Muse Records now , there is someone you need to meet ………….

“Who ?” Junxi rudely cut off his sentence ...

Just as Xuanzai was to continue ... his door opened and a clear female voice ...

“Xuanzai , you are so early !!.... Have you eat.... ? "

Its Shina . Apparently she saw that apart from Xuanzai, there is another stranger in the room and stopped in mid sentence. She looked puzzlingly at the young man and walk to Xuanzai side and whisper to him: “Who is he? "

Xuanzai put his hand on Shina shoulder and said to Junxi : ‘She is Kim Shina. Muse's Records best singer and is considered your senior .

And to Shina ; " He is Yin Junxi , the new talent that MeiMei had discovered in US . The two for you had met , now learn to work well together . It was MeiMei’s idea to make the both of you have a proper introduction. ”

“Yin Junxi ? .... Hi, You are cutting an album ?" Kim Shina was not very polite to the boldly dressed young man in front of her. She was angry as he did not so much as gave her a glance when Xuanzai introduced her . It was so rude of him

While Shina was angry at Junxi attiude, he just habitually fling his hair and simile: “Senior.. This shortie is my senior .. you will bully me I bet , rite "

“What did you call me ? how tall do you think you are !! you long haired weirdo !!" Shina could not control her anger and blast out at him

“Long haried weirdo ? What did you says !! I am at least ten times better looking then you ! ” Junxi continue his challenge

“You.... ” Shina was just about to rebuke him when Xuanzai give a cough behind her

Listening to Xuanzai interference, Shina clam down slowly. She turned and smile embarrassingly and then with a very strained voice : " It's unladylike to argue with

unreasonable guys like you . Anyway, this just prove that we do not agree .. in future stay away from me in the office. Do you understand ! '

Yin Junxi listen with a very interested look . He stared at Shina who also returned his stare and was slowly rolling her sleeves ready to prepare herself for war "

Xuanzai gave Shina a light pat on her shoulder , only then did she stop her murdering stare and stand quietly beside Xuanzai. Xuanzai gave her s smile and turned to Junxi : “Now , Shina will show you around the office "

“Xuanzai .!!.... ”Shina could not believe her ears.. Xuanzai is actually asking her to take this man who is so disagreeable, around the office . Though she was unwilling, but looking at Xuanzai, she did not want to disobey his words. Seem she had to carry out this chore .

“Okay .. ”Shina answered


Listening to Shina lifeless reply , and seeing her unwillingness , Xuanzai gave Shina an encouraging touch on the head and immediately Shina return him with a simile

Yin Junxi was observing and saw the exchange between the both of them “what is their relationship ? " He seem to have uncovered an interesting question and with a very impolite tone to his senior : " Senior , could we go now !! "

Shina looked with disgust at Yin Junxi . It was already so hard to find an excuse to stay beside Xuanzai for long and now with this nuisance to damp the atmosphere. But there is still work today and Shina leave Xuanzai with reluctance. Now she said to Junxi waiting at the door : “Folllow me "

Lee Xuanzai lean on the edge the table and looked at Yin Junxi and Shina as they walk out of his door together. Shina's impulsive temper is well known but now with a Yin Junxi, Xuanzai could not help worrying about the fate of Muse Records.. but perhaps there will be new sparks too


Lee Minzhe was in the company very early . For the past week, he had been the first one to be at work, to compensate for the days lost when he was hospitalized and keep up pace with his work load. Now sitting at his table a, he looks at the photograph of Yanxiu on his desk and immediately simile. For the sake of Yanxiu and his child, he had to work harder . He put on his glasses to read the documents on his desk and began his hectic day ahead

His phone rang and automatically Minzhe picked up the phone " Hello, this is Lee Minzhe ”

"Yanxiu, where are you now? " Minzhe gave a quick look at the clock . He had been deeply immersed in his work and completely forgotten the time . Now it is already 4 pm , Yanxiu must have knocked off from work .

" I am on the bus. Minzhi will be at her society gathering and dad is also out to look for his friends. That leave only the both of us today . Do you want to come home for dinner ?” Yanxiu was asking gently

“Oh ... Then ... why not you take a rest today and I will bring you out for dinner " Minzhe was suggesting

“Okay. I will be sending Minzhi drawing for framing and will catch you later in the office ” Yanxiu was preparing to alight as she was replying to Minzhe on the phone,

“Okay, I will wait for you . ”Minzhe hung up with a smile and then went back to his work


Kim Yanxiu rushed up to the 6th floor where Avio is located. She had sent Miznhi drawing to the shop she frequent for framing. And seeing the other drawing materials in the ship had lost track of time while busy with shopping. Minzhe must be waiting and perhaps worry. She walked with quick steps into the company which was already empty

Yanxiu went right towards office where there is still light and did not see Minzhe when she look through the glass windows. She was puzzled and went into the room and discovered Minzhe on the sofa fast asleep . She slow down her steps and kneel beside him , listening to his steady breathing and relax expression, she look lovingly at Minzhe. Her heart ached at his tiredness.

Yanxiu took his suit jacket from the chair and placed it gently over Minzhe. This gesture seem so familiar, seen she had done it for Minzhe before and he had always woke up because of this gesture, but this time he didn't, Perhaps he is really tired "

Yanxiu was recalling her past memories while sitting beside and looking at Minzhe

In the past , Minzhe had always make her emotionally unstable because of his distance aloofness, so no one could ready understand him . It was just like a roller coaster ride, Minzhe aloofness was due to his inability to express his emotion. Minzhe distance was because he was filled with hatred, his hate towards his father and Xuanzai and his stepmother... Actually Minzhe is more afraid of loneliness than anyone.. That is why he had always put on this proud and ruthless exterior in front of everyone... That was a Minzhe who make one heart ache by trying so hard to keep everyone from going near him or his heart . When she had fall in love with him, the only thought in her mind was to bring happiness to him

Now the Minzhe is gentle and considerate , he had forgotten his hate towards Xuanzai , now the two of them are like real brothers, trusting and helping each other. It does not really matter whether it was the unfeeling Minzhe , the gentle Minzhe , the ruthless Minzhe .. the playful Minzhe ... all these belong to only one man that is the true love of her life .

Just as when Yanxiu was engrossed in her memories ... Minzhe had slowly open his eyes from his sleep. When he noticed that Yanxiu was beside him, he glanced at his watch and saw that it was already 8 pm.

He stood up quickly and said to Yaxniu : “Have you been here for long .. Why did not you wake me ? "

Yanxiu said : “Sorry I was late .. I saw you sleeping so soundly just like an angel and could not bear to wake you "

Minzhe laugh : " Angel ?? This angel is hungry .. May I ask if the angel’s wife would care for a dinner ?"

Minzhe reached for the glass on the table for a drink and discovered it was empty

“I will help you get one " Yanxiu took over the glass and was able to turn toward the pantry : " Ah ...

Yanxiu short shout raise Minzhe anxiety as he saw the painful expression on her face.

He immediately went and help her to sit . ‘Yanxiu , What happened ?

Yanxiu touched her stomach and slowly reply with wonder : " Our baby just kicked me "

“Really ... ! " Minzhe now could relax and also smooth his hands over Yanxiu stomach, using his hands to feel the slight movement within, it was just like an electric current, it shocked both Minzhe and Yanxiu ( the parents to be ) .. such an inspiring interaction

Minzhe was very touched and look at Yanziu who answered his glance with a contented smile. He lightly places a kiss on her cheeks .

This is his wife .. this is his child ... he possess the happiest family in the whole world...

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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Episode 16

Lee Minzhe and Yanxiu were just returning from their dinner at a roadside stall, there was a nice autumn breeze , as they slowly stroll towards the subway station. Minzhe was holding Yanxiu hands and she look better today. Her morning sickness due to pregnancy had improved a lot

Being a man, this was the first time that Minzhe had experienced this so when Yanxiu was throwing up during the early stages of her pregnancy, Minzhe was at his wits end whenever he saw her running into the kitchen whenever she feels unwell. Yanxiu eating habits had changed a lot since her pregnancy and what worry Minzhe most is Yanxiu health condition, how her body is taking all these changes. With the changes this new life is bringing , Minzhe has to face it together with Yanxiu and not back away

What's on your mind "

Minzhe recovered from his thoughts and smile at her : Your health " Looking at the questioning look from Yanxiu , he further explain : Thinking about the time when you were just pregnant .. that was really a tough time

Yanxiu could see the concern in Minzhe eyes and she answered lightly : Yes, that was a time when I use to feel tired very often and sometimes dizzy spells.... Now if you look back at that time.. actually I think it was also hard on you... you had to stand my bad tempers as due to pregnancy.. i have this mood swing.. sometimes i could be in such good mood but so depressed on other days ... But .. that is all over now... with you beside me ... i feel that everything is just wonderful

Yanxiu stopped her steps and turned to Minzhe : Thank you

Minzhe as usual return her thanks with his charming grin . He continue to hold her hands as they head home . Minzhe continue to study his sweet loving wife walking beside him. She had that content smile on her and Minzhe also feel happiness within. He had lost this feeling before.. When he realize that his father was the murderer of Xuanzai father when he want to escape from his heart and hand Yanxiu over to Xuanzai who love her more.. not realizing that Yanxiu had already been a indispensable part of him.. He was worry that he could never bring happiness to Yanxiu , happiness that she truly want and deserve.. So he had choose to escape .. forsaking Yanxiu who truly love him . Looking at the Yanxiu beside him now, he is not longer afraid .. He will let her live happily from now on ..


Lee Xuanzai called Yin Junxi into his room. Today was the training day scheduled for him. Junxi entered into the room tiredly . Looking at his exhausted expression . Xuanzai said :" What happen to you ? "

“Before the company training start.. I want to have a one month leave " Xuanzai recall Junxi’s request a month ago . Now the deadline is up , and he was thinking the leave was for Junxi to adopt to his new environment.. but from his expression today.. it does not seem to be what Xuanzai had thought

“I am all right . When do the training start .. “

My assistant will pass the timetable to you. But there is a meeting in the afternoon to decide on your singing style and image. Don’t be late.” Xuanzai replied

Junxi left without a word .. still as arrogant as ever

Xuanzai could only sigh at the closed door in front of him . But his heavy work load did not leave him time to ponder over Junxi . Like now, he had to be at the meeting room to discuss Shina new single album

“Chief, Mr Lee from Avio is here " This coming from the intercom on his table. Xuanzai immediately answered : “Okay. Please ask him and Shina to be at the meeting room "Xuanzai recovered his thoughts just now and picked up the relevant documents for his meeting

In the meeting room, Lee Mingzhe and Xia Jichan are both present. Shina and Nalan also entered the room and when they saw Minzhe, Shina happily greet him :"Hi, "

Nalan : "Director , it been a while . Are you feeling okay ? "

Mimzhe smile at her concern and Nalan continue : “What about Yanxiu, she is doing fine ? Everytime I want to call her on the mobile, it is always too late, so I only send her message

Nalan is those kind who could talk non stop once she see her friends, her joyful nature always put people at ease and make you feel better. Minzhe could only respond to her warm concern with a reassuring smile

“Is everyone here ? So .. we could start the meeting about Shina new single .. "Xuanzai was saying as he entered the room, not wanting to waster any time

Everyone in the meeting room was focus on one matter , this was a rapport established by their long term working relationship


Different time but same place, but the subject of their discussion had changed to Yin Jun Xi . This is Lee Minzhe first meeting with the new comer, and Xuanzai had make the introduction : "This is our newcomer Yin Jun Xi, Ms Liang signed him up in USA "

“Hi, I am Lee Minzhe, in charge of all promtional plans " Minzhe had stretch out his hands to welcome Yin Jun Xi standing in front of him .

Yin Junxi appears to be judging Minzhe, and he slightly raise his eyebrows after his inspection and shake Minzhe hands : “You have style , I like that "

Minzhe smile at Yin Jun xi . Looking at the youngster in front of him, he found a sense of familiarity , perhaps it is that same cynical attitude or rather overconfidence .

Xuanzai took out his data and said to Minzhe : "Boss did not really specify what type of album Yin Jun xi should have , so I want to hear the singer's opinion first ""

Liang Mei Mei had been in USA for a long time, apart from the fact that her personal affairs had been settle in Korea, another main reason was that she did not want to be involve in Korea music industry anymore, afraid of picking up unhappy memories. But now, she had taken the initiative to sign up Yin Jun Xi , seems that he must have triggered off the interest to music which Meimei had buried deep inside her .What talent does he really possess ?

“As what I know, now the trend of Korea music is toward technopop music, the tune must be easily remembered and smooth, but there is also the hip hop music style, it could be R&B , it could be soft rock , or it could be with a bit of foreign style.. right I have always compose my own music, and I am very emotional, when I am in a good mood, I may not be singing a dance tune , if I am down , I might sing a Latin song that is me, I want to do my own music. “”

Yin Jun Xi had talk about actually what is happening in the Korea music development to the surprise of Minzhe and Xuanzai

This had always been what Lee Xuanzai been most curious about . Minzhe did not conceal his admiration for Tin Junxi, he smile and said to him : “Heard that you were in US before, how did you learn of all this Korea music development and trend ? by sitting along Korea streets for one month “

Yin Junxi heard Minzhe queries and gave him a knowingly smile which explain all Minzhe doubts.

Yes, Yin Junxi had applied for one month leave to better understand Korea music, and to do that , he had to be close to the people and listen to them , that will capture what the ordinary people are listening to , For one month, he had went to records shop to observe the buying habit of the people , went to the streets to listen to the street performers to see what type of music are they listening to . The report of the company is just data and not accurate .... this is real.

From Minzhe and Junxi conversation exchange, Lee Xuanzai could not help but admire Junxi , he might really surprise Xuanzai with his talent. Now Xuanzai even surprise himself with how eager he is to listen to this Yin Jun Xi works

"Okay, This time you will produce your own EP, the demo meeting will be next Monday, Mr Lee will also be present, is there any problems ? Junxi ? "

Yin Jun Xi nodded to accept the arrangement and Xuanzai continue : “But I must stressed now that if Mr Lee and I are not satisfy with your works, you will have to follow what Muse records will planed for you in the style of your album , you must understand this . “

Junxi stood up and said : "Ok I agree"As he walk out of the room , he bid farewell to Minzhe :”See you next Monday “”

Once the door is closed, Xuanzai immediately turned and asked Minzhe : What do you think of him

Minzhe looked at Xuanzai who is anxiously waiting for his answer: "He look okay and have character.. But let hope he won’t disappoint me next Monday

Xuanzai : Okay, next money we will know how talented he really is . Xuanzai suddenly felt foolish at his worry .

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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Episode 17

While everyone is busy with their life , time just slip by beyond our control.

One week later, lee Minzhe and his subordinate Xia Jizhai are at A-vio, busy with the project with the Japanese company to introduce their artist into Korea.

Minzhe is saying to Xia Jichan:

”Now we has to inform our national TV station what the Japanese company had requested. And also about the fees demand by the radio station for playtime, we need to inform the Japan side. We need to get the promotional posters of the singers from Japan so we could send it out to our media, the promotion work must start well before the singer arrive . ”

Xia was busy taking down what Minzhe had instructed, he always has a good working attitude which Minzhe strongly admire. Minzhe : “So I will leave this entire task in your hands, on your trip to Japan. ”

To make the cooperation between the Japanese goes more smoothly, Minzhe had send Xia to Japan, to show how important they value their relationship with them . This is, what Minzhe had learned from his previous business dealings.

Xia assured Minzhe : “Okay. I will do my best "He looked at his watch and then asked : “Chief, are we going to Muse Records today ? The newcomer Yin Junxi songs demo date ?

Minzhe remembered that young man who is like a puzzle: “Rite, I will be there myself. Jizhai, you can take the day off to prepare for your Japan trip ”

“Okay’. Jizhai left the room

Lee Minzhe was tidying up the materials on his table. He switched off his computer and picked up his briefcase to head for Muse Records.

Lee Minzhe put on his suit coat and walk out of the office. He saw the ""Repair in progress’ sign outside the lift. Looking at his watch, he turned immediately towards the exit door to take the stairs . He was walking down the stairs, his mind as usual on office matters. Suddenly, he felt the stairs seems to be swaying right in front of him, he immediately grasp hold of the stairs handle to steady himself .

Just at the moment, there was complete darkness and he cannot see.

“What is going on ?”Minzhe still have no time to ponder over what is happening when everything back to normal and he regain his sight. He shrugged his shoulder and continue his way down. “Perhaps I have been working too hard recently and having illusions.” Minzhe was thinking to himself explaining away what had just occurred


Once at Muse Records, Minzhe headed straight for the meeting room, Lee Xuanzai was already inside waiting, and he turned to greet him : “Brother ! You are here ”

Minzhe respond with a smile and asked : “How Shina preparation work coming along ? You asked me to be earlier to listen to Shina New EP, rite ?”

Xuanzai took out the tape and with a very wide grin : “Smart guy . That is what I actually intended. Just finished yesterday, and I think it should fit Shina . Here’s the earphones . Listen and give your opinion ”

Minzhe took over the earphones and concentrate on listening to Xuanzai new work, while Xuanzai was observing Minzhe facial expression to get a clue of what he think

“Xuanzai , will this song be accompany by a dance routine with slow and fast numbers” Minzhe finished the song and asked .

Xuanzai nod at Minzhe : “Yes. We had hired a dance instructor from US to teach Shina the basic steps , the rest of the dance choreography will also be completed before the EP is done.”

Look at Xuanzai so full of confidence, Minzhe commented : “Now , you really could handle it independently ”

Just then, the meeting room door opened and in come Yin Junxi, He was wearing a blue baseball uniform, He first smile at Minzhe and Xuanzai and raise the tape in his hands : “DONE”

Right in front of Xuanzai and Minzhe , Yin Junxi inserts the tape into the stereo and presses the play button.


Xuanzai and Minzhe are still in the meeting room . Xuanzai still held in his hands the tape left behind by Junxi. He turned to Minzhe : “His songs ..... it is really different ”

Minzhe nodded lightly in agreement : “Ms Liang really had good judgment . This guy will be the topic of the town ”

Xuanzia placed the tape into the stereo again. With piano as the background tune, the rhythm like drumbeats coming from the primeval forest. The drumbeats are so energetic, like the sound of life . The tune went into a R&B style folk songs. This is one song that will make the listener both bewilder and captivate.

Yin Junxi had mixed such different music and compose something so special and unforgettable

Xuanzai finally saw the real talent of Junxi, as a song composer himself , he had to admit and admire Junxi's talent

“He really is a talent , but just that his character is too stubborn.This has not appear before in Korea music industry, how will the consumer accept this . Muse records need to consider the impact " Minzhe broke the silence and point out his views .

Xuanzai stared at the stereo and nod :" He just agree to accept Muse Records training the course might make him change . Of course.. this is what I hope too.”

Xuanzai stood up and tidy up the documents and lyrics on the table. He turned to look at Minzhe

“Minzhe was rubbing his eyes Xuanzai saw this and asked : Brother Are you all right ”

Hearing Xuanzai’s voice, Minzhe put down his hands. He opened his eyes and saw the concerned look on Xuanzai .

He smile lightly : “I am okay . Perhaps too tired.” In fact he also could not explain the uncomfortable ness that had just happen again

“Don’t stress yourself. If it is time to take a rest you should . You used to be so busy with your work, in the past, and you still have not changed. You cannot go on like this you know ”: Xuanzai was trying to persuade Minzhe

Minzhe looked at Xuanzai reasoning with him. In his eyes, he is like a good friend but also a brother, he did not speak any words but just pat Xuanzai on the shoulder , as a respond to his concern.

Minzhe and Xuanzai for half of their life, they had faced each other with hate and shut each other out of their heart. When he learnt from his father that Xuanzai is his half brother, Minzhe only thought of his mother who had passed away from illness . How could he treat mother like that . Minzhe started hating Xuanzai and Mingzi and always gave them the cold shoulder . Inside his young heart, there is no hope anymore

Xuanzai had also learnt to stay away from Minzhe as he knew that no matter how good he treat Minzhe, he will not be appreciated

Now they had resolved their difference and like what Minzhe said : “ If I had known you are not father flesh and blood, we could be good friends. Friends who can enjoy a drink and chat together.

Now they have become good friends, a pair of extraordinary friends .

Credit: BD2 fanfic by Mena & translated by Shirley.st

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