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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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i'm chinese and sometimes i find it anoying that chinese ppl try to incorporate random japanese words in their speech..like.."That's so KAWAII!!"..oh god..thats horrible..XD..i mean, if u actually like the culture, then it's ok..but when u say things like that, its really annoying..i mean..saying "kawaii" makes them sound kinda "desperate"..lol..altho i do like singing korean songs..XD..but its not to be cool..i just like it..just like how i also like chinese and english songs..

LOL..talking about giving urself korean names...i went to a "pinkberry" in korean town in NY..the waiter asked me what was my name..i told him "Ada"..i guess he couldn't hear me right cuz when i got my ice cream..it said "Ayoung"..LOL..i dunno where that came from..and my friend's name got koreanized too..from "Yue" to "Yoo"..XD..im gonna start calling myself Ayoung now just to annoy some korean ppl...is that even a real name?

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Guest smile-jw

I'm Chinese and quite proud. XD

I like korean music etc but it doesnt mean I WANT to be Korean.

Its just a cool culture.

My friends kinda try to be korean, and it gets annoying somtimes..

Its just like when people start saying "OH EM GEE THATS SO KAWAII!~"

It just gets annoying, thats all. XP

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OMG I know .. people keep doing the heart signs with their arms and saying saranghae

I mean just bc celebrities do it, doesn't mean you have to do it like all the time!

and people used to say kawaii a lot and other 'cute' jpn words

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Guest leongfun
uh... i think im one of these people who say anhyang haseyo to koreans i know, only because (and you guys will hate me for this) if i say stuff in their language (viet, japanese, thai, russian etc.), i show that im willing to be friends with them...

the fact that i even bothered to look up or ask them how to say a greeting in their language shows that "hey ill hang with you guys. now teach me how to say hi so we know how to appreciate some other countries' language."

if i dont know how to greet you in your own language, you can be sure that im just waiting for you to get approximately 5 steps away from me.

PLUS, most of the time they're willing to teach me their language, so plus side of getting taught is

a) have something to talk about, and theyre comfortable with, when you hardly know each other.

b.) shows them you're open and accepting, and not racist. KEY POINT. (btw: im asian, so no racism here.)

You can be asian and be racist still (to other races), lol, but yeah, I know what you're saying.
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Guest illicitsc

Kinda off topic but on the same note. I'm chinese and so is my friend, and he's a total japtard wannabe. I hate his random japanese vocab he sticks into his daily speech. It's total kool-aidgotry.

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Guest pandadeath

Why are the Asians speaking English here?? Are you all trying to be British or something? And why do a lot of you have American-sounding names? What is this!? D:

To me, if someone is fond of learning your language, culture, etc., you should be happy. Is it better if they starting bashing your nationality or completely ignoring your culture? No, because everyone knows it's more fun when you're acknowledged.

I guess since I say "hola" sometimes, my hispanic friends have secretly been annoyed of me wanting to be something I'm not... Even though I just like saying the language. Darn.

Uugh. Why does Donghae from Super Junior introduce himself as "Aiden" when speaking in English? I guess that means he's trying to be something he's not... Not cool.

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Guest caramele-peech

i personally think its nice that people are interested in learning about my culture, language etc.

i have a friend that wanted to know how to write and read korean so i taught her =]

i havent ever come across a person that says "OMG I WANT TO BE KOREAN" straight out T-T that would be a bit awkward. but if someone wants to have/be something you are.. shouldn't you be happy??

BUT people who write "JAEJOONG-EEE OPPA SARANGHAE YOOO~~~^^" all over their myspace/whatever annoy me. using terms like 'oppa' and 'nuna' are meant to be to show respect so when people use it to act all cute.. V-V

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Haha. No one will ever be impressed when someone tries to be something that he/she isn't.

Yeah, that's true

I get so annoyed when people try to act all korean when they're not ><

what's wrong with other asian races :tears:

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Guest jenny____x

umm, i would say i dont think its nice, but it does really get annoying.

i mean, i think its nice that other people have interest in my culture, since i am korean

but it gets annoying when people try to bust out in korean

and try to be all confident even though they say it totally wrong.

and it is annoying when people ask me to write their name in korean

or to say something in korean.


im not a walking translator T.T

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Guest chocopocky

I know a bunch of asians who are like that. lol

Like they listen to too much


or watch too much Korean dramas, they shout out random Korean phrases to sound 'cute' but not really :crazy: ..

My Korean friends normally gets annoyed with it, really.

I wonder if it's any different from Americans trying to talk British and failing miserably?

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Guest HELLnawITSc

It's cool anytime ANYONE is interested in ANY CULTURE for whatever reason. And if someone shows interest in your culture, have an open mind about it...

I can see why people would get annoyed though, BUT only when it gets excessive.

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Guest sagejin.

ASIAN people...?

Wanting to be Korean? :blink:

What's wrong with the ethnicity they already are?

Haha, but I do find it annoying.

Trying to be Korean; when they are already Asian.

It's like you want to be Korean..

And just throw away being what race you really are. :mellow:

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Guest sassy-grl

I think it's disrespectful when people TRY to actually BE another culture. It's fine to admire, respect, and appreciate another culture, but to give up your own ethnicity to emulate another is disrespectful to your parents' upbringing of you and the culture you originally come from. It's sad for me to see people actually TRY to look and act like another ethnicity (and some go as far as cosmetic surgery to get certain features). It's like your own culture isn't good enough for you. That's really heartbreaking.

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Guest leongfun

Two of my Vietnamese friends use to always argue saying how, "You're not saying it right!!! It's anya-something-something!" Then she would be like, "I WATCH KOREAN DRAMAS EVERYDAY. I THINK I SHOULD KNOW." loooooooool.

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Guest touche`

I'm not annoyed about it, I'm excited actually. If they want a Hmong name, I'm willing to give them one. If they consider me as a Chinese, it is a TOTAL DIFFERENT STORY. I think that (SOME) Korean people have too much pride that they make it seems as if nobody can't be like them.

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there's some englishman actually learned how to speak cantonese or manderin!

im not annoyed about that..

im actually happy that some other culture is interested in chinese culture..

i'll sometimes get annoyed when people think it's cute saying those girly-cutey stuff..

those makes me wanna punch them!

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Guest crescendoll

I think it's really cool when someone learns another language. I find it really awesome when I find a white person speaking Cambodian fluently (my native language). I myself try to learn other languages like French or Portuguese.

But I have to agree, when someone abuses another culture by excessively flaunting it or something, that gets a bit annoying. :T

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