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Asian Issues And Racism

Guest heygingersnap

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Guest melimoocow

i heard it frequently in middle school

and believe it or not, im in college and some frat boys were yelling at my friends and me, but so far that's the only instance like that i've encountered at my school

it still makes me really mad when people say things like that; but for the most part i can laugh it off because honestly, who give a richard simmons about idiots like that?

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yes I just want to smack them.

I'm learning japanese and my mom

did that..I told her to shutup in japanese >.>

She went "ching fon wooooooow!" god if

she was going to tease she should of

at least made it "sound" japanese =_=

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Guest lovetoday.

omgush i hate it when people do that

so annoying ~ urghhhhhhhh .

i dont get why they do it though ..

whats the point .. so racist ..

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Guest pepprmint

hehh, i actually find it amusing when they say that to me, cuz to me, they just sound like retards, so i just laugh at them in their face :P

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It can get irritating. But then again a lot of people take it in different ways. Sometimes I let it slide. But if I'm not in a good mood I usually retort in a similar fashion like "why don't you go visit you're uncle hitler? you all look alike to me anyway. Anything else to say? Thought not" stuff like that more often than not shuts em up. But most times it's just best to let the ignorant one's just do what they do and take pity on their poor upbringing in manners.

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Guest pink lemons.

i hate when people say "ching chong china man/girl!" whenever they see an asian person.

it makes me cringe.

and i'm not even asian.

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seriously wish that I could meet the first person who said that.

I want to beat the crap out of that person.

It really annoys me. People could be such idiots.

They're so serious about it too. so curious about gibberish.

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Guest littlemisssunsunshine

if you're asian, i dont take offense. period. thats just the way it is :)

if you're not, but you dont sound like you meant it to be offensive, i might be slightly irritated

and if you meant for it to sound rude, i'd be full ticked off.

if anyone ever said that, i'd probs be like "huh, are you chinese? good to know" lol

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Guest yumidoma

hmm. seems that people in the world are very uneducated today.

me: hey

him: yo. you're that girl from hong kong right?

me: um... yes

him: konnichiwa~ i love fried rice. oh and why can you speak e--nn-gul-isshh so well ?

me: *rolls my eyes and walks away*

LAMO...... i luv..ur reaction...i would do the same....

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Guest repeat_on_echo

There's like 1 or 2 people in my school who say stupid things like that, which really pisses me off and offends me, but I ignore them 'cause I just don't want them to know I care.

I think it's very rude, and very racist, and people should stop. It's getting out of hand,

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Guest EchoOff

used to happen. and like, even now, some of my so called friends tease me with it.

my spanish friend call me chino, hehe. i guess it means chinese in spanish?

but anyway, you can't really stop it- i mean, there are always gonna be stupid people out there.

it's not like we go around saying weird stuff in spanish that doesn't even mean anything.

but like i said... there're always gonna be stupid people out there.

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Guest pockyPIRATE

Eh, if they're trying to be insulting by doing that; they just look like idiots in my eyes. But, if they're just joking around, its cool.

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Guest Bonnie

ching chong chow isnt even chinese .__.

thinking they know everything? BS!

i hate those people. like we dont even do

that to other races. like wtf is CHING CHONG CHOW?

i mean seriously..


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Guest imgunnaeatchew

It pisses me off when people said that to me too!

Ome time a boy was like "Go back to China, you dont belong here!"

I was like "STFU! This isnt your country!"

I hate that!


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Guest chocolate//

i live in vancouver so this happens very very rarely

this isn't "ching chong chow" but recently i was walking to the skytrain station and there were a bunch of teenyboppers standing there and one of the girls stuck out her head and made a noise at me. i was like... wtf was that? and just ignored it and kept walking. then she did it AGAIN and i walked back to them and i asked, "do you have something to say to me?" and she said no and looked a little shocked. then i said "good, then don't make that noise" and walked away.

people like that really irritate me.

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Guest lisaaa

i'm not asian, but i think that stupid saying is really dumb. making fun of asians (or any other race, for that matter) is really immature. today in class, some girls in my class mentioned chinese people. and kept making fun of how they speak. i totally didn't pay attention.

i guess people just need to be more open minded?

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