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Lee Tae Im 이태임

Guest Ishida21

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Guest Ishida21

New actress in My Life's Golden Age & A Man's Strory

Lee Tae Im / 이태임

Birthday: 1986.Oct.25

Talent Agency: Boston Media





~~ My Life's Golden Age ~~

as Yoo Tae-young

Press Conference Pictures






Screen captures









~~ A Man's Story ~~

as Chae Eun-soo

Pictures soon...

Commercial Films

## 하늘보리 (Tea) ##





## Metal Rage (PC Game) ##


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Guest satisfaction!

I thought she was so pretty in My Life's Golden Age!

She's incredibly tall!!!

Good to know that she has her own thread :D

Thanks for starting it with her info =]

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이상우·이태임, SBS 새아침 男女주연 발탁

김지연 기자 | 2009/08/31 11:51


이상우(왼쪽)와 이태임 (Lee sang woo & Lee tae im)

탤런트 이상우와 이태임이 SBS 새 아침드라마 '망설이지마'(연출 한정환) 남녀 주인공으로 캐스팅됐다.

'망설이지마' 한 관계자는 31일 머니투데이 스타뉴스에 "이상우와 이태임이 '망설이지마' 남녀 주인공으로 확정됐다"며 "조만간 첫 촬영에 들어갈 예정"이라고 밝혔다.

'망설이지마'는 '녹색마차' 후속으로 오는 10월5일 첫 방송되는 작품으로 첫 사랑에 목숨을 걸었으나 배신당한 여자 장수현과 그녀 앞에 운명처럼 나타난 남자 한태우의 로맨스를 다뤘다.

특히 장수현은 첫 사랑 민영 집안의 반대에 부딪혀 결혼도 못한 채 모욕만 당하다 간경화 판정을 받은 민영에게 간이식을 해주지만, 간이식을 받은 후 거짓말처럼 자취를 감춰버린 민영 식구에게 복수의 칼날을 갈며 흥미진진한 전개를 이어갈 계획이다.


from star news&leesangwoo world

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이상우•이태임, SBS 새아침극 ‘망설이지마’ 男女주연 발탁


[뉴스엔 이미혜 기자]

배우 이상우와 이태임이 SBS 새 아침드라마 ‘망설이지마’ 남녀주인공으로 발탁됐다.

‘망설이지마’(극본 강윤경 오영숙/연출 한정환)는 ‘녹색마차’ 후속으로 방송되는 아침드라마. 첫 사랑에 간이식까지 해주며 목숨을 걸었으나 배신당해 모든 것을 잃고 만 남은 여자 장수현과 모든 것을 가졌지만 사랑만 모르던 남자 한태우의 사랑이야기다.

이태임이 목숨 걸었던 첫사랑에 배신당하고 복수만 남은 밝고 식식한 캔디스타일 장수현 역을 맡았다. 수현은 시장통에서 작은 이불집을 하는 홀어머니 대학 4년 내내 장학금을 받으며 씩씩하고 밝게 자랐고, 운명처럼 만난 첫사랑 민영에게 철저하게 배신당한다.

이상우는 안하무인에 까칠하고 건방지고 할말 거침없이 다하는 한태우 역을 맡았다. 태우는 아버지가 어머니가 돌아가시자마자 여비서를 새 엄마로 맞이하면서 사랑을 믿지 않는다. 하지만 어느 순간 자꾸 신경쓰이기 시작하는 장수현을 보고 사랑을 다시 믿기 시작한다.

한편 ‘망설이지마’는 8월 31일 첫 촬영에 돌입, 10월 5일 첫방송 될 예정이다.

이미혜 macondo@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


from newsen.com& sangwoo world

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이상우-이태임 ‘망설이지마’ 아침극 주연 낙점

[2009-08-31 12:44:21]


극 종반부를 향해 달려가고 있는 SBS 아침드라마 '녹색마차'가 연출진이 교체된 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다.

'녹색마차'는 당초 김진근 PD가 연출을 맡아 드라마를 이끌었으나 8월 31일 현재 조연출 최영훈 PD가 연출하고 있다. 별도의 공지 없이 연출자가 교체돼 배경에 대한 궁금증이 제기됐다.

이에 대해 SBS 드라마국 한 관계자는 뉴스엔과의 통화에서 "최영훈PD는 조연출로 '녹색마차'를 시작했지만 연출 기회를 갖기로 사전에 이미 약속됐던 상황"이라며 "김진근PD는 현재 촬영외 드라마 작업에 동참하고 있다"고 연출진 교체 배경을 설명했다.

한편 기존 주6회 방송됐던 '녹색마차'는 아침극 주5회 편성 변경안에 따라 최근 매회 방영 시간을 10분가량 늘려 진행되고 있다. 회당 방영분이 늘어남에 따라 자연스럽게 드라마 회차가 줄어든 '녹색마차'는 오는 10월 2일 종영을 앞두고 있다. '녹색마차' 후속으로 10월 5일부터 이상우, 이태임 주연 '망설이지마'가 방송된다.

from newsen.com & sangwoo world

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방송3사 하반기 드라마, 신인들이 장악할까

[이데일리SPN] 2009년 09월 02일(수) 오전 11:55


[이데일리 SPN 장서윤기자] 하반기 드라마 주조연급에 신인 연기자 대거 발탁

고현정김혜수이요원 등 최근 TV 드라마 속 '언니들'의 선전이 눈에 띄는 가운데 하반기에는 신인 연기자들의 활약이 두드러질 전망이다. KBSMBCSBS 등 방송 3사가 신작 드라마 주조연 연기자로 신인들을 대거 포진시키면서 가을겨울 시즌 작품 준비에 나서고 있는 것.

방송계에서는 최근 2~3년간 스타 '이름값'에 기댄 드라마가 시청률이나 작품성 면에서 별다른 성과를 거두지 못하면서 올 하반기에는 적극적으로 가능성 있는 신인을 발굴하려는 움직임이 더 커졌다.

이런 흐름은 주말아침드라마 등에 신인급을 적극 발탁한 SBS에서 가장 두드러진다. SBS는 10월 초 첫방송하는 아침드라마 '망설이지마'(극본 강윤경 외 연출 한정환)의 남녀주인공으로 이상우와 이태임을 캐스팅했다.

이상우는 KBS '집으로 가는 길' SBS '조강지처 클럽' 등으로 얼굴을 알렸고 이태임도 CF 모델에 이어 MBC '내 인생의 황금기'에 잠시 출연했지만 주연을 맡은 것은 이번이 처음이다.

from yahoo.kr& sangwoo world

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Guest adikkeluangman

Park Han Byul, Lee Chae Young & more collaborate for “Ocean World” CF


An “Ocean World” poster featuring actresses Park Han Byul, Lee Chae Young, Lee Tae Im, Jang Ji Eun, and Jeon Eun Mi recently caught the attention of netizens, and it’s been revealed to be for a new collaboration CF for Vivaldi Park’s “Ocean World“.

The four created a remake of Psy’s hit song, “Right Now“, into “Ride Now“, and recently completed the recording amidst high praises. Despite not having much time to prepare and rehearse, their skill level was apparently good enough that they could have even debuted as a girl group if they pleased.

Netizens commented, “The hottest women have come together”, “Feels like summer’s here already”, and “When will they be releasing ‘Ride Now’ as a digital track?”

The Ocean Girls’ debut track, “Ride Now”, will be officially released this June.


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Guest adikkeluangman

“Ocean World” releases CF posters for Park Han Byul, Lee Chae Young & more


We revealed earlier that actresses Park Han Byul, Lee Chae Young, Lee Tae Im, Jang Ji Eun, and Jeon Eun Mi would be coming together for a CF for Vivaldi Park’s “Ocean World“. To build further anticipation for their endorsement, individual posters of the actresses were just released today!

The individual posters sees the girls decked out in their one-colored bikinis while they promote the various ride attractions available at the popular water theme park.

The four have also created a remake of Psy’s hit song, “Right Now“, into “Ride Now“, and recently completed the recording amidst high praises. Despite not having much time to prepare and rehearse, their skill level was apparently good enough that they could’ve debuted as a girl group if they wanted to.

The Ocean Girls’ debut track, “Ride Now”, will be officially released this June.

Watch : HERE


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Guest adikkeluangman

Ocean Girls release debut track, “Ride Now”

Ocean World’s very own girl group, ‘Ocean Girls‘, have released their debut single, “Ride Now.”

As endorsement models for Vivaldi Park’s Ocean World, Park Han Byul, Lee Chae Young, Lee Tae Im, Jang Ji Eun, and Jeon Eun Mi collaborated for a promotional remake of Psy’s hit track, “Right Now.”

Representatives stated, “Fans can look forward to hearing a rap and singing talent that’s as impressive as their bodies. We’ll be releasing their music video in early June, so we ask for your interest then.”

The making-of/behind-the-scenes for the song can be found below:

Watch : HERE


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Guest kyung-jin

class="at_ttl"Is Star Empire's Apology To Lee Tae Im Too Little, Too Late?

BY Adrienne Stanley | Mar 31, 2015 10:41 AM EDT 


On March 31, Star Empire issued a press release which contained an official apology that was directed to Lee Tae Im and those associated with Yewon.

In their statement, Star Empire accepts responsibility for their handling of the controversial incident. As previously published by Enews, the press release stated, “We deeply apologize for making a judgment based on the mood and causing much harm to both Ye Won and Lee Tae Im. We will work harder to be more careful on sensitive issues.”

This statement followed the recent release of footage from the alleged swearing incident, which took place during the filming of the variety show “My Tutor Friend.” The video provided contradictory evidence to eyewitness statements previously reported by the Korean outlet, Dispatch.

On March 27, Mydaily published an exclusive report which outlined the details of the video. Netizens and audiences were shocked by the contrast between the original reports of the incident and the footage.

Dispatch has faced criticism for their previous coverage, which featured interviews with women who were present at the diving site in Jeju that was used as a filming location for “My Tutor Friend.”

Contrary to previous accounts, Yewon could be heard using informal language with Lee Tae Im and refers to the actress as, “You crazy b****.” Yewon experienced a brief absence from promotional activities following the incident, but Lee Tae Im was dismissed from “My Tutor Friend” and departed from the drama “My Heart Twinkle, Twinkle.” By contrast, Yewon is currently starring opposite Super Junior-M’s Henry in “We Got Married.”

The press release went on to note that because of this event, “Yewon promises to do her best to become more mature.”

Netizens have continued to express their discomfort with the situation, particularly after Star Empire issued an apology. As reported by Netizen Buzz, one of the top trending comments is, “Yewon should be releasing her own apology, why is she hiding behind her company?”

Should Yewon accept responsibility for Lee Tae Im’s tarnished image?

Was the apology issued by Star Empire enough to resolve the situation? Should Yewon be held accountable for her use of informal language? Comment below.

Source: http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/80004/20150331/is-star-empires-apology-to-lee-tae-im-too-little-too-late.htm

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Lee Tae Im has a new drama cant wait for it.

Hopefully she can put this all behind her. She really is a good actress, I watched her in Don't Hesitate and loved the drama and her acting. 

Lee Tae Im Opens Up About Past Controversy With Yewon


Lee Tae Im, who was involved in a controversy with Yewon, gave her first interview since the incident.

The actress revealed that when the controversy first unfolded and everyone sided with Yewon, “Honestly, since the world was only on Yewon’s side, I felt even worse about her.”

She continued, “Even though bad things had happened between us, we were colleagues in the industry, so I was very disappointed and heartbroken that [Yewon] didn’t say anything when all those untrue articles were coming out and she was only acting like she was waiting for an apology from me. I thought, ‘I’m going to be exiled [from the industry] like this.’ I was very sad.”

However, when the video of the controversy was released, things turned and Lee Tae Im was the one with public support. About this, she said, “Actually, when people were pointing fingers at me, I couldn’t go on the Internet. I was scared. Everyone said I was in the wrong… and mentally, I wasn’t in a good place. It felt weird when the video was released. What actress would welcome a video in which she’s swearing? It felt strange. But it was still a bit of a relief that I was shedding some misunderstanding.”

She said, “When I heard that the video was revealed, I watched it. It was like a drama. People around me were telling me to sue, that the person who leaked the video must be caught. Me? I was just relieved that the truth was revealed.”

She said that she hasn’t seen Yewon since the incident. She said, “Recently, I saw the letter she wrote saying she was sorry for inconveniencing me. There was a time I really hated her, but I was a bit comforted with the fact that she was apologetic.”

When asked if she has forgiven Yewon, she replied, “Rather than forgiving, I think we came too far. I’m very embarrassed. I could have been the bigger person as her senior but I was the same way. I’m very embarrassed. I’m embarrassed to watch that video again. I’m very ashamed.”

In related news, Lee Tae Im has been confirmed to be making an industry comeback through the upcoming cable drama “You’ll Love Me.”

cr: http://www.soompi.com/2015/08/10/lee-tae-im-opens-up-about-past-controversy-with-yewon/

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