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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest roseltv

Anyone willing to start the Billboard project? I think we need some help from Korean fans in Korea in order to rent the Billboard, or maybe it will not solely be International fans only but it should say Cassie + Bigeast + International fans so all the fans can come together to donate.

About the mass buying for Stand By You, date anyone? If we really plan to do it, we should do it asap before SM distracts us even more.

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Guest annameg

the BILLBOARD thing i think will CATCH everyone's attention. like come on, even the birthday greetings on newspapers by fans were like broadcasted and stuff. $1 a person (but of course, some like me are willing to give more.lol) is actually enough since there's alot of us.

but the "buying the singles" thing will HELP the boys. COULD catch the media's attention. i dont know.

but the billboard thing is like RIGHT-IN-YOUR-FACE ^_________^

and THAT'S what we need right now^^.

i love JAPAN. japan loves tohoshinki. they just love them.

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Guest apfonfon

I really really like the idea of making "STAND BY U" to #1 on the Oricon chart once again. This's very strong statement to public that no matter what we as a fan, bigeast+cassies+inter, will always with them. I'm more than willing to participate so anyone will organize the project? And when we should buy the single?

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Guest squeaky

why don't we not waste money on a billboard and just buy tvxq's stuff, yeah? i think that'll make more of a statement XD

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Guest KakkoiiAngel

wow this make me even more proud to be a fan <3

about the oricon stand by u, are we aiming for a daily #1 or a weekly? either way, we would need a lot of people on this. if we do daily, then we should aim for the seventh day, and we need approx. 1,000 or more people. weekly, we need way more.

and should we discuss the project here on soompi? or here as perriwynkkle already created a LJ.

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Wow, I'm really digging the recent ideas people are coming up with to show the boys international fans support. I love the idea of everyone rallying together and buying Stand by U right before the trial. Not to mention, who knows, if enough of us do it and buy from Oricon friendly sites, like CDJapan and HMV, and if we all do it on a predetermined day, maybe we can boost it up somewhere towards the top of the chart again (#1 please? :P). I know that may sound unrealistic, but there are a lot of international fans and if we can actually, really truly get together on this I think we could pull out something pretty impressive, even if Cassies and BigEast don't want to get involved. Not to mention, that's got to get some attention- a single that's already been out for over 5 weeks suddenly being propelled from around spot 35 on the chart to the forefront again, and right before the trial? No one could mistake that as anything but an intentional show of mass fandom support for the boys, and I can imagine it getting some media attention in Japan/Korea. I already have a copy, but like Yeezer mentioned, I'd totally be willing to buy a couple of more and maybe give them to my friends/family who are clueless about DBSK and K-pop in general. See if I can rub our good taste in music off on them (or I could be greedy and just hoard them all for myself *cough*) :P.

And the billboard idea? Genius . I LOVE the idea of taking our support off of the internet, where it usually circulates through youtube videos and websites etc, and shoving it into the real world- preferably right in SMs faces ^_^. I'm not sure of the price, since its it would be in Korea and all, but I tried to look up some info on the net and in the US at least, it seems like the price runs around $1000 or so (forgive me if I'm wrong, this is very generalized ^^`). This is also not including the price for the artwork/image (though you can always just do only text to save $$- like 'Always Keep the Faith. We Believe in the Power of Five. Go TVXQ' or something), and the price to have someone put it up.

However, its also not up just for a day or anything- i believe you usually rent billboards by the week or the month, so that one time payment seems even more reasonable. $1000 bucks to keep that baby up for 7-30 days? Not bad at all. Also, the location is a factor in price too of course. It would be awesome if we could get a billboard in view of SM or the courthouse (assuming we know the location of it already?), or if that's not possible then even just by a busy highway/highly populated shopping district etc would be cool. This would DEFINITELY get media coverage, and would be more then a little difficult for anyone to ignore :P. And man, why can I totally see tons of fans etc going there to take pictures in front of it like they did in front of the toho trucks and the pillars in the station in Japan? :P

To be able to gather this amount probably seems like an unrealistic goal ,but really, even if people only did a dollar or two, we could totally manage it. I mean really, finding 500 dbsk fans willing to donate $2 to show the boys we are behind them in such a massive way? No problem. And if BigEast or Cassies get involved, man we would reach that goal in a nanosecond. The hardest thing would be trying to find someone trustworthy to get things started/someone who lives in Korea who can find the best spot and get us a price. Then we would just have to spread the word. Maybe we could even rig up one of those counters with the 'Goal Amount, ie $1500' or whatever, and the little 'Donate' button beneath it, and we could all watch as it gets closer and closer to zero ^____^.

Now, honestly my first thought was 'how the heck are people going to wire money to whoever is in charge and be assured that they aren't going to get taken advantage of?' Then I went duh- people could wire their donation through Paypal. Its totally free and its the most secure way to wire money to people you don't know. For people who haven't heard of it, this is what people usually use when they are paying for something they bought through ebay etc since it keeps their info protected. Also, you can contribute through paypal via your bank account or even credit card.

And for the truly paranoid- like I said, it keeps all your info totally secure. If your giving money/paying for something to someone you've never met that is the go-to way of doing it. And if lets say the worst happens and if it somehow falls apart- eh, whatever your just out a buck right? Maybe that sounds a bit blasé, but I just really think that because we are fans, and we are constantly visiting fan-sites and forums etc WE see how much support DBSK has, but if you don't go searching on the net and just trust the media in Korea, all you see is SMs constant twisted reports. This is a very cool way of showing the general populace of Korea just what type of strength the boys still have behind them.

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Guest lovebyelove

I think we should aim for both weekly and daily.

I mean, Stand By U is kinda close to becoming platinum. We could make it their first Japanese single to go platinum! That might mean a lot to them. :D

And someone said something about aiming for the 7th day? That's a good plan.

About the billboard thing, we should ask people from other forums if they know anyone in Korea willing to help us out.

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Guest 432521


Has anyone here bought AATVXQ season 3 and the status has been changed from searching for suppliers to Pre-order yet? Usually they have the Pre-order as status but mines still says Searching for suppliers.

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Guest msloeciano


Has anyone here bought AATVXQ season 3 and the status has been changed from searching for suppliers to Pre-order yet? Usually they have the Pre-order as status but mines still says Searching for suppliers.

No, mine still says Searching for suppliers, too. I don't think it's anything to worry about, though.

Maybe we should just wait until the official release date.

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Guest yumidoma

International Fans Unite:

** First we should contact all the different fan clubs from different Country.

Let them know about our idea of uniting DBSK fans in "One Place/forums/blog"

** Second, Do you think we'll need a name beside calling ourselves"International Fans".

A name that will only represent DBSK fans from any part of the world.

** I really like the Billboard idea. I mean that's like one of the best way to Show our existence to SM and DBSK.

Media/Internet was the reason/source we got to know DBSK. And we'll use the same route to get to DBSK.

** I really like the idea of Buying their albums. But we really need to get more practical here. DBSK has vast range

of fans. While some may be able to buy every DBSK albums twice, there are others who can't.

?? How abt "ONE TVXQ" don't know if all ppl would agree. but i feel that rite now "ONE TVXQ" is the

place that really has what we are looking for. We just need to spread the word.

(wonder what Admin frm One tvxq would agree)

SM trying to claim Rights on the "DBSK's Name"

- um.. What exactly is SM trying to Prove?? :blink: like for real..

You know... "Some ppl don't learn until they Fall"

and SM is one of them..

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Guest Julian Rie

GOD I'm so confused :wacko: ....so many new sits and projects ...

I wish if there was one place for all of us international fans :(

now I see many of you went and made blogs and sits to support TVXQ and to gather the international fans

but there are already many sits and blogs :huh: ....can't you decide on one place to gather the international fans and their projects ...this forum has so much power if the members here decided on a place for the international fans and let the word out there it will spread like in no time ...

I like all the ideas that have been posted so far

but I would like it better if there was a united place for us to do it all together

and I agreewith yumidoma we should have a name or ourself other than international fans

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Guest jaejoong.ro02

Stand By U #1 again at Oricon Charts is a good idea! I haven't bought that single and I'm willing to buy it just for this project to be successful. But we need a date for that. I hope we can make it before 21st comes... We can even make them #1 weekly if we will ALL participate. We just need 20.000 people or more to participate. And that 20K is not even half of dbsk fans around the globe. O____________O The only problem is how everyone gets informed. How can we spread this project? Please everyone participate and let dong bang know you believe in them...

Billboard thing: Awesome! I'm willing to donate in any way possible. Always keep the faith~

Letter: Nice idea too! I hope before sending it to Korean papers, you can post it here so that international fans can also copy and paste it to their blogs and other websites that could help us spread the truth.

Other fans who believe in DBSK can also participate. SMTOWN fans! If any of this project will become successful, everyone (not just DBSK) will believe on us international fans. Please do participate. :)

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Guest BringTwilight

xsydniee.. its on 6th ave between 41st and 40st. directly across from bryant park. and like 2ish blocks away from times square. watch out for those tourists, lolol. better save up... so expensive. be careful though, its so blink-and-youll-miss-it, i had to walk around bryant park like five times before i saw it lol

estelgrace, lol, yeah. before.. just last year actually, their selection really sucked. but kino is slowly warming up to toho, their selection is growing more and more. but their magazines are getting ridiculously hard to find.. us new york fans are sneaky i guess because theres always someone asking for one of the magazines theyre in. but no one goes upstairs? :mellow: ... but yeah, they had their pbs on display and even one of those little signs in front of stand by u, just like in japan. i was seriously surprised, i should have taken a picture.

...in conclusion, nyc fans... stop buying all the copies of pati pati and arena37c before i get to them. lets create a giant gap under T in the cd section, okay?

Ahhhh I go there too!!

Yay a fellow NYC fan!!

I'll go buy Stand By U there too, but will that have an effect of there oricon chart standing?? will the albums we buy in the stores here help us reach our goal of making Stand By U platinum??

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Guest Perriwynkkle


I just want to mention, along with my LJ site, I have many connections personally. I am the Admin of the "currently-being-remodeled" Shimjjang Forums: International Changmin Fan Site and being so, I have many many connections to other Forum Admins.

Yes, connecting with another forum would be a good thing, really it would, but I must warn you, many of the forums are trying to...not ignore...that's the wrong word...but slightly, tone down the controversy right now, not wanting to make it...worse.

So by making a new forum/website that can be just for this support idea only, it can therefore make this situation and all these ideas come together more cohesively and effectively without the use of outside forces. (Outside forces being other forums.)

Once again, here is my previous advertisement:

I have been listening to all your posts about how many of us want an ORGANIZED AND UNIFIED SUPPORT OF TVXQ TO SHOW US INTERNATIONAL FANS CARE.

Well I have the beginnings of what could be a GREAT MOVEMENT!

I have started an LJ community for this specific thing, to create organization and tell only the truth about the happenings in our community.



I am serious about this issue and about the LJ I have just created. I would love to start bouncing ideas between us International Fans and really show our dedication and unification to the boys of TVXQ. I feel our strength as a fanclub could break down the right walls and lead us to a better conclusion.


More information about this LJ can be found at the LJ Community.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact me here by PM! ^-^

P.S. I am also the creator and administrator at Shimjjang Forums, the International Changmin Fan Forum, so I believe we can really make this work!

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Guest laurana1

Ok, lots of great suggestions guys!!!

I'm so excited! :D

I'm all for buying a copy of Stand By U for the boys (I'm dead broke right now, but I'll find the money somewhere!) so that sounds really good... I think we should focus on daily, but if it makes weekly, great! That way we all focus on just one day... the seventh day of the week is what? Saturday, right?

Ok, this Saturday is the 15th... We can't wait until the following saturday, because that's after the trial.

So we have a date (if everyone agrees on it). This upcoming saturday, the 15th.

Remember to make sure you are going by Japan's time, not yours... This will give us time to get the news out (tell everyone you can!) and maybe someone could make a graphic for it?

As for the billboard, I really wanna go for it! It's physical, it's TANGIBLE support... I think if you could see it from the courthouse, that'd be awesome. xD I think it would really boost the guys up... But facing SM is also fantastic. I agree, we need someone in Korea for this... Any volunteers? Please???

I'm gonna go get a livejournal now... lol.

Also, I think I'm gonna go ahead with the website I already have... Like I said, it needs a lot of work, but I'm willing to put in the time. Any volunteers would be really great...

I'll definitely post all the CORRECT info about this case, so everyone can see it.

I also backtracked through all of the pages regarding the case and pulled all the articles people posted. If anyone needs them, just ask and I'll send them to you. =)

I'll start putting up pages for these projects, too. That way everyone can be a little more organized...

Please let me know if you have suggestions or ideas for the website! It really should be what we want it to be.

I think if there is an existing website willing to start all of this, that would be great. Because if we want to get unified, creating new stuff just splits everyone more... But in case that doesn't work, then we can have this as a backup plan, I guess.

I am TOTALLY willing to join the truth squad, anyone willing to head it?

And I agree, it's about time we came up with an official name! But how would we go about that?

Gahhh, so excited!!! **runs around in circles**

EDIT: I topped a page! :o

Don't laugh at me, but I don't actually know how to share my pictures on soompi...

Usually I'd take the time to figure it out, but I'm kinda busy... T_T

(Someone should tell me how! Lol)


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Guest Perriwynkkle


I just want to mention, along with my LJ site, I have many connections personally. I am the Admin of the "currently-being-remodeled" Shimjjang Forums: International Changmin Fan Site and being so, I have many many connections to other Forum Admins.

Yes, connecting with another forum would be a good thing, really it would, but I must warn you, many of the forums are trying to...not ignore...that's the wrong word...but slightly, tone down the controversy right now, not wanting to make it...worse.

So by making a new forum/website that can be just for this support idea only, it can therefore make this situation and all these ideas come together more cohesively and effectively without the use of outside forces. (Outside forces being other forums.)

Once again, here is my previous advertisement:

I have been listening to all your posts about how many of us want an ORGANIZED AND UNIFIED SUPPORT OF TVXQ TO SHOW US INTERNATIONAL FANS CARE.

Well I have the beginnings of what could be a GREAT MOVEMENT!

I have started an LJ community for this specific thing, to create organization and tell only the truth about the happenings in our community.



I am serious about this issue and about the LJ I have just created. I would love to start bouncing ideas between us International Fans and really show our dedication and unification to the boys of TVXQ. I feel our strength as a fanclub could break down the right walls and lead us to a better conclusion.


More information about this LJ can be found at the LJ Community.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact me here by PM! ^-^

P.S. I am also the creator and administrator at Shimjjang Forums, the International Changmin Fan Forum, so I believe we can really make this work!

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Guest jkiting

OMG!!! all these projects is getting me excited ^^...I'm an international fan and I want the boys to know that i support (since I can't go to their concerts =.=)

Sorry I'm a silent reader so pls bear with me i'm not really good at explaing lol (^.^)v


-Where is it going 2 be?

Near SM

Near the boys apartment where they can see it [so every morning wen the boys wake up they can see it and be like ahhh we r loved ^^ ]

In/near the airport so wen the boys go back 2/leave Korea they can always c it

Also, i think that the international fans, cassies, and biggeast should be a part of it...i mean thats a lot of ppl 2 pitch in

that could mean the billboard can b up longer or we can have multipule billboards (1 per fan group) @ diffrent places


I'm down just put the date up and I'll try 2 support hopefully I'll have money by then @.@

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