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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest esmiux

This is all media play from SM Ent.

The boys´fight is about their working conditions and unfair contract which is freaking long term.

But SM is making it only about money and people is falling for it, diverting the attention from the most crucial issues which are making the company look so bad. =|

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Guest maejaekim

yeah they have a lot of expenses......but I think TVXQ has a lot of sponsors.....SM are one of those companies who loves to play games on celebrities and especially the fans.....they think we are dumb and fickle minded......I just want to say....good luck to them....I hope they'll have good lives in the future.......( <_< )

-Well anyways....if ever TVXQ will have a decision that might hurt all of us....I think we.... their fans should try to understand them also.....as for me...I will still be their fan no matter what......they gave us songs that are worth remembering......

-But come to think of it.....if they'll become a normal people.....it won't be difficult for us to approach them...hihihihiihi...yeah I'm just having this stupid imagination.......

-But I think even though they will become normal people...many fans will still follow them.......so far they are the first boyband I ever admired.(I'm kinda picky when it comes to music).....

-I'm not really into boyband songs....but TVXQ proves to me that they can be a great musicians too(actually they are the only boyband who has it...I'm not being bias...it's just what I think).....and no matter how many boy groups who attempts to take their place...lol...they're going to have a hard time........

-TVXQ is the only boygroup who defines music as music (maybe at first they seek for popularity like what JJ said in Xmen"I'm hungry for popularity" lol but I think now they want more...they want to be more mature as musicians because it's kinda irritating as a singer if people will only lo :) ok at them as a group idol and not as musician)...not music as an entertainment or publicity scheme..and I think many singers percieve the same way because so far..I have not heard any bad comments about them from other musicians....(I hate those singers who just sing for popularity...too lame.. :angry: )

-BUT of course I really want to see more from them...TVXQ who do things that they really want to do (not like a slave).. I want to see them grow up more as a musician (not just as an idol group or entertainer)..... I want to see how their music influences the whole world.....

-For a producer...TVXQ is a great catch (as a boyfriend too..lol) they got everything: a great interpreter (they really expressed the songs of other composers or songwriters very well which is a characteristics of a great musician), they are great music creator with fantastic music enthusiasm, they are great people that show their love and devotion to others(not because their scared because if they are...they won't bother to reveal their flaws.) and they are also human who seek for respect and love(not as a financer nor bank....)

I dunno if this is already shared but just some clips that will make us smile.....I really enjoy their dorkiness here


this is Babi-Mae........till my next tpost......and guys thank you for the updates you shared.....this thread is the best......Love yah all.......

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Guest ana_ari_007

Stupid mini coopers of doom! Okay, so I had this amazing thing written out regarding my thoughts on the issues presented then internet decided to go crazy. Well, here I go again.

From what I've read in the past week I'd like to draw everyone's attention to something. We're getting distracted from the ultimate issue at hand.

The Lawsuit

  1. The reason Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu filed the lawsuit in the first place to revise items within the contract in order to ease it. From what I can see, they have no intentions of breaking DBSK up at all. They just want to amend some of the harsher terms of the contract they signed when they were still just minors.
  2. Part of the lawsuit include the disbursement of funds. My opinion as to why the lawsuit includes this is because the guys need proof that the demands from the contract are definitely unreasonable.

    From what I've calculated, if SME did give the boys 11 Billion Won for the six years they worked with the company then this is the amount they received with taxes, labor, transport, medical, lodging, food, taxes, etc. deducted. From what I can see, this is what the boys make:

    11Billion Won = $8.9 Million USD
    ______________________________ equals 220 Million Won = $179,272 USD per member
    Junsu, Yoochun, Jae, Max & Yunho

    Per year the guys would be roughly:

    220 Million Won = $179,272 USD per member
    __________________________________________ equals 36 Million Won = $29,000 USD p. year
    6 YEARS

    Since the guys are probably not on salary but the money that comes to them depends on what contracts they sign and for how many hours per contract - the following figures wouldn't be an accurate representation but it's a good guess as to how much they earn per day for the hours they work.

    36 Million Won = $29,000 USD p year
    ________________________________ equals 3 Million Won = $2,430.00 USD per month
    12 months

    3 Million Won = $2,430.00 USD per month
    ____________________________________ equals 750,000KRW = $609 USD per week
    4 Weeks

    750,000KRW = $609 USD per week
    ______________________________ equals 107,142KRW = $87 USD per day
    7 Days (if guys work every day)

    107,142KRW = $87 USD per day
    ___________________________ equals 5,357KRW = $4.36 USD per hour
    20 Hrs (avg. 4 hrs sleep)

    Mind you I used XE Currency Conversion and averaging out everything on the basis of two numbers to get the above rough estimates. It was complicated but the point being. The guys have said that they average at least 4 to 5 hours of sleep. The rest of their day is spent promoting, touring, practicing, interviews, business meetings, traveling, etc. If they were to be paid salary - they would be getting roughly $4.36 per hour over 20 hours. Mind you - the numbers presented are just estimates! They're not the real thing plus I could potentially be wrong. I may have miscalculated somewhere.
  3. In this industry, money comes in by contracts. The artist signs on to a specific brand, commercial, music video, photo shoot, etc that can help enhance the image of their company, company promoting products and themselves. Contracts vary in what the artist or management company agree to. Usually contracts are designed by the management group. In addition, contracts are confidential unless brought up within court. Management companies (especially legitimate ones) are to make sure the artist knows the terms in every contract. In addition, any deductions of funds received - most companies do not reveal to their models and talent.

    So yes, the guys are under unfair conditions and under a horrible contract that needs to be rectified to reflect the work they've put into things. 75% of the things the guys own now are given to them by their fans. The other percentage can be divided by things they've bought by saving what they've earned or given to them by SME. Remember - Junsu and Yoochun have reportedly bought homes for their relatives or helped their parents with businesses (Junsu and his dad's pizza restaurant). So the actual amount of what they do bring in may be a bit more than what has been shown here.

    Whether it's SME or the media...this current situation is being represented under the light of greed, power and who wins at the end.
  4. The lawsuit - again just to reiterate is to bring justice to unfair terms laid out by SME's Exclusive Contract. From what I can see the guys just want to work it out so they have time to regain their health and sort out their priorities. They are still relatively young (23 - 24 years old in age) but if they keep wearing out their bodies like this more dangerous injuries can occur. I am not surprised they're outraged by the way things are going. They love each other and the work they do - they are just right now, coming to realize that on the practical side - things have not gone in their favor financially.

The Observations

  1. SME and DBSK both have a lot to lose should things get ugly. SME loses funds and reputation (which they're losing more with every BS statement they bring out). DBSK have more to lose than just funds, they also lose out should they be forced to be split up.
  2. It's a delicate situation because for the most part DBSK has reportedly a good relationship with members of staff at SME. The only reason why things are getting ugly is because the guys are requesting to change things within their contract. From what I can see, SME doesn't like change very much in how they run their business.
  3. Another thing I'd like point out regarding the sudden topics of the SM Town concert cancellation and the Cosmetics line. The only way these items would be related to the lawsuit would be the following:

    A) SM TOWN's seats were mostly taken up by DBSK Cassiopeia. No Cassies mean no people meaning, money has been spent and now it must be refunded. When SME canceled the concert politely blaming it due to the litigation that's occurring right now - from what I noticed and I'm not sure who'd agree with me but I can speculate that it was all for the sake of making DBSK look bad.

    B) I have a feeling that the Cosmetics' company is a scapegoat in a sense. It could be and again this is an opinion not to be taken seriously, implied that the three guys are trying to make up for the money invested. SME could be using this particular tactic to say that all DBSk wants are just funds because they've run out. Please excuse me while I vomit.
  4. Regardless of disbandment rumors, etc. The guys have shown that they are still brothers. The only reason I can find as to why Yunho and Changmin are not part of the drama around the lawsuit up front could be because they are filming dramas. I have a feeling that they had signed on to do these dramas under their individual contract with SME and not as part of DBSK.

    When it comes to contracts, things can get tricky. Artists, depending on what has been agreed - can individually sign up with a company with different terms. If an artist is placed into a group under that management company either performing or as musicians, all members of the group sign a group contract that dictate what each member gets to do within that group.

    I also have a feeling that Yunho and Changmin signed up to do the dramas they are in now long before the lawsuit went down. At the time they signed up for these acting roles, we can only wonder if they knew this lawsuit was in the process of going on. We can never tell or know until the guys reveal it themselves.
  5. As fans, we need to stand by TVXQ and support them. Regardless of the speculations and rumors that are going around UNTIL the guys release an official statement, take whatever comes in via rumors/internet/articles with a grain of salt. It will not help us or the guys if we panic. The only way to remain strong in the way the events are playing out is to stand united. To stand by the guys, stand by each other and remember these guys are human.
  6. The slander SME could potentially come up with be it directly or indirectly would be less beneficial to every one in their company. If they lose DBSK, they lose money. If they lose trust from DBSK after this, they still lose money. From what I can see, no company wants to lose money. We can only pray for the best outcome.

I know I tried to keep my posts short and light. I totally believe in the guys and that whatever is happening right now is a part of their chapter in their lives. We need to believe as one that things are looking up. We need to prepare for the Uphill battle ahead. So keep believing and remember to always keep the faith!


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And also about their 13-year contract, SM said, “We also secured the time when the group went overseas to promote. In Korea 3~4 years, in Japan 3~4 year, in China, it was 3~4 years.”

Was anyone able to find an actual point in this statement?

A 13 year contract is a 13 year contract, SM. It doesn't matter what country they're in, they're still tied down to your company for 13 years.

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Guest squeaky

oops i had to take the showcase pictures out. can't link you guys cuz its part of the darak room. my baaad. :(


btw, this is sm's stock :D



credit: dnbn

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Guest win03die

(Avex can lose DBSK because they can get Shinee or Suju but Avex cannot lose business relationship with SME if that relationship brings in more money to them).
Now that is kinda lol :rolleyes:

Have any idea of THSK's status in Japan? Either of those groups don't come even close and i don't see them to either.

And suuure, as Kpop market is so full of money~~

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Guest braveviet

11Billion Won = $8.9 Million USD

______________________________ equals 220 Million Won = $179,272 USD per member

Junsu, Yoochun, Jae, Max & Yunho

sorry but I think there is a mistake here. they earned 8.9million USD which means 1.78 million USD each member

Was anyone able to find an actual point in this statement?

A 13 year contract is a 13 year contract, SM. It doesn't matter what country they're in, they're still tied down to your company for 13 years.

does that mean they are done with Japan as they worked there up to 4 years. so no more activity in Japan? this is ridiculous. they think all the fans are stupid?

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Guest jonah14

SM is so cunning in spinning numbers to make DBSK the bad guys in this issue.

The 40-60 sharing is not the real score.

The reality is that of the total 49.8 billion won that TVXQ earned for the company in the last five years, SM took 38.8 billion won or equivalent to 78 percent. This means that the five members of DBSK got only 22 percent or a mere 4.4 percent for each member.

SM is emphasizing on the 40:60 sharing but it failed to account the rest of the money that it took.

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Now that is kinda lol :rolleyes:

Have any idea of THSK's status in Japan? Either of those groups don't come even close and i don't see them to either.

And suuure, as Kpop market is so full of money~~

Please quote it correctly, that doesn't come from me. :lol:

but I think you can ignore that part, the point of that article is the media play from SME. They're trying to direct everyone's attention into "money" and make it seemed like Jaechunsu is greedy.

But, since I'm bias, I'll be bias, I'll take the greedy instead of the 13 years long contract


Am I wasting this post? I need to find something else to post.

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Guest miss_h

Yogurutu, great call. THANK YOU. <3

You're right... DBSK never said they didn't paid, they just said they've never been told how much they EARNED. That's a really important distinction, I'm glad you caught it...

Yups... I think we have to emphasize this.

guys do you think after all this is over DBSK will still be together under SM?

I see no point in trying to show them in bad light if SM was still interested in having DBSK under them. Obviously making your best group look bad in the media wouldnt be in their interest.

besides....how can you work for someone when you know what that someone did ?

Obviously they have a contract with SM and are chained to them but I just dont see how could they work together in the future

Do not underestimated the power of money. If DBSK want to reconcile with SM after all this mess, SM will just take it business way and sign them back. DBSK = money. If they want to, they can take it.

Now that is kinda lol :rolleyes:

Have any idea of THSK's status in Japan? Either of those groups don't come even close and i don't see them to either.

And suuure, as Kpop market is so full of money~~


THSK is a J-pop artist now, they are not a hallyu wave artist. As Daesung state a few pages ago, the popularity of THSK in Japan is beyond imagination. If BYJ listed as no.1 artist with the biggest income this year mainly due to his Japan activity (which nothing compare to DBSK), imagine what DBSK earn.

About avex: avex take a risk by signing Suzuki Ami. I don't see why they can't do it with THSK. I say it again, avex japan will be the one in benefit if thsk sign directly with them and not through sm. Now they only act as an agent, if thsk sign directly with them they can take a bigger piece as they don't have to split it with SM.

If anything, SM are depends on avex for their Japan activity. In Japan, SJ do not have any activity, SHINee just started, but THSK already been here. They spent 5 years to promote THSK and to see it ending just when they have the big break will be too much to loose. avex is too big to ignore.

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Guest passion8

TVXQ Omotaesando Showcase Pictures

Yunho's t-shirt

Their autographs

credit: 하진루나@dnbn.org

sorry, i'm too lazy to upload them. so. yeah XD

you do realize that this is a form of hotlinking? please upload these pictures to your own server or link the actual dnbn post here instead.



BTW, i was curious and surprised when i saw the above screencap that changmin signs his name in hanja so i wiki his page. the character matches: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_(singer).

can korean soompiers clarify if the hanja is indeed correct? i'm not sowing another seed of doubts here but i like to know that my facts are correct. just because i question things it doesn't mean that i don't support their cause.

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Guest xiaowu58

I sick and tired of SM's news now. They simply manipulate everything to make the other 3 look bad. Hope the stock keep droping!!!!

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Guest Me-'N-yOO

Hi everyone^^,

I've been reading and keeping on track here for a while and really appreciate every useful info, news and translation you guys have been sharing^^...Thanks... :lol:

Sorry for cutting your post but let's have a break with our dear DBSK in Thai Magazine, Asta Aug 09.









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Guest grizzlybeary


hi could someone PLEASE post pictures from this performance? it was during their korean comeback last year.. can't remb which stage but i loved this picture from the fanmade MV. if someone could find me the original individual shots in the picture that would be awesome :D


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Guest greenteadrinker

Can Avex just replace THSK in Japan with any other group from SM? The answer is NO. The Johnny's groups have been dominating the teenage idol market for decades, Avex has never been able to come up with a male idol group to rival JE in this way until now that is. And with all of THSK's talent and charisma, it's taken them a few years to get to this point. No way Avex would give them up. There is no guarantee that they'll be able to find any other group who can achieve the same success, plus they would have to start from scratch again. That will take years.

And also SM needs Avex more than Avex needs SM. The statement Avex released earlier was very carefully worded. When they said that they're THSK's "legal representative" in Japan and that they support THSK it means a lot. SM has no legal rights over THSK in Japan. Period.

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Guest some1gurl

one thing i'm gonna add after all long explanation from you guys here.

It is proven that DBSK fan not just some ignorant teenagers....

SM can use media to manipulate facts,

first they said the lawsuit relate to cosmetics busines...

now they tend to show the jaechunsu actually greedy...

they tend to make us believe DBSK know what they've being paid since they acknowledge it ...

as a normal person, it is natural for us to sign and acknowledge after figure being stated there was the figure you get...

BUT..SM purposely forgot that our boys wanna know what they EARNED...not what they've being PAID for...


..I think they dont expect the boys wanna bring it to court.....but they totally WRONG...

people nowadays more knowledgeable, fight for their right...

as expected SM already use one of their card....

there's more to go girls....


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Guest Gabriella

OMG, 04:06? Has SM thought that we were children and stupid? We're not primary student! How come they said that 04:06! I don't and can't believe it!

4.36$ (or maybe above or below 4.36$) for per hour working? They have worked and had to go to hospital several times just for 4.36$ per hour? Oh my GOD, SM is a demon drinking human blood!

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Guest Senorita_


hi could someone PLEASE post pictures from this performance? it was during their korean comeback last year.. can't remb which stage but i loved this picture from the fanmade MV. if someone could find me the original individual shots in the picture that would be awesome :D


I've got these at the moment but I'll try and find the others :)

th_JaejoongStarry.jpg th_YunhoStarry.jpg

Hmm. I couldn't find the other 3's pics that you wanted, but I hope these will help abit.

th_20081223DBSKEndofYearStarryNight-2.jpg th_20081223DBSKEndofYearStarryNight-1.jpg th_20081223DBSKEndofYearStarryNightCon.jpg

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Guest Shaneira


I just happen to stumble on the audio of WASURENAIDE@Nagoya, where Jaejoong cried in the middle of the chorus. I know it's been a while, but seeing him break down even just for a few seconds is sooooooooo RARE. So I wanted to ask if anyone happens to know where I could find a video of their Wasurenaide-Nagoya performance. I've been looking for it everywhere, but with no results -.-"


Regarding all the issues...Well, it's better to just let the boys do it their way. We aren't a really big help if we keep thinking too much. They know what they're doing and us getting all confused and worried would just be adding some "headache" to them somehow XD

Eventhough they don't know us personally, we all know how thoughtful they've always been towards their supporters. :)

We wouldn't be any help if we get too worked up about this. Let's save our energy for the real thing: the results and consequences.

There are so many statements and stuff coming out, that the real intention why those guys actually filed a lawsuit is completely being forced out of people's minds. Basically they just want their contracts to be revised, nothing more.

Fans and non-fans are concerned, but if the guys keep calm and silent about it, then maybe we should at least try and do that too. :D

JaeChunSu know what they're doing and if ever this whole issue might end up with a disbandment (please don't kill me for saying this, it's just an IF), then I think the guys thought about it really carefully and have their own personal reasons.

They've given us such great music and all their hard work and endless efforts, always trying to please us, the least we can do is to just be there and trust in their ways. So that if something bad might happen, we'd have their backs no matter what ^^

Those guys have matured so much, they're grown men now, and they have to think about their futures as well, including having their own families sooner or later.

Oh man...My question drifted away to something else lol

ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH everyone! Coz if everything fails, WE won't ;)

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