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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest jaejoong_love33

i've backtracked about 43 pages.... yea you heard me. 43 pages.

and you want to know what the 43 pages were basically all about?

pointless arguing! besides a few good posts here and there,

it was seriously all pointless arguing.

no wonder Korean fans (doesnt matter if its DBSK or Super Junior or whoever) arent fond of soompi

im not trying to bash or anything

but there is too much unnecessary arguing.

ironic how the Korean cassies arent half as crazy as we are in this thread

and yet they are always deemed the crazy fanclub.

i love DBSK to death and all the SM Town artists.

so dont any of you say that im bashing or "not a true fan"

people have their own opinions. and i respect them

although some opinions made me pissed,

and although this place is a forum, somewhere to discuss,

the so called "discussion" has gotten to far.

what would DBSK say if they saw this???

saw that their fans are like this??? we know that the boys respect all their fans.

so im sure that DBSK would be so disappointed to see that

their intl fans are acting so immature like this.

in their time of need, when everyone needs to be united,

we're here arguing.....







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Guest lilies_009

And for the people who say that DBSK fans only like them because of their looks, I have to say that is completely not true. I heard my first DBSK song and liked it before I saw a picture of them. When I did googled them and found a pic, to tell you the honest truth, I thought they were all ugly :X (Jaejoong and Yoochun scared me the most D:) I think it was this pic:


but yeah now I find them attractive, but their music still comes first for me.


Nyahaha your post cracked me up..

darn that was too forward..

but yeah i do agree

Honestly... at first i was never attracted to anyone of them..LOL

i'm not saying their ugly... (Darn they're not!... they're totally hot)

i just like their songs...

i would get mp3's but i never watch any of their vids..

not until i discovered XMAn episodes where they were guesting

i fell in love with....... ( one of them... don't worry it's not Jae..LOL)

Aishhh i can't believe i'm posting this crap... :lol:

I kind of gave up arguing about the case thing...LOL

anyway... yeah..

i love their music then eventually i fell in love with the whole group..

and NOT because they're good looking and all...

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Guest alexkziel

Thank you to all the people posting pics, projects, translations and endearing messages.

That's what we really need now. :)

To the people trying to defend SM "fair" practices, well, keep doing that if you want.

Nobody going to stop you.

To tell the truth I'am skipping your posts after the first lines because its becoming a little boring.

But I want you to know that after 4 years of being their fan, I choose to believe in DBSK.

And they say that Actions speak louder than Words

Is not the first, 2n, 3d time that SM is being sued by their most sucessful bands, so...

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Guest nightfall

okay, people keep on mentioning about why complaining now when they just re-signed their contract LAST year! May I ask HOW do you know?! Did the boys mention it anywhere that "YES, we renew our contracts!" As far as I know, there is no info regardless of the ending and renewing contracts. Fans only assumed they must did since they surpassed the 5 years curse.

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Guest StMichael

i hope dbsk will leave sment and learn their lesson that they arent as powerful as they think they are and cnt go round asking for more things then they deserve. as soon as they leave sm they'll just turn out like h.o.t and shinhwa. they'll then go to army and that will be it. they should be happy with such a secure contract and the fact that sm ent would think they would last for 13 years is a compliment.

they really are the face. not the brains. I stand by this.

do you think they came up with concepts, picked the clothes they wear, decide on there hairstyles. i dont think so!! sm ent. made there whole image. made them who they are today. sm ent didnt just put them together for the sake of putting them together, he probably knew this would eventually come!

if they werent sm where do you think they'd be?

and to everyone who keeps saying 'doesnt sm realize how big dbsk are'

of course he does he made them that big and im sure he can take away from them. he wasn afraid to loose h.o.t and shinhwa and im sure hes not afraid to loose dbsk.

dbsk are so blessed and have everything the dreamed of. the fact that jj, junsu and micky are asking for more money just pisses me off. and yeh there tired but thats the life as an entertainer and if they didnt know that when they signed the contract then they're stupid.

Being an entertainer is just another job which has its own requirements ~ every job has points and contracts that exclude a lot of things too and if JJ, Junsu and Micky couldnt handle it then they need find new jobs ~ just because they are popular and have masses of fans doesnt mean they can go around asking for more money ~ you guys are giving more respect to a bunch of performing monkeys than a bunch of doctors who are trying so hard to find cures for diseases, stay up all night in labs and barely get breaks (and have brains) and dont even get paid half as much as DBSK are getting paid ~ i mean someone said they (dbsk) only earn 300K a year.... WTF 300K is ALOT of money and I bet you guys would dream to earn that. I bet even some doctors out there dream to earn that.

some of you are in your 20s and acting like 5years old and as if DBSK are gods ~ seriously grow up and realize that they are a BOYBAND in the POP industry and are definately not going to be around forever

You are falling in love with a creation that Lee Soo Man created which inevitably means your in love with SM

I mean I bet you all hated SNSD during the beginning when they had their racist comments and disrespectful comments but now because they are massive and SM have now re-created them ... you love them and have forgotten about their previous behaviours ~ SM have brainwashed you all ! I mean I expect this from 12 to 15 years old but some of you are 20+ ADULTS ! I mean come on ~ even Miley Cyrus' fans arent this crazy and theyre 5!

Also the fact Cassies pay so much money on presents for DBSK (and even for membership) is RIDIC ~ You shouldnt have to pay to be a fan ~ plus do you really think DBSK are going to get these gifts and think "oh wow im going to meet her/him and give them a big thankyou note?" ~ The money could have gone to better use.

i know this seems like one of thoses comments that should be kept to myself, but people need to see the reality of this all!

I will repeat I am not a Anti ~ I actually really like DBSK but this whole fiasco has just made me lose respect for them and make me hate fangirls even more.


EDIT: Topped.... i have no pictures.... but i guess i have my 2cents for you

If you want pictures go to google and type DBSK

You said that you're not an Anti but what you wrote is diffinetly you're an Anti. You should put yourself in their shoes before you made a comment.

FYI, I'm a fan of Linkin Park & paid USD 36 when I join their LP Underground 3 years ago. So if you said the cassie ware ridiculous & what will you say to the member of LPU?

I know that all the boysband will not fame forever, there are lots example for that from American boysband to Asian boysband. Sooner or later DBSK will be replace by another boysband, each member will have different carreer in the future.

JaeChunSu filed the lawsuit to SM not because they are powerful, they only want SM to transparant about the money they earned. Even Jay Chou & Wang Lee Hom were paid for every song they wrote. The boys got nothing, the worst is all the royalties of their songs belong to SM.

You said that all they got just a face & no brains. If they are so stupid how come they survive until now? The boys have the talent & charisma, Jae & Chun can compose beatiful songs, Jae & Su as the lead singer have beautiful voice.

I believe if they left SM, they will survive, because they are survivor. They had been thru lots of up & down before they become who they are today.

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Guest blackroses85

just my random thought...

if DBSK wanna follow Shinwha's step, are we cassie willing to hellp them pay for the contract termination?

dont bash me.. i'm just asking.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest she-smiles

hello~ i checked the first page & couldn't find it (or maybe i skipped it), but i was wondering what dramas DBSK has been in? i've seen their banjun dramas, and one golden fishery drama/episode (with jj & yc). i was wondering if there are anymore? and this is not including their upcoming drams. :) thanks in advance!

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Guest msloeciano

^ Yoochun has been in Rainbow Romance before.

And there's also Vacation, their movie.

I think that's everything ^^

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Guest estelgrace

Hey! I'm not sure if this has been shared before... (it probs has i guess but it won't hurt to see it again??) but i came across it while on Youtube. It's one of the best covers of Doush.ite i've heard...

Edit: Also does anyone have any links to any more great covers of dbsk songs? I'd really appreciate it...

Wow. Thanks so much for sharing this! :lol:

Totally agree. It's one of the best covers I've heard ^^

Arigatou! ^^

Hey guys. You know all this arguing is not helping at all, right? You all are making it worse than it is. Let's look to Cassiopeia on how to react, they understand this best

Please remember to support DBSK. That's what they need most from us.

Not assumptions. Not theories. Not hypotheses. Not questions. Or everything else. Just love and support. That's the best gift we can give them. ;)

We will know everything in time. For now, let's just sit tight and ride it out.

How about we make this thread a happy one again? For DBSK's sake, please? (^^v)

They wouldn't want us to be like this.

...and because I love this GIF so much because it's freaking hilarious, I'm posting it again...

(whoever made this is bloody brilliant ^^)


Always HWAITING, Always keep the faith! Always fight to the end! Always be one! ^^

PS. Can't wait for new GIFs from AADBSK3..hahahaha! LMAO! They're gonna be EPIC!! :w00t:

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Guest sfyau2004

I am a bit puzzled. Who in their right minds would sign a 13+2 year contract at the peak of their popularity? To be under contract from their teens [original 5 year term] up to when they are about 40 is unbelievable!!!!!!


I guess once you're unhappy about something, to endure for a short time, even one or 2 years is fine...but for something like a decade is just impossible!!!

I am sure JaeChunSu must have weighed all the possibilities and of course considered that this is the best time to act [consequences may be not so severe???....cos' there are still lots of fans to support them no matter what?]

Well this is just my opinion. As long as they do their best, I'll still support them...doesn't matter as a group or individually.

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Guest MatsuJoongie

Honestly... at first i was never attracted to anyone of them..LOL

i'm not saying their ugly... (Darn they're not!... they're totally hot)

i just like their songs...

i would get mp3's but i never watch any of their vids..

not until i discovered XMAn episodes where they were guesting

i fell in love with....... ( one of them... don't worry it's not Jae..LOL)

Aishhh i can't believe i'm posting this crap... :lol:

I kind of gave up arguing about the case thing...LOL

anyway... yeah..

i love their music then eventually i fell in love with the whole group..

and NOT because they're good looking and all...

XDD yeah I think it's awesome that fans got to like DBSK before they even liked their looks. (b/c I think all of them are gorgeous and Jaejoong and Yoochun are my faves now. Who would've thought that the two members that creeped me out a first sight became my faves? :lol: )

But I don't think their looks are the only thing that makes them good-looking. Their personalities make up most of their gorgeousness for me in my opinion. Their dedication, politeness, loyalty, and determination to satisfy their fans make them have beautiful hearts. Do you remember the glue incident with Yunho? He forgave the girl b/c she reminded him of his little sister. If that doesn't show that a person has a beautiful heart, then I don't know what does.

That's why I don't get this pointless arguing. People just have to remember that DBSK is made of 5 humans. Humans make mistakes and should be forgiven for them. Not saying that DBSK has made any mistakes or anything but they shouldn't be torn apart like some people are trying to do them. No one would want that done to them or their children. I know that their parents are probably worried the most about them right now.

as for blackroses85: "if DBSK wanna follow Shinwha's step, are we cassie willing to hellp them pay for the contract fee?"

For that question, I would have to ask this: Would any of the members accept it? Yunho did return the expensive resents his fans bought him once.

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Guest heerika

hello everyone,

i just want to ask something. is dbsk will be still performing on SMtown concert??

'cos someone told me there are not. :(

i hope its not true. :(

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Guest ckino

I think this can help lighten the stress a bit. Well last time i watch in youtube a very adorable japanese boy imitating/dancing to DBSk. And now i find this. This time is a cute little girl.Ekekeke i cant stop laughing how she goes, "eh...eh...eh" during the intro of PURPLE LINE. ehehhehe her mummy must be a fan.

Here's the link :



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She even recognize the members name and faces (except jaejoong sorry dear) when her mum ask her

--- this time she recognize jaejoong but forget changmin hehehe and get confuse micky's name. akekekekke her mom say yuchun she insist its micky. Ekekekeke

Super cute!

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Guest Sniffles

I am a bit puzzled. Who in their right minds would sign a 13+2 year contract at the peak of their popularity? To be under contract from their teens [original 5 year term] up to when they are about 40 is unbelievable!!!!!!


I guess once you're unhappy about something, to endure for a short time, even one or 2 years is fine...but for something like a decade is just impossible!!!

I am sure JaeChunSu must have weighed all the possibilities and of course considered that this is the best time to act [consequences may be not so severe???....cos' there are still lots of fans to support them no matter what?]

Well this is just my opinion. As long as they do their best, I'll still support them...doesn't matter as a group or individually.

A number of people have been making this point. I see where you're coming from and respect your opinion, but also disagree.

Signing a long-term contract with an entertainment company is not as crazy as it may seem. It's not such an unusual practice and does not determine the QUALITY of time spent within the contract, in my opinion.

What I mean by that is... it's fairly reasonable to sign such a contract, expect to work hard, expect to make certain sacrifices, and expect to be under strain somewhere along there. That wasn't a mistake. I believe they did that with full knowledge of what they were getting into.

What makes the DBSK case special is because... they're DBSK. No one could have really predicted that they would blow up into the phenomenon that they have; that they would have such an enormous fanbase and that they would be under such high demand, not just in Korea, but in all of Asia. So, the contract is a little intense, sure, but it's not completely ridiculous in itself.

The point where they can start calling it ridiculous and crying foul is when SMent. started taking full advantage of the contract and pushed DBSK to do FAR TOO MUCH WORK than what is reasonable. We've all seen how crazy their schedules get at times. Flying back and forth from Korea to Japan to do multiple media events... daily. It's rather extreme. AND THEY STUCK IT OUT. They did that for years! They obeyed what the company desired them to do with little complaint.

But here they are, after years of working like that, beyond the demands of what anyone else in the industry is doing.... it seems to me that they're just looking for a little reprieve. They want to evaluate where they stand, what they've accomplished, and if their schedules can be handled in a more sensible manner in the future. I don't see any mistake or problem with that. Their health is the issue. Sment. can't expect to demand so much of the guys, on a regular basis, for years and years on end.

Being busy, hardworking, and successful for 13 years? Sure. That's cool.

Being so busy, demanding so much of themselves as perfectionists, traveling so constantly, with everyone wanting a piece of them everywhere they go... that warrants a re-defined and specialized contract.

My 2 cents.

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Guest rach03

QUOTE (MatsuJoongie @ Aug 3 2009, 04:15 PM)

And for the people who say that DBSK fans only like them because of their looks, I have to say that is completely not true. I heard my first DBSK song and liked it before I saw a picture of them. When I did googled them and found a pic, to tell you the honest truth, I thought they were all ugly :X (Jaejoong and Yoochun scared me the most D:) I think it was this pic:


but yeah now I find them attractive, but their music still comes first for me.


Lol. Let's have a confession session.

I find them cheesy with the styles during their Rising Sun period and did not take notice of them at all.

Along came Love in the Ice, fell in love and I can't differentiate Yoochun and Junsu for the longest time I can remember. lol.

The rest is history.

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Guest Polaris Reve

well i've been a silent reader for a long time too (excluding a few minor posts i've made on the first thread :B).

this whole issue has been very surprising to me. i've been out of news for the last few days, and when i received an e-mail from a friend today telling me about what was happening, i was shocked!

i know that, as some have said here, "the boys aren't any doctors saving lives" but they have put smiles on our faces for years. they have made some of us have a whole new reason to smile when everything else seemed out of the place ... i know i was one of those people.

and don't you guys think they are hurting too? i mean yeah, lil_miss_kawaii is right, SM Entertainment led them the first step to reach the top of the mountain where they are today, but they've put a lot of effort and hard work on it too. Polaris Reve said that today it doesn't matter if we work hard or not. But one of the biggest reasons why we have admired them all along is that we've always seen that hard work from them ... they're not like many celebrities where we only see the final product, we have followed them and seen each and every drop of sweat they've put in every single, every photoshoot, every album, every concert, every tv show and now dramas (:

i know many people here might not beleive me, but the reason why i have looked up to them for the last 3 years i've known 동방신기 was their talent and their hardwork ... that's what really caught my eye in the first place.

and for all that hardwork, and the strong bond they've created during the trainee years+after debut ... don't you guys think that even though JaeChunSu took a tough decision, that can bring them down ... don't you all think that all of the 5 members are hurting right now? what would you guys feel if you were in their places? having been in a successful career with your best friends and than see it turn into this kind of situation? where they see the people who supported them suddenly judging them without seeing what they went through behind the cameras. yeah there are a lot of people who suffer more than they do, who go hungry, people who don't know if they'll be alive the next day, and these people are human beings .... but 동방신기 is made by human being too, who barely have any time to sleep, who always have their meals controled, who have people pointing out their flaws every single day, who have people threatining their lives, their family's lives and their friend's lives just because they stood beside them in a picture day in day out. isn't that disturbing to a human being too? you know, before the stars they've become today ... they were just young dreamer boys, who never thought they would have to go through the things they are going today. behind the stars there are still humans who might be hurting a lot to see this whole situation that has been built just because they are trying to change some clausures in their contracts so that they could have less pressure from this celebrity life that they didn't even have much of a clue of how crazy it is to begin with O__O

i'm not trying to bash on anyone's opinions even because i didn't get to read everyone's posts about this subject, i'm just trying to say that we should try to give these guys a break. they've made us happy for so long and we've always supported them on their decisions ... even if most these decisions weren't actually taken by them ... so as fans, let's keep on supporting them on a decision that they've made by themselves for once (:

oh and i'm sorry for grammar errors and if some of these things don't make sense ^^'


:o i've toped a page for the first time ever!

i don't have anything to share ... sorry you guys :(

so you are saying: dbsk boys are super hardworking, hurt, exploited, worn out idols...whats your point??

I am saying that they don't have a very good arguement for altering their contract since they signed it (a year ago too)....and even if they are hardworking, we can't say if they deserve or do not deserve more money...

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Guest XiahxTiffany


i totally agree with what u said

we shouldnt be arguing

we are fellow DBSK fans so why not just unite and support the boys :)

i mean if we just argue and keep bringing up unnecessary things that will only make the bond worse

why talk about it?



wat u just said pissed me off....

u think that DBSK should disband?

who do u think u are to judge the boys like that?

u really think that the boys think they are gods of somesort?

and u really think that WE worship them?

wats the big deal with being a dedicated fan?

and if the Cassies and fans wanna buy the boys gifts let them

maybe they think that spending money on the boys is a good thing to do and not a waste?

not an anti my @"ss

and for ur information they didnt exactly decide to sign the contract

they were partially forced :P


i never heard of a 13 year contract of being an entertainer

i think the max i heard was 10 0_0

but if u think about 13 more years at the age of 20ish

its a bit long lol

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Guest lilies_009

XDD yeah I think it's awesome that fans got to like DBSK before they even liked their looks. (b/c I think all of them are gorgeous and Jaejoong and Yoochun are my faves now. Who would've thought that the two members that creeped me out a first sight became my faves? :lol: )

But I don't think their looks are the only thing that makes them good-looking. Their personalities make up most of their gorgeousness for me in my opinion. Their dedication, politeness, loyalty, and determination to satisfy their fans make them have beautiful hearts. Do you remember the glue incident with Yunho? He forgave the girl b/c she reminded him of his little sister. If that doesn't show that a person has a beautiful heart, then I don't know what does.

That's why I don't get this pointless arguing. People just have to remember that DBSK is made of 5 humans. Humans make mistakes and should be forgiven for them. Not saying that DBSK has made any mistakes or anything but they shouldn't be torn apart like some people are trying to do them. No one would want that done to them or their children. I know that their parents are probably worried the most about them right now.

as for blackroses85: "if DBSK wanna follow Shinwha's step, are we cassie willing to hellp them pay for the contract fee?"

For that question, I would have to ask this: Would any of the members accept it? Yunho did return the expensive resents his fans bought him once.

ohh I soooo totally agree with you

what makes me love them is definitely their dedication in everything they do.

i remembered every li'l bit of sacrifices that each member gave..

The Yunho poison incident.... him ending up in a hospital for dislocating and bleeding joints after forcing himself to perform for their fans...

Him forgiving the girl who poisoned him...

and a whole lot more actually...

the hidden cam prank on YUnho about his fan being accused of being a pickpock.

how about the adorable DBSK with the 5 years old blind pianist girl...

that made me love him more... oppsss... :blush: did i just said i love him?? nyahaha (ignore that!LOL)



Ok Rather than arguing on the case thing

why don't we leave or

post stories or any memories or memorable experiences that you guys have about in relation to the DBSK...

let's reminisce every good things about the guys..

E.i omg... i was on the kimpo airport hallway when i saw Yunho passed by a few meters away from me... He was smiling although he looks tired... LOL

(that could make this thread a brighter place... LMAO

ohh don't get me wrong... for those who still want to discuss the case thing just go on..LOL

i'm just........ aisssh nevermind me....



Leave the case crap behind and let's rattle about it when the official statement is out.... (are there even one official statement... ? i'm sorry i'm too lazy to backtrack)



someone suggested the confession session>?

nyahaha ok

here it goes..

at first i thought Junsu was Yunho and Yunho was JUnsu..LOL

then i saw the MV of Balloons... and i said to my friend "why the heck do u like 5 guy mascots? LOL

ok i was totally rude... but yeah.. after a few times watching it... i found myself giggling to their cuteness


Oh Gheee i topped... i don't even have anything good to share.. but to make u guys laugh a bit

(i don't know if this is posted already... pm me though if it is so that i can take it off..note... i don't know either when and where this pics were taken.. i find it hilarious so i saved it on my pc..i think i gt this from AF)



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Guest ilovehugs

The fastest way to stop all the arguing on this thread, is to stop replying the negative/callous remarks being left by certain users. All this replying, repeating- it just serves to encourage them. We need love, not hate in this thread.

Ignore them, we have other things to worry about and better things to post.

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Guest jer_sweety


So....I've been searching and pondering online and FOUND THIS!!!

Interesting things about TVXQ AND SUJU

5. Max Changmin and Super Junior

TVfXQ! and Super Junior members are very close and they understand each other quite well. So, let's hear about TVfXQ! from the Super Junior members! Well, ChoiKang Changmin is not only the youngest in TVfXQ!, all the other 12 Super Junior members are also his older brothers. On the outer appearance, ChoiKang Changmin looks cute and obedient ??he always has an innocent and clueless facial expression. However, the truth is that he is active to the max, and loves to play tricks and jokes on other people. Especially when he picks up the phone, no matter which older brother calls him, ChoiKang Changmin will always use an extremely happy tone in an extremely loud voice to scream: "Hyung! Is that you!" Even if the members just left a few moments ago or they just borrowed some cash from him, ChoiKang Changmin will still greet in a manner as though he has not seen his older brother for a long time.

6. Max Changmin's Self Obsession

Before he debuted, every time when ChoiKang Changmin looks in the mirror, he would ask, "Hyung ah, what should I do? I look so similar to Kangta hyung" This reason he says that is because in ChoiKang Changmin??s heart, Kangta is a pretty boy and is his most respectable idol! Every time YoungWoong Jaejoong hears this, he would become so annoyed close to explosion. However, ChoiKang Changmin is his younger brother so he can only scratch himself in frustration. Recently, people around ChoiKang Changmin has begun to say that he looks like Wonbin and so gradually; ChoiKang Changmin begins to realise this, too, and hence, when he looks into the mirror, he no longer says that he looks like Kangta hyung. Of course, this character has changed to Wonbin now.

(Side Note: This is true! If you watch 060627 Mnet Wide News-SMTown '06 Summer Album [available in SJ*FULL HOUSE 'Rock This House' Page. 2], Shiwon actually accidentally called Changmin - 'Wonbin')

There's plenty of more stories of the members...Yunho, Junsu, Jaejoong, and Micky....so feel free to go to the site and read more :]


Credits go to: ^^


Hahahahaha... I've read this before, so funny...

That's why i love changminnie so much...

Thanks for posting, hope everyone will read this again...


Minnie's muscles are pretty clear here...

yumm... yumm.. yumm


credit as tagged


Any updates/news regarding the Jaechunsu case??

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