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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest alicechen

Their representative revealed through news media on 3rd August, “The 5 years period after they debuted, the 3 of them felt that their minds and their bodies are tired having to follow the tight schedule that the company put up unilaterally.”

They continued, “Kim JunSu, Kim JaeJoong and Park YooChun has been following SM’s instruments from beginning of 2004 till now, going back and forth promoting in Korea, Japan, China etc, and in a year except for 1 week they get only 3-4 hours of sleep a day to do our schedule.”

The 3 members’ representative also added, “It is a 13 years contract but in reality it is a lifetime contract. With the exclusive rights clause in the contract, the 13 years also include the time the members are serving their military service, hence it will go for more than 15 years.

Also, “The members did not receive the right treatment even from SM. Without getting any contract fees, the initial contract was that if their album sells more than 500K copies, each member will get about 10 million KRW during the next album release. If they sell less than 500K copies of album, they will get nothing.”

sm ent., you richard simmons.

OMG!!! my heart is breaking apart..no doubt the most hard-working group!!

We all know how tired they are, flying from country to country, concert to concert!! :tears:

Can't believe they get NOTHING if the album sells less than 500,000. This is beyond sense.

I hope they WIN this case against the ugly SM ENT. :fury:

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Guest blackroses85

i really hope as leader yunho will stand up with his members.. but where did he go?

i dont like the fact that only 3 of them go for the lawsuit...:(

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Guest emkijamo

Tonight is the big press confrence to solve everything, i really hope everything goes well for the guys. I didn't know all this cruel stuff about SM, Even though I think probably some of it isn't true, I'm the sort of person that would have to see things to believe them myself. I really hope they stick together, they deserve better, I just hope they get what they want.

Good luck DBSK :D

Keep the Faith B)

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Guest 7love

OMG :o I will never be able to imagine someone who is very famous like them getting this kind of treatment. No wonder there were many famous groups left SM entertainment. This company is way too greedy and evil :angry: . I am glad Jaejoong, Micky, and Xiah stand up for their right. I always will support them.

Another note, I always felt that dbsk was more relax and happy when they were in Japan than in Korea and now I understand why.

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Guest j.adore

I only translated the body paragraphs of an article because they were the officially released statements and the beginning/end were all written by the reporters.

But originally article can be found here

Please do not post this elsewhere without permission!

Article: Asiae, Daum

Translation credit: j.adore @ soompi

1. 5 years after their debut, the three members are physically and emotionally fatigued from the company’s one-sided orders.

-Kim Junsu, Kim Jaejoong, and Park Yoochun debuted as DBSK members in 2004. Since then, they have followed SM’s orders to go from Korea, Japan, to China. With the exception of 1 week for year, they were only able to get 3-4 hours of sleep and had to go through schedules. During this period, the health of the three members deteriorated and they were mentally fatigued. However, SM pushed DBSK into foreign markets which resulted in excess performance plans. In result, the three members felt that they would not be able to achieve their dreams in SM and would be just tools for the company’s profit. They wished to participate in entertainment activities according to their individual visions.

2.In reality, 13 years of contract meant a contract for life.

-According to the contract, the period of the contract was 13 years, but when including military service, would exceed over 15 years. This meant that there was still 10 years to go with the current contract and in reality, meant until retirement. In the instance that the contract would be breached, the penalty would be to pay 3 times the total investment, 2 times the lost earnings. Even in the case that the contract is canceled when agreed by both parties, the members were required to pay penalty. Therefore, due to the millions of wons required by the contract upon cancellation, contract cancellation was realistically impossible and the members had no choice but to remain in SM

3. The members did not receive adequate treatment from SM for their efforts.

-Despite all this, during the duration of their contract, they did not receive adequate treatment from SM. They did not receive any earnest money from the contract, and according to the initial contract for album profit allotment clause, only when an album sold 500,000 copies, could they get $10,000 per member for the next album, and when albums sold less than 500,000 copies, the members could not receive any earnings. This clause was revised in 2009, February 6th, but even after the revision, earnings that each member would receive for the album sales were 0.4%-1% depending on the album sales.

4. The members requested for corrections to the unreasonable contract, but SM did not listen to the member’s opinions.

-In this situation, the three members pointed out the unreasonable parts in the contract and asked multiple times to be freed from the contract’s boundary and work according to their visions but in response to the current situation, SM discussed issues dealing with their investments in the makeup company, not responding to the true nature of the problem. Despite all this, the three members wanted to find a way to deal with the situation and requested for a conference where both parties could find a solution but SM did not respond. During this process, by the attitudes shown by SM, the three members realized that there was no point in hoping for a settlement and resorted to the court of justice to execute a solution for the problems.

5. The investment in makeup company does not have any relation to entertainment activities and does not have any relation to the applied provisional disposition. The nature of this incident is the contract.

-SM stated that the disposition was submitted due to the investment but the members’ investments in the makeup company do not have anything to do with the provisional disposition. The makeup company SM discussed planned to export to China, and the three members invested as stockholders, having no relation with their entertainment activities. Just by common sense, it does not make sense that the members would give up all their efforts and results as DBSK in order to invest $100,000 to the company. The core of the problems presented by the members is contract injustice, and SM’s attempts to blur the true problems by bring up the investments must stop now.

6. The members do not want DBSK to disband and just hope to free themselves from contract restraints.

-May fans are worried that the disposition would result in DBSK’s disbandment. However, this disposition was not intended for DBSK to disband. Right now, due to differences in how the members wish to overcome problems, only 3 members have participated in the lawsuit. However, there is no problems within the members and they all have the same wishes to keep their promises with their fans to always remain as one. After this incident, if contract injustice is corrected and the members are given conditions to freely perform their music, they feel that everyone can be one and can stand in front of fans as one.

7. We will take this as an opportunity to mature.

-The members realize how much DBSK fans must be surprised and be disappointed about this incident and are distressed and sorry. If the fans could think of this as a jump to bigger dreams and continue to cheer, the members promise to respond to the fans as better musicians.

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no wonder the boys have such an unbreakable bond. look at the bs they went through together.

i'm so damn proud of them for standing up to this bs. if they win, this could change things for upcoming sm artists.

dbsk is the one group that can change this. i pray that they win. they have to.

always keep the faith.

HoMin are in this with the boys, they just have their drama contracts to think about. They haven't got the time to fight this with the other three because that would mean delay to their drama filming which will annoy the directors, co-actors etc etc.

ALL 5 of them are in this together and if there's a fan out there that actually believes that HoMin will leave Jaechunsu to fight this alone then they don't know about the bond these boys have.

You both took the words i want to say out of my mouth.

If some are still questioning why homin are not in this with the other 3, then you certainly dont noe how deep their bond is.

At least we can rest a bit for now because the boys have no intentions on breaking up so we dont have to worry about this point anymore

SME you made a lot of fans mad!!!

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Guest gclark

Am a silent reader as well..........

^ this is ridiculous!!!! <_<

they would've gotten nothing!

& 10 million won?? that's not even a lot of money for an artist! that's like less than $10,000?

i'm used to other countries' artists making millions each album!!! >:(

Now, this provision of the contract is my happy poopoo.

But, before anything else.... QUESTION!!!!!

Were the parents or guardians and lawyers of the boys present when they signed this contract? Because if they were....then the whacking and the blame should go to them first...why the heck they let the boys signed this stupid contract in the first place.... when it is very evident that the contract is a complete slavery.....

TO SM.... be human first........ treat your artists well and get the money later..........

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Guest jadedbeauty

HoMin are in this with the boys, they just have their drama contracts to think about. They haven't got the time to fight this with the other three because that would mean delay to their drama filming which will annoy the directors, co-actors etc etc.

ALL 5 of them are in this together and if there's a fan out there that actually believes that HoMin will leave Jaechunsu to fight this alone then they don't know about the bond these boys have.

I know that they are all in this together. That never crossed my mind, but im still confused. Suing someone takes a PRETTY long time, so im wondering Since all five of the boys signed the same contract, when/If jae, chun & su break the contract, will it break Min and Ho's contract too? Because if it isnt like that then doesnt it mean that once Ho and Min finish their drama they have to go through this law suit-suing thing all over again?

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Guest shiro245

OMG! Lee So Man and SM board are fat and disgusting pigs. How could they make DBSK work like slave like that. Hope they will all end up in hell or have miserable life in the future. THose pigs deserve that.

Those ridiculous terms in the contract and about how much money they get totally anger me so much now. I am sure when those fat pigs find better tools to extract more money, they will disband DBSK for sure. I don't want to sound like a crazy fan but I seriously will boycott SM products. Pray with all my heart that the Korean Court will give JYJ justice. Well, I am actually very happy to know that they don't want to disband but I hope they will get more benefit proportion with their work.

DBSK Fighting!

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Guest Hermione612


Question i wonder if someone reply me now

What time in Korea now? i have confusing

8PM in Korea the news will aired right?

plz i can' wait

I'm in VietNam, and our time zone is GMT +7, Korean is GMT + 9, its 10h50 in VN right now , so I think it its 12h40 in Korean, that is the way I know what time in other country. Correct me if I'm wrong

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Wow! I am just so shocked with all these articles.

3-4 hours of sleep! :o Im just soo angry with this!

and if they don't sell 500k, WHAT! They don't get anything?!

this is sooo unfair!

It made my cry thinking how much things they had to go through T.T

Hwaiting TVXQ! We support you 100%!

& about Homin not in the lawsuit, I think they would definetly have filed a lawsuit with the other members, but because of their drama contracts...

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Guest shineecockroach

Okay, I think they should just leave SM. Yeah, just this morning I was hoping they will settle the issue and come to a fair decision for both parties but oh. my. god. I'm seriously wishing SooMan gives them like, 10 billion won just to compensate for the past 5 years' hard work... they will win this, no matter what happens they will come out of this better off than if they didn't stand up and let everyone know what's been happening. Stand tall, DBSK. You have all of us fans to support you.

I'm proud of you boys. Fight for your rights! YEAH!!!! <3

Dang. *still in shock because of the just-recently-known facts*

SM... I knew you like money.... but seriously?!? 10 million won if ,and only if they sell over 500k?! 10 million won is $8,180 US... I don't even have that good a job... but I can earn that much in 4 months... with 10 hours sleep everyday...c'mon now, that's like.... jeez....

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Guest Chalk-Bandits

**** SM and Lee Soo Man. How can they exploit the boys like that?

3 or 4 hours of sleep is just unbelievable. 13 years contract?

I know his dispute is far from over, but I hope everything can be resolve as soon as possible and no disbandment.

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Guest rosetta16

Also, “The members did not receive the right treatment even from SM. Without getting any contract fees, the initial contract was that if their album sells more than 500K copies, each member will get about 10 million KRW during the next album release. If they sell less than 500K copies of album, they will get nothing.”

that mean they got money for their albums till the mirotic one?!! damn u SM DAMN U !!!!!!!

and yeah i bet Chagnmin and Yunho didnt sue cause of their dramas cause it might afect the production

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will people STOP questioning Yunho and Changmin's stance on the case. they are involved in active drama contracts. if they join the injunction, that could halt their contracted activities and if they do that, it's possible that they could be fined by the production companies. give them a break. they know what they're doing and have already said that they have no plans to split. just support them in the case and hope everything turns out for the best.

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Guest j.adore

Also for those who don't know...

They will not be having any press conference or any forms of additional interviews. This was just like their official statements released by their lawyer after talking things out with the members yesterday. The lawyer basically said that they said all there is, and unless there is a real need for a press conference, it will not happen.

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This is crazy

you acctuly belive that a human can last on sleeping 3-4hours a day

1 week vac.

SME is pushing DBSK the there limit

in no time DBSK is going to fall off the clift and i know who to blame

12:50ish PM in korea

i think that SME people should migrate to some other company


10k if they sell 500k ...

albums are about what 15$s? [uSD]

500k x 15 = 7 500 000 divide that by 5 = 1 500 000 each

...[or more]

they could be earning so much more then 10 grand

tas right ... i did the math

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Guest MatsuJoongie

I think they should take a year break. Yeah, I said it. Or at least 6 months! Make people anticipate and wait for them. And by making people wait, I don't mean okay now they're taking a break from Korea, let's just ship them on into Japan.

You just said what I was just thinking! These boys not only deserve a year break, but the NEED it! Only getting 3-4 hours of sleep everyday in a year?? there are around 8,766 hours in a year...so that means that they only got around 1,095 hours of sleep. WTF. It's a wonder that none of them haven't fainted badly. The fans will wait for them. We would rather have our boys on break, happy and healthy than being on shows everyday and looking like they're about to die. I'm more concerned about their health now. This isn't a matter to play with. If SM don't do the right thing soon, then I'm afraid of what the outcome is going to be.

Keep the faith, everyone.

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Guest kashmier

i don't care if yunho or changmin are in the drama.

they just recently signed it, why did they accepted it knowing that the three members are preparing a case against SM. i don't understand HoMin, this is about their life too. All the things yunho said about how sm is so good to them are all lies. My respect for Yunho as the leader of the group is now gone. I'm so sorry, this is how i feel.

I hope Yunho would man up and face this together with the members. I can't believe he looks happy while filming the drama knowing that the members are suffering.

whats the bond that you are talking about? this is the most important and crucial event in dbsk. how come the only 3 of them are in this together?

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I'm more to E.L.F than Cassies but i really love DBSK. :D

Oh wow~~that is absolutely ridiculous. 3-4 hours a sleep per day? 15 years contract? 500K album sales? SM u crazy son of %#&@$. :angry:

SM needs to wake up man...They seriously must treat their artists like real human not as tools for money-making. Otherwise, the company will suffers.

DBSK Hwaiting! They deserved to win this case. Not only they could take a stand for themselves but also for other fellow SM artists like close friends Suju and Boa.

You go boys~~~




I quite agree with people that said no SM no DBSK. But just imagine if you're in their shoes and being pushed to do the 4-5 schedules per day. The DBSK boys (the artists for that matter) are not SUPERHUMAN. They also needed rest physically and mentally.

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