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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest xU♥Vcass♥OneTVXQ

^ as I know, the car that SM gave Chunnie is Lexus not Audi >.<

I now so confuse too /sigh

In the previous page, someone post a statement of SM about Yoochun's car, anyone can translate it plz

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Guest DBSK_real

In the middle of frustration situation, I hope this vid could help you smile.


DBSK is the best when their voice harmonizing together. ;)

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Guest some1gurl


from what i know...SM trying to use yoochun car as an excuse...BTW JUST WANNA REMIND YOU GUYS HERE..ITS AGAIN, FROM SM STATEMENT NOT CHUNNIE HIMSELF

SM said AUDI r8 was personally owned by yoochun and nothing to do with them (*they want to show that yoochun actually have enough money to buy such expensive car*)..again one card release by SM.... :angry:

then if i'm not mistaken,

CASSIE said,

yoochun actually LEASED the car with 40,000 krw per month...that why he manage to get the expensive car...

correct me if i'm wrong...they said yoochun already return it back to the original owner..

there actually two type of lease: finance lease and operating lease (similar to rental)...\

got definition from WIKIPEDIA:

A lease is a contract conferring a right on one person (called a tenant or lessee) to possess property belonging to another person (called a landlord or lessor) to the exclusion of the owner landlord. It is a rental agreement between landlord and tenant.The relationship between the tenant and the landlord is called a tenancy, and the right to possession by the tenant is sometimes called a leasehold interest. A lease can be for a fixed period of time (called the term of the lease) but may be terminated sooner. The consideration for the lease is called rent or the rental.



i dont care if he want to sell the car..but it proven that they actually dont get what they deserve as he only lease the car...just my opinion..hope you guys dont over react it...and it also says this article was not from dnbn...thus the sources quite non-reliable

duke_cow one thing if the fixed period time has expired the lessor have option to buy it or return it to the original owner...so it not necessary means CHUNNIE out of money...DONT FALL UNDER SM TRAP...

i'm so happy i'm able to use my accounting knowledge now..hehe

lina 26345 but they also said if the name is popular name they have to get permission from each member...so ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH

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Guest Duke_Cow

I also heared that Chun's car is a present form Crebeau. But, that's not 100% right !!!!. Okay, we just hear that. No one confirm that.

But before the news "Yoochun selling his Audi R8", I always think this car is Chun's property. I thought he bought it not lease >"< Oh shin, what happen here????? Why does Chun sell his car in this time ? Well, I don't think he's out of money. T__T I can't understand.

And about SM want to apply for the trademark right of DBSK >"< Hhm, bad strategy SM. Now, you want to do the same thing like you have done with Shinhwa ???. Okay, I'll wait to see what you'll do next.

*bad mood now*

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Guest jiajiaaa


Don't take such articles too seriously, it might just be a media play by SM. All these are not really confirmed. So.. Just have faith!

Seriously. Ain't SM tired of all the scheming? They should jolly well know that fans aren't that stupid these days right? LOL seeing them wasting their brain cells squeezing brain juice to only come up with all these BS. Well done, SM! Keep up the good work huh. Too bad I'm not falling into your trap!

I'm praying hard that application for dbsk name won't be approved. SM is so so soooo lame!


My all-time fav live performance:


Take a look at this fanvid. Very touching..


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SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August


SM Entertainment has once again applied for the trademark rights for Dong Bang Shin Ki.

It is known that SM Entertainment had gone to apply for continuation of trademark rights for the name ‘Dong Bang Shin Ki’ at the Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) on 5th August together with 3 other names.

Currently the company is in a lawsuit with Dong Bang Shin Ki 3 members Xiah JunSu, Micky YooChun and Hero JaeJoong, and this application has brought up different interpretations from music experts.

With the case of SM Entertainment applying for trademark rights for the name, especially since there was once in 2004 SM has refused to do so for 東方神起, much interests are roused as to the intention behind the act.

SM Entertainment also applied for trademark rights of other groups like Super Junior and So Nyeo Shi Dae on 4th August.

One music industry expert said, “Applying for the trademark rights for the singers in your own company is a natural thing. Sometimes it has been taken as a sensitive issue by many.”

Another said, “The company has the right and this is a natural thing to do. It shouldn’t be seen as a bad intention.” While another said, “Dong Bang Shin Ki is a group that is wellknown throughout Asia and Korea. If the trademark rights are abused, it is damaging to their image. There was a problem of disbanding some time back. But it is true that the sensitive time comes when the company applies for trademark rights to the name.”

credit: sookyeong @ kbites

OK...so looks like SM is gonna buy/register the dongbang name after all. This means if ever the men were to part from SME but want to use the name, they can't..means if they want, they'd have to fight to buy the rights to their name. I see a pattern here. Shinhwa had to buy the rights to their group name too. And Jang Woohyuk from H.O.T. had to pay SME ridiculous sums of money just to sing ONE H.O.T. song at his own solo concert? SME's a money-w-h-o-r-e.

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Guest milk*tea

first time posting here~

trademark issues: i would like to conclude (even to just myself) that just in case DBSK leaves SM Ent. the same thing would happen to them as what happened to their seonbaes (shinhwa) because that's one of the best possible outcomes of this on-going case.

I love some the SM artists including DBSK, swear...but I just feel like artists that are either under appreciated or overworked should start somewhere else but then my fear would be if DBSK leaves SM...they will most likely block DBSK or prolly JaeChunSu into getting into other companies....

there could be TONS of conclusions and I just hate the fact that SM is covering up so many things and making the boys look bad....*sighs*

just hope everything turns out well....and yes, ALWAYS Keep the Faith.

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Guest ^_^tanpopo


Hi fellow DBSK fans here,

I battled with myself for a while to whether or not I should post this, and in the end, I decide to do it.

I like DBSK music for less than 1 year but I did read and try to understand them more on this as well as other forums, communities, fan cafe, blogs, newspapers, etc. At first, I come to like them because their songs did a wonder to me and now, I respect them for their hard works, which one among those is clear the prejudice that boyband is a mere pretty face.

And in their current issue, I support their decision.

Now, so far, I see that there're many fans who did and do many things to show DBSK their supports, in many different forms. From analysis of SM's statement to point out some unfair and ridiculous terms, fighting back on SM's media play, joining petition to creating videos, etc, it shows your concerns and worries about DBSK.

However, there is something I notice. That is: it seems international fans' support is scattering from place to place. Yes, some Korean media did take notice. But our support seems small.

I know that being not a Cassie or Bigeast, I'm limited to support DBSK by buying their CD/DVD (when I like their releases) or some other forms like joining their concerts, voting for them on foreigner-eligible polls, etc. But number of DBSK international fans isn't small, right? If you are like me, you know that there are many sites or threads dedicated to DBSK and/or DBSK members.

I checked frequently forums like soompi, dnbn, heyjj, xiah-shii, yunho-shii and many more, and it appears that somehow one "support campaign" of a forum is not spreading to other forums. And thus, this makes me feel international fans support scattering.

That's why I would like to discuss with you all here about ideas to unite us, international fans, as one to make a bigger impact on media and mainly to let DBSK know that even though we are different people with different points of views and understandings, we at least appreciate their music and effort to make music environment better and thus make better music for us to listen. Here are some that I wish to listen to your opinions.

1, Make an support message from DBSK international fans to DBSK.

I read Cassie's "Always keep the faith" post. And they took time to translate it to English, Japanese, Thai and Chinese and send translated versions to targetted DBSK fanbases in different countries. And they made that post on top or pinned topic.

So I think maybe we international fans can do the same? We can ask for contribution from many other DBSK sites, forums, communities, blogs, etc to create that notice. It's not necessary to be long like the one from Cassie. It can be as simple as "We international fans stand by and support DBSK" for a draft. Then when the final notice is done, we can post it on our sites, blogs, forums, etc as our #1 post or pinned post/topic or similar location where visitors will see it first when visiting our sites, blogs, forums, etc.

This is like DBSK international fans' united reply to "Always keep the faith" call from Cassie.

I know that admins or contributors/moderators from other sites, blogs, forums, communities, etc also visit soompi's DBSK threads and vice versa. And there're many sites out there that one fan can't have time to visit all. So if one member from those sites, forums, etc can help to spread this message or give tips to admins of those sites, forums, etc, this campaign can be done and spreading world wide.

There's a possibility that a site can have their own support message already or simply prefer to use "Always keep the faith" message from Cassie (or even don't want to join). I think if we state our reason to do so and in the DBSK international fan support message, we have a section like "general message" for content that most international fans agree and "customized message" for content that a specific site, forum, community can put their own message in, then this campaign can be a success.

2, We speak the truth

I believe many of you have read about SM's media play. And many fans are still confusing due to this issue's complex. And I see some fans have ideas of us having "media play" to fight back SM. It's really up to you to take action, but my idea is: We don't do media play. We speak the truth!

By "the truth", I mean as an international fan I KNOW what songs/music I like, how DBSK/Tohoshinki/TVXQ affects my life, what I do to support DBSK, etc. So I myself know it and I speak it because it's the truth.

I get this idea because:

- if we do "media play" with SM, it means we are just on the same level as SM. And I refuse, because I do like DBSK music. I speak it loud and clear and simple. I don't hide it.

- I see many good deeds DBSK fans have done around the world, including Korea (like contributing to orphans, environment, social crisis issues, etc) BUT Korean media as well as some international sites just keep on mentioning "bad stuffs" about DBSK fans. At first, I could read and see many articles about "bad DBSK fans" (even things like DBSK soompiers were so biased, unable to accept different point of view, etc). Only after I tried to dig more information, I would see many wonderful things that I don't see other groups' fans doing or mentioning (even when they know about it).

So I came to this idea of "we speak the truth" campaign to collect all those good deeds from DBSK fans. That collection can contain text message, video, news or newspaper screenshots, photos of fan-made things inspired by DBSK (even fanfic), etc. It's not necessary good deeds done by now, it can be in the past.

All is to show how DBSK affects your life. It can be story about how you change your point of view in life that you feel better for you, how DBSK inspires you to contribute to your community (online or offline), how DBSK helps you to realize values in things you didn't notice before, etc. All just to show we like or love DBSK for a good reason and/or to be a better self.

A dedicated thread or site or forum/community or blog, etc will be created. And we send this to DBSK or DBSK staff or even spread this to international media (including Korean one) if you like, or this collection can be pinned on some top posts for example.

This collection will possibly be divided into many sections like: signature competitions (with links and results), "Always keep the faith" video collections (from fans of all countries), "Always keep the faith" banner collections (I remember some forums do this), inspiration story, etc.

3, International fans' reply on DBSK music

I still remember DBSK members wondered once (in a concert or interview) that they received so much love from fans and they can only reply via their songs (they made songs for us), and they asked if it's somehow enough to us fans?

And may some of us know that SM doesn't supply much of artistic development to SM's groups in general and DBSK members in particular. We know DBSK's got potentials to create, produce and make songs, but SM doesn't allow them to develop fully. It's painful to think about it.

And may some of us fans have watched, seen or heard wonderful covers of DBSK songs.

So I think maybe we can collect all those covers (old or new) and send that collection to DBSK? It can be piano version, string version, vocal version, family singing version, dance-along version, etc of songs DBSK's performed. And we can recommend songs to them too with hope those songs will inspire them to create or perform more wonderful songs. It's like DBSK inspires us via music, and we feedback to them via music to inspire them more for more wonderful music.

Similar to campaign #2, a site may be dedicated for this.

I know that there are many projects out their for DBSK. I don't intend to create more projects. Instead I just wish to link them all together under "international fans" name, so that DBSK can conveniently go to one place to have all links for them to visit.

You may know that they are busy and they do surf Net to see fans' responses. And with so many sites out there for DBSK, it'll be a bit hard for them to visit all and understand all projects from international fans. That's why a convenient place for them to go with all links of international fans' projects can be a good idea, right?

I'm sure that if one international fan utilize their friendship or membership properly, we can connect us international fans and send our campaign(s) to DBSK successfully.

For example: I have friends who understand Japanese and Korean (some may have mixi or cyworld accounts) so I can ask them to spread our campaign to Cassie or Bigeast. I can contribute contents, set up a site, etc for those. I know many DBSK dedicated forums/communities/blogs and can ask for their help.

You, I or any people willing can be in charge of administrative stuff. As long as we come to result, it's cool, right?

Finally, one thing I want to mention is that: those are not to brag about DBSK. My ideas are just to show DBSK our united support and if possible, like a united library for reference. We have library for DBSK's songs, radio mp3 and activities videos (at dbskarchives), then is my collection ideas worthy to do?

Thank you for your opinion.

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Guest Darknesss

<---looks both ways

If Chun had to lease a car...how is that not proof they're not getting paid what they should? When's the last time you heard of a major celebrity needing to lease instead of buy a car? People only lease when they don't have enough money to buy...absurd :angry:


If they get that trademark, I'm going to bug out...I feel pretty bad for the other groups though...their chances of escaping slim with trademarks <_< $%^&SM

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Guest miss betty

note that SM has done nothing related to the real cause of this current situation..


1. cancels SM town concert (citing the boys as the reason - no faith in their other groups?)

2. release SM town single (4 songs all male groups)

3. file for trademark claim (at a time like this how does this make you look?)

4. "articles" are coming up..

notice that only one side is making news.. the boys on the other hand have been quiet..

i have a feeling that in the end SM is going to lose out (in what way i don't know).. their actions will backfire on them.. seriously, it's getting more and more ridiculous how they're trying to make themselves look good and stuff..

not worried for the trademark claim.. SM's getting nothing..

prediction: bittersweet ending for the boys but they'll secure a happy future together..

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Guest khiddy

Now i came back with the things i read from Korean site about Yoochun's audiR8. anyone know more details? pls correct me if i'm wrong

- He leased the car from an acquaintance

- Leasing is like a rental contract (like what posted above ) He just paid for a rent, used it and when the contract finished, he gave it back to the real owner, that acquaintance. He's not the real owner of this car

. The real owner himself put it up in the market at Bobaedream.com for used car category and at first, the site remarked this car as 'The car Micky Yoochun used to drive'. Obviously, the owner intended to make the price higher than it should be ( of course, it went up so high because its Yoochun from tvxq.)

- Later, they changed it to be just ' The car that popular Korean boyband member used to drive' but by now everyone knows it's Yoochun. So the owner surely will get that amount of money for selling this car.

- SM joined in the article said that 'this car was Yoochun's before he returned it to the owner just to make it as if they really gave him enough money to afford this luxury audi of his. Sm tried to fool us that Yoochun get paid well unlike what he claimed in the lawsuit.

- Why reporter wrote the title for this article ' Micky Yoochun sells his car' is the good indication that he purposely intended to make a misunderstanding.

- From my pov, SM , reporter and the owner of this car(Yoochun's acquaintance) joined together to release this news to make SM the good guy , reporter will get paid and the owner will get money from that unusual high price Audi. Yes, Yoochun who knew nothing about this will be the bad guy here (poor him)

That's SM making a dirty move now. Lots of people fall for it too cos its kinda complicated to understand at some points. I still don't want to believe Sm could come up with this low and dirty idea but they did.

PS: :mellow: i can stop thinking that Yoochun must feel so sad to know this, and even his acquaintance can do this to him too. I dont want him to lose faith in people around him anymore like in the past. so worried. Yoochun u must be strong ok? Hope he and jae are fine with earthquake too.


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Guest luvwhiack


so many topics discussed here....

i'm so confuse now... :unsure:


though i'm quite lost here...

I just wana say tht I, as an international fans of tvxq, wil always support them...

no matter wht will hapen later....

I wish everything will b okey,,,

n soon we'll see their faces w/o sad feeling...

cz evrytime i watch / listen to their videos,, i always feel sad n cry...

myb it's bcause i feel useless,, n can't help them...

all i can do rite now is just pray for them...

N i'm vry hpy to see tht so many people support them...

thre're so many project made for them...

i wish i could join those project....

*sadly,, i couldn't.. n tht's bcz of my final exam & i hv to prepare for internship... :(

PS: For all of You who made those project for TVXQ,, i'm so thankful for everythings u hv done...

n I feel sorry for not joined d project... :unsure:

But i'll always support u all from here.... :)


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Guest greenteadrinker

Now i came back with the things i read from Korean site about Yoochun's audiR8. anyone know more details? pls correct me if i'm wrong


Thank you for informing us! Do you have the links to the original Korean website where these details appeared?

All these news, little by little coming out has made me lose any respect I ever had for SM.

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Guest TVXQ<3

DBSK Fans Scattered: I know there are a LOT of DBSK fans out there. Maybe some are busy with work, some are just casual listeners (i love casual listeners btw), etc but we're a lot for sure!

Can we? For once step up?

I know we've done video messages but I know too that we CAN do better than that. Idk. I was actually touched by the videos made by international fans but somewhat I am asking for more support. Like, PLEASE, let everyone know that YOU BELIEVE in DBSK and be proud that you're in this fandom. SPEAK UP!!

Idk what I exactly want to happen but I need to comfort myself that you guys are NOT loosing faith...

After being so paranoid for the last few days and everyone's falling for SM's trap.. DBSK fans who are not keeping on tract are actually the ones who are very confused with the situation... And antis are getting the opportunity to bash the boys saying that they are greedy for money and that their fame had gone to their heads. WHATEVER! DBSK fans know that THESE are NOT true.

Someone please enlighten me.


Idk what to do. While I was in school today, never did DBSK's situation came to my mind, it's just OK but whenever I go to sleep at night like now, I am sooooo pissed off at SM's DIRTY work. I was never worried about the boys breaking up coz I know they wouldn't whatever happens but this WHOLE media play and people falling for it just makes me HATE SM even more. The only thing that can stop me from worrying are the support of my fellow DBSK fans. If I know A LOT are speaking up and my mind agrees with it, I feel comforted and touched. I hope the boys will have a better company to handle them... Because I believe even if they make a settlement with SM, their repationship with that company will never be the same as before...

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Guest lovebyelove

I agree with some of the posts here. We as international fans should do something.

I have a few ideas.

What if we wrote a letter to a Korean newspaper? Or someone of importance? Telling them how much we love and support TVXQ no matter what?

I'm a fan of Roger Federer, the tennis player, and I wrote a "Pledge of Loyalty" for him on behalf of his fans and got around 1,000 signatures which was delivered to him. This was when he was going through a rough patch.

I like to believe that the pledge gave him a confidence boost, because he went to become the best player in the history of tennis.

I'd like to try and do something similar for the boys. What do you guys think?

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Requesting for the name and some pictures from this photoshoot ~

They look younger ehs.
This should be quite long ago?


actually, this photoshoot is from/for their 2009 calendar ^^ so the photoshoot isn't from a long time ago (:

here are some pictures:

th_Calender.jpg th_Calender4.jpg th_Calender3.jpg th_dbskdesk25.jpg

th_dbskdesk01.jpg th_Calender3-1.jpg th_Calender2.jpg

th_Calender4-1.jpg th_Calender6-1.jpg th_Calender5.jpg th_Calender3-2.jpg

th_Calender5-1.jpg th_Calender4-2.jpg th_Calender-1.jpg

okay, i don't have ALL the pictures, maybe someone can give you the rest. Click to enlarge (:

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Guest syazen

i've never post anything here before (silent reader)...

and as an international fan... i been thinking...why not we use AVEX??

what i mean...as someone into a business, you can't loose a 'good product' to sell??

simply like; boost up every Tohoshinki's japanese albums/singles/mobiletones/etc.... (which i been calculate...not all fans been doing any of its coz its on their japanese site :huh: )

If AVEX seeing these...don't you think they ever let this loose easily??

*so...let start our little project :D

*i need to get their "heart,mind& soul" album....again :lol:

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Guest ohhlalakelly

090811 Struggling for the name "Secure TVXQ"


SM was rejected for the rights of TVXQ's name in 2004 but they submitted another four applications on 2009.08.05

SM Entertainment is now attempting to secure TVXQ's name, a little too late. On the 5th of this month, SM sent an application for the exclusive rights to the name 'TVXQ' four times to the Korean License Information Center. Amidst the dispute SM has with some of the members of TVXQ, this application for the trademark is bound to cause controversy. Many will want to know, is SM's bid to be the sole owner of the name 'TVXQ' to 'secure' their rights for their business, or to 'shackle' the group?

On the day before, SM also applied for the exclusive rights to 60 other names such as 'Girls' Generation', 'Soshi', 'Sonyuhshidae', '小女時代', 'Super Junior' 'Suju'. The agency has applied for the rights of 64 names in a short span of only two days. In these 64 names, hundreds of calendars, cosmetics, glasses, lenses, furniture, bags, and beds have been included in the sub categories.

The application for a trademark is to stop third parties from getting money by unlawfully using the names of certain products. It also gives the person with the exclusive rights the ability to make supplementary businesses using the name. Therefore, the act of a group asking for the exclusive rights is usually seen in a positive right for the group would be asking for the rights to themselves. However, when an entertainment agency asks for the rights completely disregarding the celebrity in question, it can be seen as an act to shackle the celebrity from performing in the future.

Hwang Sukpil, a lawyer who specializes in the entertainment business, said, "Applying for the rights to a trademark is to protect the rights of that celebrity," and "But there is always a chance that this application can turn into a struggle to secure that name. It can be used to corner the agency's celebrity so that they can't do anything. Most of the time, agencies get the exclusive rights to celebrities without the celebrity even knowing about it."

Of course, just because one applies for the rights, does not mean they get them 100% of the time. Regarding 'Dong Bang Shin Ki', SM's application was rejected in 2004. Nonetheless, it seems SM is trying to get the rights again because of the dispute between them and TVXQ. We have investigated the reasons behind agencies' attempts to get the exclusive rights. What is waiting to be uncovered?

Agencies' Applications for Trademarks

To a star, their name is like brand that distinguishes them. This applies to when they use pseudonyms as well as when they use their own names. This is because when the public hears a celebrity's name, the image and the popularity of that celebrity comes to their minds. This occurs more amongst idol groups where many members form one team. Because the group's name is the image that represents all the members, there have been many instances of agencies applying for the exclusive rights.

In the case of singers, the application applies to their songs and performances. Since most of their income comes from album sales and concerts, these areas must obviously be protected by the law. For instance, if Seotaiji applied for the exclusive rights for their albums and concerts, they have protected themselves from having any third parties putting out albums or giving concerts under the name 'Seotaiji'.

Many of the applications for the exclusive rights for singers applies to albums and concerts. However, there have been instances where the singer or the agency applies for other areas. On the 4th, SM Entertainment filed an application for Girls' Generation and Super Junior regarding, not their albums and concerts, but bags, wallets, beds, etc that have nothing to do with the singers' activities.


The products SM is asking exclusive rights for include tickets, calendars, stamps etc.

The Meaning of A Trademark Application

It can be said that the application for exclusive rights to names is not simply to protect the rights of the celebrities from third parties. It can be also seen as an act of the agency to protect the rights to other businesses regarding the names in the future. It can be as an act of saving the name so the agency can put it on cameras or cosmetics which they would sell to the fans later.

Attorney Hwang Sungpil said, "The rights to a trademark is the right to expand the name's products. For example, if the exclusive rights for drama or movie titles were taken, the person who has those rights would be able to earn a lot of money from products related to the drama or movie titles." Therefore, an agency's application for rights can be seen as preparation to branch out their image later using that celebrity's name.

The majority of applications for singers is done by the agencies. There are times when the agency asks for joint-rights with the singers, but if they ask for exclusive rights, they open themselves up to more financial opportunities. Most of these opportunities have nothing to do with the skills and talents of the celebrity.



What are the Real Motives Behind the Agency's Application?

Of course there have been many instances where the applications for the rights to celebrities' names have been rejected. According to the Trademark Law Clause 7.1.6, "Brands that already include a part of an already famous name or nic-name cannot be given exclusive rights. However, the application can be accepted only if the person applying has received permission from the already famous person."

For instance, 'Dong Bang Shin Ki' can be seen as an already famous name. Therefore, without the permission of each individual members, it will be close to impossible for SM to receive exclusive rights to the name. In fact, SM applied for the rights for the Chinese character version of 'TVXQ' (東方神起) in 2004 but was rejected. Nonetheless, SM has applied for the rights once more.

One agency's representative said, "When one gets the rights to a name, the income one can get off that name is massive. The reason they are trying again, even though they've been rejected before, is because they know this," and "An agency's attempts to broaden the business markets other than music of a singer can be seen as the agency's attempt to reap in supplementary benefits from the singer even after the contract has ended as they already have the rights to the singer's name."


Some of the names that SM succeeded in receiving the exclusive rights to.

"Protecting Rights and Abusing Power, What is the Solution?"

The application for exclusive rights to a name goes by a 'first come, first serve' system. The first person to apply will get the rights even with they are not the ones who's name is being applied for. If the agency gets the rights to a group's music and concerts before they debut and become famous, this can cause problems regarding the team's name when the contract ends and moves agencies.

Therefore, it can be said that the agency has the upper hand in such a situation. If the group wants to continue working under their group name, they have no choice but to work under the agency that holds the rights. In reference to such an unfortunate situation, Attorney Hwang Sungpil advised, "To stop disputes regarding rights in the future, it would be wise for singers and agencies to have joint-rights to names."

Other than the Chinese character version of the members names and 'Tong Vfang Xien Qi HERO MAX Xiah U-Know Micky', no other forms of TVXQ's names have been passed through the application course. Therefore, if the members leave SM, they will still be able to perform under the name 'Dong Bang Shin Ki'. This also applies to each of the members' individual names.

However, if the application SM handed in the 5th is approved, the story changes entirely. Attorney Hwang Sungpil said, "Depending on how someone uses the exclusive rights, they can be a helper or a hindrance. Therefore, celebrities must always be very cautious when it comes to their rights."

Source: [sports seoul + DBSKnights]

Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

Do not remove/add on any credits

This is the full translated article. It says that it's almost impossible for them to claim rights of the name if the members don't approve of it. especially at a time like this, i hope it gets shot down once again.

why did Chun sell his Audi? That's weird.

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