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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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why aren't there more articles about this? this is coming from a former sm artist. usually there would be like 69474693 articles for this.

it was posted on yahoo kr and got deleted.

original link: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...=en&rank=16

now i get this:

the article was also deleted from news.hankooki.

original link: http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/sports/2009...06312691990.htm

the only one i can find that's still up is news chosun


i say it's sm's doing.


cant really find this articles sumwhere else..

why neh?

expected isnt it?


seriously..the real storm is coming now!!!

we have to stick together no matter what...

keep our faith forever.....

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SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August


SM Entertainment has once again applied for the trademark rights for Dong Bang Shin Ki.

It is known that SM Entertainment had gone to apply for continuation of trademark rights for the name ‘Dong Bang Shin Ki’ at the Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) on 5th August together with 3 other names.

Currently the company is in a lawsuit with Dong Bang Shin Ki 3 members Xiah JunSu, Micky YooChun and Hero JaeJoong, and this application has brought up different interpretations from music experts.

With the case of SM Entertainment applying for trademark rights for the name, especially since there was once in 2004 SM has refused to do so for 東方神起, much interests are roused as to the intention behind the act.

SM Entertainment also applied for trademark rights of other groups like Super Junior and So Nyeo Shi Dae on 4th August.

One music industry expert said, “Applying for the trademark rights for the singers in your own company is a natural thing. Sometimes it has been taken as a sensitive issue by many.”

Another said, “The company has the right and this is a natural thing to do. It shouldn’t be seen as a bad intention.” While another said, “Dong Bang Shin Ki is a group that is wellknown throughout Asia and Korea. If the trademark rights are abused, it is damaging to their image. There was a problem of disbanding some time back. But it is true that the sensitive time comes when the company applies for trademark rights to the name.”

credit: sookyeong @ kbites

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ever since this law suit thingy...my mind and heart is not at ease. I crired and pray that whatever they are going through, they are still together and under the name of DONG BANG SHIN KI... my heart is in pain... FIghtting. TVXQ.

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SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August

Another said, “The company has the right and this is a natural thing to do. It shouldn’t be seen as a bad intention.” While another said, “Dong Bang Shin Ki is a group that is wellknown throughout Asia and Korea. If the trademark rights are abused, it is damaging to their image. There was a problem of disbanding some time back. But it is true that the sensitive time comes when the company applies for trademark rights to the name.”

credit: sookyeong @ kbites

What t.he....

SM is seriously gonna fight for this..

seems like they can sense something coming up real soon, so they decide to have the trademark on Dongbangshinki's name...


this is seriously headache..

and they are playing the role really well..

they had tried to get the trademark in 2004, but failed and they never care about that after 2004,but now?

feeling insecure?

man...seriously i cant stand with SM anymore...

if they got the trademark...

oh no......

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Guest jiajiaaa

SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August


SM Entertainment has once again applied for the trademark rights for Dong Bang Shin Ki.

What?? I don't understand why SM is doing this..? If the boys leave SM they have to buy the "DBSK" name? -.- They just applied so it's not confirmed they'll get it right?? I hope it won't be successful!

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tsk. I can't believe they are applying for trademark again!, and they did it to the other artists too.

probably to prevent what's happening now to happen again in the future. & they applied for 64 names i think

I pray that TVXQ's name would not be approved.

Hwaiting TVXQ! Always keep the faith!

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^^Seaside song is so "summer-ish"...lol..cute song, just cracked me up..Changmin's arroha..:lol:..Chun's "move your hot butt"..:blink: :blush:

Yunho-sama talked about the film, "My Girlfriend is A Cyborg"..and Junsu sensei attempts to tell a scary story and oyagi gag..lol

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Guest BoA_TVXQ

Seaside Lyrics

thank u so much for posting this lyrics. This song is so catchy. I feel presant to hear it. BTW, Changmin's voice at the beginning made me laugh a lot, i havent expected that is his voice but LMAO, it craked me up seriously

SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August

credit: sookyeong @ kbites

LMAO, im glad that now SME use their brains after doing stupid things. All of their statements about slave contracts are so absurd and nonsensical.I think why Sm did it for others artists because they're afraid that they will do as the sam as JaeSuChun when they have chances. Sm wants to put more difficulties on the boyz so they cant leave SM easily at right time.


his tongue xD














cre: as tagged

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Guest miss_h

seaside 휴게소 - 동방신기/TVXQ/DBSK/東方神起 Super Junior SHINee NEW SONG! 3:04

credit: uploader


i'm not sure if i me t's the full ver.

kinda reminds of the old smtown summer songs.

I LOVE Under The Sea, Box in The Ship, and I sure Love this silly, cute, cheer song..

I've been smiling the whole day :)

I love Changmin first line, Junsu childish voice and offcourse YC; 'MOVE YOUR HOT BUTT' (pimping... B) )

I love how I can still hear Junsu voice although they all sang together..

Just wanna say..'samba....!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Eugene on DBSK-SM discord, “It is a pity that companies make use of new singers’ weaknesses”

credit: jub_jub@cyworld

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

SM can't take down an already release article. No matter how much they try, people have an internet. All we have to do is repost it :)

BTW, Eugene is a former SM-er. She must know it the best.

SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August

credit: sookyeong @ kbites

It's common in entertainment industry, in order to secure your artist right. But SM just have fire in their pants aren't they?? They realize they have a very weak case and start to move but nothing works.. Just because it's fun, let me list what they've been doing so far.

1. Put the blame on the cosmetic industry - than it reveal that it's not the problem. The main issues is the 13th year and exclusivity contract. FAILED

2. Divided the member (JaeChunSu VS HoMin) - All of them want to change, just with different approach. Beside, the a-nation and Jingu festival performance proof that no such thing as internal problem - FAILED

3. 11 Billion payment to DBSK - All people agree that is not enough for 5.5 years successful carrier like DBSK (honestly, they never have a down period except when they are hiatus) - FAILED

4. 40-60% income sharing between SM and DBSK. Fans here and in korea come with their amazing accounting skill show how shady it was and this is not about the general number, it's about detail. FAILED

5. SMTown album - to distract people from this matter. Well we are (or atleast me) are distracted and I enjoying the song but doesn't mean I stop following the case. Quite successful. :)


SM just make themselves looks like a fool. THe longer this case taken place, more artist like Eugene, Daesung, and Nicole will speak up. When artist start to express their opinion, public will take notice. They are the one who are close to our heart, not the company.


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SM Town Album- :huh: Only 4 songs and just 3 groups? Why aren't the female singers included?

I like the song Seaside though :P .. I know it isn't the best song, but maybe because I'm bias (with my fav grps in it!). It's such a cheerful song.. it makes one feel cheery and giggly after listening to it. :lol: And I seriously can't believe Changmin's the one who starts out the song!! It's so funny and refreshing at the same time! XD

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Guest ``miamihero

they might be a little paranoid at the moment that's why they are applying for trademark rights for their artiste names.

But I remember reading many pages back that says it was denied because dong bang shin ki contains the word "dong bang" that means East and that's why they cannot get the exclusive right to own the name?

It's good to hear that they will be releasing an SM town album soon. I wish the boys the best of luck :)

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Guest min_60

If they can't copyright it back in 2004, I sincerely hope they won't be able to copyright the name now

Seaside Lyrics

Thanks for this, I LOL-ed so hard at Changmin's part, and I didnt know it was them right after Shinee. I didn't like the song at first but its sticking inside my head now.

Sorry Changmin, but I laugh everytime I hear the opening xD

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Guest Senorita_

SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August

[ 200908111448551002_1.jpg

Another move by SME. If SME does have the rights to the name, then it'll be hard for the boys' to use it. And I can see they're applying for the rights of other names just incase if anything happens. If they didn't get the rights back in 04, then I really hope they won't get it again.

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Guest ka_vie

Is this the one you're looking for??

{GOE;SS} DBSK Mc Mongs Radio Show [Eng Sub] 1/7

I hope I got you the right one!

aaah....thank u so much jiajiaaa.....(hug)

i surely hope this case will be over soon, i hate seeing them in pressure like this..

oh, i found another video :


it's very funny, especially when JJ started to sing off tune, hahhahaha.....

and once again, i can't find the whole show in english sub. i did find, but it's subbed in espanol..... anybody can help me again ?? :huh:

thank's a lot !!!

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Guest reemiii.bbyxD

SME's credibility (imo) keeps dropping from the stupid movies they're pulling. I hope the copyright application doesn't go through. I get the feeling it'll be hard on the boys if it does.

LOL I literally lol'd when I heard Seaside. I couldn't believe that was Changmin at first. LOLOL. Him and Chun just made me get stitches in my sides from laughing to hard. The first time I listened to it I was like ...no way. Then I listened to it a second time and I was like O.O and when I listened to it a third time, I just lmao'd. Too funny. ARRRRROHA. LOL. All in all, I think the song is cheery and bubbly and CUTE! But SM's confusing me now. Sigh.

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Guest greenteadrinker

SM Entertainment’s application for trademark rights with Dong Bang Shin Ki on 5th August

SM Entertainment has once again applied for the trademark rights for Dong Bang Shin Ki.

credit: sookyeong @ kbites

Hmm... okaaay. I doubt they'll be able to get the rights to Dong Bang Shin Ki cos they failed in 2004. In any case, they'll never get Tohoshinki, since Avex probably owns those rights.

And the SM Town album... I think that was their original plan, to release an album so they started recording in the early part of this year. But somehow they decided on a concert, but with the lawsuit it's back to the album again. In any case, it's interesting that there are only four songs on it.

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Guest squeaky

agh i'm watching a video about their contract and it's so like...agh. especially cuz they put sad music and stuff, but it's kind of sad how their contract is for 13 years...agh..

they work for 355 days. out of 365.

omg :( and they put a video in where junsu asks the boys what they would do if they had a month off vacation, and jaejoong does this:

-waves hands in the air happily-

because they don't get a month off.

their issue isn't about money, but it's about their frikken rights at sm. it's like slave labor.

sm is spewing all this irrelevant crap just to distract the public and most importantly, the fans. plus, they're spending all the money on dumb crap like their stupid sm norehbang. i mean, c'mon! and other stuff too, like that stupid wine stuff.

i hope that the three get what they want.

i hope there's some cassiopeia revolt or something in korea. sm is really pushing it.

~always keep the faith~

links to the videos:



the first video makes you all teary and the second one pumps you up. ahahah :D

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Guest zaizai_myprince

I 'm a Zai Zai 's fan but I always stand by DBSK and Cass . Hope that JaeChunSu will get what they want . I hate LSM .

Always keep the faith anh Hope to the end .

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