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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest dru-dru

I was reading earlier pages when there was first news about the concert being postponed... and it's just SM's very smart calculated move. Although the 3 members are in dispute with SM at the moment, this doesn't mean that they can't necessarily work in Korea right now. And also, when the lawyers stated that they would be participating in the concert, SM didn't release any statements back then. The members said they would keep their promise but SM chose now, like a week before the concert to all suddenly cancel blaming it on the dispute. They cite reasons that because of the dispute, it'll be hard to continue w/ the concert; or how because this concert was about SM family and because of this, they don't feel comfortable letting the concert go on. This is all bull... if they were going to postpone b/c of the concert, they should have released it in the first place. If they were worried about SM family image, they shouldn't even have begun this war in the first place. And by canceling the concert this late, they are losing money. If they are willing to give up the concert losing money in the process, they are obviously showing their intentions to be strong with this case.

Gmarket wasn't even informed about the cancellation until AFTER the article got out. Shouldn't the order be that their affiliation knows about the cancellation beforehand? SM was in a hurry to get to the press that they didn't think to inform other parties involved with the concert.


We had a family dinner tonight so there was couple family members talking about this case b/c a lot of them are involved in the industry. They said that one of the things SM could/would do is to degrade the member's public image. So there might be articles/videos/posts in the future of one of the members doing something they shouldn't be doing. My aunt works at an entertainment company as big as SM, and she said SM executives must be pissed off b/c they are already losing this case just through the media. Their stocks have gone down and the public image of the company worsened. Not only that, if this goes to courts, he probably will have to change the contracts of all the artists as well. They say at the moment, the members to be in favor of the whole situation, but a lot of them agree that there probably will be a move by SM to overturn it before the court date if it leads to that. There has been so many posts by fans that have degraded SM's image as well. There is that infamous video of Yunho, Junsu and their hair stylist, each member looking like they are going to faint at a concert proving how overworked they are...

SM isn't going to just stand there and let the media control the situation.

This has happened before with Shinhwa and HOT as well.

My uncle works at SBS and he's said multiple times how well mannered DBSK members are and their work ethics haven't changed since their debut. But as someone in the field, he knows SM won't be just standing there. They will do whatever it takes b/c at the moment, they have nothing to lose. I'm already thinking that they are prepared for disbandment and want to ruin the 3 members first.

One of the things they can do first is to separate the fans. The fans have a trust toward the members right now and they might try to turn the fans back towards the members. This might be through the press or it might be through someone posing as a fan, releasing information. Most likely, it'll probably have something to do with their private lives. Anywhere from exaggerating their latest visit to a bar, saying something offensive... etc. The rumors/articles about trouble between the members is not even a start for what SM might do. That's nothing. They might start targeting one member out of the three in order to bring down the validity of the 3 members. They might actually bring the 2 remaining members into this more to show good vs. bad sort of thing.

When the dispute started, they first used the makeup company as an excuse. Then they refuted that they gave the members 11 billion wons and cars. Now, they'll probably resort to more crude methods. The thing very different about all other cases before this is that there wasn't a strong bound between the members. And between the fans as well. So whatever the media says, even if it seems totally unrelated to the dispute, DO NOT trust it. This is a scary industry. I mean, this is an industry where managers record sex tapes of their female celebrities to keep just in case anything happens. This is a dirty, dirty, scary, evil industry.

Even if there is videos of them doing something wrong, keep faith. The members are only human so even if their mistakes, flaws, wrong doings are reported, or their is a video circulating around, just keep your faith. I've been just hearing a lot of things that will be happening and it just worries me what is coming and what they will go through.

So just trust in them because they have stated their positions multiple times. That seems to be the only thing fans can do at the moment. Stick together as one, and just give the boys 100% trust.

Yes, thank you so much j'adore!!! I've carefully read your post and I 100% agree with you! There were already some fake/fabricated news from some DBSK acquaintences who said some nasty words about JaeChuSu... Of course we can't, we must not believe such a pure lie!!!

Please all DBSK fans read the j'adore post and prepare yourself, the war hasn't started yet!!!

Although I STILL hope that SM and the boys can come to a mutual agreement...

not directing this at you at all since you are just sharing the clip, but i wish people will just get it that SM entertainment company and lee soo man the person are two different entities, even if the company bears his name. lee soo man is only a company director. the real matters of what goes on are usually determine by a board of higher-ups, is it not?

Sorry to cut your post. Lee Soo Man is the MAIN shareholder so it means that he decideds EVERYTHING!!!! CEO is under the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors is under the shareholders so... CEO is just a puppet in LSM's hands!!!

To make my post a little bit cheerful I want to post a video "Always keep the faith" with the messages to DBSK from Unofficial Europian fanclub Phoenix. It was made only today, please enjoy

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Guest chopstickee

I was reading earlier pages when there was first news about the concert being postponed... and it's just SM's very smart calculated move. Although the 3 members are in dispute with SM at the moment, this doesn't mean that they can't necessarily work in Korea right now. And also, when the lawyers stated that they would be participating in the concert, SM didn't release any statements back then. The members said they would keep their promise but SM chose now, like a week before the concert to all suddenly cancel blaming it on the dispute. They cite reasons that because of the dispute, it'll be hard to continue w/ the concert; or how because this concert was about SM family and because of this, they don't feel comfortable letting the concert go on. This is all bull... if they were going to postpone b/c of the concert, they should have released it in the first place. If they were worried about SM family image, they shouldn't even have begun this war in the first place. And by canceling the concert this late, they are losing money. If they are willing to give up the concert losing money in the process, they are obviously showing their intentions to be strong with this case.

Gmarket wasn't even informed about the cancellation until AFTER the article got out. Shouldn't the order be that their affiliation knows about the cancellation beforehand? SM was in a hurry to get to the press that they didn't think to inform other parties involved with the concert.


We had a family dinner tonight so there was couple family members talking about this case b/c a lot of them are involved in the industry. They said that one of the things SM could/would do is to degrade the member's public image. So there might be articles/videos/posts in the future of one of the members doing something they shouldn't be doing. My aunt works at an entertainment company as big as SM, and she said SM executives must be pissed off b/c they are already losing this case just through the media. Their stocks have gone down and the public image of the company worsened. Not only that, if this goes to courts, he probably will have to change the contracts of all the artists as well. They say at the moment, the members to be in favor of the whole situation, but a lot of them agree that there probably will be a move by SM to overturn it before the court date if it leads to that. There has been so many posts by fans that have degraded SM's image as well. There is that infamous video of Yunho, Junsu and their hair stylist, each member looking like they are going to faint at a concert proving how overworked they are...

SM isn't going to just stand there and let the media control the situation.

This has happened before with Shinhwa and HOT as well.

My uncle works at SBS and he's said multiple times how well mannered DBSK members are and their work ethics haven't changed since their debut. But as someone in the field, he knows SM won't be just standing there. They will do whatever it takes b/c at the moment, they have nothing to lose. I'm already thinking that they are prepared for disbandment and want to ruin the 3 members first.

One of the things they can do first is to separate the fans. The fans have a trust toward the members right now and they might try to turn the fans back towards the members. This might be through the press or it might be through someone posing as a fan, releasing information. Most likely, it'll probably have something to do with their private lives. Anywhere from exaggerating their latest visit to a bar, saying something offensive... etc. The rumors/articles about trouble between the members is not even a start for what SM might do. That's nothing. They might start targeting one member out of the three in order to bring down the validity of the 3 members. They might actually bring the 2 remaining members into this more to show good vs. bad sort of thing.

When the dispute started, they first used the makeup company as an excuse. Then they refuted that they gave the members 11 billion wons and cars. Now, they'll probably resort to more crude methods. The thing very different about all other cases before this is that there wasn't a strong bound between the members. And between the fans as well. So whatever the media says, even if it seems totally unrelated to the dispute, DO NOT trust it. This is a scary industry. I mean, this is an industry where managers record sex tapes of their female celebrities to keep just in case anything happens. This is a dirty, dirty, scary, evil industry.

Even if there is videos of them doing something wrong, keep faith. The members are only human so even if their mistakes, flaws, wrong doings are reported, or their is a video circulating around, just keep your faith. I've been just hearing a lot of things that will be happening and it just worries me what is coming and what they will go through.

So just trust in them because they have stated their positions multiple times. That seems to be the only thing fans can do at the moment. Stick together as one, and just give the boys 100% trust.

thank you so much for all that. i feel a lot more aware & prepared for whatever may happen in the future.

the korean industry is really... well all entertainment industries are very competitive.

it's sort of like an ongoing race that will never end. >.<

Here is something to share. ^_^

It really warms my heart to see them all soooooooo... just happy & dorky & everything.

It's another reminder of why I love TVXQ ^^

Making Film of Balloons MV Part One

Making Film of Balloons MV Part Two

Making Film of Balloons MV Part Three

Making Film of Balloons Part Four

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Guest xkhan

I do agree with others that it is probably not completely LSM's fault, but he is currently the biggest shareholder AND the CFO of SM entertainment. Many people in the business world already consider CFO as one of the most important,if not the most, role in the company because they take care of the money & a business is all about money/profit. LSM isn't an idiot and I do think that he's the one who made the contracts since he's the one dealing with where the money goes & how its coming it. Not to mention, since LSM isn't the CEO, if anything were to happen to SM entertainment, CEO Kim Young Min, would be the one taking the heat. I still believe that LSM is the man behind the scenes pulling the strings & Kim Young Min is just his puppet.

As for TVXQ, I really hope that the fans don't split up because of rumors SM spreads about them. Right now what the boys need are the fans to be united and supportive. I'm also worried that someone might pose as a fan to create the controversy. Let's just not believe anything that doesn't come out of the TVXQ's mouths themselves.

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Guest ornxygen

-Where does Yoochun live? I saw the video of him playing outside and it looks very familiar to a house that my dad bought a while ago. (he's into the whole real estate thing -__-) and the house will probably end up being mine once i graduate and come back to korea for good which is probably this upcoming winter or next summer. If anyone can tell me just what the area is, then I'll know for sure. I don't want to ask korean fans b/c they are scary =x

I 'm not sure if u got the answer by now. I read from somewhere that his apartment is in the building called Paragon Place, but i don't know where is it in Seoul. I heard that his apartment is near his Crebeau shop and S.M., so it might located in Kangnam. It's just my guess. Maybe someone has a better answer. You can find more pix of his house in Sharingyoochun. Here's the link:



j.adore, Are you serious that Yoochun's house looks similar to the one your dad bought??

If it is so, who knows you might get to be Yoochun's neighbor in the near future. ;)

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Guest SeliT

Lee Soo Man is not the sole share-holder to SME. True, he is the company's founder, but for a while now he hasn't been the CEO (it's Kim Young Min). This whole DBSK thing happened without his knowledge as he was in America with Boa I believe and taking care about his vineyard. Once he heard, he flew straight to Seoul and now he's trying to patch things up.

So give the guy some credit. He was a singer once too. So before you go bashing him, get your facts straight. To most Sm artists, he is a father figure and a person they look up to, including Yunho, Junsu and Changmin who I remember talking very fondly about him in some tv interview.

i agree with you, everyone need to stop hating on lee soo man. poor guy prob doesnt even know what hit him. and i feel sorry for kim young min, i bet he wants some recognition.

i also think everyone is thinking to deep about this and dwelling on it to much.

We really don't know what happens behind close doors, we also don't know what any of their intentions are. i know the boys work really hard and they prob deserve a little more then what they get. but thats the music industry for you. i doubt sment is going to back down that easily, and i think everyone should prepare for whatever comes! (i'm not suggestiong ANYTHING!)

of course i support anything they decide, but i hope they don't leave sment.

i just don't want them to end up like shinhwa and h.o.t, i know they still have their deadicated fans but i feel they could of had so much more if they stayed with sm. i mean SmEnt. has a lot of power in the industry. and most of the time they know what they're doing with there artists (why do you think 80% of them are so popular)

anyways i think a disscussion is in order! and im going to keep throwing them at you until all this lawsuit is over! cause this thread is to serious and heated for me >_<

okay :

so i read a few pages back someone asked a question and i dont think many answered so ill ask

1) If you had a child which members personality would you like your child to have?

(credit goes to whoever asked it)

2) If you met all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

scream, faint, grab their asses bums ?

3) Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you liked them the least?

4) What are the members best assets ?

e.g yunho - body, jaejoong - singing, junsu - smile etc. (these arent my real answesr and you can put more then one :))

i know these arent the best questions cause my thinking cap isnt really on at the moment, but i hope this make this thread more pleasant! if you choose to ignore i wont get offended :)

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Guest lorac29

hehe, these questions seem fun :lol:First time posting in this thread!! Hi everyone!

1) If you had a child which members personality would you like your child to have?

Haha, if possible I'd like my child to possess personality traits of each member. But if I had to choose one member, it'd probably be Yunho. He's smart, athletic, respectful, responsible, good to his parents and friends, caring...what more could you ask for?

2) If you met all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

I would most likely become really shy and just STARE STARE STARE. I might muster up enough courage to go up to them and ask for an autograph and picture. Then I would run around and squeal for the rest of the month year my life.

3) Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you liked them the least?

Umm...tough question. Haha, what to do...I would probably not say yes b/c I view the member I like least more as a brother than a romantic partner. And plus, if I said yes, that would ruin my chances with my favorite member, Jae :P

4) What are the members best assets ?

Hmm...rather than their talents, ie. their singing and dancing, I think their best assets are their SUPER DUPER AWESOME personalities. They are just so darn likeable and you can't help but love them =D

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Guest celinewalksin10

i had to go through 9 pages of opinions, and i really appreciate reading what you guys are thinking about this case. some have expressed anxiety, and i guess it's pretty normal to feel that way in the beginning. holding onto and believing in five individuals and one group as an existence is an incredible emotional pillar. but like any good architecture, if the foundation is strong enough, the pillar will remain unscathed. frankly speaking, i'm one of the feisty fans. i'm angered at how media play seems to put this whole thing in a pendulum. it frustrates me that what i learned all throughout my university life and how it warned me about the power of media is happening before my eyes for the one group i truly love with all my heart.

i don't want to say anything about S.M. right now, but i'm watching when they start to bite the hand of the people who have helped them enormously become how prestigious their entertainment company is right now. let out something personal about the boys, they wouldn't like how korean and international fans confront them.

after all this time, i never once doubted junsu, yoochun, jaejoong, yunho and changmin. for whatever reason they have, i trust in them. they won't go this far if they're just trying to uplift their financial status. we don't know them personally, but they wouldn't be where they are right now without hardwork and sincerity. just try watching one stage performance per album concept. you'll be amazed at how passion can pass through you just by watching them. let dong bang shin gi prove their worth. they're laying everything- heart, mind and soul for their music. trust in them.


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Guest Curly

To make my post a little bit cheerful I want to post a video "Always keep the faith" with the messages to DBSK from Unofficial Europian fanclub Phoenix. It was made only today, please enjoy

I added your video to the playlist Always Keep The Faith: Message from International Fans to TVXQ

If there are more AKTF Videos made by other forums or countries please PM ME your stream link because I can't search for all of them. ^^;

Badstar Quote:

As DBSK_real has mentioned, to the other countries who have also made their own and would like their videos to be compiled with this one, please upload them onto a download server and send it to TVXQalways@gmail.com.

We would appreciate it (:

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Guest MatsuJoongie

1) If you had a child which members personality would you like your child to have?

I would want my child to have the personality of Jaejoong or Changmin's. I like how Changmin is intelligent has such a snarky attitude, but is still caring. He looks like he cares about his mom alot too. That child would be entertaining ^_^ I like how Jaejoong is straight forward, brave, and strived through his tough life to get what he wanted. I would want my child to follow that example and never let anyone stand in their way of their dreams. :) Plus, he loves his adoptive siblings and parents just as much as he loves his biological mother and siblings. I think that is soo sweet ^_^

2) If you met all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

Junsu: If I met him, I wouldn't freak out, but I would try to speak english to him alot to hear him try to answer me back and laugh :P I would start singing All Rise too. (I loved that song even before he sang it in the Rising Sun concert ^_^)

Yoochun: Omg I would scream. I would srsly try to hug him (he always looks like he needs a hug) and I would tell him how much I admire his personality and his hard work and dedication. Plus I would tell him he's my second fave and one of my role models. I would say "I really wanna touch myself." to him :P

Jaejoong: I WOULD DIE. And then come back to life. I would tell him how handsome he is and how he's my favorite. Other than that, I would be speechless (I can only imagine him looking like a life size doll in real life XD). I wanna do the Wrong Number rap in front of him~

Changmin: I would just smile alot and gaze at his ultimate gorgeousness. I probably would do the Mirotic scream or the Rising Sun scream in front of him.

Yunho: I thin I would be the most comfortable around him. I would tell him thank you for being the leader of the greatest boy group in Asia that got me into Kpop (besides Rain :P). I think I would do one of his raps in front of him too.

All of them: "OMG IT'S DBSK" -spazzes and faints-

3) Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you liked them the least?

Well I like them ALL to an extent, but if...Junsu were to ask me out, I would probably go out with him on a date first to see what kind of guy he was behind the scenes. If he was a nice guy that had alot in common with me, then I would give the relationship a shot. Otherwise, I wouldn't just lead him on just because he's a DBSK member. They all deserve a woman/man who would give them 110% of their love :)

4) What are the members best assets ?

Junsu: his richard simmons His voice and lips

Yoochun: Adam's apple, collarbone, facial structure, lips and smile :)

Jaejoong: everything Body, eyes, eyebrows and hair :P

Changmin: Body, eyes, hair, height, ears :P

Yunho: BODY, smile, height, and overall physique

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Guest laurana1

Thanks everyone, for explaining the vaseline thing to me. I NEVER would have figured that out. xD


I agree that SM's way of attacking our boys will most likely be anonymous. They certainly aren't stupid enough to just come out and slander them, I'm sure everything will be leaked. I could totally see a "fan" accusing them of something they didn't even do... Remember the whole "Changmin hit a pregnant woman" rumor? I'm not saying SM was responsible for that, but it could be something similar. Even though the majority of fans don't believe a word of it, rumors do huge damage. To this day people still ask about that "incident" and it really drives me up a wall!

So be prepared... SM will fight this battle in secrecy to try to deceive us.


As for the Lee Soo Man vs. SME thing, I have no clue what the truth is. Both sides make good points... So I've decided to direct my anger towards SM, because I KNOW they're to blame. As for LSM, idk... I don't want to insult a man that the boys look up to (I don't know if they really look up to him or just had to say that). The boys have told us SM is in the wrong, so I believe it. They haven't mentioned LSM, so I'm reserving judgement and won't say anything bad.

Imagine how horrible that would be if DBSK saw their own fans insulting and slandering someone they respect... I'm sure they'd be very angry! So it's better to be safe than sorry.


I wanna play! I wanna play!!! *Jumps up and down*

1. If you had a child which member's personality would you like your child to have?

I love all of the members, but for my child, I think Junsu. He's a total sweetheart, I think he'd treat his mama really well. :P (Well, they all would) I think he seems pretty obedient, and he has strong morals, so I wouldn't worry too much about him getting into trouble. I'm sure he'd help his mama with the chores... and sing to her, too! A son with the voice of an angel... It seems like he'd do well in school, too. The only thing I'd worry about is all those girls chasing after him!!! :lol:

2. If you met all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

Oh gosh, I have NO idea... It would depend on the situation and who I was meeting, etc. I'm pretty sure I'd be embarrassed of myself and (hopefully) really polite. I definitely wouldn't approach them (too intimidating!) but if they needed my help, that'd be my dream come true... :lol: I'd do ANYTHING if they needed me to, lol. And I'd like to say I'd be charming, interesting and refreshing, but that's a bit hard to do when you've lost the ability to speak and your legs have suddenly turned into jelly. xD

If I met any of them RIGHT NOW, I would tell them how much I love them all and will support them no matter what. Then I'd try to hug them, get tasered and attacked by pepper spray (due to the security), scream and grab my eyes, cause a scene (I'm a big baby when it comes to pain) and be "escorted" from the building. Three weeks later, I'd receive the restraining order in the mail.

3. Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you liked them the least?

Hmm, difficult question. I guess it depends on what you mean by being asked out... If it was just for a casual date, I probably would. It'd be a chance to get to know them better (since I don't really KNOW any of them). But if it was them asking me to be their girlfriend, I would definitely refuse... To be honest, even if my favorite member asked me to be their girlfriend, I'd say no. I don't think it's fair to them since I don't really know them. But I'd tell them I like going on dates, so we could get acquainted before getting married and living happily ever after. xD

4. What are the members' best assets?

Hands down, personality for all of them.

I hope people post more of these, I freakin' LOVE them. Thank you for this one!!! <3


As always...

Always Keep the Faith

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Guest dru-dru

About Lee Soo Man.

Guys, CEO, the Board of Directors and the Shareholders are 3 different authorities! Yes, LSM is the main shareholder but of course not the only one... but the thing is if he has more that 51% of the shares - without him there can NOT be approved any decision/issue. If he has more than 75% - HE decides everything because all the rest shareholders are minors. Of course it can vary according to the Articles of association but not much...

As I said before CEO is under the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors is under the Shareholders (in most cases shareholders put their people in the Board of Directors).

Of course CEO is a separate authority with his own power and liabilities but he can't do anything that contradict or doesn't satisfy the Bord of Directors or the Shareholders. The Article of association contains all the authorities that have CEO and the other two (it's not just words, I know it for sure because it's my work!).

That's why most likely the CEO negotiated with the boys but when the scandal broke LSM immediately returned back to Korea to handle all the situation. And I'm sure if there will be any dirty tricks, new scandals, fabricated articles that can damage our boys' image, I'm sure it's LSM!

Curly, thank you so much! I will PM you cuz we're planning to make a few more vids~

About the questions...

1) If you had a child which members personality would you like your child to have?

Definately YunHo!!!!

2) If you meet all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

Panic, a little scream, running to him/them asking for a photo together and a sign... and of course a hug (if I manage to do it and not faint right away)!

3) Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you liked them the least?

No... but I doubt that ChangMin will ask me out. He is too shy for that and too young for me...

4) What are the members best assets ?


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Guest ketchup?

Holy jeez. My computer had a virus for a week and now I'm back on this thread and I'm about to have a heart attack. Can someone PLEASE tell me what happened between DBSK and SME? There's just so many things floating around and rumors left and right, but I just want to know what is the root of the entire lawsuit or whatever. I know it's the cosmetics line, but I'm not quite understanding what's the big deal with them having their own lines? You can PM me if you'd like?

Ah.. whatever happens I hope the boys will stay together. This sucks.... :(

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Guest iDance24

Had to answer this~ It looks funn!! :D

If you had a child which members personality would you like your child to have?

Hm...I would want my child to be a mix of all of them~ That would be so cute! Awkward like Xiah, silly like Yoochun, clever like Changmin, sweet like Yunho, and talkative like Jaejoong. x] OMG. When I typed in Jaejoong I just automatically thought of his soy sauce joke. xD Made me "LOL"

If you met all or any of DBSK how would you react?

I'd play it off cool and be like "Yo, what's up?" Then, I'd look at Junsu and be like "Whose that?" xD Dang. That would cause the biggest Engrish catastrophy of the century. I bet Junsu would reply with something weird, but cute. I'd also try to have a convo with Micky. I'm sure his ENGRISH isn't as bad as he SOMETIMES makes it seem. Seriously, one day he's perfect at it then next day it's like....WHAT ARE YOU SAYING MAN?!

Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you like them the least?

I don't really have a least favorite member~ They're all my favorite! ^^ <--See the positivity shining all over that?! x] I'd be lucky enough to get asked out or even considered to get asked out by one of the DBSK members. Or even their backup dancers. Or their friends. Or their really DISTANT acquaintances. [i spelled that wrong huh?]

What are the members best assets?

Well, for sure they have some really GREAT vocals and are the HOTTEST men on the planet Earth in the whole entire SPACE-NESS! :D Yes, they're just that great that I had to create a new word. :] Uh...individual assets? Hm...

Junsu = best laugh EVER! Does that count as an asset? Oh! And his butt xD It's very jealous-making.

Yoochun = A lot. The way that he fits almost ANY hair style. His tattoo-ness. HIS VOICE! It's so.....appealing. >3< His collar bones/Adam's apple. D< Never have I seen a man pull of natural parts of his skeleton like that! He should be like...a model in hospitals or something xD

Jaejoong = His eyes o_o They suck you in! AND HIS POUT! >3<

Yunho = his manly-ness. Dang. He is so.....MANLY! o_o

CHANGMIN~ = his quick replies. He has some prettttty good comebacks, yo.


Totally agree with the LSM = not REALLY at fault. He might be one of the MANY who should be blamed, but seriously guys don't say "Go to hell" or something. That's...kinda rude. I mean, if you were LSM would you want someone telling you that? No? I didn't think so. Lets just blame SM as a whole [whoever that might include] and move on. DBSK is going to win this case no matter what! And they are going to come out UNHARMED! Why? Because they have Cassiopeia that's why! :D Let's all be positive about this okay? ^^ -Vaseline~ Vaseline~

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Guest SeliT

2. If you met all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

If I met any of them RIGHT NOW, I would tell them how much I love them all and will support them no matter what. Then I'd try to hug them, get tasered and attacked by pepper spray (due to the security), scream and grab my eyes, cause a scene (I'm a big baby when it comes to pain) and be "escorted" from the building. Three weeks later, I'd receive the restraining order in the mail.

LMFAO! i laughed so hard at that bit cause that would probably happen to me XD

anyways i'm glad some people are responding and to help it move along here are my answers :)

1) If you had a child which members personality would you like your child to have?

prob a mixture of junsu and yunho (and changmin since i'm going to marry him ^_~)

Junsu cause hes so cute and innocent, Yunho cause hes seems like the ultimate gentleman and he would prob take care of you (as a mum) and his other siblings

2) If you met all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

if it was just a fanmeeting id prob ask for a signature and pictures and tell them how much i love them. (inside slowly fainting)

if it was like backstage and it was just me and them. i'd freak out cause your like alone with them!! ahh!

if thats the case i'll muster up some confindence and try and strike up a conversation .. probably only with micky (and junsu) cause i cant speak korean or japanese T-T. then of course ask for a signature and picture.

3) Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you liked them the least?

If it was just a date then why not, all of them are attractive. but i probably wouldnt want it to get serious just cause id prob think *i like the other member more* unless they're able to change my opinions.

4) What are the members best assets ?

Changmin - height, cute but manly at the same time, his laugh and clap combination, wittiness

Yunho - leadership skills, height, undeniably handsome

Junsu - bright personality, very charismatic on stage

Jaejoong - very handsome (hes not my fav but i think hes VERY handsome)

Micky - composing, braveness to have any hairstyle (no offence :P), laid back personality

Also want to share this .. cant help it hes too hot o_O

sorry if youve seen it before .. i suppose you cant get enough of a good thing!


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I prefer someone living close to Los Angeles, please PM me for more info if you are interested!!!! PAYPALL ONLY!!! Thank you :)

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Guest spuddevaughn

I have been following the developments in TVXQ's case against SM and I have a few things I just want to say.

- I'm happy that the fans are behind the boys 100%. They need us now more than ever. We have to unite behind our boys. We shouldn't let SM use us against the boys. No more infighting guys. We have one common enemy and it's those people who are treating our boys like slaves. We shouldn't let them have their way.

- I sincerely hope that Avex has the boys backs in Japan. That is indeed a gleamer of hope because if Avex will still promote, manage and produce them in Japan as a group then it is really SM's loss because Japan is a bigger market than Korea. The money is in Japan and not Korea. The international fans will always be here and the Cassies can always support them if they will concentrate in Japan more because of what SM is doing.

- I strongly believe that Yunho and Changmin support Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun. I don't think the three boys will do this without the support of the other two.

- I also hope that the courts will rule in favor of the boys so as to set an example and make it clear to these entertainment companies that the new law has teeth and that they should stop this practice of slave contract. I have never heard of weird contracts like that here in the Philippines. I'm not sure but I think here in the Philippines managers or management companies only get 10% or maybe 20% of an artist's earnings and any businesses they might have is not part of the contract. If it's an endorsement then the management company gets a cut but not when it's an artist's personal business.

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1) If you had a child which members personality would you like your child to have?

I'd love a Hosu baby, most definitely.

Junsu, for his craziness and seriousness all in one body.

Yunho, for his responsibility and leadership skills.

2) If you met all or any members of DBSK how would you react?

I would most likely make a scene by shoving my way through all the fans in front of me to touch them. I'd then make my way to Yunho and say "I love you", then go to Junsu and tell him to marry me. Maybe prepare a marriage contract beforehand and ask him for his signature. Genius, is it not?

Either that, or I'd stare with my jaw dropped, hoping I did.

3) Would you say yes if a DBSK member asked you out but you liked them the least?

Why not? But then again, if I did that, I'd feel bad and tell him that I was just going for him to get closer to another member. I wouldn't be able to do that. But if he made me think twice about him, and I enjoyed everything, most definitely.

4) What are the members best assets ?

Changmin: He'd be able to eat more than I could, which would be useful when I can't finish the food off my plate.

Junsu: Amazing ability to make me laugh, obviously. I cannot live without a humorless man. And everything else. Love him.

Yoochun: His knowhow in the music industry. I mean, I love music and if I needed help with anything, he'd be one I ran to. Oh, and he could make me a song or two.

Yunho: Definitely his perfect face and body.. Heck, his whole self is irresistable. His laugh is adorable. And definitely, his father-like attributes are a plus as well.

Jaejoong: Beautiful face and style. And of course, his voice. He could sing to me every night and I wouldn't get tired of it at all.

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Guest senyae


I´m a fan of TVXQ, I always be a silent reader and being a realistic person I need to speak.

After all the drama in these days, my hypothesis of all this mess is this: There are 2 sides, (Homin and Jaechunsu) vs SM ,.... Many fans are making excuses, they say that "Homin have a rescue plan", "It´s a smart move, They will maintain the fame of TVXQ in Korea" (Are they sacrified themself becoming more famous??)...I don´t think so. And you know why, its because right now even the fans are splitted in 2 sides, there´s no unity because the members themself aren´t unity in this lawsuit. Homin doesn´t gonna fight this lawsuit its a fact, many fans say we don´t need to create stories about their silence, but sometimes silence says alot. Even if Homin don´t choose their side, with their silence they gave SM the benefit of the doubt, they give: Fans, Antifans and Press reasons to talk about, and I don´t blame them for this situation, it´s not their fault, they must have a lot of stress too.....For me, they simply act according to their personality. I explained: Yunho is always kidhearted, he even forgive the girl who almost kills him, SM did well to choose him as the leader of a musical band, he is such a good person who doesn´t complain of anything, which makes that quality sometimes become in weakness. He probably is the type of person who thinks talking solves everything, but not always is like that, and we know that recently Yunho was saying that he didn´t even feel himself as the lider. Chanming being an intelligent person, he knows that he´s the least famous member in Korea (Underrated member in TVXQ T_T), and therefore he´s an easy prey to the vengeance of SM, he would be the first target maybe easily to fall, and probably even the members told him that he shouldn´t be involved in this mess, always protecting the youngest......Right now, Jaechunsu have some power, they know it's their chance to claim their rights (TVXQ has set popularly Asia and also others different countries), Yoosu are the most famous in Korea, and Jaejoong the most famous internationally (Including Japan). It´s now or never to claim their rights. I support Jaechunsu for their bravery, because in the end they have the most to lose, even if they win or lose the claim, SM will not be quiet......In this moment, SM has already moved their chess pieces, they gave Yunho and Chanming Kdramas to focus, It's like SM say :"Stay with me and we will make you more famous" or "Give them more work, so they will not think of demands" or SM are simply applying the method of Julius Caesar "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" .... Now my wish is that TVXQ prevail together, I know we all agree in this, maybe for different reasons, but together in the end: Homin, Jaechunsu, The fans and including SM (For more money >_>)......I like to say to the fans that, please don´t give silly excuses on TVXQ's behavior, it only makes us to see as desilusional fans, it's good to support all the members, but we need to face it, they aren´t perfect gods, they are human beings, Yunho isn´t the leader of Power Rangers, Chanming isn´t really a Genius, Jaechunsu aren´t William Wallace (From movie "Braveheart"), we know they love each other, but all of them have different personalities, and of course they have different ways to claim their rights.......Even if In the end, they decide to separate, I will support them. Because I appreciate TVXQ, and I also appreciate them individually. And you know, this is what SM is going to want, that we forget them and then SM will have the opportunity to easily replace them....I don´t want to forget.... Now itsn´t over yet, nothing it´s said, maybe we have TVXQ many years to come....Always keep the faith!!!

Sorry if I offended some fans with my comments. :mellow:

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Guest BlaisePaige


I´m a fan of TVXQ, I always be a silent reader and being a realistic person I need to speak.

After all the drama in these days, my hypothesis of all this mess is this:

Sorry for cutting your comment.

Let's wait for the hearing to commence. I'm sure that the press will cover it extensively. In the court, the burden of proof will be each party's responsibility. I don't think anyone really know what Yunho and Changmin's perspective on the lawsuit are unless they will be called to take the stand as witnesses, placed under oath and compelled to tell the truth. And each will make for a credible witness because they kept their silence. There is a right time for everything.

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