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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest pickleisgood

Grandpa SU

I cannot help myself. They are soo cute. I cant believe Xiaki had children already xD Who's the wife? (nooo i'm not jealous of xiahki with a female dog xD Just curious) I hope its ok if I cut and crop the pics?

This one xD He's winking at us!!!! Can someone post a winking Junsu and compare to this one?

And his toungue xD Remembering junsu's toungue during Are You a Good Girl perf.


And lets try to name the six cute puppies!!


1. Leon (In Paris Junsu said he wanted to name his next dog this)

2. Su-ki (cuteeee sukidess)

3. Hatsu-ki (the name of his eel dish? xD)

4. Dong-ki (you know.. dongbang)

5. Shin-ki (shinki forums would love this hahahhaha)

6. Juliang (he named a doll this. why not a female dog? hehe)

--I'm actually glad they postponed the concert. That means they really wishes the three members to participate in it ^^ if not, they only listed yunho and changmin right?



so its cancelled instead of postponed? Did sm really said that or the media?

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I've finally backtracked over 40+ pages full of words in chunks of paragraphs! >.>"

Congrats to the success of the International Fans message!! :) Being mentioned by the Korean press is just almost definite tvxq will see them and hopefully they do! ^^

Yoochun's really sweet to tattoo Always keep the Faith on his chest, close to his heart. It's not only a message to us fans that we have to keep the faith but also, the tattoo will definitely remind him how supportive fans are to them in this difficult time.

Joongie has a tattoo on his chest too, but what does it really say? Is it confirmed it's the same as Chunnie's?

Even though SMTOWN LIVE concert is being postponed, I'm glad their Japanese activities are still going according to plan. THSK is definitely 100% continuing and that just puts my heart to ease about stupid disbandment rumours.

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Guest Senorita_

I think some people are getting confused about the SM Town concert. The news article posted before said it was postponed not cancelled (just yet). I see why some SM Town fans are fustrated, but with the current situation, I don't think it's a good idea to hold one. It's a smart tatic too by SME because we all know that Cassiopeia takes up almost half the stadium. Without the boys attending, I doubt they would even turn up, and therefore loss of revenue by the company -_-

(don't forget we all know how SME is hungry for money)

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how did the "always keep the faith" motto start?

someone said it was always along with yoochun's signature, but I'm wondering when did it become the "official" motto for everything that's going on?

sorry for my stupid question but I hope someone can enlighten me.. thanks!!!

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Hmm wondering how long of the group activities (JaeChunSu's activities) in Korea will be postponed T__T

so they will be in court to settle the matter?

anyway, dear estelgrace, Alek, miss_h, thanks for explaining to me about a-nation 2009 ..

but since DBSK/THSK are originally from Korea.. so i'm afraid that if the problem isn't solved properly, their acitivies in Korea and even Japan will have problems, which i don't want that to happen.. of course as for now, THSK still can follow a-nation 2009 activities, how about after that??

I'm just afraid if the issue is solved oneday, between JaeChunSu and SM will somehow have a gap already because of their past issue..

I just hope that after all this lawsuit thing.... there's not hard feeling between SM and JaeChunSu...

I hope everything will go back to normal...

anyway, I'm happy that THSK is under avex trax :)

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Guest tinenapay

SM cites the DBSK case as the reason for the cancellation of SMTown Live concert.

sorry for cutting your post jonah14 :)

woaah! this is clearly a desperate measure of SM. i think they are slowly feeling the damage this lawsuit, with the plummeting of their stocks for days now and of course, bad publicity.

clearly they are underestimating the intelligence of the fans of the other SM Talents, thinking they could get these fans to hate TVXQ for being the reason of the cancellation of the SM Town Concert.

now lemme sit back & wait what SM will do next. :rolleyes:

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Guest jonah14

Based on SM's announcement, it's more like a cancellation.

And what does SM mean when it said, "We promise we will bring a better event in the future"? In the future?

Plus the fact that they are refunding the tickets is an indication that the concert may never be held this year and fans may have to wait next year to watch to concert.

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Guest TVXQ<3

Japanese Fans also has ~16 parts~ of Always Keep the Faith Video

If you want to see it,

Channel of the uploader: HERE!!!


Nice!!! I was surprised to see this video coz I wasn't informed. May I ask the title of the 2nd song? It was also sang by Cassiopeia during TVXQ's fanmeeting.

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Guest jeffblurian

Japanese Fans also has ~16 parts~ of Always Keep the Faith Video

If you want to see it,

Channel of the uploader: HERE!!!


Nice!!! I was surprised to see this video coz I wasn't informed. May I ask the title of the 2nd song? It was also sang by Cassiopeia during TVXQ's fanmeeting.

Thank you for your info.

I came to this video out of those 16 videos collection:

Does anybody here know the song used as background music in that video?

At first I don't think it's tohoshinki, but after a while, I believe it's from tohoshinki. Such a nice and nostalgic melody (and very different from other songs tohoshinki performed that I heard so far).

Many thanks.

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Guest toki114


how did the "always keep the faith" motto start?

someone said it was always along with yoochun's signature, but I'm wondering when did it become the "official" motto for everything that's going on?

sorry for my stupid question but I hope someone can enlighten me.. thanks!!!

It's always his own motto for long time. The first time we saw this phrase on the screen was when he was n rainbow romance. This episode Our naughty chun wrote it on the book along with his childish drawing. haha



He uses it for long time when he signs or posts messages to fan on the internet too. In yoochun's fan community, it's one of his famous quote though. As for how it got to be official motto for everything now, i think it started because he wrote it on cyworld on the day this issue mattered. He just wanted to calm the fan down and believe in him but i dont know about other's fan though. Maybe its the only thing that makes us feel that we should do it at this time so its getting famous. haha I'm kinda familiar with this motto long time ago cos its my favourite one out of all from him. i believe someome can expain it better. :P

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Guest badstar

To be quite honest, I don't really care if SM Town concert gets postponed or cancelled. LOL *Yea, I know! Kill me now, I don't care :P * I'm not a fan of the other SM groups. And it's just proper, because it would be hypocrital if the concert pushes through when there is a major issue concerning the company and their top group. Also, at least the boys get to rest! So, that's make it more super! As for the other SM groups and fans, just think of it this way: your idols get to rest for several days, they deserve it! You guys know that :lol:

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Guest love4dbsk&suju

haha Yoochun really does love the saying always keep the faith

though its actually really useful, i say it to not get me down about all this news

i cant beileve SM is doing this, i guess both sides really want to win.

im glad the concert is actually cnacel it wont be the same without DBSK

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Guest sakurahearts

Thank you for your info.

I came to this video out of those 16 videos collection:

Does anybody here know the song used as background music in that video?

At first I don't think it's tohoshinki, but after a while, I believe it's from tohoshinki. Such a nice and nostalgic melody (and very different from other songs tohoshinki performed that I heard so far).

Many thanks.

The song is called Kotoba ni Dekenai by Oda Kazumasa.

DBSK sang it on Bokura no Ongaku. :) You can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HTWSpfJkY0


^ Haha, I remember that Banjun drama. Chun was so funny there. ^^

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Guest jasm12341995

SM cites the DBSK case as the reason for the cancellation of SMTown Live concert.

Click here to read the article from the Korea Times.

SM is pressuring DBSK to withdraw the case. I think SM will not give projects to DBSK until the case is over, or until DBSK withdraws the case.

By cancelling the concert, SM is inciting fans of DBSK, Super Junior and SNSD to get mad at DBSK. SM is now saying that if only DBSK didn't file the case, the concert would have pushed through.

SM is playing a dirty game against DBSK.

PS. Congratulations SOOMPI for the new website. I like it so much.

=O You have got to be kidding me! SM CAN'T DO THAT!! !@%!@#%!@$%!@#@%!@#%!@#^&%^$&@$%@# I can't believe LSM is such a selfish jerk! I bet if he just lets DBSK win, he'll make way more money than he does now... But, the idiot is throwing everything away, even his life [probably.].

I'm sorry. I'm pissed, and bored =P

Always Keep The Faith Motto

Oh. I didn't know that's how it started... LOL

Japanese Fans Message

Woah... That's really cool. This is seriously starting to be a real trend... lol. =)

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Guest jeffblurian

The song is called Kotoba ni Dekenai by Oda Kazumasa.

DBSK sang it on Bokura no Ongaku. :) You can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HTWSpfJkY0


^ Haha, I remember that Banjun drama. Chun was so funny there. ^^

Oh gosh, thank you for making me more in love with tohoshinki's music.

They did an excellent work in this song. I wonder why this performance isn't on the same spotlight as Love in the ice or Bolero or other popular songs of tohoshinki? Frankly from my point of view and observation in jpop music, not many bands can perform this good.

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Guest akiocyn

Thank you so much for the news and pics/vids updates here.

I miss soompi so much when it's off to change new layout and now I love this layout so much haha~~

It's always his own motto for long time. The first time we saw this phrase on the screen was when he was n rainbow romance. This episode Our naughty chun wrote it on the book along with his childish drawing. haha

Sorry to cut your post. Wow. I didn't notice it's Always keep the faith in the book!!!! WOW!! lol~~

Yea, i think it has been started since he wrote it in CY too... (Anyone can pls tell us here?? lol~)

But I know he sometimes will sign his name following by [always keep the faith] xD

How sweet haha!

Oh gosh, thank you for making me more in love with tohoshinki's music.

They did an excellent work in this song. I wonder why this performance isn't on the same spotlight as Love in the ice or Bolero or other popular songs of tohoshinki? Frankly from my point of view and observation in jpop music, not many bands can perform this good.

I love this song too.

Ohya, you can watch their 2nd performance for the same show too. [Lion Heart] It's amazing =)

Cassiopeia, let's keep the faith with them and hope to the end. =)


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Guest oh`retro

Due to lawsuit from TVXQ SM Entertainment (SM)’s SM Concert was postponed.

For the sake of quality of performance, since there’s still TVXQ dispositition running against SM...

Oh good god, "for the sake of quality of performance?" :rolleyes:

When has DBSK ever let anything affect their performances?

I bet even with this lawsuit going on, DBSK can still put on a flawless performance.

SM is just scared that Cassies will boycott this concert & the stadium is going to like 1/2 empty.

Then, that would look really bad on their part so they're just like "Okay, let's just cancel the whole concert."

And if SM is doing this to make DBSK feel guilty because it's their fault it got cancelled, then SM is beyond sh-t.

Okay well, on another note, I hope the other SM artists won't feel too upset over this.

I know Suju is with DBSK all the way on this.

Xiahki's Puppies

Omggg, those puppies are the cutest things alive.

I'm this close to going to Korea & stealing one, LOL.

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Guest lilprincess

I've never had a great impression of SM Town and I think they've become complacent being the biggest company in K-entertainment. It's a big move to file a lawsuit against SM and I'm sure the boys have thought this over carefully. They need our support more than ever now, whatever happens in the near future. Even if they break away from SM I'm sure they will do just as well (if not better) on their own. So have patience and keep the faith! All the speculation only adds fuel to the fire and stirs up unnecessary emotions. Lawsuits may take a while to settle... so in the meantime take heart and continue to believe in them!

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Guest Shenlu

Jaejoong looks so great in that still-shot from HP <3 HHJ You lucky one ^^

More of Yunho's evisu shots.

*dies momentarily* The more shots they release, the more he kills me.

He makes such a great model, especially for evisu because it's such a great brand <3

SMTown Live;

I had a feeling this would happen, it seemed a little strange to me that it would continue as normal with everything that is going on.

I have mixed feelings; one, I think it's a good idea because I don't like the idea of the boys having to perform and seem like they're perfectly fine, FOR SM, with everything going on. On the other hand, it's a little back-handed of SM to basically make it seem as though the boys are entirely to blame, as if trying to get the other fans annoyed at them.

I'm going to see it as a good thing; the boys get to rest a bit more.

Oh and I never did comment on Shiaki OR Taepung's puppies ^^ Yunho and Junsu are grandpa's, that's so cute =D

Shiaki's puppies are so fluffy! Just like him~ I want one XD

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