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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest universe

i have been a silent reader throughout this entire saga and i want to say that the press conference really worries me. but all we can do now is wait and try not to think too much, even though its easier said than done. just wished this whole nightmare will be over soon. we will know in a few hours time. good luck cassies

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Guest intan

While everyone is waiting patiently for the press conference, maybe we can listen to the latest bigeast episode..not subbed yet, but listening to them is just comforting..ChunJaeSu sounds so cheerful, full of laughter and as usual, these three are just DORKS..

090802 Bigeastation 123 1/2

Yoochun's slurred voice at 2.31 as he's trying to do a deep mysterious voice is just too HILARIOUS..lol..fail..:P

090802 Bigeastation 123 2/2

Can't wait for this to be subbed..I hear something about bikini and one piece..haha..there's a bit of junko too..:lol:

airport pics..



credit: mickybaidu, as tagged

~ Always Keep the Faith ~

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Guest estelgrace

A little pick-me-up I found ^^

Hope this hasn't been shared yet.

Kanjani8 Speaks of Tohoshinki in Concert


Was reading some blog reports on Kanjani8 (a band from Johnny’s Ent) having their latest concert in Kyocera Dome. It was mentioned that during the MC, they talked about Tohoshinki. I read Yokoyama Yuu even commented that they all look the same/they all look alike and they even parodied the gags that Tohoshinki does. This was done in jest though. Kanjani8 also commented later on that to Tohoshinki, Kanjani8 must look alike as well.

This supposedly happened during the July 29 Concert at the Kyocera Dome. Tried searching for an English fan report that mentions the same thing so here is one.

Credits: asianpopguru, hiddenbytears and murasaki-anna @ LJ

Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! } + sharingyoochun@wordpress

Ah, a silver lining in all this mess. LMAO! If you don't know Kanjani8 is JE's resident comedy (at least to me ^^ they sing and play instruments too) group. They're hilarious. So don't take half of what they say seriously. Wonder who started it, I'm thinking of Subaru or Ryo. lmao. This is a first that a JE group has mentioned them in concert in my memory. I wait for Arashi or NEWS to do it. Wanna know what they'll say :D Hahaha ^^

I thought when I woke up and saw the thread jump 10 pages the official press statement was out. Hehe^^

Thank you all for the updates and pictures and videos and translations!

Anyways, regarding the situation...

Logic tells me it's going to be OK, but my emotions tell me different. >.<

I mean the members have stated through their lawyer already that they will not disband. They're as happy and united as ever.

I believe JJ, Chun, and Su would not do this without Yunho and Changmin's support.

SM said they won't let them, even with this lawsuit/disposition thing.

AVEX won't let them either.

And the airport pictures reassures me. Seeing them smiling and together even in the middle of the craziness there.

So even though I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for their official statement---I'll always believe.



Always believe in these 5!!


Hope they get some rest ^^

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So, a few hella pages back, people were wondering if pay was one of the reasons. I think it's not so much the actual dollar amount, but the lack of knowledge. I am actually 100% certain the their real revenue is not one of the reasons. Why?

Well, I remembered that someone posted the 2009 revenue for the top 10 Japanese artists. I went and found the info and did the math.

They each made 52 million dollars. I THINK. This is according to the little chart on this blog. This also might be their total revenue split up. After I thought about that, I divided the 52 mill into ten and multiplied by two then divided by five, and still got just over 2 million dollars.


If anyone wants to check me, please do. I just used an online converter, so if anyone has objections, it's because I typed it in wrong.


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Guest afterglow.


You know how the boys are always on about DBSK being like family?

I think we can gather some quotes from the boys & put them into the video at the beginning.

And definitely Miduhyo as background music.

i really like miduhyo. asu wa kuru kara would be great as well.

"Our friendship is stronger than all else because we're breathing the same air, speaking the same thoughts, and living one dream."


"He asked how long we plan to continue this group together, I said, if possible, we would like to continue forever." - Yoochun

i stopped reading articles after the one about the press conference. official statements is all i'm waiting for.

speculations and assumptions will just create even more rumors, sending fans into an even more panic mode.

"always keep the faith". i've seen that phrase on so many korean/japanese/chinese/international blogs. it's so amazing to see fans from so many different parts of the world so united. even if you don't understand any of the languages, once you see "always keep the faith" amidst the foreign words, you just know.

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Guest pmlinh_89

I understand your point, yunho is my fave too, but making these kinds of judgement when none of us know anything about what's really happening there is just gonna split the fans into two different camps when we should all stay united.

Yunho is not a hero just because he's a leader, and if don't wanna sue Sm then he must have his own reasons just like changmin, he's the dongbang member i personnaly trust the most, he loves his band members to death and he already proved it countless times, so please let's just all keep the faith! ;)

To beibe87 and many of us who is wondering about HoMin's silence

I honestly was severely disappointed with Yunho's silence at first. I believe this feeling comes to us only because we love him TOO much, respect him TOO much and admire his leadership TOO much. I am not saying we should not or we have overexagerated his ability. I believe in him, we have known Yunho for more than 6 years, I believe all of us know his heart and how much he cares for DBSK. He MUST have his reason. Trust him, there is no way he abandons his brothers for money fame or anything. There is something very special about Yunho also. He really has great respect to LSM who created them. In one of his speech after receiving as award, he said: LSM, WE KEEP OUR PROMISE. Micky said he missed the staff in Sm the most when he was away in Japan. I think Yunho may not join his member in this law suit to maintain as much peaceful relationship with SM as possible, since all the boys have had such strong bond with the company: with Super Juniors, SNSD, BoA, the staff and even LSM himself. Besides that, remember Changmin once said he would return to his usual ordinary school boy life if ANY member of DBSK leaves the group? He said that years ago when their bond was not as strong as it is now. Do you think Changmin will just walk away from his hyung?

I thought of a possible reason, maybe JaeChunSu are actually the one who want HoMin to stay out of this. They CARE for one another, remember? They are close with SMAP, adore and admire SMAP. They must have learned from SMAP too. It does not take 5 members to make a change. While HoMin still have the opportunities to shine in the film industry, the other 3 are working on this. You have seen Yunho looked out of style, exhausted flying japanese and Korea every day for the film. Do you think Jeajung, Junsu, Micky have the heart to drag Yunho in this complicated law suit? Yunho can hardly split himself in to two. He is merely 23, with much dream and desire. I believe his band members fully support him and Changmin in participating in the dramas, thats why they are standing up, not only for themselves but for DBSK

About the Asian music festival... ummm maybe DBSK does not participate this year is because they don't really have a new album, new songs in Korean apart from Stand by you which is a japanese album (which does NOT represent Korea). Correct me if I am wrong.

This is only my speculation. I am waiting restlessly for their official response just like all of you. Yunho is my fav member, THE leader I admire. Please don't loose faith in DBSK and esp. Yunho. keep them in your prayer.

there is something more I want to share at this moment in time. Do you know there is a difference between Cassies and DBSK's fan?

Fans may falter... Fans may doubt DBSK

fans NOT CASSIES, for Cassies always keep faith in DBSK. We believe we know them, we believe they love us as much as we love them. For that, Cassies stay strong together, ok?

love u guys and proud of us, Cassiopeia

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Guest lilies_009

there is something more I want to share at this moment in time. Do you know there is a difference between Cassies and DBSK's fan?

Fans may falter... Fans may doubt DBSK

fans NOT CASSIES, for Cassies always keep faith in DBSK. We believe we know them, we believe they love us as much as we love them. For that, Cassies stay strong together, ok?

love u guys and proud of us, Cassiopeia

Sorry to cut your post short...

Then i'll have to consider myself as one of the Cassies then...

coz i will always... i mean ALWAYS love them...

and i swear... my admiration to them will NEVER falter

no matter what...


i forced myself to stop reading articles and write ups for now..

coz it made me so depress...

so ima have to wait for DBSK and SM's official statement


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Guest laurana1

Ok, I've only posted twice so far, but I have honestly read every single post in soompi regading this issue...

First of all, I love the boys more than anything, and I want them to always be happy!~~ :D

These projects are so great to show our support...

I already signed the petition, and I will do the international video if I can figure out how (I'm technologically challenged, lol)

And I really liked the daum thing... when you think about it, fans grouped together to send a mass message to CELEBRITIES via an online search engine... that's pretty cool. B)

For those from other fanclubs who have said they are here with us, too... Thank you so much! Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! You're so sweet... Even though our idols may be different, we're still the same. And I will always support you guys in other fanclubs, too. <3

To those of you who are still doubting (it seems like there aren't many anymore, which is good)...


Please do not doubt our boys, don't place blame on them because YOU DON'T KNOW!

None of us know what's going on, how can you say such things about Yunho and the others?

I'm sorry that I'm angry over this, I don't want to fight with any of you...

But it hurts me SO BAD to have to read all those horrible comments left by antis, and to read all of the stupid, hurtful rumors about DBSK... And then to come here and hear FANS saying such things!

I expect this of the others, but you need to get a hold of yourselves!!! <_<

DBSK needs us right now, they need our support, love, trust, and faith... They don't need any doubt, resentment, negativity or blame right now...

I understand you're lost and concerned... you're confused because of your love for them. So I understand, I really do.

But if you keep it up... well, you should be ashamed! You're only making things harder for them...

Anyway, I'm sorry if I upset you, I really DO understand, so please let's support each other and the boys now. :lol:

As for the whole SM thing... is anyone else weary, you guys? :sweatingbullets: Maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but...

I think SM has it in for our boys. :ph34r:

First off, they wouldn't listen to what the guys had to say.

They drove them to the point of this legal action.

I'm pretty sure it's really hard for our boys to stand up and do what they did... after all, SME is HUGE, and they've controlled DBSK since forever.

Then, when the boys file the disposition, SME acts all butthurt and says they didn't see it coming...

“It is true... The company is very taken back by the action, we are trying to get confirm all the truth from them currently. “

By saying that they were "taken aback" and acting all shocked, it makes fans think this came out of nowhere and that the three members have been hiding it...

If they said, "yeah, we knew they were unhappy but we didn't listen and now they're suing us" this would cast less doubt on the boys.

So right from the start, they shift the blame... :mellow:

Then all the "reports" said stuff like

"It has been known that their reasons for doing so is that the contract with SM Entertainment has many irrelevant conditions attached. It is also known that the content to the contract the 3 members cannot agree to includes having them belonging exclusively to SM Entertainment for 13 years and also unhappiness over profit allocation."


"There has also been saying that the 3 members have differing views to SM on their upcoming ‘Dong Bang Shin Ki cosmetic enterprise expansion’."

Who exactly said such things?!? "It has been known"... they say it like it's a FACT. :huh:

It doesn't say "The boys feel cheated, don't know how much money they're making, and SM's contract is ILLEGAL", no... they make it sound like little things... "irrelevant conditions"...

And of course, they tried to shift the blame to the whole cosmetic company thing, when we now know that isn't the real issue.

Later on, they said this:

"But as a representative group to the country and to Asia, our stand is that activities for Dong Bang Shin Ki have to continue even with this disposition application. And about the problems arising from the discussion to do a cosmetic enterprise, we plan to talk over them and sort out the problems as soon as possible.”

So here they say two things:

1. We think DBSK should stay together and keep working.


2. We will fix the cosmetic company issue.

By saying they want DBSK to stay together, they are just adding to the idea that the boys would break up. They make it sound like the BOYS want to break up, and they disagree.

So this makes them look good, and casts negative light and suspicion on the guys.

Then of course, with the second statement, they are shifting the blame to a different issue and promising to fix it. This makes them sound caring and like they are trying to fix things (even though they ignored everything for months and this ISN'T EVEN THE REAL ISSUE) :angry:

THEN they make THIS statement:

“On SM’s side, we still have much love for Dong Bang Shin Ki. We do not want them to disband. Let’s resolve this peacefully seeing the long time we have worked together since their debut till now.”

Yet again, they use "disband". It wouldn't be on people's minds as much if they hadn't said it. By saying it, Cassies think, "oh my gosh, they MIGHT break up!!!" which leads to doubt and craziness and makes everything harder for the boys.

In this way, SME is even using DBSK's fans as a weapon, knowing that it's hard for the boys to know they are upsetting their fans.

They also make themselves sound good by saying they love DBSK, want them to stay together, yadda yadda yadda... Which makes people think "Well, if SM wants them to stay together, who wants them to break up? DBSK wants to break up?" and then there's just more doubt, mayhem, and confusion all around.

They're using the fans' love to break the boys' hearts... :fury:

Then there's the other stuff people have pointed out:

The picture that only has U-Know and Max, not the other three.

The episode of Bigeast station with only those two.

The "rumor" (they may have started it themselves) that DBSK would return to Korea separately.

All of these things are segregating the group, splitting them into two groups.

Making people think maybe they really ARE two groups now...

Making them doubt...

Making them think that the other three don't WANT to be involved anymore...

What about the rumor that they had a fight and ate separately?

And what about the report that "three" of them (notice they don't say which three, but people will assume JaeChunSU) were going to go to a SS501 concert together, but couldn't.

EVERY SINGLE ONE of these rumors makes DBSK seem more like 2 vs. 3

But who is saying these rumors?!?!

Maybe I really am just crazy, but I think SM's secretly behind a lot of this... :crazy:

What do you guys think? Anyone else feel the same way?

About the press conference, I really am nervous...

Not because I doubt the boys, but I worry they might say something the fans don't want to hear...

Right know, we don't know the situation.

Alreay, we've been through an emotional roller coaster...

We had our worst fears realized, then calmed down some.

Fans have reassured one another that it's little, it's tiny, "they ONLY want to fix the little problems, nothing else..."

But... what if it's bigger?



I think they've discussed it, and I think they have a plan. Right now, that plan is that U-Know and Max should not be involved in the legal proceedings.

Why? I don't know.

Maybe there are legal problems.

Maybe they can fight better this way.

Maybe they need to catch SM off guard, I don't know!

If all five sued, then SM could just drop them, ignore them, refuse...

Now this way, they feel like they have leverage to make the boys stay.


But I believe there's a reason...

I think that the boys want to reassure us, to tell us everything is okay... but they can't right now.

I don't know why, but THERE IS A REASON.

Now is not the time for us to know everything, now is the time for us to TRUST THEM.

Maybe the boys want it to seem like they are divided, to "let" SME have control over U-Know and Max.

Heck, MAYBE they want the two boys to testify in SM's defense, to seem divided, but then at the last moment unite again.

This all sounds like a corny movie... :blush:

And yeah, I'm probably totally off.

But maybe there's a reason they can't appear "united" now.

They might show up separately tomorrow, only three and not five.

They might not tell us why the other two aren't there.

They might say things things that scare the heck out of us...

But still, I believe they're together and I BELIEVE THEY'RE RIGHT.

If they say things fans don't want to hear, I'm scared a frenzy will begin again.

By telling ourselves "it's only small things" we will be unprepared if it's not.

We might lose faith again...


No matter what is said tomorrow, we must ALWAYS keep the faith.

Yoochun didn't say "sometimes keep the faith" or "usually keep the faith" or "keep the faith unless we say something unexpected".

He said ALWAYS.


I hope to God that at the press conference we only hear good news and this is all just small stuff.

But just in case it isn't, we need to prepare ourselves.

Because we need to stand strong for our boys, to show them that nothing, I repeat NOTHING will stop us.

We can't afford to freak out again and doubt.

We will need to redouble our efforts more, comfort each other more, do more projects, post more videos, whatever it takes.

Always stand strong for them.

Never waver in our faith... never again.


Sorry that I seem crazy and depressing but I just have a feeling that we should prepare, just in case...

When times are hard, that's when we need to believe and trust the most. :)

I hope fans can understand that they are doing what they think is right... We definitely need to trust them.


Even if DBSK has a tough battle ahead, I'm sure it will be together as ONE (even if it doesn't seem that way) and together with Cassiopeia...forever.

DBSK is not like H.O.T. or Shinhwa, I have great respect for those groups, but they aren't the same.

DBSK is at the top of their game, and EXTREMELY close to one another. They are famous, well-known, influential... and not in just one country, but all over.

But this isn't what makes them different.

It's the fans.

If we stay faithful and supportive to them no matter what, DBSK CAN DO ANYTHING!!!

They are golden if they have us...

I think SME knows this, which is why they try to hurt fans, cause confusion, division, and blame.

They try to make us doubt our boys...

Because they know WE have the power.

This is why we must never leave them.

This is why we must always keep the faith, to never ever waver.

WE, Cassioepia, are DBSK's power.

We help to decide their fate...

Argghh, sorry... I meant to get off this whole "battle cry" rant, and I ended up talking about it more... :blush:

Umm, good news! Something bright~~

On the topic of their virginity (I know, I'm late xD)

I agree with you guys...

Least likely to be a virgin to most likely:





But I think that you can never really know, people often surprise you.

And also, I think it's their business, not mine~~

So whatever they are, I love them anyway! Either way...

Ok, well I love you all, Cassies!!!~~~

Thanks for being so sweet and supportive of one another, it has helped me more than I can say. <3


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People keep saying tomorrow, but isn't it the Third already in Korea? They're like, 16 hours ahead, yes? So, the presscon info should be released later today. Sometime this evening probably. I sort of think it will broadcast in the morning there, which will be late afternoon-ish? (here in the US anyway.) I feel like they're not going to wait for the late night news for this.

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Guest hiuawuie

laurana: i totally agree with you. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN, WE MUST KEEP THE FAITH, we must BELIEVE in our boys. So, be prepared about the press conference, they may say something unexpeted but we need to be strong and solide

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Guest BlaisePaige

Thanks for shedding light on the legal procedure! But I'm confused--I know that Changmin's drama is linked to SM, in other words SM "served as the agent" in his starring in the drama. But I thought Yunho's drama is not SM-linked and therefore this will not apply? And how about Jae's drama where he's expected to partake in promotional activities in the coming months?

And even for Avex's activities for Tohoshinki, isn't Avex linked to SM? It seems that whatever activities they have, it's part of SM's domain directly or indirectly? Forgive me if I sound ignorant.

Sigh..at the end of the day speculation is useless...but while we wait for the press con, this is the only way to vent our anxious feelings eh.

Note that Yunho also has a 'live' CF contract with Evisu Korea. All the contracts they entered into under SM will be scrutinize.

When the lawsuit goes into trial, the contract, where the dispute or allegations arose, will be put on hold until a legal or equitable remedy is reached.

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Guest niocz

Hi everyone

for the international fan video project : always keep the faith

i was wondering if there's anyone online good with graphics design

please pm me ASAP

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Guest LemonMud


more suggestions...

I'm not sure but I think it would be lovely to get Keudae @youtube to do a cover of one of their songs (Ballad Mirotic and Kiss the Baby Sky were really nice)

plus I 100% agree with oh`retro, quotes by the boys themselves would be stellar

.___. lastly, I kinda "wrote" a little poem with a few of their song titles...

here goes

We would Begin, not knowing who you were

and Step by Step we started to ask Why Did We Fall In Love With You?

It's a Beautiful Thing that you have brought to us

In this Crazy Life

Your Wild Souls run through the Maze and cannot be held down

Nothing makes Cassiopeia more Proud

because You're Our Miracle

Whatever They Say, never forget to Shine

We are Always There

because you are our Unforgettable DongBangShinKi

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Guest lawis_pocket

First the light topic:

I'm an Eighter (A die-hard Kanjani8 fan), Please don't take them srsly they never talk bad about any group, they laugh about themself, so in case in the future (since I haven't seen anyone complaining XD) don't get mad at their silliness XD, it wouldn't surprise me one day them saying THSK is a great group in whole Asia themselfs. Since I became a fan of DBSK it's hard to divide my time from Gackt to Kanjani8 to DBSK XD

Now... I've been trying to stay calm, I think I kinda am... But what actually worries me is not the near future.

I actually think they will come to an arrangement... but they wont tell us all... I have the feeling on day next year when all they schedule is done and all.. they will send us the bomb O_O Please, I hope I'm wrong (I MUST be wrong)... Becuse I mean, not always a disbanding is discussed for long periods... One day they(artists) just appear in the last concert of the tour "This is our last time together, it's been wonderful...." then you just hear they wont be together no more. Without warnings....

I don't want that... they said that themself... they want to be like smap... I'm not a smap fan but wow they've sure been in the industry for long... I want DBSK to be just like that, and more!!

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Guest laurassjj87

Here's something new to share:

090802 東方神起 MJ Special

I loved this video sooooo much!!!! I forgot all these troubles watching them~ :lol:

So much Yoosu <3<3<3 Chun´s glares at Junsu are priceless. He looks like he want to bite Su :o I really love watching them like this: having fun, together...

Always keep the faith ^_^

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Guest kashmier


As said by DBSK's Lawyer:

I apologized,

Right now, the news reported weren't what I had said, they (reporters) would be spreading 100 sentences when I had merely said one.

5 of them really wanted to be together, and they had never thought of living with only three persons.

To be letting the fans worry, I felt very guilty, and I hope that all of you can encourage them more.

sang-hyeok im (Lawyer's name)

Source: naver and tvxqcn

Translation: honeyiceblend @ OneTVXQ.com

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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Guest rainhero181430262800


more suggestions...

I'm not sure but I think it would be lovely to get Keudae @youtube to do a cover of one of their songs (Ballad Mirotic and Kiss the Baby Sky were really nice)

plus I 100% agree with oh`retro, quotes by the boys themselves would be stellar

.___. lastly, I kinda "wrote" a little poem with a few of their song titles...

here goes

We would Begin, not knowing who you were

and Step by Step we started to ask Why Did We Fall In Love With You?

It's a Beautiful Thing that you have brought to us

In this Crazy Life

Your Wild Souls run through the Maze and cannot be held down

Nothing makes Cassiopeia more Proud

because You're Our Miracle

Whatever They Say, never forget to Shine

We are Always There

because you are our Unforgettable DongBangShinKi

This little poem brings great happiness to my heart. It's so touching, and I'm sure the boys would love it. I also have a poem to contribute as well. I hope it will be accepted, I would love for them to know how I feel, and how I feel that all of cassiopeia feels about them.

No Cassiopeia Without TVXQ

The elegant gleam of light that casts its gentle silhouette,

upon the calm still waters of the ocean.

A soft pink petal of a blooming cherry blossom in spring,

inciting the mellow ripples in the gentle cool river.

Thousands of stars that fill the dark night sky with its illumating picturesque view,

and astonishingly scenic aura.

Breathtaking, and astounding; yet none compares to you.

Our life is meaningless without TVXQ.

If ever our eyes could set gaze upon a shooting a star,

our wish would be to spend our lives with you forever.

If I had a thousand lives, I'd give them all up to spend just one with you.

You hold the key to our heart, you are the missing piece to our puzzle.

You complete me.

Without you, my life is futile.

Without the sun there is no daylight, without the moon there is no moonlight.

Without air we cannot breathe, without a voice we cannot speak.

Without food, and water we cannot live.

Without TVXQ, there is no Cassiopeia.

For you, my love is endless; like the oceans that grace this beautiful earth.

My mind dwells only on you day, and night. I see your angelic face as I sleep,

and I see your enticing smile when I awake. Your laugh keeps me going,

your voice draws me nearer, and your personality; so loving, only weakens my soul.

I only want to be near you.

Without you, we cannot go on.

You have encaptured our minds, you have concealed our heart within yours.

The blazing vivid fireworks in our soul, are only sparked by your eminent beauty.

As much as the stars shine down from heaven, and the sun shines brightly from far up above;

our love for you continues to grow apace.

Our hearts will always be with you, till the end of time forever.

Because without you, there is no us.

Written For: TVXQ

Written By: Toni A.K.A. Harumi (USA)

Date Written: January 14, 2009

Posted On: tvxqdreamer.blogspot.com (My Bloggy)


Aish!!!! I didn't mean to top the page! -headdesk-

Well since I've done so, I have no other choice, but to offer up some piccies of our boys together. I'm sure they've all been posted here before, but it's the best I can do. ^__^

So suave, they are. ^^


Our 5 Angels











Our Dong Bang Shin Ki Forever!


Hope that's not too many pics. If so, just let me know, and I'll remove some.

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Guest eliciellanette

Hello. This is my first time posting here even though I've been silently lurking for nearly two months...

I just would like to share something I've written last night...


Uncertain Times

In these times of uncertainty when we are all afraid

To face the possibility that your name soon will fade,

We find it hard to cast away the fears the plague our hearts.

What more when we are seas away, the thousand miles that parts.

We fear that soon you’ll never be five brothers on the stage

Who gives their all and makes us dream and love and sing and rage.

It’s hard to think you’ll be no more someday. It breaks my heart.

And now in these uncertain times, we fear you’ll fall apart.

But if there’s one thing I’m as sure as the stars up above

Is that I know you’ve never lied about your bond and love.

A hundred times, a thousand times you’ve showed and told and proved

Whatever obstacles you’ve faced, TOGETHER you have moved.

And that’s enough to calm my heart through this uncertain time…

That five is one and one is five: one more, one less– a crime.

Your brotherhood I do not doubt, your words and hearts are one.

Your name may fade but your bond is sure like the rising sun.

Tonight, we’ll sleep with hopes held high, together we’ll stand…

A legion of united fans behind the greatest band

we’ve ever known…

Just look behind and there we’ll be, a pearl red sea.

In these uncertain times, be it our ultimate decree.


Hopefully, everything will be solved soon. I'm praying for the Press Con today(?) to go well and without problems. DBSK's been a very important part of my life even though I've only known them for two years. Always hoping for the best :)

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Guest KoTaNi

Omg everyone has so beautiful poems to share~~

*---* !

i'm loving each one of them <33

Because it shows how much TVXQ inspires ppl :D!

While waiting for the press news, is nice reading such beautiful writings~ : )!

well.. let's keep waiting and WHAAAT?


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