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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest amesakurako




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what make me disappointed is the fact that yunho is the leader..many ppl talk how great he is as a leader..how he treasure his friends, etc..but the fact that he doesnt join the force if the three make me somehow upset at him..coz based on the news, they have been discussing this since two months ago so basically he knew it before he take that drama rite? why dis he take that drama if the other three currently battling with the case? i

i really gonna leave this fandom if they disband..

Now I'm offeneded. We don't even know the true story of anything and you already blame Yunho by not joining the battle. None of them want to leave SM. We don't know how they plan. What we know is that three of them just want to change the contracts. If HoMin have difficuties to do now for whatever reasons, or even if they actually think they make enough money and want to share the rest to the staffs and the company. We don't know a thing, so please keep the negative thoughts inside because we don't want a fight among the fans.

Actually I don't see any good thing of being a leader, just more work and double-standard for him.

It is true that Yunho values friendship because MinYooSu even mentioned in BEstation, so he has a reason not joining the battle. But we still don't know if they already plan things out togther or not.

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A-nation- I know I'm slow in commenting this but wow. The songs list is longer than previous years! Love the list of songs as well. Can't wait to see the official broadcast of the perfs!

Geez. I'm trying to ignore those rumors of disbanding but they just keep coming, it's annoying as hell! And let those JUST be rumors.

I know for sure, we are all worried for the boys and it was really cool of DNBN to write messages of different languages to international fans. I'm now just anxiously waiting for an official statement from the boys themselves.

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Guest shinhwa_hyesung

The disposition is actually just the first stage and this legal procedure is done in several stages. If the disposition becomes a lawsuit and goes to trial, the plaintiff, due to ethical reasons, has to inhibit himself from the defendant’s domain during the litigation. Because Yunho and Changmin entered into a ‘live’ contract with other producers where the defendant served as the agent, they might be compelled to breach it. And if you breach a contract you can be sued for damages. The two can always file their dispositions after they have served their ‘live’ contracts.

NOTE: I’m not a lawyer or a law student but this is how I understood the process after my conversation with a lawyer colleague from our legal department. If there are any discrepancies, I owe to it.

Thanks fr the explanation. So, there is a chance that HoMin will join them after their dramas are over. I am hoping that even during the intermediate activities, it doesn't become 3+2. ;_; unfortunately, I won't have internet from tomorrow.


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Guest Duke_Cow

and i found something what our hero said once, it touched me deep

"Our friendship is stronger than all else because we're breathing the same air, speaking the same thoughts, and living one dream."


Thanks for that quote. His words make me warm. :">


what make me disappointed is the fact that yunho is the leader..many ppl talk how great he is as a leader..how he treasure his friends, etc..but the fact that he doesnt join the force if the three make me somehow upset at him..coz based on the news, they have been discussing this since two months ago so basically he knew it before he take that drama rite? why dis he take that drama if the other three currently battling with the case? i

i really gonna leave this fandom if they disband..

Dont talk about Yunho like this beibe87 T_T

Because we're just their fan. We're not the people who knows exactly what happened. How can u know what they're going to do??? How can u know what Yunho's thinking???. He's the best LEADER. I believe in him. He will not let DBSK disband. He didn't sue SM. Okay?? What's is the point here?? T_T


I think the meeting was ended. Aish, I'll stay here tonight for the news.

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Guest amesakurako

Now I'm offeneded. We don't even know the true story of anything and you already blame Yunho by not joining the battle.

i totally agree

we should not jump to conclusions and make judgments about any of them when we DO NOT EVEN KNOW what is happening for real

so far none of the boys have spoken so no one knows for sure what is happening

i am a STRONG fan


yunho has always been a great leader and he even talked about the other members in his CF shooting

plus he looks after them when they are upset

have you seen the airport pictures? he was walking besides jae and had his hand on yoochun's shoulder



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Guest mkjunsu

Could some kind soul translate this? It's from their official Japan website:

先日より吉本倶楽部関連ショップにて販売いたしておりました、「東方神起×村上ショージ しょうゆうことボイスストラップ」ですが、ご好評につき、各店舗とも商品完売につき、販売終了いたしました。


Am right in thinkin it means something like their a-nation goods along with somebody else's is sold out or something? lol i fail at japanese!!

Also in the oricon Artist ranking their profile is third! They really are doing so well in Japan! Makes me happy... sorry don't know how to do screencaps!! ^^'

EDIT: THANKS AMESAKURAKO! lol i knew it had to do with something being sold out! lol i so wanted one of those straps!!

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Guest yunyunbear

I think I need to speak up although i think my opinion is not needed in this very sensitive topic but to beibe87 how can you say that yunho? I know most of us are disappointed in this situation but to say something like that to Yunho I dont know him personally but in my heart I will alywas believe in him and his words just because he didn't join the lawsuit? like someone said we're just fans we don't know the whole reason behind this please please to all 동방신기 fans Always Keep The FAITH

I know opinions are opinions but T__T please stop the negative ones T___T

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Guest amesakurako

Could some kind soul translate this? It's from their official Japan website:

先日より吉本倶楽部関連ショップにて販売いたしておりました、「東方神起×村上ショージ しょうゆうことボイスストラップ」ですが、ご好評につき、各店舗とも商品完売につき、販売終了いたしました。


it's just talking about how their shouyu koto strap is sold out right now ^^

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Guest SiXeLa

I'm so glad we are having this international fan vid for DBSK. I've submitted my msg already ^_^ I can't wait to see the end result. I hope the boys will see that they also have international fans supporting them through this tough times. I'm wondering what will be the background music used? In my opinion, Asu Wa Kuru Kara or Proud would be lovely...just a thought.. =)

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Guest beibe87

I'm sorry guys if did offended you all..i just dunno what to do in this kind of situation..i deeply apologize to all the fans..

yunho is always be my favorite..that's why i have high expectation for him..in this kind of situation, i just feel lost..

sorry.. :tears:

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Guest greenteadrinker

that's exactly what i thought..i was wondering, why homin did take the drama if they acknowledge this problem..dont u think that it will make all the thing goes more complicated..if homin didnt take the drama, sure it will make it easy to go out as one..do u think homin want to stay in SM if the other three leaving, thus they take the drama? goshhh..actually i dont really care if they want to leave SM or want to sue SM..all the thing i care is i want them to stay together..i know i sounds so egoist..but i just dont accept the fact that they fight in different ways..i wish, they can fight this together...coz they always mention how their friendship rite? but in this case, i cant see their friendship coz they walk differently not together as one..

what make me disappointed is the fact that yunho is the leader..many ppl talk how great he is as a leader..how he treasure his friends, etc..but the fact that he doesnt join the force if the three make me somehow upset at him..coz based on the news, they have been discussing this since two months ago so basically he knew it before he take that drama rite? why dis he take that drama if the other three currently battling with the case? i

i really gonna leave this fandom if they disband..

I think pple have said this many times, you cannot take what they report in the news as fact. Only a statement by their lawyer is accurate, everything else is hearsay.

There's no way Yunho and Changmin aren't united with the other 3. I'm 100% certain that all 5 members agree on the course of action to take against SM. Yunho is a good leader but not only that, he's highly respected by the rest of the members. No way they would take legal action against SM unless Yunho agrees as well.

Also, if I were Yunho or Changmin, I would have no choice but to sign the drama contract as well. Look at it this way, if HoMin didn't sign the contract last month or June, or whenever they signed it, wouldn't it be signaling to SM that they're going to bring legal action against them? Would you want to let the defendant to know you're going to potentially bring them to court 1-2 months before you file the papers? That's just silly. We know that DBSK want SM to reveal all the accounts to show just how much DBSK have made in the past few yrs. This is a fact. If you signal to SM that you're going to do this 1-2 months before you file the disposition, that gives SM ample time to destroy the "evidence" so to speak. From a legal standpoint, very foolish.

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Guest SeliT

Now I'm offeneded. We don't even know the true story of anything and you already blame Yunho by not joining the battle. None of them want to leave SM. We don't know how they plan. What we know is that three of them just want to change the contracts. If HoMin have difficuties to do now for whatever reasons, or even if they actually think they make enough money and want to share the rest to the staffs and the company. We don't know a thing, so please keep the negative thoughts inside because we don't want a fight among the fans.

Actually I don't see any good thing of being a leader, just more work and double-standard for him.

It is true that Yunho values friendship because MinYooSu even mentioned in BEstation, so he has a reason not joining the battle. But we still don't know if they already plan things out togther or not.

im glad you said this because i agree with everything you said. the five boys are entitled to there own opinion - yunho and changmin could be really happy with there contracts. (because i would be imo) but no one really knows

i think people need to STOP making assumptions because once people read them they start thinking of something different when it could be all wrong.

i think everyone need to leave this alone until we have the hardcore facts that come from either sm ent, dbsk or the lawyers.

this issue is kind of getting old, and all im seeing on this thread is rumours and articles that are created by the media to make you worry! honnestly i study media and its really not as bad as its been made out to be.

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Guest Sanya

I'm sorry guys if did offended you all..i just dunno what to do in this kind of situation..i deeply apologize to all the fans..

yunho is always be my favorite..that's why i have high expectation for him..in this kind of situation, i just feel lost..

sorry.. :tears:

I understand your point, yunho is my fave too, but making these kinds of judgement when none of us know anything about what's really happening there is just gonna split the fans into two different camps when we should all stay united.

Yunho is not a hero just because he's a leader, and if don't wanna sue Sm then he must have his own reasons just like changmin, he's the dongbang member i personnaly trust the most, he loves his band members to death and he already proved it countless times, so please let's just all keep the faith! ;)

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Guest wing834

the latest article on syc doesnt look good... :'( call me an idiot of whatever, i really cant accept that they could go their seperate ways... i mean they r at the peak of their career, if they went to the army, then i would understand more, but atm, they r popular, young and doing really really well in both japan and korea~

really hope that tomo's press conference doesnt break millions of hearts.... ive been crying so much in these few days :'(

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Guest melany38_98

I do believe that 5 of them are in this together...

Even though we saw only 3 of them coming out to fight....BUT I'm pretty sure all of them have discussed and planned about it together.

I'm staying on the positve side and I believe in our fav' leader and his will to protect the group as always. Yunho might have better plan for TVXQ that he let only JaeChunSu do this alone.

Or maybe, as the others discussed earlier, HoMin just stucked with the drama contracts so they cannot go along with the rest

But they are sure not doing this because they do not wanna FIGHT TOGETHER no more!

I still believe in their bond!

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Guest DBSK_real

Please Join!!



What: A Video Project done by the International Fans to give their support to TVXQ in this difficult time of their career.

What to do: Write your messages of encouragement to TVXQ, take a picture and send it to us.

Remember to put the line 'ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH'.

Include a short message, your name and your country.

Sample: image0207.th.jpg

(Haha. It's ugly! I'll make a new one)

It should be personalized, meaning it should be hand-written.

We encourage you to write your messages in SIMPLE English, Korean or Japanese so that the boys can understand it. If you want to write it in another language though, please provide an English Translation to the message.

There is no limit to the size of the picture.

Where to send: TVXQalways@gmail.com

Deadline: August 3, 2009; 5PM KST


Please send the pictures to the email we provided. Do not post it here. Also, please write in SIMPLE ENGLISH, KOREAN OR JAPANESE only. Why? SO THAT DBSK CAN UNDERSTAND IT^^

If you want to write it in another language though, please provide an English Translation to the message.


Thanks badstar for this msg^^

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Guest shushshuckspui

please do not believe anything that's on the net. every artist in this world is bound to have antis, DBSK has theirs too. and please be wary that some antis are using this as an opportunity. i went to a neutral website for more information and there is this anti saying "finally! i've waited so long for a disbandment" now, it hurts doesnt it?

my korean fan said over there in korea, most of the cassiopeians are calm but it is not because they have special information or privelleges, it's a simple reason called trust. they believe in DBSK's bond, they believe whatever they do it is 5 for 1 and 1 for 5.

so please

A true fan believes in DBSK

A true fan will never believe in disband rumours (until it happens right before our eyes)

i don't mean to be harsh or anything, but i read someone saying their brotherhood bond is a big fat lie, and i'm so unhappy with that statement.

well, until they officially disband right before my eyes and declare to the whole world (which i think will only happen in antis' dreams), i refuse to believe any disband rumour crap.

please understand that jaechunsu are filing for a suspension of contract, which in my opinion is slightly similar to a temporary halt of contract, kind of being contractless. Jaechun's colour single is under avex, so it doesnt really directly gets affected. junsu, on the other hand, may have nothing much to do now, yet i'm not 100% sure cos he just got a new haircut, unless he himself wanted it for personal reasons.

however for the sake of fans and all other activities, to minimise losses, the best is for TVXQ to continue their activities. imagine the crazy protest SM will receive if DBSK pulls out of smtown09, many will be asking for refunds.

so in my opinion, HOMIN is all for DBSK and they're ever ready mentally to support each other, but due to their filming and drama stuff, it would be a hassle for them to also file a suspension. what would happen to the drama production team and all the staff and crew? we know each DBSK member is very professional, responsible, and considerate. they must have already filmed half or more of the drama. it will be so stupid if they suddenly drop out of the drama, right?

during tokyo dome concert, jaejoong already said "After this, there may be some changes, but i hope you'll still support us" he is probably referring to this.

and about Avex, if i'm a the ceo or whatever, i spend so much time and effort grooming DBSK from an unknown foreign artist into a group that enters tokyo dome, although they're not A list in japan, but they're on the way. would i be so stupid to cooperate with my fellow SM business partner and support them in refusing to amend their contract? when i dun get to gain anything and lose my artist?

about H.O.T and Shinhwa, their case is not the same but someone else mentioned about how SM stood still despite their popularity.

i won't say that DBSK is more famous than them in korea, but i would like to say that comparing these three groups, DBSK is the one that broke into japanese market successfully and gain a footing there, one brownie point.

DBSK has 800 000 fans in guiness world record, another brownie point.

H.O.T is like super legend and everything but considering that internet isnt really that advanced in their era, i doubt anyone else outside of korea could actually keep track on them. Shinhwa maybe a little or so, but DBSK is like the bluetooth and optic fibre era, when everything is just a click away.

So i believe worldwide, DBSK is much influential than the other two. another brownie point.

i don't wish to sound too optimistic but i really hope we could stay strong and not believe in anything else except for official statement. and don't fluster too much or think too much until the verdict has been passed.

for now, everybody just pray, wish and hope. most importantly, we should stay as one and support them.

people always say cassiopeia is the best right? so where is the cassiopeia spirit when this is like one of the most crucial events that need unity?

okay~ a little happiness here.

because junsu's getting a little less of solo stuff, here's a little video for our soccer star :)


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