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Are You Close With Your Cousins?!?

Guest 영원한 사랑

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Guest ny-sw / ny_sw.

I wanna be close with my cousins, but they live too far. :/ we chill whenever we're in korea thoughhh.

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Guest AhYee

I'm really close with my cousins. Especially the ones closer to my age.

The younger ones all love me, the older ones don't pick on me.

It's a big happy family!

But I'm not as close to those that's out of the country. My dad's side I'm not overly close with because I only get to see them once every 3 years. But my mom's side, we used to live in the same city, so I'm really close to them.

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Guest starrie

I know how you feel.

My family is basically split in half in Canada and Korea. My mom's side in Korea and my dad's side in Canada. I'm close with my cousins in Canada (naturally, considering we practically grew up together and always went to family functions and whatnot) but my cousins in Korea are unknown to me. I don't even remember their names (I'm so bad hahaha...)

But they're all older than me too. My cousins in Canada are more close to my age, at most 3yrs older. My cousins in Korea are mostly in their 20s~30s except for a couple who are a year or two older than me. I'm going back to Korea this summer so I guess I get to see them but I know that it's going to be REALLY awkward so I'm kind of not looking forward to it to be honest. .___.;

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Guest erika.march1993

I have 10 cousins and I'm not close to any of them. :D :D :D :D

I'm actually not close to a lot of my relatives. :P :P :P :P

I'm closer to my friends and family. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Guest sweethopes

i'm not close with my cousins. there's mostly neutral feelings. but there's this vibe around most of my girl cousins givng me the impression that they hate me... <_< oh well.

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Guest estherHERO

i'm not close with cousins from my father's side. .____. we're like total strangers whenever we meet.

its like, no common topic plus i rarely see some of them.

but i'm close with cousin from my mother's side. ^^ we play alot together since childhood. so maybe that explains why.

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Guest Tiffa_xx

I used to be really close to one of them when we were little. But we got older and grew apart because of our differences. She's calm, meek, graceful, soft-spoken and tomboyish. I'm a little obnoxious sometimes, loud, party-ish, clumsy and girly. But we're still cool with each other. I do miss those days when we played with Barbie dolls together though =(

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Guest I.♥_Y0U ;)

The female ones. I'm actually with them right now. We haven't seen each other for years but I'm a lot to them after a couple of days then with friends I've been hanging out with for years :) But the male cousins, kinda awkward :)

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Guest elmmmo_

I'm extremely close with the 5 cousins that live in the same city but the rest are scattered around the world and I never got to spend much time with them

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Guest Aimiko

On my mom's side YES. I really consider one of my guy cousins as my bestie.

But too bad we're apart now. ]':

& On my dad's side no, not at all. We do talk sometimes but that's it. :|

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Guest MsChen

I used to be close with them, but not anymore.

I've stopped visiting as much. (I used to visit either every weekend or every other weekend.) It doesn't help that they're far from me -- Pennsylvania, Canada, China, etc.

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Guest Shooting_Star<3

i am living in germany and my family (mom, dad) is the only one abroad because my whole family (grandmother, aunts, cousins...) is living in vietnam ^^ really sad T_T but when I have visited them then we are really close :) a really cool family <3

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I'm close to the cousin's on my dad's side of the family, mostly my dad's second oldest brother's son and his older sister's sons. I'm especially close with my second oldest uncle's son because my uncle lives in the same apartment and my cousin comes over during the weekends (and for beer pong nights).

All of the cousins on my dad's side are born in NY but from my mom's side, they're born in China so I'm not as close to the cousins on my mom's side.

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Guest iitzjesss

i love hanging out with my two older ones....i don't really know the ones on my dad's side of the family

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Guest Starberriee

I have 8 in total and they are all males. (I'm a girl) So whenever there is a family reunion they just talk with my brother and I am left alone playing with my cellphone. Plus I never see 6 of them because they live in in Hong Kong. The two cousins that live in Canada are almost as old as my parents so we were never that close. I mean they are both married, so I rarely see them even though we live in the same city. I hope I can close the gender gap, because I'd really like to keep in contact with all of my relatives. :lol:

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Guest xJADED

Actually in the beginning when I was younger I was not so close. All my cousins lived in other towns and we rarely got to see eachother. But then I started going over to their houses a lot more when I was around like 7-12. We just all hung out nothing special. But then I moved to FL. My cousins from my dad's side also moved there a year before so I knew nobody but them. Eventually I got really really close with them. They were like my siblings. We were like that for a few years but then everyone started to drift apart cause of school and new locations. It sucks but we are still close whenever we see eachother. it's like nothing ever changed.

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