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[official] So Yi Jeong & Chu Ga Eul ♥


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Guest tiachoptrang

@Allison, Sylvia, Rebecca: So cute banners and icons for soeul-mates :).

I think we should put the order number to us-member of Soeul, for example : I'm soeul-mate no.3 (just example, I don't know my number :P). Let's check!

You guys remember that, "soulmate and husband are 2 different people", so I somewhat don't like soulmate and hope that with Ga Eul, Yi Jeong is not only soulmate but also her eternal love, and with Yi Jeong too. But we are still soeul-mates.

Happy to see how our Soeul family is growing! Since when we have our official thread, I rarely visit BOF thread (oh, bad :P). So just like some brother or sister posted (we are family, right? :D) we will post news about them in this thread.

And me


name: Tu

username: tiachoptrang

Edit: good night Rebe! Sweet dreams of our SoEul ;).

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I'd love to hear everyone's take on one's soulmate vs. true love. I sort of made a small contribution in the BOF thread, but that got buried. The whole soulmate thing DEFINITELY pertains to Yi Jeong and Ga Eul too!

Okay, I'm seriously going now to watch episode 7. It's 10pm now, and I need to be in bed before midnight so I can get up for work tomorrow! GaJeong fighting! Soeulmates fighting!

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Guest hixanniex

although i just stalk this thread all the time

can i join also?

the chemistry between the two are unavoidable.




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Guest asdfjkl;fdsajkl;

i dunno who coined the term soeul-mates but it's BRILLIANT. bloody brilliant

i guess i should add myself to the list?

name: susie q

username: asdfjkl;fdsajkl;

alvin (coolsmurf) has been postin alot of articles on KSE lately. he even apologized for it. i find his new found crush adorable, lol.

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DUDE you guys move fast LOL

omggg that article about so eun wanting a happy ending is so cute

& i didnt know they were bffs <3

hopefully the scriptwriter will be kind & fulfill so eun's wish :D hahah

i havent been able to watch ep 7 yet cus its on high demands LOL

but ive read spoilers and now i erally wanna watch it )= damn you people who made the site's server crash LOL

i declare myself a soeulmate ! heh

name - Lam

username - STAR_x.

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Guest tiachoptrang

You're welcome Annie! :) I'm "new" too, though follow soompi but first post in soompi is in this thread-our Soeul :D

Let me count people's SoEul numbers then I edit later, ok? Oh!! 9 pages, hard-working :D. Kidding, my pleasure!!

Welcome every new SoEul-mates!!


Edit : update Soeul-mates from list of Rebe. And here's our number :D (just member with name :)

1. Sachiko (not real name but this's person had create thread)

2. Rebecca (exotsiax13)

3. Julia (juliakgrl)

4. Anita (yourdaddyy)

5. Kris (kickazzkris)

6. Jess (jun ji)

7. Sarah (Princessjimyung)

8. Sara (situponatree*)

9. Nat - Natalie (fangirlism)

10. Victoria (inyeon.)

11. Allison (white.piano)

12. Angel (soul-star.)

13. Jessica (jessicanguyen_asdf)

14. Shirley (aggiesbaby)

15. Jina (jina_bing_bang)

16. Sylvia (sylviya)

17. Spring (GiRlli3)

18. Lena (Han Kyo Ki)

19. Cathy (jealousyxx2)

20. Tu (tiachoptrang)

21. Annie (hixanniex)

22. Susie q (asdfjkl;fdsajkl;)

23. Lam (STAR_x)


25. Nathasya - Chacha (LuvSMTown)


And me, Soeul-mate no.20 :D.

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i dunno who coined the term soeul-mates but it's BRILLIANT. bloody brilliant

i guess i should add myself to the list?

name: susie q

username: asdfjkl;fdsajkl;

Haha. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that was Rebecca.


count me in! I'm rooting for them!!!

I'm liking this couple more than the main couple..LOL

Hee~Same. Sometimes I skim through the episodes looking for their scenes. :D

Hello Susie, Annie, Tu, and Cathy! Welcome to SoEul-Mate Family. :)

Gahh~ can't wait for ep 8 and see if there are any GaJung moments.


Welcome to Lam! :) Yeah we do really move fast.

Heyy~ I think I saw you around SeulKiOnline...heehee

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awww...honestly one of the reasons why i keep

watching this show is because of Yi Jeong and Ga Eul!!

they're cute together!!!

my favorite Yi Jeong and Ga Eul moment so far would have

to be the "Soulmate" scene on the water. I love how Yi Jeong

seems so infatuated with her already even though he said that

Ga Eul is the type of girl that he hates.

Can't wait for more moments from them.

beautiful thread by the way! thanks for making it :)

i'm officially a


name: Der

username: EUNSHIHAE

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Guest doremii*

they were cute cute cute in today's episode... even if they were a bit cold towards each other =)

looking forward to more scenes with the two of them!

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i think im starting to watch the show mainly for yi jeong and ga eul.

yea i do think it'll take yi jeong awhile to maybe know that he likes her?

i think its probably cause he'll just keep on insisting she's not the type of 'genre' he likes

ah whatever. i just hope the ending for them whld be diff from the tw and jp versions.

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Guest nightmare.


name: Nathasya.. but you can call me Chacha

username: LuvSMTown

I already love GaJeung since i see them for the first time

and i always spazzing at BOF thread... about them

and today i just found this thread

Yay! SoEul-Mates jjang!!

and all their moments are my favorite since all of that is spazz worth

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Guest Kim Hae Za

count me in~~~




username:Kim Hae Za

omg~~ I'm so crazy about this couple

Beofre this, the reason I watched BBF is Woobin

Now , I added one more reaseun~~

For SoEul Couple..

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Guest pixiegirl


i dont wanna be left.

count me in too~


username: pixiegirl

name: trisha

im always spazzing on these two. lolols.

too bad i cant keep up on the pacing in this thread because work T___T

but i dont wanna be left aloooooneeeeeeee~

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I love GaJeong. For me, I watched BOF 90% because of them. And 10% for the rest. The others doesn't really excite me. Atleast not in this version. I have to admit of all versions, this is the best SJ/Yuuki version, with the best chemistry.

I just saw ep. 7. The little glance when GaJeong exchance when GaEul was sitting next to him, and his smile when she was seeking him out at the swimming pool was pure love. They have such a little scenes together, but they have so much chemistry and emotions on their face that you just can't help it but love them. They certainly shine over the main couple for me.

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hey i'm back!



username: angelarr

i'm officially stalking this thread, even if it isn't monday and tuesday, or should i say tuesday and wednesday since i wait for subs

i'm definitely hoping that there will be some more GaJeong moments in ep 8.

The ones in ep 7 were definitely !! with the glances when they were next to each other, and the argument at the pool.

Can't wait for subs for ep 8, and then I'll be back again :)

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Guest nightmare.

I updated lists for now.. hehe

1. Sachiko (not real name but this's person had create thread)

2. Rebecca (exotsiax13)

3. Julia (juliakgrl)

4. Anita (yourdaddyy)

5. Kris (kickazzkris)

6. Jess (jun ji)

7. Sarah (Princessjimyung)

8. Sara (situponatree*)

9. Nat - Natalie (fangirlism)

10. Victoria (inyeon.)

11. Allison (white.piano)

12. Angel (soul-star.)

13. Jessica (jessicanguyen_asdf)

14. Shirley (aggiesbaby)

15. Jina (jina_bing_bang)

16. Sylvia (sylviya)

17. Spring (GiRlli3)

18. Lena (Han Kyo Ki)

19. Cathy (jealousyxx2)

20. Tu (tiachoptrang)

21. Annie (hixanniex)

22. Susie q (asdfjkl;fdsajkl;)

23. Lam (STAR_x)


25. Nathasya - Chacha (LuvSMTown)

26. Haza (Kim Hae Za)

27. Yosira (Yosira)

28. Trisha (pixiegirl)

29. Angela (angelarr)

30. Bri (bri86)

and guys let me spazzing for ep.7 and maybe it's late.. LOL

i love the scene when Gaeul is come at the car race and sit next to Yi Jung. after that Yi Jung look at her with a look that i don't understand. after that Ga Eul look at him with shy look and i know Yi Jung still look at Ga Eul with his corner eye

Chemistry at the pool.

You can see Yi Jung is shock when Ga Eul come and then smile at her

after they have their little talk with Ga Eul badmouthing at him, all of sudden he being cool to Ga Eul

for me, it's seems that Yi Jung is upset because he thinks Ga Eul will supports him but she doesn't support him

she come to ask him to lose from Jan Di...


So Eun want a happy ending for Ga Eul and Yi Jung

I hope it will be come true.. hehe

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WHOA! i just went to bed and i woke up with 2 more pages into the thread!

yeah yeah! SoEul-mates unite!! :lol:

awwww...our family's growing! spread the word people! :)

and lovely banners guys!!! :wub: SoEul-mates are full of talent!

arrrghhh..i cant wait for episode 8! please let there be GaJeong scenes! pleaseeee!!! i want to do some major spazzzing later! :D

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