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Guest Yungeekun

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they grew their brows out a while ago. and i LOVE it.

just gonne say the different brows have their times. nothing ever looks bad on the izakis ... XDDDD!! <3 yusuke!!

I heard FLAME sang their new single-to-be song in their fan club meeting. but i am not too-too sure. especially not cause i was not there.

if its true (and god please let it be) then it means that FLAME is looking forward to a new single release pretty soon!!! *CHEERS*

but i totally just heard that from some random place, and i dont really trust that source....

i dont remember cause its been 2 months now, but if my memory and the source are reliable, the single should be called "you're my sunshine"~~~ how sweet huh... <3<3<3!!!

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Guest Yungeekun

yeah they did sing the new song at their fanclub event. lol actually it's called "You are the One".

They are taking a long time to release the single and it is quite annoying waiting around. There is no confirmed date sometime around March/Aprilish.

News for Yu fans-Chanko (Yu's sumo wrestling movie)will be shown in March.

Starlight DVD is out.

Just updating news from what I know.

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Guest masanobu

i love hisato!! LOVE him! --just posted some picture of him in the japanese guys page..go check it out!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Yungeekun

here's to revive the FLAME thread lol

here's a pic of Yusuke and a model from Camcan. It was a scheduled photoshoot, so no need to freak lol. Man Yusuke looks hot in these pics.



here's a pic from their fanclub event. Got to meet some fans. Pretty cool


Here's Yusuke with a kawaii dog. The dog looks kinda stiff lol. But the pic still cute.


It looks like FLAME has decided to go sports. Here's their soccer team. Go FLAME!

the soccer are samples ><







credits:yaplog, f-l-a-m-e BBS, digipic and the others I didn't get, I thank you also!

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Guest WingL


i like akira too

but ... this is the FLAME thread... =O='



i love yusuke i love yusuke i love yusuke <3<3<3

yuu suke <3!!!!

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Guest Yungeekun

they suppose to have rumored for a new single in April but Im not sure. Their new TV show with wFL will be out. Hopefully another Factory Generation. They are doing stuff, just not anything to benefit the overseas fans at the moment. :(

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Guest WingL

i miss them. lol. yusuke + yu's version of "fac-tor-ry-ge-ne-rat-i-on" is echoing in my head.

i really dont know if i miss the "old" FLAME or what. i just miss FLAME.

i really havent updated much on FLAME lately... *SHAME + GUILT!!*

my yusuke is so handsome.

*runs away*

i also realized the day before my graduation is izaki's bday!! WOW~~~ *O*

i will prob b reli free that day... *CHEERS*

*opps* i m suppose to hv ran away alredi... so ya... *run away for real*

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Guest Yungeekun

u can't blame for not keeping up, they aren't really active so I understand. I have just been on their butts so I guess that's just me XD. I would like to see them again so hopefully they shall return big.

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Guest WingL

everyone, go rewatch fundamental loop PV!!

so. i hv been on a little FLAME high lately.

and i just rewatched fundamental loop PV. that was truly amazing.

i cannot imagine another group singing this same song, yet bringing out the same feeling and message.

actually. i cannot quite picture seigo singing it already. but its the truth. and i accepted it, and it wasnt bad. (seigo's pretty good actuli. and i do like him, making a twin with yu... ~~ but no doubt kyohei would be a better fit for this song........)

<3 i love FLAME.

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Guest Yungeekun

^I have been on a FLAME high as well man. Yesterday, I didn't even think about coming on the computer cuz I was too busy watching my FLAME Style DVD. Man that thing is awesome. Shows pv's and perfs from Beat Magic in full clarity. I love it.

For all old songs personally, Kyohei makes the best fit. Any new songs they come out with, I could see Seigo singing, but I think that Kyohei fits them better.

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Guest MisZ UccHi

ah!! sugoii.. arigatou for sharing the pictures Yungeekun !!! WUB FLAME!! you mean you bought the FLAMESTYLE limited edition is it? the one that has performance and all... sugoii ne... T.T I want one too.. I miss FLAME cho much! Ah! Yungeekun!! Can you scan the magazine that Yusuke took picture with the model? I want to see it real close.. ^^ Onegaishimasu!! Yusuke look cho sweet..^^

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Guest Yungeekun

^yea that DVD is awesome. I think the other FLAME Style has a DVD also. I just wanted to buy the limited edition since there was more that came with it. Sadly, I didn't purchase the magazine with him with the model. The person who did have it just took pics from far away. =__= Although, I do know a website that's selling it, but I think Yusuke and the model are on one page.

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Guest Mrs. Yosuke Kubozuka

^ I have the flame style limited edition dvd... they were so cuteee!

its about 45 minutes of FLAME... which is pretty good :)

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Guest MisZ UccHi

ah... what is the name of the magazine.. i really wanted to see the picture of Yusuke and the model up-close.. ^^ Yusuke look cho kakoii.. yessu! I wanted to buy the DVD limited edition too.. demo~I only bought the normal one.. has 3 PVs.. Remind, Venus and Fundamental Loop.. demo~ me want more!

Whoa.. Yungeekun.. what party is that? FLAME is the GUest!! YEAY~!

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